Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1304: regulation

This charity night was the first large-scale industry gathering organized by Li Mu.

The founders of Internet companies with a relatively small scale in China are basically all there. The atmosphere at the scene is extremely enthusiastic. In the past, no one dared to imagine that people in an industry could cause such a large influence in the industry.

The site layout is extraordinarily simple. Hundreds of Internet users all sit in neatly arranged seating areas under the table. The seats are arranged in the order of sign-in. There is no high-value, large-sized Internet person sitting in front. Low-value, enterprise Little internet people are sitting behind.

Robn came early today to find Li Mu, so the seats are relatively higher, in the first three rows, but the other big company bosses or ceo are basically in the middle of the back. In contrast, most people sitting in the front, It's a strange face to others.

Different from other charity night activities, in addition to the industry guests, there are only staff and service staff on the scene. There are no stars to support and no reporters to follow up. Only a few photographers from According to Li Mu's requirements, only a few cameras were set up in the corner of the venue, and no moving shooting will be performed in the middle. As far as possible, these guests will not be troubled by the camera.

At the end of the day, the lights of the audience dimmed and there was no opening speech. As the stage screen gradually lighted up, and as the majestic music sounded, the big screen was played again on the big screen. Promotional documentary clips.

Some Internet entrepreneurs present have seen documentary clips, and a few who have seen all the content online have once again felt a different shock than in front of a computer.

Although many people have seen it to some extent, many people couldn't help crying when they saw the documentary on the spot.

This is indeed an impeccable charity project. It has a completely different historical appeal than any kind of charity project. It can fully inspire the national pride and national mission of a Chinese child. On the one hand, it is a martyr. Our heroic deeds are moved, and on the one hand, they are extremely proud of being a Chinese child.

A few minutes of the documentary brought everyone into a state quickly. When the documentary was finished and the stage lights were on, everyone saw with dim eyes that Li Mu was on the stage.

Without any pavement or even a warm host, Li Mu went to the stage with a microphone alone.

This stage is far from gorgeous and elegant. The whole is occupied by the old photos of the Anti-Japanese War and the photos of the veterans today. The only sentence is: Veterans never die, but they are fading. In addition, even tonight ’s charity night There are no themes, not to mention the titles of Makino and Taobao.

Li Mu, who appeared directly on the scene, surprised the Internet practitioners who were present, but Li Mu did not give them a chance to be surprised and guessed, and said directly to the microphone: "Thank all the colleagues who have come to the scene. Since the birth of the China Internet industry, Never before has such a large gathering, thank you! Thank you! "

After speaking, bow deeply.

The applause continues to the audience. For the vast majority of people present today, they all consider Li Mu as a “Wulin Alliance Master”. Everyone is like his followers, or his followers, waiting for him. Order.

Li Mu said: "Presumably everyone knows that we recently made a new charity project, a charity project specifically for surviving anti-Japanese veterans, called Veterans Immortality. As the initiator of the project, I will naturally be responsible for the entire group of surviving veterans. So, spare no effort to win more support for the foundation is my most important task right now. "

"I haven't worked hard enough in society since I started my business, I do n’t know enough people, I do n’t know too much. After I did this charity project, I have been thinking, in addition to my personal donations, we Where should the rest of the funds come from? Is it looking for donations from companies or from the society? At the beginning, I felt that if we could mobilize donations, we would be able to achieve very good results because companies have sufficient economic strength. If 10,000 companies donate 10,000 yuan to each company, 100 million yuan will come. However, the problem comes. There are very few companies I know. Not to mention 10,000 companies. There are not even 100 companies. How do you call on everyone to do charity? "

"No way, I can only take donations from society, but if donations are made to the society, it will be difficult to promote, because the national economic strength is not very ideal, I am very worried about the efficiency of fundraising. If you make up 100 million yuan, you need at least 10 million people to donate. If there is one person out of every ten people who receive this information, then our project promotion will cover 100 million people. You should all know the Internet The cost and effectiveness of advertising, it is too difficult to make a promotion that can reach 100 million people. "

Speaking of this, Li Muhuafeng turned around and said, "However, I never thought that our foundation has received nearly 4 billion donations from the people of the country since opening the donation channel! Comrades 4 billion! The money was beyond my expectations and beyond the expectations of all staff members. I did n’t know the world record, but I believe that in such a short period of time, for companies in the whole society to raise funds to this number, we should It's a single copy. "

The four billion figure really scared everyone on the scene.

The value of the scene was more than 4 billion, except Li Mu, who had a total market value of more than 4 billion. There were few other companies besides Li Mu. Li Mu, a charitable foundation, raised funds in such a short period of time. The fund is nearly 4 billion, which means that the charity project of veterans' immortality has indeed produced a strong influence across the country.

At this time, Li Mu said: "In addition to the donation of nearly 4 billion yuan, we also received the cooperation intentions of more than 10,000 enterprises and institutions. These enterprises and institutions all hope to devote corresponding resources to this. This philanthropy also made me realize that sincerely doing a meaningful charity project does not require me to know many people and companies. As long as I make this charity project down to earth, I can be recognized by the whole society, and Get help from the whole society. "

Applause rang, and then Li Mu really entered the first theme of tonight. He said, "The Internet is a fast-growing emerging industry. It should be one of the youngest industries in the world and the highest proportion of high-end talent in the world. One of the industries, the Internet is using its own technology and vision to change the world and everyone ’s life. Everyone who is doing this is a participant in this great process. Therefore, I also very much hope that while the Internet industry is changing the world, It can also become the most socially responsible industry, set up correct value guidance for society, and contribute more positive energy to society. This is also the biggest purpose of inviting everyone to participate in this charity night! "

The words of Li Mu made the Internet practitioners present enthusiastic, and an unprecedented sense of responsibility came to mind. Before that, most of them thought about how to make money through the emerging thing of the Internet and seize the opportunity. However, after being reminded by Li Mu, they realized In addition to making money, I also have great industry responsibility, time responsibility and social responsibility.

I only listened to Li Mu saying, "I hope that everyone can represent the Internet industry and contribute to the charity foundation of veterans' immortality. I also hope that everyone will contribute to more charity projects in the future. , On behalf of all the communities in need of charity, thank you! "

After all, Li Mu bowed again.

While applause from the audience sounded, someone shouted, "General Manager Li, I am willing to donate to the Veterans Undead Charity Foundation!"

This shout caused countless responses. Many people were expressing their voices loudly. Some people said they were willing to donate, and some directly said that they would donate several millions. The scene was a bit confusing.

Li Mu said to everyone at this time: "We have left an envelope under your seat with a voluntary donation form. If you are willing to donate to the Veterans Undead Charity Foundation, please fill in your name on the donation form, and Your company name and donation amount. If you want to save some time, you can directly attach a business card and write the amount. Our staff will collect the donation form in your hands for statistics later. It doesn't matter if you donate, just return the unfilled envelope to our staff! "

Hundreds of people at the scene bent down and looked down under their seats. As expected, as Li Mu said, there was an envelope under each seat with a voluntary donation form the size of a postcard ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ and a compact ballpoint pen.

Every Internet entrepreneur who has traveled a long way is ready to donate before he comes. After all, it is a charity night. If it ’s just a personal connection and do n’t donate, it ’s a bit unreasonable. Besides, the charity project that the veterans are not dead is really It's too touching and almost impossible to refuse.

More than 300 Internet entrepreneurs began to fill in the cards in their hands, and then loaded the cards back into the envelopes, waiting for the staff to collect them.

Subsequently, more than ten staff members took the envelopes one by one, and then gathered all the envelopes together.

Li Mu said, "Thank you, no matter whether the number of donations is in the envelope or not, I would like to thank you for your support for this charity project. We will count your donation intentions tonight. Then, in the near future, they will contact their interested colleagues. Every fund donated by everyone will be posted on our veteran undead website and accept the supervision of the whole society. "

Then, Li Mu paused, and said, "Come everyone today, in fact, I have another purpose."

Everyone looked at Li Mu intently, not sure what he was going to say.

Li Muqing cleared his throat and said, "The development of any industry is inseparable from a law and regulations and universal values ​​and practices, but because our industry is developing too fast and too scattered, there has never been a real sense Guidelines to guide each of us, and I always have a dream that I am particularly eager to achieve, that is, I sincerely hope that everyone here can reach a consensus on the issue of social responsibility in the Internet industry! "...

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