Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 14


Chapter 14 Holes

There is a saying in the Gloria Empire folks.

‘A starved rhinoceros is bigger than the most robust wild horse——’

Although the Olivendi family is almost destroyed, the final legacy left behind is still enough to support little Anves to do it many things.

It was a spherical crystal, about the size of an apple, and the two ends were slightly flattened.

Similar to the shape of the Earth model that Anves had seen.

It has a very strange nature, its appearance is translucent, the color is always changing, and the core part is still glowing alternately.

Magic spectral testing showed that it did not belong to any of the known substances.

Its name is a single Gumani syllable: [yīn]

Every thousand years, the radiance in the crystal ball reaches its peak. At this point, it becomes an unparalleled wishing medium.

It can be used without any ceremony and without any usage restrictions. Even if an ordinary person directly holds it and expresses a wish, it can be realized directly.

The most important thing is that with the wishing technique activated by [yīn], the degree of distortion of wishes is almost negligible!

As an example, let’s say a sorcerer makes a wish: to raise his level.

The ordinary wishing technique has an 80% chance of failure, and the other 20% chance of fulfilling a misinterpreted wish.

The results are usually catastrophic, and the wish spell may connect him to some giant energy source, such as the magic pool of the wizard’s tower.

Then the fate of the caster is obvious.

But if this wishing technique is activated through 【yīn】, then the energy in the crystal ball will prompt him to transform in an instant, and provide all the power expended in this process.

Of course, if the wisher is too greedy and raises several great realm at once by making a wish, and the result is annihilated by the mighty Great Demon force that he cannot control, then it has nothing to do with 【yīn】.

In the hands of the family, it was used twice, each time leaving a detailed record.

Its first owner was Aldrich who was ninth rank Peak warlock at the time. After he got [yīn], he spent a year studying it and roughly determined the properties of this crystal ball.

It was a desire power aggregate he had never seen before!

Although it is possible to make a wish directly, the way to maximize the use of the power of the crystal ball is still guided by the formal wishing technique ceremony.

Therefore, Aldrich arranged a highest specification wishing technique ceremony with 【yīn】as the core.

His wish is very simple:

Promotion to Legendary——

After the wish is completed, the entire ceremony array emits a dazzling brilliance, and the incomparably huge mysterious power is entangled. in his body.

Bystanders can clearly feel that the pressure emanating from him, who had been stuck at the limit of ninth rank for many years, began to increase again, becoming extremely deep and terrifying.

When this force reached Peak, Aldrich suddenly burst into endless light, and the whole person instantly turned into a sun!

The next moment, the rays of light disappeared, the bystanders, the array, and [yīn] themselves were intact, but Aldrich himself disappeared out of thin air.

No one could sense where he went, there was no space fluctuation in place, and the bloodline crystal ball left in the family also turned a strange gray.

People in the family can only sense that he is still alive through the deepest bloodline sense.

A thousand years after the disappearance of Aldrich, the brilliance of the crystal overflows again.

This time, it was used by Olivendi patriarch Lois, who was Aldrich’s grandson in terms of generation.

Considering what happened to Aldrich in the past, he did not directly make a wish to improve his own or other people’s realm, but tried to make a wish to bring Aldrich back.

However, this wish failed to take effect, and neither the ceremony array nor the sphere responded.

From the above results, Lois draws two conclusions:

First: [yīn] is a Rare Item that can satisfy the Legendary rank wish.

Second: [yīn] is not really omnipotent, at least, it is beyond its ability to bring Aldrich back.

Combined with some secret information obtained by the family in the past thousand years, Lois has a vague guess.

He started to make a wish again, this time, his wish is:

Make himself the limit of ninth rank!

The crystal emits the same rays of light as Aldrich’s wish, which wraps around Lois like a ribbon.

When his strength reaches the limit of ninth rank, the rays of light dissipate again.

Lois struggled to control the enormous power of his sudden ascension—the wish came true, and he didn’t disappear.

After half a month, Lois, who has completely controlled his own power, left behind the [yīn] usage rules:

1. Don’t make a wish beyond your own high-strength rank

2. Don’t make a wish exceeding the Legendary level

3. Refer to Boltzmann’s “Wish Code”

In fact, the reason why the family left [yīn] to little Anves is precisely in the hope that when he reaches the ninth rank, he can use the wishing technique to raise his strength to the limit of the ninth rank, thus leading the family to make a comeback.

During the period of his incognito, the brilliance of [yīn] finally recharged.

He originally planned to improve his strength as planned, but the news of Fiona’s reappearance made him change his original decision.

Not to mention that it is impossible to reach the ninth rank in a short period of time, even if you become the limit of the ninth rank, it will not help the current situation.

The enemy has proven that they are not the limit of one or two ninth rank to contend with.

It is better to use 【yīn】in more critical places than to use it yourself.

After weighing it again and again, he made a crazy decision: use a fuzzy wish

At the ninth rank, the secret technique of the gods [Star Wish] Boltzmann Fenier In this book “Wish Code”, vague wishing is the wrong way of wishing for Ranked 1st.

More than 90% of wish-making accidents are caused by the lack of clarity in the description of the wish by the caster.

But Boltzmann also admits that the more precise the wish, the greater the effort required and the higher the probability of failure.

Accurate wishing requires more power to maintain this accuracy.

The cost of wishing doubles for each specific limit added.

Little Anves has read this book carefully and knows the drawbacks of vague wishing.

However, unable to change the status quo, in desperation, he completely pinned his hopes on the wish-making technique, and pinned his hopes on the elusive fate.

His last wish was simple: to revive the Olivendi family.

A textbook wrong way to wish, but also a way to maximize the power of wishing.

He succeeded, but at the cost of everything, including his soul…

Wish had a truly miraculous effect, and a soul from a distant world transcended time and space. Come, come to a critical time before the fall of the Olivendi family, and inherit all the memories of little Anves from the previous life.

As an important part of this miracle, Anves, who was pulled in by the unfathomable mystery, now has to work hard and think carefully about how to break the game.

Otherwise, the fate of little Anves in his previous life was the fate he was destined to face.


(End of this chapter)

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