Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 181


Chapter 181 Archives

Inside the wooden gate, a man dressed in a shiny full-coverage steel armor with a waist A tall guard with a long sword stood guard there.

On the surface, this guard appears to be of excellent quality.

If you ignore his strange stance leaning against the wooden load-bearing post in the doorway, his head tilted slightly.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, the guard suddenly woke up from his drowsiness, and quickly stood up straight, showing a devotion to his duty.

No matter where they are changed, as long as the power does not exceed a certain level, the style of these guards is always carved out of a mold.

Seeing the familiar guard style, Anves’ mouth twitched vaguely.

“What’s the matter?”

“Hello, where is the archives?”

hearing this, the guard looked at the two of them.

He is of average stature, his clothes are covered by a brown traveler’s cloak, and his appearance is indescribably ordinary.

…but it just feels so kind, so kind that it’s hard to bear to refuse any of his requests.

“The second layer corridor, counting from the entrance of the stairs, is the third room from the bottom. The room with the shape of an unfolded scroll printed in the center of the door is the room.”

“ Understood, thank you for your answer.”

Nodding, Anves took Chaum to the second floor, leaving behind the guards whose charms had not been lifted.

After successfully finding the archives mentioned by the guards, Anves pushed the door and entered, spreading his spirit strength, looking for the information he needed in the rows of tall stone archives.

Soon, the classification marks on several filing cabinets were determined.

Anves manipulated spirit strength, taking down several thick paper files, as well as an ancient slate.

The archives here are not all paper records, but use a mixture of paper archives, slate and enchanted crystal balls to record information.

“The Historical Origin of Lavanles Bay I”, “The Moon Calling Esoteric Mission Investigation Report”, “Records of the Geological Changes of the Lavanles Island”…

A piece of information, Anves finally has a complete concept of the island.

The earliest history of the city of Puerto Lavanles can be traced back to the time when the Yar Continent was still ruled by the ancient Magic Empire.

In the year 2826 of the magical calendar, a fleet encountered a rare super-large rainstorm.

After capsizing for a half, the remaining ships were all swept into the depths of the misty sea by wind and waves. Lost in the endless fog of death.

Perhaps by providence, or some more ominous will, their ships did not turn into ghost ships perpetually lingering in the fog of death.

But by mistake, we arrived at this ancient and desolate vast island.

Initially, the survivors were half insane due to the invisible curse field on the island, but the rest discovered Rai’s temple, and the constant emanating protective field from the temple.

So, the surviving people established settlements near the Temple of Rai and gradually explored the island’s environment. And officially settled in this cursed land, becoming the earliest inhabitants of Puerto Lavanles.

However, although they were the first inhabitants of Harbour City, they were not the first inhabitants of the island.

Among the primitive forests, wasteland and mountains where the island is shrouded in the terrifying Curse Power, there are many Ancient Ruins that predate Lavanles.

No one knows what identities the inhabitants of the obscure, terrifying Ancient Ruins who inhabited the island in the early days were.

But there are some obscure signs that the ancient inhabitants of the island may not have all disappeared-

After a brief look at the origin of Lavanles, Anves continues to check for intelligence on the Cult.

The people who call themselves the Moon Esoteric Order have long been wearing dark hoods and cloaks, acting weird and mysterious, and don’t know what they are doing.

There is other evidence that the traces of this secret sect group had already appeared on the island long before the merchant fleet crashed.

The pentagram-shaped silver medal depicting dark green is their most common symbol.

They worship ancient gods, most commonly a faceless female figure with pitch black tentacles.

On the night of the Purple Moon, they meet in secret in a ruin somewhere in the wilds of the island.



While Anves was immersed in his reading, another young man with short brown hair walked through the door.

Hearing the sound, Anves took a breath of energy and glanced at the door.

It’s Claire!

Is she also here to investigate some island information?

Slightly stunned, Anves didn’t make any move, just showed a trace of spirit strength and paid attention to her movements.

Under Anves’ secret gaze, the girl searched and took down several archives from the shelf where the island’s historical records were placed.

After reading the whole article, she put the files back in their original places, got up and left the file room.

As soon as the girl’s silhouette disappeared from the door, Anves immediately reached out his spirit strength and took out the files she had just read.

That’s a record of the island’s history.

During that time, the curse of the island suddenly changed, becoming extremely anxious and surging.

People are all staying in towns and don’t dare to go out.

However, after a few days, the curse returned to normal.

And that period of cursed change lasted for a total of seven days.

At the same time, many people saw that at the top of the island’s highest mountain range, the strange castle suddenly glowed.

It was a burning, faint, eerie, bleak phosphorescence.



After reviewing the information he needed, Anves also left the archives.

Nodded and said goodbye to the guard at the door with a smile. He left the administrative hall and prepared to search for the location of the residence of the two Moon-calling esotericists obtained from the investigation last night.

But just after walking out of the door of the executive hall, Anves saw that the young man Claire was disguised as was talking to a player girl who was also a half-elf.

The two seemed to have been talking for a while, and for a moment, Claire raised her hand, brushed a restorative magic on Xia Yeyinghuo, and handed her a small package.

Then, the player girl left on her own, not knowing what task she received.

Without disturbing them, Anves took the administrative hall as the starting point, identified the direction, and quickly led Chom to the edge of the town, a relatively dilapidated urban area.

In the process of hurrying, you can clearly see the changes in the environment.

Cracks and potholes have gradually emerged from the otherwise smooth gravel road.

The surrounding buildings are also composed of beautiful and strong stone structures, gradually becoming more and more dilapidated, and finally become almost a mixture of rotten planks and cracked windows. .

If it weren’t for the occasional thin smoke rising from the chimneys of some of the houses, Anves almost thinks the area would have been completely abandoned.

(End of this chapter)

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