Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 174


Chapter 174 Core of the Mineral Vein

Listening to the old explorer Baigson’s narration, Anves’ eyes gradually began to change.

If a gemstone cave of this size does exist on the island, then the nature of things has changed again.

It was specifically mentioned in the course of magic material science: in the center of large and above magic ore veins, the essence of the whole ore vein often condenses, and then a higher rank ore vein core is formed.

For example, the super magic crystal produced by the large magic crystal ore center, and the green glow crystal produced by the green mark iron ore center.

And the quality of the core of the ore must be one step higher than the ore vein as the foundation.

If the basic ore veins produce intermediate-grade minerals, then the core part of the ore can at least reach the level of high-grade materials.

As a kind of high-level magic gem, if there really exists Amis’s heart ore that is the size of an entire cave wall. Then in its core part, I am afraid it is enough to condense the gem crystal core of ninth rank!

ninth rank material —

That’s a treasure enough for the continent Peak forces to take seriously, and enough for Anves to reassess the value of the island’s gem mines.

The biggest difference between the ninth rank materials and the materials below ninth rank lies in the part of the high-level power contained in them, and the material structure that is enough to carry the power of the ninth rank rules.

Due to the rarity of ninth rank materials, some professionals who have become ninth rank soon cannot even obtain ninth rank equipment, and can only use Eighth Rank Peak equipment to make up the number.

On the other side, not knowing what Anves was thinking, the old explorer continued to tell his story.

“Those crystal spirits are not invincible. In fact, as long as they are prepared in advance, the elemental spirits that rely on instinctive actions are actually very easy to target, even if they have a sixth rank and a first rank higher than me. “

“Elemental spirits do not have five senses, and the only two ways to perceive the outside world are through the flow of magic and air. Because of this, as long as you find a way to completely solve these two points, you can make them feel good to you.” Turn a blind eye’.”

Said, Baigson opened his hands and made a tight gesture.

“After escaping back to town through the Transmission Scroll, I immediately started preparing gear for the elemental spirits, planning to go to that mysterious gem mine again.

But unfortunately, When I was fully prepared after half a month and went to explore the crack again, everything changed…”

Having said this, the old explorer Baigson couldn’t help but lightly sighed, his face sighed. Those folds that clump together like an air-dried orange peel.

“During this half a month, the dragon of the earth, slumbering in the depths of the ancient mountains, woke up once-

In the terrifying tumbling and roaring of the dragon of the earth Many connected cave fissures collapsed, and the terrain of the entire underground cave changed almost completely.”

“After returning there, I tried to dig where I remembered, but in the end I found nothing. .

All the familiar crevices, bifurcations, and iconic locations have changed in that movement.”

“For a long time, I I tried my best to find it. Even ignoring the curse of the island and the unknown dangers, I went deep into the ground for a long time, just to explore that wonderful cave of gems again.

Until my body could hardly resist the curse I regretfully returned from the ground and slowly waited for Rai’s gift to remove the curse from my body…”

“During this kind of non-stop exploration, I spent a lot of time and Energy.

After experiencing the Earth Dragon awakening again, I had to face the harsh reality that I had completely lost track of that gem cave.”

“Very For a long time, the cave of gems would appear in my dreams. I saw those gems reflect brilliant light, even piercing through the thick layers, shining on my eyelids.

But when When I opened my eyes, all the brilliance and dazzling disappeared again, and I was still facing the reality of the rocky stone house top and the dark room.”

Speaking of the last, the blue-gray-eyed old explorer’s There was already a deep sigh in his tone.

“If you want to look for it, stranger, I can tell you the only two clues left.”

“My deepest impression of it is that it is located in the extreme Deep underground. And, near the gem cave, there is a slow-flowing dark red underground lava river.”

“Of course, after the Earth Dragon has awakened several times, I dare not Guarantee, does that lava river still exist…”

“Mr. Baigson.”

After listening to the old explorer’s remarks, Anves spoke slowly, pointing out that in his words some information disclosed.

“According to what you just described, before you teleported back from that cave, you brought back a gem in the cave?”

“Yes, not only that , that gem is still in my hands.”

Old Explorer nodded.

“In honor of that beautiful gemstone cave, I’ve always kept it – not sold it to those weird traders who bought gems at high prices.”

“In that case, Could you lend it to me? I can try to use that gem as a medium to find the exact location of the cave.”

Anves laughed, making his request.

“Using it as a medium to find a cave?”

hearing this, the old explorer looked at Anves with his sharp blue-grey eyes.

“It’s useless, I have tried all the ways I can try, I have even used the legendary scroll of prophecy. But the result is nothing, the island’s The curse field covers everything.”

shook the head, Baigson turned and walked into the room, then came out again after a while, holding a phantom pure gem the size of a child’s head.

That’s the largest piece of Amis Heart ore Anves has seen so far. Not counting the statue, the largest piece that ‘Evan’ brought back was only slightly bigger than a fist.

“This is the gem I brought out of the hole. As long as you don’t take it away, you can try.”

Looking at the gem in Baigson’s hand, Anves nodded, carefully holding the gem and pumping slightly.

No twitching.

The old explorer’s grip was a little tight.

He looked up at Baigson with some doubts, and saw the smiling face of the old explorer.

“Outlander, have you forgotten something after talking for so long?”

Anves turned back speechlessly.

“Jom, give him the promised things first-“



It turns out , the old explorer was right.

Anves attempted some prophetic magic, but failed due to unknown interference.

Then, after getting a hand-drawn map of the parchment island from the old explorer, Anves and Chom said goodbye.

Watching the backs of the two leaving, Baigson propped up a soundproof Formation.

“So, have you really decided? Claire Jr.?”

“Yes, Baigson Uncle. Even if it’s dangerous, I’m going to find a way to remove the bad luck from me. Qualities.”

The brown-haired youth standing beside him spoke slowly, but his voice was Claire’s original, slightly ethereal voice.


gu gu gu


(End of this chapter )

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