Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 1223

Chapter 1190 killing game

After dinner,

East Tower, Room 2.

Gao Cheng lit a candle and took out a piece of mathematics from his backpack to look through it.

The city lord prepared court ball costumes for the dinner in each room, and gave him a gentleman’s dress, but he didn’t mean to change clothes.

Only the others knew nothing, thought they really had reasoning activities, and were still acting according to the script of the city lord.

I’m afraid there will be a life case tonight, at most tomorrow…

The light was too dark to study mathematics at all, and Gao Cheng had to close the data.

After seeing the various arrangements of the city lord, he actually already had a guess about the criminal method this time.

With the conditions of this castle, he could tell at a glance what murder tactics could be carried out. It was nothing more than the specific application of the murderer.

He even knew that the two murderers might kill people.

Do you want to intervene?

The people who participated in this reasoning activity flashed across Gao Cheng’s mind.

The final reward for this night of reasoning is the entire castle and 200 million yen for removal.

In other words, several “victims” came for this.

Why is the prisoner so sure that relying on this can lead the victim over?

Purely to get the castle?

Or is there any secret in this castle that makes the victim jealous?

Or is it that the “victim” didn’t want the castle to be removed?

Gao Cheng looked up slightly.

Originally, this castle was moved from Germany and it is difficult to have any secrets related to the “victim”. If there is any, it can only be under the castle.

There have been similar cases in which a jewellery thieves buried the jewels while escaping, but when the wind came back, a house was built on it…

Thinking of this, Gao Cheng took out his mobile phone from his backpack to search.

He is not a person with only a mobile phone, the city owner took it for granted.

It’s just that the signal in this place is very poor, or because the theme park was to be built that year, there was a base station in the nearby mountains.

There are not many things that can be found, except that the time when the castle was moved and built dates back more than 20 years.

It is not easy to investigate case data more than 20 years ago.

But there was a special case in the same period.

That was the “300 million yen incident” that took place in Tokyo. Because of the superb criminal tactics of the prisoners, the police invested 170,000 officers in a comprehensive search that year, but there was no result, so that the case was not solved after the statute of limitations was exceeded 20 years later.

“Will it be this?”

Gao Cheng wanted to keep checking, but the phone completely lost the signal and the network was also disconnected.

In the castle game room, people in court costumes gather to play billiards,

Only Gao Cheng and the detective named Edward Colombo were not present.

“Why don’t they participate?” The fat aunt complained.

“Regardless of them, I have to go back to play for a while.”

Everyone did not stay in the game room for too long, and soon went back to the room to rest.

The garden lit a candle and asked Hui Yuan: “Sai, I always feel that the reasoning night is weird this time. I have often participated in similar activities in the past. Why does it feel like something is going to happen this time?”


Hui Yuan’s face was calm.

It feels the same as when I followed that guy 10 years ago.

That **** who was regarded as a plague god…

Huihara frowned, thinking of the participants of the event in his mind.

A total of 9 people were present, including 6 men.

The long-faced butler, the psychologist Richard, the Los Angeles detective Colombo, the critic Kuzaburo Bando, the reporter Makimehito, and the university professor Yukawagaku…

No, if it’s that guy, it wouldn’t be strange to dress up as a female.

If you don’t consider pretending to be someone temporarily, you can only exclude university professor Tang Chuanxue…

No matter how disguised it is, it is impossible to become a genius in academia, the youngest assistant professor of Dongda…it is impossible to think about it.

But everyone else is suspect.

Huihara thought silently.

“Also, Xiao Ai,” Yuanzi continued, “Don’t you think it is weird? Why are those wax figures specially made like us? Are they really gifts for everyone? Xiao Ai?”

“Ah huh.” Hui Yuan returned to his senses.

“What’s wrong, Xiao Ai?” Yuanzi asked in confusion, “What are you thinking about?”

“There is one thing I care about,” Huihara temporarily relieved his suspicion. “This reasoning activity said that it was to invite famous detectives from all over the world. As a result, there were only a few detectives, and there were no real famous detectives…very Strange, right?”

Yuanzi: “It’s really true. I was just trying to ask if I could bring my companions, but I immediately agreed.”

In the lonely castle, when the bell rang, a scream suddenly spread.

Participants who were already ready to go to bed once again gathered in the game room, and Gao Cheng was called over by Yuanzi.

In the game room, the wax figure of the fat aunt Ma Hui lay on the billiard table, with a dagger stuck in the heart behind.

“What? It turned out to be just a wax figure.”

“Because the light was very dark just now, so…”

“Really, what did that city lord call us over for? Just for this prank?”

Everyone was obviously annoyed, but when everyone arrived, the broadcast room immediately calmed the scene in the game room.

Lidram laughed and said, “Everyone is surprised, aren’t you? The next step is the mystery of Mysterious Night. Now please investigate the ‘corpse’ of Ma Hui in detail and find out the murderer…”

“A puzzle? That’s how it is.”

Several participants immediately showed clear expressions.

Among them, Richard, a criminal psychologist with a big back, approached and started researching, and noticed that there were two billiard **** under the wax gloves.

“The wax figure holds the green and red **** in its hands. It seems that it should be a death message… I already know who the murderer is!”


Several other people looked at each other in surprise.

“Really, Mr. Richard?”

“Of course,” Richard laughed. “If I want to reason, I’m not inferior to the real detectives. Let’s take a look at the color of the ball…”


“Yes, if the victim left a hint about the color of the murderer’s clothes in an instant, then the murderer is the person wearing green and red clothes…”

Richard looked at the reporter affirmatively under everyone’s gaze.

“Makime-san, is that you?”

“I think it should be impossible?” Colombo, with slightly curly hair, denied, “It is true that Mr. Makime’s clothes are green and red now, but the wax figure is still wearing a court gown without changing clothes. The murderer may also wear a gown when committing a crime ,

It is too far-fetched to interpret the death code by color. ”

Richard was speechless: “Well…”

“I think the clue should be the number on the table tennis,” Colombo continued, “there are the numbers 3 and 9, which should imply the’Kusaburo’ in Mr. Bando’s name! The murderer is you, Mr. Bando. ?!”

Gao Cheng has been standing by the side, seeing a few people still arguing, can’t help but interrupt: “If the victim is pierced in the heart by a knife, he will die on the spot. There is no way to leave a death message. Moreover.”

“Professor Yuchuan?”

Only then did everyone pay attention to Gao Cheng who did not have a strong sense of existence.

“In other words, the murderer wanted to frame Mr. Bando?”

“But who is the murderer?”

Colombo scratched his hair anxiously, looking distressed.

“There is no clue…”

“Isn’t there always clues?” Gao Cheng glanced at the curly-haired young man, “I remember everyone played pool here except you and me. Isn’t this just a cue?”

Colombo: “What?”

“It’s very simple. If you have played billiards, you should know the difference between the 9th ball and the 6th ball. There is a reason to confuse the two balls and only you, Kelun Mr. Poe.”

Gao Cheng concluded.

“No need to hide, this should be the murderer role arranged for you by the city lord…”

“Okay, amazing,” Colombo said in surprise, “It’s almost like Sherlock Holmes…Are you a famous Japanese detective?”

“No, this kind of naive game requires no detective at all.”

Gao Cheng shook his head, his eyes swept across the crowd.

“Everyone, instead of having time to play reasoning games here, it is better to find Ma Hui herself. Do you still think this is just a reasoning activity?”

“What do you mean?” Looking at Gao Cheng, the group of people felt a chill in their hearts.

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