Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1303: Emperor's Art

He did not want to be a search engine, Li Mu did not lie to Robin.

If you reborn as early as ten or eight years, search engines must find a way to do it. This is the super-need of the Internet. In a sense, this stuff is even more irreplaceable than instant messaging. Ten or eight years Before, Google hadn't even been born, let alone Baidu.

But now, Google has formed a monopoly around the world, and Baidu also has a considerable climate in China. At this time, what's the point of doing a search engine yourself?

What's more, the search engine is really an area that requires very high technical strength. Now it starts, and the road to catch up has a long way to go. The ideal situation is to suppress Baidu and become the first in the country, but I want to talk to Google worldwide. The old bank of the company is doing it, Li Mu has no other idea than hehe.

Based on such a market environment, Li Mu is really not prepared to engage in the search engine business, but if he has the opportunity to insert a flag, he is still very happy.

Now it ’s unlikely that Google will insert a flag. Even if it is possible, the cost may be scary, so Li Mu thinks that it would be better to insert a flag on Baidu. does not mean much to himself. Yes, but for Baidu, it is of great significance.

Moreover, Baidu's current valuation is not high, and its premium rate is not high. If can get a good replacement offer, it is completely willing to sell it and then exchange it for Baidu shares.

The question is, how many shares is Baidu willing to offer to replace

In Li Mu's view, less than 10% can be avoided directly, but 10% themselves will not agree, the ideal replacement price should be between 15% -20%.

Baidu is not yet the Baidu after listing, nor is it the Baidu that Google launched the Huaxia market and his only one. is not a simple music audio-visual website. It has huge traffic, strong reputation and user viscosity. It also connects seamlessly with Taobao and Taobao. Most importantly, it has genuine licenses from various record companies. .

For those record companies, there is too much pirated music on the Internet, and it cannot be beaten at all, and Li Mu can help them make stars on YY and Taobao, increase their influence, help them sell albums and peripheral derivatives, in other words In other words, Li Mu is now the super boss of the entire entertainment industry, so everyone has also licensed the genuine version to his easy-to-play network. Although this license is not of much practical value, because the name is right, the brand value is high. Less, and completely eliminate all legal risks.

With's current weight, although the replacement of 20% of Baidu's shares is a bit pitted, it is not a fool. After all, online music is normal now, but if you look at it in the long run, even if you replace 10%, you will make a lot of money.

In order to maximize the benefits, Li Mu drew a big cake for Robin.

He said: "In the future, I will embed Baidu search into YY123 and place it in the most prominent position as the only default search engine for YY123. In this way, YY123 can bring very huge traffic to Baidu."

"In addition, YY123 ’s current short newsletter section also has a lot of traffic. All of our links are now related to YY. By then, I can be the default link for Baidu search. You, and then you return the traffic to me in one hand. In this case, it also adds a huge traffic entrance for you. "

Robin didn't understand and asked Li Mu: "Mr. Li, why do you pass the traffic to me once, and I return it to you again?"

Li Mu laughed: "For example, in the YY123 homepage newsletter, there is a news headline titled 'Baidu Successfully Acquires'. Under normal circumstances, users click this link to directly enter the specific news of Page, however, if we cooperate, I will let users click this link, they will go to the Baidu search 'Baidu Successfully Acquired Easy Listening Network' page by default, and then you will feedback a lot of search results to the user, and let the user click on it. At that time, you will use the YY website links to the top several by technical means. The user clicks on the search results on the Baidu search page and returns to the YY website, but because of the jump to Baidu in the middle, it will naturally give you Increase a large portion of traffic. "

Robin cried. Although this was a trick he would play badly in the future, it was suddenly taken out by Li Mu in advance. After listening, he felt that he had opened a new world.

Li Mu watched him stunned and said with a smile: "This operation is normal and easy to implement. It is good for you, and good for us. For us, the user experience will be affected by the addition of an intermediate link, but The impact is not significant, and it is still acceptable. "

Search engine traffic is a very deep industry, and there are countless gray areas in it. Li Mu's method is not a gray method at all.

Robin has begun to feel a little emotional. In this era, Baidu is not the traffic master, Li Mu is. His YY is the product with the highest number of registered users, daily active users, and monthly active users in the country. If you can get some traffic from Li Mu, , It will greatly help Baidu's overall business reports. Whether it can be listed in the future and the market value will depend on the performance presented to the capital side and the securities firm.

Originally, MP3 and Post Bar were both Baidu's way, but were snatched away by Li Mu quietly. In this way, Baidu fell into the embarrassing situation of a single business model that could not form a breakthrough.

Li Mu knows very well that after tonight, Baidu ’s road will be cut off by himself, that is, keyword bidding that is criticized and even scolded by countless people in the future, fake and shoddy, theft and fraud, and medical fraud are extremely bad. Things have sprung up from this business model. However, tonight ’s charity night, if Li Mu officially sets up an industry alliance and allows the industry to accept its own rules of the game under its own influence, then the road to Baidu in the future is basically even It is broken. At least, the bidding of these evil keywords must be broken, otherwise it will become the object of the whole nation's scolding, and the entire network is isolated and closed.

From this point of view, the development of Baidu in the future is indeed worrying. It is inevitable that everything you did in your previous life will go downhill. Many things in this life cannot be done. It is estimated that it is difficult to become a first-tier Internet company in China.

If Baidu is willing to acquire and become a shareholder of Baidu itself, then it can consider Baidu as a partner in the ecosystem and give it some support.

After thinking about it, Robin said to Li Mu, "General Li, I must discuss this matter with the board of directors when I go back."

Li Mu nodded: "Okay, you research it, yes, if you want, in addition to the acquisition of Easy Listen Network, I personally can also invest you a sum of money."

Robin froze, watching Li Mu surprised and said, "General Manager Li, do you want to vote for Baidu?"

Li Mu smiled slightly: "I still trust Robin's ability and I am more optimistic about the search engine market."

Speaking of which, Li Mu intentionally wanted to give Robin some negative interference. He said deliberately: "Google is now gaining too much momentum. You haven't established the foundation yet, you have a single business model and a single product line. If you don't build a flood dam, "Once Google tries its best to develop the domestic market, you will not be able to carry it."

Robin suddenly sank.

Li Mu is right, this is not the time when Baidu went smoothly in the last life, the overall development quickly fell into a stalemate in the model, it is difficult to find a breakthrough point. In this case, Baidu is like a baby who just crawls. If the 18-year-old guy in the neighbor's house rushes into the house to steal things, he will not only be unable to resist it, but he is also likely to be kicked to death. Deep down in his heart, the crisis is always there.

However, Li Mu, a young man who is much stronger than the neighbor's strong young man, would be impossible for Google to kill Baidu if it could help Baidu, and it would even be possible to die.

Having Li Mu's stake in Baidu and becoming a strategic shareholder is tantamount to building a powerful flood dam for Baidu, which can even withstand the impact of the tsunami.

Many startup companies will introduce capital shareholders and strategic shareholders during the development process. As the name suggests, capital shareholders provide financial support for enterprises so that they can continue to fight for ammunition. Strategic shareholders, in general, are more important. Strategic significance.

After the founder of Xiaomi, Lei Jiao has become a well-known angel investor. Many newcomers want to invest in him. It is not that his money is more fragrant than others' money, but Lei Jiao has a very large ecological resource. His shareholding is equivalent to getting an entry ticket for ecological resources ~ ~ So, to find a way to let Lei Jiaozhu invest in shares, it is more about strategy than money.

The ecological resources of Li Mu are much larger than those of Lei.

In fact, Li Mu also wanted to seize the opportunity of Baidu. By taking a two-pronged approach to investing in Baidu, he was able to tie Baidu to his side. It was not only of great strategic significance, but also of great investment significance. It could be worth billions in a few years.

If can acquire 15-20% of Baidu's shares and personally own some of them, and if Baidu's shares account for more than 25%, it can support Baidu as its son, but at the same time, it will also levy Baidu's defection, so if In the future, if search engines such as Sogou and 360 rise, they will definitely invest in shares in advance, and then output more resources to Baidu's competitors, check and balance Baidu, and use this to ensure their influence on the search engine industry.

This move is very detrimental, but it is also very effective. It is just like why the ancient emperor indulged the eunuchs in politics. To a large extent, it was also to curb the strength of the civil and military officials. If you can check and balance the strength of each other, you can ensure that any party wants to rebel, and the other party will not agree. It must fight for their own lives. In this way, the emperor's throne will not be reversed by those around him. As for the impact of this internal consumption on the Jiangshan community, it is not important before the throne is stable.

Li Mu is like an ancient emperor. He hopes to turn Baidu into his courtier. If he is obedient and obedient, everything is okay. If he is a little bit anti-bone, he will cultivate a group of eunuchs who are not in opposition to him. Checks and balances, make him worse than life.

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