Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 1224

Chapter 1191 The familiar person

West Tower,

Room 1.

When everyone opened Ma Hui’s room, they saw billiard **** rolling down on the ground and… shocking blood stains at the entrance.

If the wax figure in the game room is the same, when Ma Hui herself is lying on the table with a dagger in her back.

“Is, killed?!” Richard’s teeth trembled in horror, “What’s the matter?”

“Everyone,” explained the blonde beauty who had examined the corpse, “the cause of death was death from hemorrhagic shock caused by heart bleeding. After death, the muscles of the whole body will contract and become stiff.

As for Ms. Ma, the stiffness has reached the jaw area, and it should have been two hours after death…”

“Hey,” several other people surrounded Gao Cheng, “couldn’t you do it? You guy…”

Gao Cheng pulled away Richard’s hands holding his collar: “Be quiet, don’t make a mistake, I just remind you.”

“Why aren’t you surprised at all if it’s not you?” Richard gritted his teeth.

“Is it weird?” Gao Cheng glanced at Richard and hummed. “It seems that some people haven’t figured it out yet. This reasoning activity is a hunting ground for some people.

All mysteries are faked. The cell phone is only used to prevent people from calling the police. The suspension bridge that went out is probably already destroyed. This will be a series of murders. ”

“Consecutive murders?!”

Richard’s eyes were shocked.

“Are there no phones in the castle?”

“No,” the long-faced butler said regretfully. “The mobile phone could barely be contacted, but all the mobile phones I put away before are gone, even my own.”

“It’s useless,” Gao Cheng shook his head and took out his mobile phone. “The signal here is very poor, and coupled with the impact of the storm outside, it’s useless to have a mobile phone.”

“You bastard!”

Richard gritted his teeth.

“You knew from the beginning that there was a problem with the event, didn’t you? You said it now?!”

“Listening to you, it seems that you already know that you are the target of the murderer, why?”

Gao Cheng smiled playfully.

He was too lazy to explain to this guy.

He did know that something would happen, so he followed a few people in the garden.

What does the life and death of other people matter to him?

With the virtues of these guys, he would not believe him if he said in advance, but in the end he would be targeted by the murderer.

“Just confess now,” Gao Cheng asked, staring at Richard. “Otherwise, you might be the next to be killed. What happened more than 20 years ago?”

“You, what nonsense are you talking about?” Richard moaned and cursed, “I don’t want to listen to your nonsense!”

“A nonsense?”

Gao Cheng silently watched Richard leave.

He has given this guy a chance. If the other party confesses the situation, the murderer’s plan will not be able to proceed in front of him.


It seems that nothing good happened 20 years ago.

If it is really related to picking up the robbery, it may be that the mastermind was killed by a member of the **** drama.

It may also be caused by the uneven distribution of spoils…

In any case, this incident will not only kill one person.

Among the two people he speculated, Richard was one of them, and the other was Bando Kusaburo, who was similar to his age.

That reasoning critic…

Gao Cheng thought and stroked his chin.

Dang Mahui, who was killed first, was also about the same age.

It seems really related to 20 years ago.

“Xiao Ai,” Yuanzi looked at Gao Cheng’s face and quietly pulled La Huiyuan, “Do you think that Professor Tangchuan looks like a person?”

“Who?” Hui Yuan said in a daze.

“It’s Xinyi Dad,” Yuanzi said more and more surely, “beard and glasses…just exactly the same as Xinyi Dad 10 years ago.”

“Kudo Yusaku?”

Huihara glanced at Gao Cheng again.

It’s really a bit like.

and many more……

Judging from the light, the glasses seem to be flat glasses.

A picture of Gao Cheng’s prediction ten years later appeared in Hui Yuan’s mind.

Probably not?

How dare that guy show up like this directly?

And Dongda dual-disciplinary assistant professor, academic genius?

“Then what should we do now?” Bando Kusaburo said anxiously, “Are we going to be in such a place and be locked up with the murderer for 3 days?”

“I have a suspicious clue to infer the murderer,” curly-haired young man Colombo said. “The letter instructed me to move the wax figure at 12:30, and it is less than 2:30, which means the murderer. Ms. Dang Ma was killed in the same way before me, right?”

“what’s happenin?”

“It’s very simple. The murderer must have read that letter too, that is, besides me, it’s…”

Colombo smiled and turned to the long-faced butler standing aside.

“There is only you, Mr. Nanshan! You are here earlier than us, and it is not difficult to peek at the letter.”

“It’s not just him,” Huihara glanced at Gao Cheng and interrupted. “And the owner of this castle, that Lidram, may now hide his true identity and get in with us.”

After 3 o’clock in the morning,

Richard and Bando get together.

“Hey, this is revenge, right?” Bando panicked. “It’s someone related to that incident…”

“Don’t be stupid,” Richard snorted, “Do you really believe that Dongda professor? That incident has long been an unsolved case. Even here, only we and the dead Dang Ma know about it. ”


“You’re tired, go back to your room and rest early.”

Richard stared at Bando’s figure, his expression slightly suspicious.

If the murderer is not someone else, it can only be Bando in front of him.

It seems to be frightened, but it may also be acting.

“Hmph, what will be the next one to be killed,” Richard said with disdain, “Smelly kid, what detective?” ^

In the morning, it was still windy and rainy outside the castle.

Gao Cheng was sleeping, and suddenly opened his eyes.

At the same time, the city lord’s broadcast sounded again in the room.

“Good morning, everyone in the East Tower, the peaceful night is over. The second stage of horror is now on, and it is still in the West Tower!”

The tenants of the East Tower walked out of the room one after another. The garden people rushed to the West Tower as soon as possible, and Gao Cheng hurriedly followed.

Go downstairs and pass the heater room where the wax figure is located, and then go through the corridor to the West Tower.

You also have to go through a stove room to get to the guest room, but the west stove room is locked from the inside and cannot be opened.

“There is a door buckle inside, which can only be knocked open.”

The long-faced butler who came first twisted the door handle and slammed open the door first Mr. Richard? ! ”

In the furnace room, the suspected body of Richard was lying on the table, but when he looked closely, he found that it was only a wax figure of Richard in court costume.

“Sorry!” Yuanzi looked at the wooden stake nailed to the chest of the wax figure, his face pale, “Mr. Richard is going to have something wrong, right?”

Colombo, who followed, reacted: “Which room is his?”

The long-faced butler hurriedly said: “It’s in Room 2 next to Ms. Dang Ma’s room!”

The group hurried through the furnace room and upstairs, only Gao Cheng paused when he passed the wax statue.

“That’s it,” Gao Cheng said calmly, listening to the chaotic screams coming upstairs, “Is this the method you prepared to commit the crime?”

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