Rebirth of a Star General

Chapter 3 - Show you

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He Yunsheng frowned and asked, “What are you talking about?”

He Yan didn’t move, and repeated seriously: “I said, you can’t hack wood like this.”

The teenager was impatient. “He Yan, go back to the house if you are sick. Don’t find fault here.”

“You can’t split the sky if you split like this.” He Yan didn’t move.

He Yunsheng seemed to be suddenly angry, and the axe slipped off his hand and smashed heavily on the bluestone board, making a loud noise. He took a step forward and said angrily: “If it were not you who spent money because you were ill, Dad would not send the little guy off. You also know that it is going to be dark, and don’t slap your hands before you have chopped firewood, so you will hack you Let’s hack!”

He Yan moved slightly, it turned out that there was a little servant in the family, but the poor family sent the little servant to see the doctor. Seeing his appearance, he also had a long grudge against this sister, and there was a sneer and sarcasm in the crackle.

Poor also has poor benefits. For example, there is no one in the yard. This embarrassing scene for the younger brother will not be hit by anyone. If you change to the former He family and Xu family, I am afraid that the lively maidservants can form a team.

He Yunsheng waited for He Yan to jump and scold others, but to his surprise, this time, instead of scolding, He Yan bent down and picked up the axe that he had thrown on the ground.

She was dropped by this heavy axe, and her slender haw wrist looked as if it couldn’t stand it.

He Yan frowned slightly when he looked at his hand. He couldn’t even lift the axe. It was far worse than she had been before.

He Yun was stunned for a moment, suspiciously said: “What are you doing?”

“I’ll show you.” He Yan answered.

He Yunsheng was even more angry when he heard it, and said, “Don’t stop fooling around, you…”

He hadn’t finished his words, and a “bang” interrupted his voice.

He Yan had lifted his axe and cut the wood in front of him in two.

“Look,” she said. “It’s very simple. You can’t hold the front end of the axe. You have to hold the end of the axe handle and follow the pattern of the wood. It will save a lot of effort.”

He Yunsheng stared at her blankly. After a while, the young boy’s face turned red, his tone almost violently angry, he pointed to He Yan and said: “You, you, you really don’t have intentions! Your hands …Dad will scold me when he comes back! He Yan, you are so deep-minded and tricky!”

“Huh?” He Yan was puzzled. At the next moment, a panicked female voice sounded: “Girl, you are bleeding!”

He Yan looked down subconsciously, and the palm of his hand was worn out when he knew it, and the blood was reflected in his palm.

She just held the axe and chopped a piece of firewood, so she broke her hands? How delicate is this body? From small to large, has Miss Heda mentioned anything heavier, is she made of cotton and tofu?

He Yan was in deep contemplation, and his maid Qingmei had rushed over and dragged her to the house and hurriedly said: “You have to wipe it with plaster first, I don’t know if it will leave scars…”

He Yunsheng stared at her bitterly and threw a sentence: “He Yan, just do it, sooner or later you will die.” He turned and ran away.

He Yan couldn’t laugh or cry, she lived until she married and became a relative in her life, until she died, and for the first time, someone said she “made”.

This kind of feeling is very novel. In the mind of a soldier, “make” is probably a very distant word.

Qingmei put He Yan’s hand on his knee, wiped the plaster on He Yan’s palm with his fingertips, and then shed tears, “What if the scars are left, I have to find a way to get rid of the scar cream. Row.”

“It’s okay,” He Yan couldn’t see the girl crying, especially a pretty girl who was fifteen or sixteen years old and was younger than her previous life.

Qingmei’s eyes widened, tears forgot to dry, staring at He Yan unable to speak.

“What’s wrong?” He Yan asked.

“No, it’s fine.” Qingmei wiped her tears and stood up. “The girl doesn’t want to be angry.”

The tone in this sentence… He Yan looked at the powdered jewelry in front of the dressing table, and he knew something about it. The original Miss He was extremely beautiful, and this delicate skin was supposed to be pampered. If you usually break a mouth, it would be a big deal.

Didn’t God see that she had been too rough in her previous life, and had never experienced the feeling of being a daughter. Only in this life did she find such a delicate body for her, and it was unbearable.

Qingmei asked, “Girl, slave girl, I’ll pour you a cup of hot tea. It was just raining outside and I was chilled.”

“Wait.” He Yan stopped her. “I remembered something. I woke up before. Some things are not well remembered…” She looked at Qingmei. “How did I get sick?”

Originally, there was a little servant in this family, but the little servant was later sent to see He Yan to see a doctor. This shows that the disease was not born. However, if there was a sudden illness, she didn’t feel any discomfort these days. When everyone in the room saw her, they were all attentive and caring about the students’ fear of accidents. He Yan felt strange.

Qingmei heard the words and was shocked. She grabbed He Yan’s hand and almost burst into tears: “Girl, you have been sad for Fan Gongzi once, but you can’t toss it again. Even if you don’t do it for yourself, You have to think about the old man and the young man!”

Fan Gongzi? the man?

He Yan asked: “Which Fan Gongzi?”

“Girl, what do you mean… Yes, Fan Gongzi is so ruthless, not a good match, and it is right for the girl to forget him. The slave-maid will no longer actively mention Fan Gongzi, as long as the girl is good.” , Ome rubbed his eyes again.

This little maid also loved crying too much. The recruits who had just entered the camp did not cry so much for the first time on the battlefield. I haven’t asked a few words. The garment has been wet so much that if you go on, you will be able to flood the Jinshan without a fragrance.

“Okay,” He Yan said helplessly, “not to mention, you have to change clothes first, your clothes are wet.”

Qingmei stared at He Yan with wide eyes and saw that He Yan was calm and did not want to collapse. He hesitated for a while and said: “That slave-servant will then change… The girl waits for the slave-servant, and the slave-servant will come back immediately.” This is only one step Three turned away.

The room was quiet again.

He Yan reached out and spread his palms to himself.

Qingmei rubbed the plaster still on her hand, she looked at this slender young hand fascinated. Women’s strength is inherently weaker than men’s. In order to practice the strength of the hand, He Yan was a child from the time she slipped out of the back door of the house every day, and climbed to the monk in the temple of Donghuangshan in Beijing to pick water and firewood. Wear your hands, and wait until the cocoons gradually grow out. Then, the two buckets can also be easily carried, and you can also punch with stones hanging from your wrists.

She is not smart, she can only use stupid methods, accumulated over time, and she has the qualification to compete with men.

Only now, everything is back to the original point. Not to mention taking away what originally belonged to her, this weak body alone could not bear what she was going to do in the future, and was covered with thorny roads.

“Then practice.” He Yan said to herself, “Like in the past.” This may be the test that God gave her as the price of her rebirth, but there is nothing terrible.

It’s just starting again.

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