Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 175


Chapter 175 Mysterious Ruins

“Also, the danger level of this expedition is actually beyond my tolerance. Inside.”

Seemingly worried about the old explorer Baigson, Claire thought about it and added another sentence.

Although her name is Baigson Uncle, in fact, there is no blood relationship between her and Baigson.

The girl’s relationship with the old explorer is entirely due to the ancient slate and her dream of an explorer.

The former owner of that slate was the father of Baigson, the seventh rank explorer who was shocking and stunning two hundred years ago [Bigson·Law·Hancock].

Yes, he has the same name as his son.

In those days, after deciphering the ancient text on the slate, Old Baigson used the same text to engrave his name and his next expedition target in the blank space at the bottom of the slate.

Then, he donated the slate to the Mysterious Library in Pamirs, and he used a blank fragment of the slate as a guide to go to the depths of the misty sea alone to find the nameless giant recorded on the slate. islands.

Hundreds of years have passed since then.

When Claire deciphered the slate script and learned about the existence of this island, she also saw the brief message from Old Baigson.

Different from old Baigson – since the time point recorded on the slate is still far away, he can only find a way to find it by himself.

Claire, on the other hand, can board the giant island by normal means on a black ship from the island.

Yes, the overwhelming majority ‘collection’ in the Mysterious Library can be borrowed. Because of the existence of magic, Academy is not worried that someone will borrow it and not pay it back.

After disguising her identity to land on the island, Claire first took the slate to try to find the traces left by old Baigson.

Before she came here, she had found the information and final whereabouts of old Baigson in the reference room of Pamir Academy.

Because he has deciphered the slate script like himself, and is also a seventh rank explorer senior with experienced and knowledgeable.

Claire hopes to find him, to exchange information about the island and understanding of the contents of the slate, as well as news about his own unusual doom.

However, in the end, she failed to find old Baigson, only one of his sons left on the island.

And, he inherited the identity of father and also became an explorer——



Begerson turned around and looked at the girl who looked at him with shining eyes.

Although she was disguised as a young man with brown hair at this time, in his eyes, the girl’s disguise was the same.

For a moment, a sigh and self-mockery flashed in his eyes.

The eyes of predecessors looking at future generations are always full of ridicule and sighs, just like seeing the once young self.

As long as he can remember, Baigson has only seen his mother, an ordinary Lavanles woman.

Despite having the same name and identity as the father, he has never actually met his father except for an old portrait.

In the beginning, his goal of becoming an explorer was actually just a child’s obsession to follow in the footsteps of his father and find his whereabouts.

For this reason, in these years as an explorer, he has traveled almost all over the island, going deep into the cursed mountains and wilderness again and again, exploring the dusty ancient ruins on the island, just to pursue traces left by the father.

In the tempering of explorations, he gradually became the strongest person on the island and was respected by others.

However, apart from some traces left by old Baigson, he has never been able to find his father, as if he had completely left the island.

Slowly, the former children gradually grow old, the passion of youth has gradually disappeared, and the long time has settled to the end, leaving only deep fatigue.

He is tired.

“Alright, I’ve already told you about the places you need to pay attention to on the island, but it’s all up to you as to how to explore.”

A moment, Baigson shook the head, shaking himself from the distant memory.

“Also, this is for you.”

Looking at the persevering Claire, the old explorer took out a small piece from the ring that was filled with ancient writing, the material was the same as the one in Claire’s hand. Most of the same slate.

“This is what my father left behind. Since you have deciphered the ancient text on the slate, you should be able to read the content on it as well.”

Hand over the slate To the girl, Baigsen waved his hand somewhat disinterestedly.

“Go on, Claire, and please never forget what got you on this path in the first place.”

“Thank you for your help, Uncle Baigson.”

Claire gave a salute to the old explorer thankfully.

While speaking, she suddenly thought of the grandfather, the mage who raised her, and the mentors and kind classmates in the Academy who took great care of her.

And the handsome boy with mysterious blue eyes who regards her as a companion.

Then, she glanced at the message on the small slate.

“This was a mistake! Latecomers, if you can see, stay away from Ravenles! Stay away from that town! Must get out of this island before the time comes!”



On the other side, it was almost evening when I said goodbye to the old explorer.

Anves is going to investigate the black tower first, and then wait for nightfall to study the specific changes in the curse of the island at night.

However, just as he was about to reach the black tower, Anves suddenly frowned and noticed a strange and empty field on the side of the town.

A ruin that seems to have been covered in dust for a long time, very dazzlingly located in the surrounding of many normal buildings.

The collapsed brick walls, the weathered and damaged stone pillars, the broken piles of rubble…

In the middle of the ruins, stands a slightly lonely house, although it is also half Destroyed, but its state of preservation is noticeably better than the rest of the ruins.

For some reason, Anves felt something was wrong with the house.

There is some strange attraction, beckoning to him from the ruins.

“Lord Chom, look at the house in the middle of the ruins, is there something wrong?”

Chom glanced at the direction pointed out by Anves, sure nodded.

“There is a small anomalous area, Lord Anves.”

“Are there any anomalous elements?”

hearing this, Anves couldn’t help but read it. Look at that house.

“I did not perceive the existence of anomalous elements there. It may be due to the size of this anomalous area and other reasons, which made it impossible to generate.

It may also be Once generated, but taken by others.”

Chom shook the head.

“Is there any danger?”

“No to us, Lord Anves.”

“Very good.”

Anves nodded, summoned a light ball of candlelight, and walked towards the half-destroyed house.

Through the gap between the broken columns and the rubble, his eyes were drawn to something unusually brightly colored on a wall that was still standing in the interior of the house.

Without change, Anves walks through a gap in the collapsed wall and into what would have been the ‘living room’ of the house.

Afterwards, he saw an unusually new, brand-new oil painting that seemed to have just been painted.

A cute and smiling boy and girl are holding hands and running on the orange sandy beach.

The warm yellow sunset shrouded the two of them, and the background was also coated with a layer of burning golden red.

Anves took a close look at the painting, which was out of tune with its surroundings, and he was now certain that it was the source of that vague attraction.

(End of this chapter)

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