Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 107

Chapter 107 I don’t know how high the sky is

Screenwriter Smith also noticed this article by Levante. When he saw this article, he sang British pop songs happily. Because Levante not only pointed out Hudson’s mistake in the article, but also explained that he should not postpone “Perfume in the Grave”. This comes directly to Smith’s heart, can he be unhappy?

In addition to Smith being happy, Director Ebak is in a good mood. After all, he and Hudson have been fighting for so many box office results, and now he finally has a chance to tell the winner. Although “Manchester Night” is only 130 million, it is incomparable with “The Clinders”. But 130 million is still the highest box office number second only to “The Clinders”. If “Jane Eyre” is released at other times, there may be a slight chance of surpassing “Manchester Night”. But if it is released at this time, there is no chance at all.

Thinking of this, Ebak is also disappointed by the wrong behavior of Director Hudson.

Zera is undoubtedly the most proud one, because in this way, you don’t need to belittle “Jane Eyre”, and more people will criticize it. What she thought in her heart was: If the box office of “Jane Eyre” is too low, it can prove that it is an ordinary novel. It is also the right choice to have not hired yourself before.

“Kevin! It can only prove your bad luck. “Jane Eyre” encountered “The Clinders” at this time is simply a big mistake.”

In Zella’s heart, she already deeply believes that this time “Jane Eyre”‘s box office is doomed to be dismal.

Bella was still holding a concert in Bristol at this time. When she heard many people questioning Director Hudson and Kevin, she was in a bad mood. As the protagonist of this movie, she also hopes that the box office can sell well. After all, if the box office is too low, it will have an impact on her reputation.

No, Bella’s agent, Senaria, saw Hudson’s announcement that “Jane Eyre” was recently released, so she called Bella. Senaria expressed his concern, that is, if the box office of “Jane Eyre” is too low, it will affect Bella’s reputation in filming. After all, the reason why Bella can quickly become popular in the British film and television industry in these short years is because of the high box office of each drama.

Bella naturally knows this, but now that Hudson has announced the news, she can’t do too much. Besides, she is just an actor in this movie. All decisions are made by Hudson and Crankd Films. Now she can only wish “Jane Eyre” can have good results.

After Bella and her agent Cenaria hung up, they suddenly thought of someone, and that was Kevin. Yes, she suddenly cared about Kevin inexplicably.

So, she called Kevin. Kevin was also watching online discussions in front of the computer at this time. It’s just about all this, he still laughed and said nothing.

After seeing Bella’s phone call, Kevin answered without saying a word. After all, I haven’t heard the voice of this beautiful star for a few days, and he also missed the slightest in his heart.

“Hi! Pretty Miss Bella.” Kevin said after pressing the answer button.

“Kevin, hello. You should know the news about the upcoming release of “Jane Eyre”, right?” Bella entered the subject directly.

“Of course, I really admire Hudson’s courage and thank him for his trust in “Jane Eyre”. Oh, do you want to say that it will be affected by “The Clinders”?”

When Bella talked about “Jane Eyre”, Kevin had already guessed something. So asked.

“Yes, my agent called just now. She is also worried about this issue. But I don’t seem to hear any concerns in your tone?” Bella said.

“Yes, I am full of confidence in “Jane Eyre”. Miss Bella, please believe me, the box office of “Jane Eyre” will not disappoint you.” Kevin said confidently.

“Well, I hope so.”

Bella still has a worry in her heart, but when she hears that Kevin is so confident, she is not easy to hit face to face. After all, she didn’t know why, she suddenly became concerned about Kevin’s feelings. This is one of the reasons why she chose to call Kevin.

Kevin and Bella talked for ten minutes, then they hung up the phone. At this time Kevin felt that something must be said. Because from Bella’s phone call, he can feel that many people are concerned about the release of “Jane Eyre”. Especially his readers. After all, this is my first work to be put on the screen, and the box office can determine many things.

So, in order to give readers an explanation, Kevin expressed his views on Twitter: Thank you for caring about “Jane Eyre”, caring about my friends, don’t worry. I am full of confidence in the box office of “Jane Eyre”.

A few simple words immediately attracted a lot of comments. Of course, Kevin’s readers are naturally on Kevin’s side. But those who originally had opinions on Kevin found faults. Such as fans of the famous critic Adams, fans of Smith, and fans of Augustine and so on.

“Kevin is too arrogant. Why is “Jane Eyre” eligible to compete with “The Clinders”? Just because its sales are good Its sales and “The Clinders” “It’s far worse than that.”

“Young people are like this, they are always full of self-confidence. This kind of self-confidence is poison, and it will make people lose the most basic rationality. Have you seen a newcomer write the script and “The Clinders” Is it a comparison?”

“I originally thought that Hudson was wrong in choosing to release “Jane Eyre” at this time. I now think that the biggest mistake should be the author of “Jane Eyre”. It was his blind confidence that made Hudson committed. a mistake.”

“This so-called Kevin really doesn’t know that the sky is high and the earth is rich. Perhaps his recent books are relatively popular, which has caused him to be too confident. Oh, God spoils him too much. It has caused him to become like this.”

“I bet that the box office of “Jane Eyre” does not exceed 50 million. After losing, I just walked around Princes Street without clothes. I specifically noted that I am a 28-year-old female.”

Princes Street is the most prosperous street in Edinburgh, full of shops. It divides Edinburgh into two cities, the old and the new, the new city on the north and the old city on the south. There is a long hill between the new and the old cities, with distinct natural barriers.

Prince Street is known as “the world’s best road”. The length is less than one mile, and many gorgeous and modern shops gather along this road. On the south side is a verdant green space, and at the east end is the Princes Street Garden. Because of this, Prince Street gathers a lot of businessmen or shopping crowds every day. The reason why the other party dared to say that he walked Prince Street without wearing clothes was just because he had already watched the box office of “Jane Eyre” not very good. (The story of the face-slapped face will be progressive, welcome support.)

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