Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 89

Chapter 89 Wall’s request

When Bogut found Kevin’s poem “When You Are Old” again and read it, he seemed to understand something in his heart.

“No wonder the stars are going to sing, this poem is so romantic.”

Bogut could only sigh with shame.

With the popularity of Bella’s title song, many people know Bella’s musical talent and at the same time know more about Kevin’s literary talent.

The Wall of Time Magazine has always been one of the editors with advanced market vision. When he saw all this, he immediately thought of something. So, he called Kevin.

Kevin just picked up the phone and downloaded some reading software. After all, after being reborn in this parallel world, he also wants to read more books about this parallel world.

Seeing the phone call from Wall, out of politeness, he quickly answered it.

“Hi! Wall, long time no see! I’m glad to hear you again.”

Kevin and Wall have indeed not seen each other for a while. During this time, they also communicated via email. Generally, Kevin sends him the written manuscript, and Wall is responsible for publishing it in Kevin’s column. If the manuscript is not controversial, they rarely communicate with each other by phone.

“Kevin, congratulations, I didn’t expect your poem to create a literary miracle. And this poem was published in our Time Magazine. We are simply proud and honored of this.” Wall said on the phone. .

“Thank you, thank you Mr. Wall for your appreciation. Oh, what is your purpose of calling this time?”

“That’s it. Now that your talent for writing poetry has been recognized by everyone, and it has also aroused discussion in the literary world. So, I wonder if you can also write a poem in this issue of the manuscript?” Wall stated his request.

What Wall thought in his heart was: Now that Bella’s main song “When You Are Old” is still in the heat, if Kevin can write another poem, then he can use these things as a publicity. Means, in order to achieve the result that the sales of “Time” can be sold again.

After all, following Bella’s Twitter, and the popularity of this song! Kevin, the romantic poet, has been known to more people. Kevin writes relatively few poems, so readers are still curious about his poems.

“Curiosity” is always the biggest factor that attracts people’s attention. Therefore, Wall also has reason to believe that when their “Time Magazine” hits the sign of “the latest masterpiece of romantic poet Kevin,” they will surely make many people buy a copy without hesitation.

“Of course there is no problem! Writing poetry is a very joyful thing for me. I enjoy the process very much.” Kevin said readily.

Kevin’s literary memory system contains the works of all British poets on earth in the past. There are too many classic poems in these works. All, Kevin doesn’t worry about it at all. He did not refuse Wall’s request.

“Great, thank you so much. Oh, after I write it, I still send it to my mailbox. Don’t worry, according to your meaning, a punctuation will not be changed.” Wall did not expect Kevin to answer so simply , I am also very happy.

You can’t change a single word — this was also agreed upon when Kevin and Wall signed the column. It was precisely because of seeing that the other party had made this promise that Kevin agreed to open a column and write a manuscript. After all, whether it is the earth of the previous life or the parallel world of today, there are really not many that a magazine or newspaper can do nothing to an author.

Wall and Kevin casually talked about some life matters, and then hung up the phone. Because he knows very well that Kevin definitely needs to write poetry at this time, and then submit the manuscript to him.

The facts are also as Wall expected. After finishing the chat with Wall, Kevin planned to copy a classic poem.

Kevin came to this parallel world to write a total of two-handed poems, one is “The Rose of Love”, the other is “When You Are Old”, these two capitals are related to love. In order to show that his insights are not limited to love, this time Kevin plans to write a poem that has nothing to do with love.

But which of the great British poets in the previous life should be copied? Kevin began to search in his mind.

Suddenly, he thought of someone, and that was the British genius poet John Keats. Although this writer who died young has only existed in this world for 25 years, he has written many classic masterpieces.

The influence of John Keats’s poetry is worldwide, and his name is indispensable in every history of world literature. This is the brilliance that many writers dream of today. Of course, this is the glory that Kevin has always hoped for.

John Keats was only 25 years old when he left, but his poems are well-known in the world. His poems are considered to perfectly embody the characteristics of Western romantic poetry and are also regarded as an outstanding representative of the European Romantic movement.

actually wanted to copy his poems Kevin planned to copy his most widely sung “Ode to the Nightingale”.

“Ode to a Nightingale” is not a short poem like “When You Are Old”, the whole poem has eight stanzas.

began to write that the poet himself listened to Yingge and placed himself in a magnificent fantasy realm. Then he wrote about drinking wine, poems flourishing, with poetic reverie, drifting away with the nightingale, drunk in the middle of the night, lying on the flowers, wisps of fragrance coming from the face, the poet is happy, relaxed and happy, and is willing to leave the world. Everyone is dead, but the song of Nightingale will never die. Thinking of this, the dream ends and returns to reality.

This poem penetrates the poet’s subjective feelings into the concrete picture, depicts the scenery with emotion, and conveys the emotion with the scenery, the artistic conception is unique and novel, and unconventional. The whole article is led by wonderful imagination, and is written naturally and smoothly. It can also be described as a masterpiece of romantic lyric poetry. Kevin has reason to believe that readers of this parallel world will definitely like it.

There are eight sections in “Ode to the Nightingale”, and Kevin suddenly came up with an idea. That is to make a poem serialization of “Ode to the Nightingale”. Each issue is just a section, and then readers are allowed to use their imagination and guess what the next content will be. This can also arouse readers’ curiosity about “Ode to the Nightingale”.

But this idea needs to be discussed with Wall, so Kevin picked up the phone and called Wall.

Wall was also very curious when he saw Kevin call. After all, a few minutes ago, they were still talking on the phone. Could there be any accident when calling here?

Thinking of this, Kevin immediately pressed the answer button. (Thank you for the rewards of “Evergreen No Regrets” and “Wei Suonan” today. I wish them all the best. Thank you for your support.)

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