Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 15


Chapter 15 Nets and Fish

(Setting chapter, summary at the end)

Sometimes, I know The more, the less happiness.

Anves’s eyes were fixed, and he quickly browsed new memories in his mind, and tapped his index finger on the armrest of the sofa unconsciously.

Seeing history from the perspective of a bystander is completely different from participating in history in person.

In the previous life, little Anves was limited by his own pattern and could not see what the family was facing.

But Anves, who is from the perspective of God, has seen breathless messages from his rough life.

That’s a net!

A web woven by a hidden hand that covers the entire Olivendi family and even the entire Gloria Empire!

The mighty family is mired in conspiracy and irreversibly decayed. The branches of large and small are either annexed or directly pulled up by the roots.

The most terrifying thing is that targeting the Olivendi family is only part of this big net!

Combining the background information of the game in the previous life, Anves already has several vague conclusions about the true identity of the enemy behind the scenes.

First of all, the ninth rank leader appeared very unusually in the resistance army.

You must know that in this Legendary era, the ninth rank that has mastered the power of rules is the highest level of other strategic deterrence.

A group of mob rebels are not a help to the ninth rank, but a drag.

After analyzing a lot of plots in the previous life, players came to a conclusion: the so-called ‘Rebel Chieftain’ is probably not a specific ninth rank NPC, but a code name.

The leader of the resistance army will always be shown as a black robe mask, behind this mask, it may be any ninth rank.

This can be a good explanation for how the rebel leader defeated more than one ninth rank extreme powerhouse with ordinary ninth rank strength.

Although the treasure that hides the ninth rank identity is rare, it can still be obtained by forces above a certain level.

In other words, the resistance army is likely to be just a stand-in who is pushed to the stage, white gloves doing dirty work for a certain force, and even more than one force behind it.

Anves closed his eyes and sank back into the sofa.

When the high-level battle strength of the family was attracted by the rebels, and other aspects fell into a state of emptiness, a large number of family power and industries were eroded by local forces.

Behind this, the little actions of the Glory Alliance are indispensable. I am afraid that the rebels also have their shadows behind them.

Also, the Legion’s Construct Legion is too strong.

With such a large number of high-level constructs, even the Itel Kingdom Federation, which has the most advanced constructive technology, is difficult to provide.

There is only one force that can provide it, the strategic cooperation force of the Kingdom Federation, the Place of Origin of all the construction technologies of Yar Continent: the continent Magic Council.

The last is the silhouette, the Holy Power master who has surpassed the limit of the ninth rank, the Holy Splendor Holy See really looks down on the Olivendi family…

The Glory Alliance, a large number of small and medium-sized nobles and wealthy businessmen in the empire Formed forces, representing the cutting-edge class of the Gloria Empire.

Continent Magic Council, Yar Continent’s Magic Holy Land, although the structure is very loose, its members cover 80% of the entire continent’s mages, and control the supreme miracle magic creation – Floating Void City.

Holy Splendor, the greatest Empire of Yar Continent, the actual controller of the Empire of Saint Messia, only one of the forces behind the legend that True God exists.

At this point, Anves has almost only one thought left in his mind –

No help! Wait to die! Farewell!

The goal of the Glory Alliance, Anves understands.

Four Great Families aloof and remote For thousands of years, occupying too many resources and territories, the imperial class is almost completely solidified.

As the emerging class, the middle and small nobles want to rise to the top, they must do everything possible to bring down the old nobles headed by the Four Great Families, and divide up the territories and resources they occupy.

The Church of Holy Splendor came to muddy the waters, and Anves could understand that.

Among the three Great Empire-level forces in the continent, the Saint Messia Empire was almost established by the Holy Splendor Church, and the Itel Kingdom Federation also did not prohibit the Holy Splendor Church from spreading its teachings.

Only the Gloria Empire, resenting Holy Splendor’s splitting of the ancient Magic Empire. The Gloria Great Emperor clearly declared at the founding of the state that all activities of the Church of Holy Splendor within the empire were prohibited.

Although over the millennia, as the situation in the empire has changed, the enforcement of this one has become less stringent.

But allowing the Church of Holy Splendor to build small churches in some remote areas is the limit of what the Empire can tolerate.

For this reason, there has been constant friction between the two countries.

If the Rebels support the Holy Splendor Church to preach openly in the territory. Then, the Holy See has the motivation to send the powerhouse to enter the market and disturb the situation of the empire.

But Anves couldn’t guess the goal of the Continent Magic Council alone.

In other words, there is still some key information that little Anves has yet to obtain in his previous life.

‘And finally, the position of the imperial family is also worth pondering. ‘

At the end of the analysis, Anves sighed, feeling a little tired.

After a complete analysis of the situation, he came to a conclusion:

Today’s empire does not actually need the existence of the Four Great Families.

When the Gloria Empire was first established, the ancestors of the Four Great Families faithfully assisted the Gloria Great Emperor, pacified the Quartet, resisted foreign enemies, and made great achievements.

In order to win people’s hearts, the Great Emperor named the patriarch of the Four Great Families as hereditary grand duke, and made a promise:

No matter how big the empire’s final territory is, every family of the Four Great Families will be You will get one-eighth of the empire’s provinces as hereditary territories!

The Four Great Families have full military, economic, judicial and social civil jurisdiction over the province, paying only a portion of the royal family’s taxes each year.

You must know that the territory directly controlled by the royal family is only about 2.2/8 of the entire empire, which shows the weight of this commitment!

But with the peaceful development for thousands of years, the local aristocrats headed by the Four Great Families have become more and more powerful.

Even when the will of the royal family goes down to the locality, it is usually not fully implemented.

The marriage of the Two Great Families a hundred years ago had a faint intention to check and balance the royal family, which made the relationship between the royal family and the noble group even more tense.

The family force was besieged by the rebel army, and the royal family did not help, Anves can understand.

What he didn’t understand was that even when the Four Great Families had almost fallen apart and had to form an alliance to keep warm, the royal family never came forward to clean up the mess.

You must know that the royal family and the local nobles are fighting fiercely, and they are still fighting within the nobles.

No matter how you fight, it is still a game of the upper classes of the empire, and the final meat is still rotten in the pot of the aristocratic class.

Rebels are different, they represent another class from beginning to end.

Perhaps at first, they could also be seen as a saber in the hands of the new nobles. But at the later stage, the forces behind them are already too many and too complicated.

It is not in the interests of the royal family to sit back and watch them completely eliminate the Four Great Families.

Unless the royal family has been caught up in something more important.

Anves irritably grabbed at his short golden hair, frowning tightly together.

Perhaps the little Anves in the previous life also noticed something. However, he is only a seventh rank after all.

If the family is compared to the giant beast of the deep sea that is tightly netted, then he can only be counted as an insignificant nottin at most. ①

And, for the time being, he can’t even tell anyone this information, especially the duke and the top of the family.

He couldn’t explain the source of the information, let alone let anyone check his sperm.

After venting for a while, Anves loosened his hair that had been turned into a bird’s nest, forced himself to change his mind, and began to analyze the advantages he had.

Continuing to ponder the power of the enemy, he fears that he will not be able to withstand the pressure and rearrange the material structure.

“Compared to previous life, my biggest advantage is that I have mastered the rebirth memories of both players and aborigines! Before I interfere too much with the situation, the process of history will still develop according to the original trajectory. .”

The Rainbow of the Supreme, Perfect Blood, the Secrets of the Lost Empire, the Mysterious Essence, the Infinite Tome of Heros…

These rare resources of Peak that have not yet been born are dusty Treasure, Epic Grade Magic Rare Item.

And those fledgling, well-known NPCs of various factions, the protagonists on the stage of the new era.

With the great advantage of foresight, they can all be my help!

①: Notting fish, the zero-order gregarious Water Attribute devil beast, often acts together with hundreds of thousands of fish, and the adult fish generally does not exceed the length of a palm.


(To explain briefly, for their respective goals, they rely on the Holy Splendor Holy See, the Continent Magic Council and other Yar Continent Peak forces, which are the strongest empires in the continent, to provide the rebels. Equipment and Peak powerhouse.

The rebels target all nobles in the continent, and the old nobles with the most power bear the brunt.

The new nobles represented by the small nobles and big businessmen in the empire target the old nobles.

The attitude of the royal family is unknown.

The old aristocracy represented by the Four Great Families is in a very awkward position. The new era does not need the old aristocracy, which is for the Four Great Families The so-called general trend.

As for the overall trend of the times, gu gu has not been written yet, and the construction development is only a small part of the external manifestation.)

Gu——→recommended ticket


To briefly explain, for their respective goals, they rely on the most powerful empire in the continent, the Holy Splendor Holy See, the Continent Magic Council and other Yar Continent Peak forces to provide equipment and Peak powerhouse for the rebels.

The rebels target all nobles in the continent, and the most powerful old nobles bear the brunt.

The new aristocracy represented by the small and medium nobles and big businessmen in the empire targets the old aristocracy.

The attitude of the royal family is unknown.

The old aristocracy represented by the Four Great Families is in a very awkward position. The new era does not need the old aristocracy. This is the so-called general trend for the Four Great Families.

As for the overall trend of the times, gu gu has not been written yet, and the construction development is only a small part of the external manifestation.

(End of this chapter)

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