Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 88

Chapter 88 Alarm the literary world

So Bella tweeted to thank Kevin: Thank you, talented Mr. Kevin, only you have written such a romantic verse as “When You Are Old”.

As soon as Bella’s tweet came out, many people understood what it was.

“Yeah! I just said how familiar the lyrics are. It turned out to be a poem I read in Time Magazine a while ago.”

“Ah! This song turned out to be Kevin’s poem! I only know his “Wuthering Heights”, but I didn’t expect him to write poetry so romantically.”

“Kevin? Is that the newcomer author who has written two best-selling books recently? The lyrics of this song “When You Are Old” are really good.”

“I remember, yes, this song is entirely based on the poem “When You Are Old” by Kevin.”

At this time, some people realized that the lyrics in this beautiful song by Bella turned out to be written by Kevin. Kevin’s name and writing style have once again aroused everyone’s discussion. And it was caused by a song.

Kevin also saw this tweet from Bella, so he reposted it, and then said: “Thank you for the praise, your singing is so beautiful, I have listened to it several times. Maybe “When you get old “It is a great honor for you to arrange this poem.”

Kevin’s words didn’t mean too much falsehood. When Bella’s “When You Are Old” was released, he definitely gave his support and listened to it several times. Because Bella’s voice is really sweet and beautiful. This kind of beauty, coupled with the voice of nature, does it hurt to listen to it several times, anyway, it is a kind of enjoyment.

Kevin’s repost also allows readers to see this information. They were amazed.

“Wow! My God, Kevin, you have created another miracle. You are amazing. Did you know? I have never seen a poem written by a writer be arranged and sung by a star. And you do Arrived.”

“Kevin, you will always be so good. When your poems are arranged by Bella, you have created a miracle in the literary world. You are really a great writer.”

“When the poem “When You Are Old” appeared, I said that it is the most perfect poem in the British poetry world. Now it is arranged and sung by Bella. This is the best proof. May I ask you Have you ever seen a poem written by an active poet that can do this?”

“I went to listen to Bella’s song. It feels so enjoyable. Romantic poetry, beautiful melody. I don’t think I will reject this song, nor will I reject the lyrics in it.”

These people are surprised besides Kevin. Because Kevin has created too many impossible things during this time. He is like a man sent by God, he is so talented and charming.

Enni learned that Kevin’s “When You Are Old” was arranged by Bella after seeing Kevin’s Twitter. For this reason, in addition to marveling, she is more of a blessing to Kevin.

“You will always be that good! Among today’s capable writers, you are the only one who can sell music rights. Kevin, you are amazing.”

Enni couldn’t help but say it. But every time she said the four words “you are awesome”, her body became more and more fascinating. Before she divorced her ex-husband, she seemed to have said this to a man one night. So, every time she said about Kevin, something sensitive came to her mind.

The news that “When You Are Old” was arranged and made into music by Bella, it also shocked the entire English literature world. Many old or young writers have lamented Kevin’s luck.

“Perhaps he is the darling of God, because everything about him is so smooth.”

“To be honest, when I first heard the news, I couldn’t believe it was true. Because it is incredible that a writer can sell the music copyright of a poem. I can only say that Kevin created it. A miracle.”

“I think there is nothing more surprising than this. Because Kevin created many impossibility in our British literature. This is what the British literature world needs most.”

“When the poem “When You Are Old” first came out, I remember that poetry critic David Lee once wrote a commentary to praise its beauty. It can be seen that this poem does have a lot of learning.”

Yes, after “When You Are Old” was published by “Times Weekly”, it caused a lot of sensation. This poem also increased the sales of “Times Weekly” a lot, and “Times Weekly” also because of this poem. Poetry has received praise from many readers.

David Lee read this poem in Time Magazine. At that time, he was so excited that he thought it was one of the best poems in Britain. So, I rushed to write a review article overnight.

David Lee now hears the news that Kevin’s poem has also been arranged into music by stars, and he nodded in satisfaction.

“As I said, a good poem can have infinite possibilities. Kevin’s “When You Are Old” has already done it.”

David Lee is happy for his professional and unique vision. He also plans to find someone to contact Kevin, and then talk to Kevin about his poetry experience. He thought this young man must have a deep understanding of poetry. Otherwise, his writing will not easily organize such a perfect poem.

Both Bogut and Kevin belonged to the columnists of Time Magazine. During the Cultural Salon of Time Magazine, Bogut heard that Wall had invited Kevin to write a column in Time Magazine. It is very unhappy! Moreover, he once attacked and ridiculed Kevin as a newcomer writer, and he was not qualified to write columns in the same newspaper as his old predecessor.

However, he did not expect that when Kevin’s new column appeared, with a poem “When You Are Old”, “Times” immediately won many praises, and almost all the letters from readers that week It is related to Kevin. At that time, he was depressed for a long time and couldn’t figure out everything. After all, Kevin is someone who hasn’t even read the famous James’ “Leaf’s Dialogue”. How could he write a high-level and thoughtful article?

Now that he heard that Kevin’s “When You Are Old” was bought by a star to arrange and make music, he seemed to be convinced of the loss. Because as a senior, he can understand that not everyone can do it. So Bogut thought to himself: Maybe he needs to read this poem himself.

Yes, before that, Bogut had always felt that Kevin hadn’t even read such a classic work as James’ “Leaves’ Dialogue”, and he would definitely not be able to write good works, so it was natural for him to write articles in “Time Column”. He also dismissed it. But today, his thought of relying on the old and selling the old is suddenly moved.

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