Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 “Jane Eyre

In the morning of the next day, the sunshine in Edinburgh did not come out as expected, and there was a breeze in the sky from time to time, giving people a comfortable feeling like a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old.

There are many bookstores in Edinburgh, which is related to their culture. In 2004, Edinburgh became the first literary city in the world. So, here you can buy the books you want to read all the time.

A bookstore is one of the larger bookstores in Edinburgh. Although it is a bookstore in literal sense, it is not much different from a large bookstore. It is four storeys high, and the books on each storey are different, and the categories are complete. What kind of books do you want to buy, after you go in, you can basically see at a glance.

A bookstore is strong, not only in Scotland, but also in the entire United Kingdom. All of this is related to the relationship behind it. A family is an aristocratic enterprise, an industry under the name of the British Norfolk aristocracy. In Britain, the most indispensable thing for nobles is money. Therefore, they have the willful capital to open chain stores across the country. Of course, as one of the great nobles, they don’t live on this little money.

In the morning in a bookstore, an 18-year-old boy wearing a dress looked at “Jane Eyre” which was just purchased in the bookstore last night. No one would bother her because she was one of the princesses of a bookstore, Jenny. Norfolk.

Jenny Norfolk has been deeply attracted by the story of “Jane Eyre”, so she also told the staff not to disturb her early. She wants to read this work carefully.

Jenny Norfolk saw crazy talk about “Jane Eyre” on Twitter last night, and couldn’t wait to watch it this morning. As one of the noble bookstores, they already got the supply of “Jane Eyre” last night, so Jenny Norfolk can see this book earlier than most people.

“Do you think that I am poor and mediocre, without feelings? I swear to you: If God grants me wealth and beauty, I will make it difficult for you to leave me, just as it is difficult for me to leave you now.”

Eighteen-year-old Jenny Norfolk couldn’t help but read it. Yes, she was moved by Jane Eyre in the story. This is a brave girl who chased after her love bravely and pursued all the beautiful things she wanted. There is nothing wrong with all of this. Isn’t the meaning of human existence to be brave to pursue everything you want?

At the age of eighteen, at the beginning of her love, Jenny Norfolk also dreams of having an evocative relationship every time, dreaming that God will arrange for her a talented prince. Of course, as a noble princess, she will never lack suitors, but she feels that those people are too superficial, so superficial that the purpose of chasing her is just to live together.

She began to eagerly want to know what happened to the protagonist Jane Eyre in “Jane Eyre” and what kind of ending. She has slowly fallen into the plot of “Jane Eyre”, as if she was a bystander and friend of Jane Eyre.

At the same time, there are already two long lines at the door of a bookstore. Yes, there are two long lines for such a large bookstore. You heard it right. These people are all moving towards “Jane Eyre”.

When a bookstore opened, many people were worried about not being able to buy “Jane Eyre”, so they went to the bookstore early, but they didn’t expect to come to the door of the bookstore. There were already many people.

A bookstore didn’t expect this result, so they didn’t buy a lot. After more than an hour, they all sold out.

“Damn it, what kind of work is “Jane Eyre” that makes these people so crazy.” The clerk of a bookstore sighed.

But after sighing, they couldn’t help but think of something.

“Princess Jenny is reading this book, and she came to read it early in the morning, and she hasn’t put it down yet. Is this book really different?”

Thinking of this, some shop assistants began to regret not keeping a copy for themselves. Now that they want to read it, they can only wait for the goods to arrive.

In fact, this is not only the case of one bookstore, but the situation of other bookstores is similar. When they opened their doors, they met many people who wanted to buy “Jane Eyre”. Many small bookstores that were sluggish before, because of the “Jane Eyre”. “Because of this, it became popular for a while.

Yes, after the “Jane Eyre” discussion boom on Twitter last night, many people want to see what a novel written by an author who can complete a championship-level work in ten minutes. Situation: Many people want to know the difference between the works recommended by many famous artists, and many people want to know the meaning of life of “Jane Eyre” that Kevin said on Twitter.

Curiosity kills cats. Although they are not cats, they can’t kill them, but curiosity makes them want to know the answer madly.

From Edinburgh, to Liverpool, to Bristol, to Manchester, to London and all other cities in the UK, there are only a few hundred thousand copies of Jane Eyre’s first print. And this is only 24 hours away from the launch of Jane Eyre.

“”Jane Eyre” is really amazing. It is estimated that the sales of this book will be the sum of the sales of my current books.”

The one who said this was David, the champion of the previous London Literary Competition. David and Kevin were both champions of the London Literary Competition. But four years ago, the year it won the championship, he published it. The first book in life, the first print is only 50,000 copies, and the final reprint is about 200,000 copies in total.

Of course, as a newcomer, the 200,000 copies at the time were already considered bestsellers. But today’s Kevin’s data is crazy. Following this trend, “Jane Eyre” will definitely be printed. By then, it will definitely not be as simple as 100,000 copies, and at least 500,000 copies will be included. And David has published two novels, and all the sales totaled, so far there is no half a million copies.

“It’s really a horrible data. It seems that this year’s year-end bonus is in hand.” After sitting in the office, Enni looked at the data sent by libraries across the country with a smile on her face.

At the same time, the president of the London Literary Publishing House also knocked on the door of her office.

“Oh, President, why are you here?” Enni smiled and said Enni, yes, you are good. Believe that the smile on your face is also because of “Jane Eyre”, right? Your vision this time is very good, and I have to applaud you. ”

“Thank you, thank you for the compliment of the president.”

“Okay, tell the factory to work overtime, we need to set a record.”

The purpose of the president of London Literature is very obvious. Now that “Jane Eyre” is so popular as soon as it opens, it is eligible to make it the best-selling book in the first half of this year in the UK.

Enni said, “Hmm”, and the woman in her thirties also became cute.

Kovani strolled on the street for a long time, but couldn’t buy a copy, but he had no choice but to call Kevin himself.

“Hi, dear Kevin, please tell me where you can buy your work. As a good friend, I think I must support.”

“Sorry, Kovani, I really don’t know where to buy. But don’t worry, I will have 20 sample books, and I will give you one at that time.” Kevin said.

“Oh, how did I forget this, as an author, you have a sample book. Well, dear Kevin, it’s an honor to know you.”

With Kevin’s promise, Kovani doesn’t have to worry about not being able to buy “Jane Eyre”. However, other classmates did not buy “Jane Eyre” because they were going to class or starting late, which made them very depressed.

And the people who bought “Jane Eyre”, at this time, all are grateful in their hearts for how lucky they are.

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