Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Warm-up on Twitter

The day after Kevin returned to Edinburgh, Enni called him again and told him that “Jane Eyre” would be sold in major libraries tomorrow morning.

Kevin was very happy when he heard it. After being on the street for so long, I can finally feel the feeling that the book can be published. He deeply believes in his heart that when people in Britain, whether men, women, old or young, poor or nobles, when they see the story in “Jane Eyre”, they will definitely fall in love with this work until they are step by step. Read it through.

This night, Kevin can’t sleep. He turned on the new computer he bought in London, and then went on Twitter. Unexpectedly, Twitter also passed the real-name authentication.

Kevin’s certification information is “The Seventh London Literary Contest Champion”. With this real-name certification, Kevin’s fans have also increased a lot for a while.

Tomorrow is the day when “Jane Eyre” goes on sale, so do you always have to write something? So Kevin wrote the second tweet of his life: I am so happy, and my first novel “Jane Eyre” will go on sale tomorrow. I hope everyone can buy a copy and support it.

As soon as this tweet was posted, Curry and Enni retweeted it first. Although Curry is not famous for writing romance novels, as a leading figure in English literature, what he said is authoritative. He said that the quality of the book is good, so many people will not doubt it.

“Wow, even Mr. Curry praised “Jane Eyre”, is this work really classic? I look forward to it.”

“Is this the Kevin who wrote a championship-level article in more than ten minutes? His long story went on sale so soon? Is it also completed within a few days? What a genius.”

“Yes, it’s too fast. It didn’t take long before I won the championship, and the new book is about to be published and sold. Anyway, I must buy one and have a look.”

“I’m looking forward to his work so much. I really want to see what a long story will be written by someone who can write a champion-level article in ten minutes.”

For a while, Twitter once again set off a discussion about Kevin’s new book. Yes, who is not curious to write a champion-level author within ten minutes. What would happen if he wrote a novel?

Kevin was reading the comments of these people on his new book with excitement, and smiled faintly in his heart. He knows very well that the hotter the talk, the better the sales of Jane Eyre.

In order to add to the flames, Kevin also sent a private message to several other judges and asked them to help forward his own porn. These judges were very optimistic about Kevin. After seeing the private message, they reposted and commented on Kevin’s Twitter without hesitation.

Especially Santos, Kevin’s “Meditations on a Broom” was reviewed by him. He is still deeply immersed in the talent of that article. Therefore, he also believes in Kevin’s new book. Also recommended to his circle of friends.

The forwarding and recommendation of these literary celebrities, coupled with the packaging and promotion of the publishing house, overnight, the talk about Kevin’s “Jane Eyre” began to go crazy. Because of this, Kevin’s Twitter has made fans smash up.

This is a master in the literary world, recommended by many famous artists, regardless of the quality of the work, at least the sales will not be bad. Therefore, Enni felt a lot more relieved in her heart when she saw this scene. At least this proves that my vision was not wrong at the beginning-“Jane Eyre” will be a classic work, and it will definitely inspire those inferiority people to bravely pursue the life they want, the pursuit of love, and the pursuit of opportunities. Something unquestionable.

Ze** Lu Twitter saw that the tweets were full of “Jane Eyre” news, the expression on his face was very ugly. This is the work she threw into the trash can, and this is the work she rejected mercilessly. Is it really that good? Will it really sell well as soon as it goes on the market tomorrow?

In fact, she knew very well in her heart that with so many recommendations and the title of champion of the London Literary Competition, even if “Jane Eyre” is generally written, after it goes on sale tomorrow, the results will not be bad. This is why her face is so ugly.

Zela now only hopes that Augustine’s new work will surpass Kevin’s “Jane Eyre”, and then to prove that his vision is so unique, to prove that he gave up “Jane Eyre” to discover even better. s work.

After seeing so many people speculating about his “Jane Eyre”, in order to attract more fans, Kevin published another tweet: “Jane Eyre” will bring you something you have never had before. The story, it will tell you the meaning of living in this world.

The discussion on “Jane Eyre” on Twitter has not disappeared. After seeing Kevin post on Twitter, they fell into the discussion of the plot of “Jane Eyre” again.

“The meaning of living in this world? Isn’t that just to prove oneself? Does “Jane Eyre” have other insights?”

“God, for the first time I saw a discussion about literature on Twitter. This is an improvement for English literature, allowing more people to participate in the discussion of literature, so as to discover more literary talents. No matter what. So, tomorrow, I will definitely buy a copy of “Jane Eyre”.”

“I think “Jane Eyre” must be a love story? Does Kevin want to tell us that the meaning of life in UU reading is to have an unforgettable love? Thank God, I already have it. The meaning of life.”

“Needless to say, I will buy three copies tomorrow, one for my girlfriend and one for my dad. I hope the author will not let us down.”

“The upstairs is really a second product sent by God. How can someone who can write a championship-level work in ten minutes be worse. Buy it, I will also buy a copy tomorrow after school.”

Enni hasn’t slept all the time, she is trying hard to look at the discussion about “Jane Eyre” on Twitter. When she saw “Jane Eyre” constantly being refreshed with comments and reposts, she was completely excited in her ultra-short pajamas.

“The pre-sales popularity of “Jane Eyre” is so high, it will definitely be a good sales tomorrow. Thank God, I can sleep well.” Enni muttered to herself.

Kevin sees the new fans on Twitter, and he also understands something in his heart.

“Yes, this is the result I want. Maybe I should consider writing another work.”

Yes, after Kevin has a new computer, it is much easier to write articles. Now that “Jane Eyre” is published, he is also thinking about writing other works.

There are so many British literary works on earth, and Kevin has to think about whose next work should be written.

(Dear friends, who do you want Kevin to write about his next work? “Harry Potter” or “Holmes” or “Robinson Crusoe” or something else? Please support this book. Papaya has been working hard Now.)

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