Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Chapter 10 - : Buy all skill books

   The landlord came over soon after receiving the call.

   After the negotiation, the landlord insisted that the rent be 1,500 yuan per month.

   1,500 yuan a month for later generations is of course not a big deal, and it can even be said to be horribly low.

   But in 2001, 1,500 yuan was reasonably expensive.

   Zhang Wenxiu and Chen Simian talked about catching them, but the other party just refused to give in.

   Seeing this, Chen Yu stepped forward and said, “Uncle, I want to have a few words with you, okay?”

“Who is this?”

   “This is my son, Chen Yu.”


The landlord didn’t care, he smoked a cigarette: “You two, you can see that my store is small, but the location is good, and the opening is large, which is very suitable for your business. 1500 yuan is not expensive, you see Look at the first few stores, it’s almost 2,000 yuan.”

Seeing that the landlord ignored him, Chen Yu didn’t get angry. He stepped forward and said, “Uncle, you can’t say that. Although your shop is in a good location, it’s still small. It’s only suitable for us to do some small business. It’s another business. It’s probably enough. I have observed that in the past year, your shop has changed 3 tenants. For each change, your shop will have to be closed for one or two months. One to two, to be honest, 12 a year Months, you can receive 10 months’ rent, it’s not bad.”

   “My kid, you can’t talk nonsense.”

“Uncle, I didn’t talk nonsense. Just now I went to look at several real estate agencies. Your store is listed in 7 real estate agencies. It must be that the store is not easy to rent. You all have the idea to sell the store. Actually. I also know that uncle, you who are landlords, are not just trying to make the rent stable. As long as we continue to pay you monthly rent for a long period of time, your income will have the greatest guarantee. If you want to increase your rent, you will be forced to leave today Tenant, the tenant will transfer tomorrow, not to mention not receiving much rent, I am afraid it will be troublesome.”


   “Of course, uncle, we also think your shop is in a good location. In this way, we can increase the liquidated damages. You can lower the rent slightly, what do you think?”

   In detail, the landlord agreed with Chen Yu’s statement and reduced the rent from 1,500 yuan to 1,200 yuan.

   “Landlord, happy cooperation.”

   “Happy cooperation.”

   “Hehe, uncle, you still have to give us a one-month renovation period.”

   “Tsk, Boss Chen, your son is amazing. I used to kill me at the price, but now I have a one-month renovation period, which is too good. I’m sure that your son will definitely make a lot of money in the future.”

   “Uncle, everyone has a renovation period. You can’t break the rules.”

   “Well, it’s up to you, and I will give you a one-month renovation period. But, let’s talk about it. If you default, I will have to pay you 5 times the monthly rent as a penalty. Then, don’t blame me for being cruel.”

“Of course.”

   Everything is going well.

   The two parties signed a lease contract that night and formally rented the shop.

   The next day, my parents were busy looking for a decoration worker.

   Of course, it is impossible for Chen Yu to follow along. He still has serious things to do.

   After a day’s rest, Chen Yu went to the Lenovo Internet Cafe again.

   “Chen Yu, you are here.”

   “What’s wrong, brother Bian, miss me like that just a day after I didn’t come.”

   “I miss you fart. There are two news, one good news and one bad news. Which one should I listen to first?”

   “Listen to the good news first.”

   “The good news is that people from several big guilds this morning asked if our horns were still sold?”

   “What about the bad news?”

   “The bad news is that someone seems to have hit the horn.”

   “My grass…”

   The bad news shocked Chen Yu.

   Just now, he wanted to go down to the Woma Temple with Zhang Jianming and make another horn.

   Unexpectedly, someone hit him.

   “How did they get it?”

“do not know.”

   “Has the highest level rise to level 30?”

   “No, the highest level is 28.”

   “Impossible, with their strength, the 28th level will definitely not be able to kill the leader of Voma.”

   Chen Yu turned on the plane and operated the “First Under Heaven” Mage to go to the third floor of the Woma Temple again.

   Sure enough, the leader of Wumar is no longer there, he was blown up.


   “I knew we should have exploded him at 0:00 last night.”

   Chen Yu cursed.

   He was still counting on the horn to make another fortune. He didn’t expect that after just selling a horn, he would not have to do business later.

   “Chen Yu, it’s okay. We will guard at 0 o’clock tonight. We can definitely hit the horn again.”

   “It’s useless, since others may already blow up the leader of Vormar, then we have no chance. Even if we squatted there, they might clear the court.”

   Woma Horn is brushed once a day.

   Chen Yu and the others only have two people, their strength is a little weak, they can’t be their opponents.

   Once there is a conflict with them, it will be cleared by them.


   Zhang Jianming nodded: “Then what shall we do?”

   “What can I do, I can only do hard work and sell equipment for money.”

   Chen Yu sighed.

   The horn business cannot be done. With their strength, they can only sell some equipment for money.

   However, it is not easy to sell this dozen equipment.

   After all, there are only two of them, and the bigger BOSS can’t be singled out.

   can only play some relatively advanced monsters to see if there is a chance that good equipment will be released.

   Of course, this method is quite time-consuming and labor-intensive.

   Chen Yu has some headaches, shouldn’t he have to work shifts and spend the night like Zhang Jianming?


   This kind of work without any technical content cannot be done.

   Chen Yu shook his head and denied the idea of ​​playing equipment.

   “By the way, we can print books and sell them.”

   “Hit a book?”

   “Yes, we can go to the mining area to kill the corpse king to explode the skill book, as long as we hit the dog book, the fire, the magic shield…you can also sell it for a good price.”

  Legendary has just started the test after all, these skill books are rare things.

   The corpse king explosion skill book is a slightly better way to make money.

   just Zhang Jianming looked at Chen Yu in surprise: “Chen Yu, are your brains broken?”

   “You just broke?”

   “If you say you are bad, you still don’t admit it. These skill book stores sell them. You can’t help but skill books.”


   Chen Yu was taken aback: “You mean there are some skill books in the store?”


   “Have a magic shield?”


   “There are dog books.”


   “Is there a raging fire?”


   blinked, Chen Yu was a little confused.

   He’s meow, how did this legend work?

   These are advanced skill books, and they are sold in stores.

   How can they not add a bit of difficulty to the game? In doing so, how can we professional players live.

   Tucao inwardly, Chen Yu ran to the owner of Beechcraft Bookstore.

   One look, it really happened.

There are not only low-level skill books in    bookstore, but also various skill books on UU reading

   “I said that when I bought a skill book before, why did it seem to have seen a magic shield, it turns out there is a magic shield.”

   Click to buy a magic shield for the mage, Chen Yu is a little depressed.

   I remember the past life, when the new area first started, skill books like Magic Shield sold for at least one or two thousand yuan.

   Is it swollen now, the street is broken.

   However, just as Chen Yu was thinking about finding the next way to make a fortune, suddenly he was clever, but he thought of something.

   “Big brother, if we buy all these skill books, do you think we can make a fortune?”

   “Buy all skill books, are you stupid, why are you buying all of them?”

   “What did you say.”

   The more you talk, the more likely it is.

   Chen Yu clicked the bookstore owner again.

   At the beginning, the bookstore owner had 3 Magic Shields here. Chen Yu bought one, and it showed that there were only two.

   Chen Yu continued to buy two magic shields, click again, and there is no magic shield from the bookstore owner.

   “Sure enough.”

   A small experiment proved Chen Yu’s guess.

   It turns out that although the bookstore owner has these high-skilled books, there are not many of them. He only refreshed a few, which may be to guide the players. But once someone buys it, then these skill books will no longer be refreshed.

   Unless a player sells the skill book back to the bookstore.

   But this is impossible.

   Some low-level skill books are also possible, and some high-level skill books are always rare.

   As long as he buys it, it is impossible for him to appear again.

   “Big brother, buy all these skill books.”

   What are you waiting for, Chen Yu and Zhang Jianming are frantically scanning the goods.

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