Rebirth of a Star General

Chapter 2 - Sibling

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The rain in spring seems like there is no end, the next one is non-stop.

The room was very warm, the fire was vigorously burning, the lid of the medicine pot cooked on it was lifted up by the water vapor, and the sound of “Guru Guru” could be clearly heard.

The girl was sitting in front of the mirror. A slightly pale face appeared in the bronze mirror. The face was long and green, and her skin was green and red. Her lips were like small water chestnuts. A pair of apricot eyes are dark and moist, like a mountain stream where water mist will gather next moment, the clouds and smoke lightly disperse, exposing magnificent gemstones. Snow skin and beautiful appearance, Juanjuan 28, is a beautiful girl, but it is just beautiful.

Of course she knew her beauty very well, so in front of the small dressing table, she was already full of rouge gouache and spice balm. The fat powder smelled around him, and He Yan shrugged his nose and couldn’t help sneezing.

The hot air exhaled from the bronze mirror was covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and even his face became unclear. He Yan was in a trance for a moment, as if he had returned to the time when he first unloaded his men’s clothing. Sitting in front of the mirror, looking at herself like a woman in the mirror, it seemed like a world away.

She was drowned in the Xu family’s pond by the horses brought by the He family, but when she woke up, she became He Yan. Not the sister of Feihong General He Rufei, Xu Zhiheng’s wife He Yan. It is the owner of this ruined cottage, the eldest daughter of Wei Hesui of Jiu Pin Wu San Guan Chengmen School, He Yan.

They are all He Yan, and their status and status are different.

“Yan Yan, why didn’t you wake up when you woke up?” Along with the sound outside, the curtain was lifted and the figure came in with cold wind.

It was a middle-aged man with a beard, a Chinese character face, dark skin, and a tall figure, like a clumsy and strong bear, with a smile with a hint of caution. When he saw that there was no one in the room, he shouted loudly, “Ome, what about Ome?”

“Ome went to pick up the herbs.” He Yan said softly.

The man scratched his head and said, “Oh, that dad will pour it for you.”

The white porcelain medicine bowl is not as big as the man’s palm. He knows this too, so he took extra care, and the room was immediately filled with the bitter fragrance of herbs. He Yan looked at the plum blossoms next to the medicine bowl and moved his eyes to the man’s face. This was He Yan’s father, He Wei Sui, the gatekeeper of the city gate.

The word father is strange to He Yan.

Her biological father should be He Yuanliang, the second oldest member of the He family, but because of his status as He Rufei, he could only be called Uncle He Yuanliang. And her adoptive father He Yuansheng is actually her uncle.

The relationship between her adoptive father and her was not very close, and when she first proposed to learn martial arts, it once dropped to the freezing point. Only when she earned the merits and got the emperor’s award did she become enthusiastic. In the past years, although Dafang didn’t shorten her eating and drinking, she didn’t really understand what she was thinking. When He Yan was a child, he thought it was because he was not his biological father, but the biological father He Yuanliang treated her lightly. It’s about when the water sent by the daughter who was sent out has not been kept by her side, and the sentiment has faded.

Therefore, regarding the appearance of his father, in He Yan’s mind, it is not as clear as her brother’s.

He Sui in front of him had poured the medicine into the bowl, carefully removed a little residue floating on the water, and then gently blew it to He Yan before feeding her.

He Yan took the medicine bowl and said, “I will come by myself.”

The man withdrew his hand and said, “Okay.”

Tangyao radiated heat, He Yan hesitantly looked at the medicine bowl in front of her, and she thought of what He said before she died.

“That bowl of poisonous blinding medicinal herbs, but the elders of your clan sent them in person!”

The elder among the tribe, is He Yuansheng? Or He Yuanliang? Or is it someone else? Xu Zhiheng is informed, what about others?

She thought of the day when she was drowned, Fluttershy brought the cup of hot tea. Who knows if the things sent by others are delusions?

Seeing that she was not drinking for a long time, He Sui thought she was bitter about the medicine, and laughed and coaxed: “Yan Yan is not afraid, not bitter, just drink the medicine.”

He Yan no longer hesitated, waiting for He Sui to continue to speak, put his lips to the side of the bowl, and poured a bowl of medicine into his head.

“Wait…” He Sui was too late to speak. He Yan had left the empty bowl on the table before he spit out the remaining words in his mouth: “Hot…”

“Not hot.” He Yan answered.

He Sui didn’t know what to say for a while, and whispered a few times, then softly asked: “Then take a rest in the house and don’t run around. Dad went to the martial arts first.” Take away the empty bowls together. .

He Yan was left alone in the room. She let out a slight sigh of relief. She was not used to such intimate communication with people, especially as a woman. She was still such a spoiled girl who grew up in her palm.

The maid Qingmei has not returned yet. He Sui’s monthly difference in silver is not much. Today’s Chengmen School Lieutenant is only a Wu San officer. There is no real power. The silver is pitiful. The people in this room were kept on the silver of He Sui. Even the maid could only afford one, and the other silver probably became rouge gouache on the table filled by Miss He.

He Yan stood up and walked to the door.

This soft body, such as condensed white jade, fragrant and tender, is completely strange to her. Without strength, she cannot protect herself. If there is anything particularly good, her eyes are clean and bright, which will make her see for a long time. The missing world is bright.

With the sound of “Boom”, the sound of heavy objects fell behind him, and He Yan turned his head, and the teenager standing in front of her was unloading the wood around his shoulders.

The young man was not as old as He Yan is now. He wore a green cloth waist jacket, under the same color trousers, and white cloth straps on his legs, to facilitate work. He has a dark complexion, and his eyebrows are five points similar to He Yan’s, with a clear and distinct look, but a slightly narrower jaw, a firm look, and a stubborn and arrogant look.

This is Miss He Da’s younger brother, He Sui’s youngest son He Yunsheng.

In the past few days when He Yan was lying in bed, He Yun was born several times, and he came over to send water to the stove. He did not say a word to He Yan. The relationship between their siblings and their brothers does not seem to be very good, but… He Yan looked at He Yunsheng’s rough and unsuitable commoner, and then looked at his small satin skirt with a satin foundation, slightly subtle, but surprised.

In the Wo family, women are paving the way for men, and men are heaven and earth, as if they are the center of the world. However, it is different in this home. It seems that this biological little son is picked up, and the well-dressed food of the He family is all close to Miss He, why is this?

He Yan blocked in front of He Yunsheng, without moving a step, He Yunsheng put the wood pile under the eaves and began to split the wood.

This family is really poor, the only servant is the maid, and the biological son is doing the work of the little servant.

He Yan was in front of the firewood pile, and He Yunsheng split twice, frowning slightly, “Excuse me, you block me.”

Not even a “sister” is called.

He Yan didn’t move, neither gave way nor mocked him as usual. He Yunsheng couldn’t help raising his head, looking seriously at Shang He Yan.

He Yandao: “You can’t hack wood like this.”

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