Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 182


Chapter 182 Hidden Secret Notes

In front of a house as bad as any other building here, Anves stopped.

The coating that was originally used for waterproofing has peeled off, the doors are hung with rusted locks, the dilapidated walls are full of tiny cracks that leak air, and you can even see the dark interior.

On the wall next to the door, a wooden board was nailed with rusted iron nails, and someone with a dull knife carved a line of slightly crooked writing on it.

21 – Lex

“Lord Chom, I’m sorry.”

Confirming the location, Anves gently stepped aside and let Howling Knight Chaom went to investigate to detect whether there was a lurking danger in the room.

This was the residence of one of the pagans, who hid himself here, while the other lived next to him.

Jom calmly nodded, walked to the door, and the powerful Eighth Rank spirit strength burst out, like an invisible storm, sweeping the entire dilapidated house in an instant.

Different from the large-scale rough spirit strength detection on the first day, this time is a small-scale precise detection. Even if there are some highly hidden things, they will be revealed in this kind of detection.

In the perception of spirit strength, the indoor environment is ordinary, except for a weak magic reaction, there is no hidden high-energy magic source.

“There is a magical trap, but it poses no threat to us, Lord Anves.”

Withdrawing his spirit strength, Chaom turns to Anves.

“Okay, let’s go in then.”

Anves nodded


Hearing this, Jom squeezed the broken lock and opened the dilapidated building of a shack rather than a house, and entered the room before Anves.

A group of flames with a hint of black and green suddenly rose up, but before it could reach Chom’s body surface, it was powerless to extinguish.

No other changes took place, and Anves stepped into it as well.

As soon as I entered the door, a pungent, almost rotting stench mixed with the senses assaults the senses, which directly smoked Anves and turned on the air-cleaning force field.

Then, he briefly looked around.

The interior is rudimentary, with heavily moth-eaten wooden wardrobes, wooden beds with rodent bites, and old tables and chairs that don’t match up at all.

Everything and everything can only be described as broken.

Anves found out the spirit strength and roughly searched for the item here.

Unfortunately, nothing of value remains.

Leaving the house, Anves goes to the next one.

Different from the first house, there is an old desk with a drawer in the house of another pagan cultist that was picked up from somewhere.

After a little searching, a notebook-like thing caught Anves’ attention.

The notebook was hidden in a locked drawer on the desk, and a magic trap was also set on the lock of the drawer.

Of course, like the first trap, this is of no use to the Anves.

This notebook is bound by a kind of animal vellum, which is stained with the same evil alien power as the pendant, the content is incomplete, and the last part is burned by some unknown power.

After checking to see if there were any hidden harmful effects, Anves opened the cortex cover.

On the title page with slightly blackened and carbonized edges, a line of slightly frantic sentences came into view.

“When the truth comes back to this world, the primordial moon will bring us home—”

The handwriting is dark red, with a faint smell of rust, as if using some Written in blood.

Different from the title page, the entire text is written in ordinary ink. The content is very fragmented and records the daily records of this pagan cultist, and there are also large paragraphs of grammatically disordered prayers of unknown meaning. .

However, if you look carefully, you can still find some information that you can understand.

‘Another day, another day, no end, no rest, like a wheel that never stops turning. But this long wait is finally coming to an end…’

‘The day of the party is coming, still on the icy ruins of Messejika wasteland, for the third to last time, Or the second time? I can’t remember…but it doesn’t matter, the time is coming. ‘

‘The ragged body is no longer necessary, ahhhh, no longer necessary! ‘

‘The pain subsided, my soul was burning, reflected in the rising phosphorescence… I saw…’

Here, the note stopped abruptly, All that was left was a cloud of darkness.

Messergica wasteland? Time is coming?

Gazing at the blackened cover of the note, Anves silently closed it, recalling the topographical information of the island slightly.

Messejika wasteland, a deserted rocky wilderness at the foot of ancient mountains on the north side of the island.

There have been many awakenings of the Dragon of the Earth in history, but none of them have changed its terrain too much.

There, the concentration of the curse field is close to the highest ancient mountains, the environment is almost barren, but there are many ancient ruins left by the ancestors of the unknown islands.

As a mysterious organization with a sense of evil from beginning to end, the gathering place of the Moon-calling Secret Sect seems to make sense.

And the notebook itself can be used as a prophecy medium to help Anves find the specific site of the ruins.

There may be some difficulties in directly predicting where the pagans will gather.

But it should be fine to just predict where the person who owns this notebook has been.

Put away your notes, Anves doesn’t plan to stay here any longer.

The sun was already hanging high above the pale, foggy sky as I stepped out of the dilapidated shack.

Anves could perceive that in the similarly dilapidated houses around, there are many sneaky eyes hidden in the darkness of the room, with some kind of incomprehensible meaning, quietly watching the two people with unfamiliar faces.

In vain attempts to keep their secrets with tightly chained doors and leaking walls.

The residents of the slum area are always very xenophobic at all times.

As he was about to leave the slum area, Anves saw the familiar and sexy Night Butterfly who wanted to show him the special room service.

At this time, she was wearing a red tight skirt that was a little old, but still able to outline the attractive curves, and she was walking on high heels of the same color.

Two brown-haired men with dirty clothes and bare bronze’s strong arms walked beside her, making nasty laughs from time to time.

So, that’s probably how she knew where the pagans lived.

Looking at the silhouette of the three walking towards the depths of the slum, Anves shook the head and turned to leave.

With all the information gathered, it’s time to get a real taste of the island’s hospitality.

The remnants of the Moon-calling esoteric group’s meeting, the cave where the esoteric group worships, the mine of Amis’s Heart deep in the mountains, and the blessings of the Temple of Rai.

First of all, the seal in the cave required by “Old Days Secret Scripture” will be the priority to explore, and the origin of the two resources will be discussed later.

Besides, the missing Evan may have left traces in that cave.



gu gu

Thank you for your reward and monthly pass gu-

I still owe 6 more minutes

(end of this chapter)

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