Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Chapter 9 - : Rent a storefront

   “Wenxiu, according to Xiaoyu, our funds are no problem. Can this monopoly snail be sold?”

   “Didn’t you have a heart attack, you still ask me.”

   “It’s mainly because I don’t have any background, it seems feasible, but what if I lose?”

   “If you lose, you lose, and the investment is about 10,000 at most. We can still afford to lose.”


   Chen Simian couldn’t help but smile: “Unexpectedly, Xiaoyu, this guy, actually gave us a good idea.”

   “It doesn’t depend on who gave birth.”

   “Yes, yes, you gave birth. But, Wenxiu, do you think Xiaoyu is different from before?”

   “It’s different, where is it different, it’s the same?”

   “I can’t tell, I just feel that Xiaoyu is more careful and more mature.”

   “That’s not good, walk around, I will buy a few catties of snails in a while.”

   “Ah, why do you buy snails?”

   “What else can I do, don’t you want to sell snails, I will make a few tricks.”

   Zhang Wenxiu is anxious, not even washing the dishes at this moment, and is going to buy a few catties of snails home first.


   “So cool.”

When    woke up, Chen Yu stretched.

   I didn’t sleep well in Internet cafes these days. I lie down at home now, but I slept right into the night.

   “Hey, what smells, it smells good.”

   A scent floated, and Chen Yu walked out of the room.

   When my mother put a few snails on the table, he couldn’t help but said that Chen Yu grabbed one.

   **** slippery.

   Chen Yu is an expert at eating snails. He doesn’t need toothpicks at all. He just sucked it and the meat in the snails was sucked out.

   “You kid, don’t know how to use gloves, so you can grab it with your hands, and put on your gloves quickly.”


   Chen Yu put on his gloves and ate several more.

   “How about it, it’s delicious.”

   “It’s delicious, it’s so delicious.”

   “You can sell a bowl for 3 yuan, right.”

   “It’s more than 3 yuan, mom, I think someone can buy it for 5 yuan.”

   “You will blow you up.”

   Despite saying that, Zhang Wenxiu smiled happily.

   “Hey, mom, why are there so many bowls of snails.”

   “This seems to have a different taste.”

   “I will try again.”

   After eating one bowl, Chen Yu understood: “Mom, you have made escargots with various flavors.”

   “I thought you couldn’t eat it.”

   “Mom, this seems to be garlic, this is thirteen incense, wow, and spicy…”

   “Mom, you are talented.”

   With a sigh of relief, Zhang Wenxiu actually made 5 flavors of snails.

   “It’s still your mouth, but you tasted it all.”

   “Hey, I’m a famous foodie, how can I not eat it. Mom, hurry up, open a shop now.”

   “Go to the side, you think it’s so easy to open a store. Not only need to contact the raw materials, but also to find a suitable store.”

“The raw materials are simple. Now the snails are available in wholesale, so they are very easy to buy. Moreover, the preparation of fried snails is relatively simple, and no large kitchen equipment is needed. Then we can fry dozens of kilograms at once, which is easier than opening an ordinary restaurant. As for the storefront, it’s easy to find, mom, I think the location next to Guoguang Supermarket is good.”

   “On the edge of Guoguang, that is the center of the county. The rent there is so expensive that you can’t afford it.”

   “Mom, if you don’t go and see how you know you can’t afford it, let’s go, I’ll take you around, maybe it will be rented.”

   “I haven’t written the horoscope yet, so what are you doing in a hurry.”

   “You have to rent both for early and late rent. It’s better to check it out first. If there is a suitable store, it will be troublesome if someone else rents it out.”

   “This, let me ask your dad.”

   Although it was a bit fast, the two of them were also excited. When they had time in the evening, the three of them were ready to go around to see if there was a suitable store.

   It’s just a pity. After a round, there are stores, but the rent is very expensive.

   “Xiaoyu, I think we’d better go to Tongyi Market, the rent here is too expensive.”

   Looking at the rents that cost thousands of dollars at every turn, Zhang Wenxiu was so scared that he didn’t dare to ask.

   “Mom, Tongyi Market is just a vegetable market. There are only people in the morning and very few people in the evening. Moreover, the consumption capacity there is not enough. Even if the rent is cheap, we can’t rent it.”

   “But the rent here is too expensive.”

   “Expensive and expensive, hey, isn’t there a room to rent out there?”

   pointed to the front, Chen Yu said.

   “Look at it.”

   The three of them stepped forward, but Zhang Wenxiu looked at it and said, “No, it’s too small, it seems that it’s only about ten square feet.”

   “It’s really too small. A few tables in such a small place are probably full, and business can’t be done.”

   Chen Simian also said.

   It’s just that Chen Yu looked at this store very seriously, and then said: “Mom, I think this one is fine.”


   Zhang Wenxiu shook his head: “How do you do business in such a small town?”

   “Mom, don’t think he is young, but he is in a good position.”

   Chen Yu analyzed to Zhang Wenxiu and said: “You see, it is close to Guoguang Shopping Center, and the flow of people is very large.”

“This is the first and second. This street sells Mala Tang, some stinky tofu, some milk tea, some Liangpi, and many other shops selling snacks. This is a typical snack street. , We are here to open a shop, and we don’t have to worry about no customers coming.”

   “But this shop is still too small.”

   Zhang Wenxiu, who Chen Yu said, also agreed that the location is really good.

   is also a snack street, which is very popular.

   But no matter what, a small shop means a small shop. What kind of business can a small shop do?

“Small, not small. Mom, you think this store is small, but did you see that this store has an opening of 5 meters, while other stores are only 3 meters long. The larger the opening, the easier it is to be noticed. Yes, although the store’s depth is only about three meters, the entrance of this store is an empty concrete floor. Mom, think about it, if it’s night time, can we put the table on the concrete empty floor.”

   Say so, UU reading www. Zhang Wenxiu and Chen Simian both looked at this store seriously.

   As Chen Yu said, the shop is small but the cement space in front of him is big.

   Now it’s no better than later generations. It will be fine for arbitrarily arbitrarily setting the beach, but now it has a wider control. Not to mention that you have a shop to put out the table, but there are a lot of people who don’t rent a shop here and find a place to set up a beach.

   If the cement space in front is used, then this business definitely has something to do.

   “Wenxiu, I took a look. This cement space is so big that we can set up a few tables. In addition, we like to eat snails and other snacks, but I don’t feel that way when I eat them in the store.”

   Chen Simian inserted a sentence.

“That’s right. Now, whoever likes to eat supper in the store now likes to eat it outside. While eating snails, watching the stars, watching the moon, watching the beauties… Uh, no, dad is right. Anyway, he just eats outside. have a feeling.”

   “Xiaoyu, you are a high school student now, so you can’t think about it.”

   Zhang Wenxiu gave Chen Yu a sentence.

   “I know, I know, I just said it casually. And, Mom, there is the most important point. Because this shop is small, his rent will definitely not be too expensive.”

   “Okay, let me ask. Old Chen, hurry up and call the landlord.”

   It’s 2001, and mobile phones are not as common as later generations.

   Even at home, only Chen Simian has a Nokia blue screen phone.

   said it was a blue screen phone, but it was a black and white phone without a color screen.

  Of course, even if it is a blue screen mobile phone, the average family may not have it.

   “It seems that when I have to get my smartphone out.”

   Thinking of the smartphones of later generations, Chen Yu has some itchy hands.

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