Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 109

Chapter 110 too big

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In the final experimental stage, Wu Chenyuan and his elite team burst out long-lost enthusiasm, translated a large number of foreign materials and quotations, and fought hard with Zelecom.

At one time, Frankie adopted various partial methods, including bribing members of the negotiating team, and borrowing high-level cadres from the Ministry of Health to put pressure on them, but Wu Chenyuan turned them back.

Yang Rui, who was sitting on the sidelines, couldn’t help but admire him at this time. Thinking about it carefully, the pressure Wu Chenyuan and others have withstood is really not small. Some of them come from the upper echelons, some are from colleagues, some are from negotiating opponents, and some are from partners like him. Change a group of people, it’s really true. This step may not be possible.

Not every negotiation team can bear Yang Rui’s pressing step by step. Can’t help it, it’s unavoidable that there is a possibility of one shot and two falling apart.

Calculated like this, it was Wu Chenyuan’s team’s strength that contributed to the final negotiation of the negotiation and safeguarded Yang Rui’s interests. Otherwise, it would be difficult to predict the outcome of direct negotiations between Yang Rui and Zelecom.

On the other hand, in addition to the official addiction of the commotion, Wu Chenyuan didn’t actually gain much. To be precise, Wu Chenyuan is not negotiating for personal gain, but is really fulfilling his responsibilities.

It is not easy for officials to do this.

In contrast, the disadvantages of the businessmen of Frankie and others were exposed in the following negotiations. Although their negotiating team had a large number of people, not many people were able to participate in the negotiations all the time, and there were fewer people who could maintain their energy for a long time. Not to mention the professional level of translation, the perseverance at the negotiating table is far from comparable to that of the Chinese.

To put it simply, when they sell ethics, they are not as cheap as the Chinese. When they want to build a memorial archway, they are not as high as the Chinese.

A week later.

Negotiations on the agreement gradually became clear.

The members of Frankie’s delegation also invited Yang Rui to do reproducible experiments. This time, they sent more equipment and directly set up the organ biochemical workshop of the Xibao Meat Union Factory.

The Xibao Meat Union Factory is also facing the enemy, and a whole 3 tons of dried pig heart is prepared.

If the factory recurrence experiment can be successful, the contract will be finalized.

In order to prepare for this factory experiment, Zelecom purchased equipment worth 200,000 US dollars in advance and sent it directly to Xibao Town from Tianjin Port.

If the negotiation fails, the equipment will naturally be sent back. However, investing in advance is also an attitude. The experiment of reproducing the factory is not so much an inspection as a confirmation.

For this reason, Zeleca’s British headquarters transferred the chief technology officer of their trip from Tian*jin to Westborough. This former professor of Sheffield University named Trapp, like many biological researchers, Be at the top of the academic circle, and then choose a company with a higher income.

Many professors who do basic research will encounter severe economic crises in their middle age. Their annual income is often the same as that of blue-collar workers who are 10 years younger. In order to get rid of the economic crisis, they are more to solve the increasingly serious family economic problems. Many biology professors who have the opportunity to change careers will choose to join a pharmaceutical company.

In terms of net income, the salary of senior technical officials of pharmaceutical companies is more than 5 times the salary of the school, and it is not uncommon to get ten times the salary.

However, entering a pharmaceutical company usually means not continuing basic research. For professors who have done similar projects for half their lives, this is not necessarily a happy decision.

Before the 1980s, most European and American researchers lived in peace and prosperity, just like Chinese researchers. However, the United States and Europe in the Reagan era gradually became utilitarian and monetized. The principle of social evaluation of successful people has also become whether they can make money, rather than social contribution.

It can be said that the vulgarization of social values ​​that has occurred in China since the 1980s is not unique to China, but global.

In the 1960s or 1970s, if there was an international biological research conference, the old friends in the meeting would talk about their own experiments and theories. They didn’t talk much about laboratory conditions and income and salary. But in the 1980s, the situation was reversed. Old friends always When talking about laboratory conditions and salaries, they seem to prove success better than experiments and theories. In other words, the importance of laboratory conditions and salaries is slowly surpassing the value of pure theory.

Trapp’s chief technology officer still maintained the rigor as a professor. After seeing Yang Rui’s experimental preparation and experimental design, and checking the equipment he installed, he exited the organ biochemical workshop and let Yang Rui and his experimental assistants operate by themselves. .

Nearly a hundred pages of translated documents do not look easy, and Trapp can be considered conscientious.

And it was Yang Rui himself who was more interested in him. A middle school student who can write academic articles cannot be said to be rare in the world. There are many precocious teenagers in every country. However, it is obviously very rare for a teenager who can help engineers install advanced equipment after reading the manual. . Because this is more a matter of experience.

As a result, Trapp asked many questions and got relatively satisfied, but not really satisfied answers.

I want to come, and only at this time, Trapp can regain the happiness of the professor.

He Haichuan and Ning Min of the Xibao Meat Union Factory also entered the organ biochemical workshop to help Yang Rui operate a large number of large-scale equipment. Of course, it is a large-scale device with a capacity of tens of liters at most. Biopharmaceutical companies in the 1980s generally did not have high processing capacity.

They listened to the dialogue between Yang Rui and Trapp, and they basically felt like they were listening to the scriptures. It was the same with the help of a translator. When the experiment began, the two still did not understand the entire cycle of operation. They could only be like He Cheng and Yao Chi. Do some partial work.

The production line of Coenzyme Q10 designed by Yang Rui requires 10 workers, and now he has 5 of them. Although only half of the total, it is barely enough.

This kind of operating efficiency is also what the British value, they are impatient to manage a large number of workers, and the combination of ten workers and one full-time cadre is very much in line with their expectations.

The Xibao Meat Union Factory is relatively indifferent. From the bottom of their hearts, they actually hope to increase the number of workers, so they have more establishments. But on the other hand, they are responsible for the training and management of workers in pharmaceutical factories. The more workers there are, the more pressure.

The original organ biochemical workshop of the Xibao Meat Union Factory was an organization of more than 20 people in a team, and now 10 people are allocated, but they don’t have to spend anything.

In this way, the Xibao Roulian Factory obtained the shares of the pharmaceutical factory in vain, and the management was quite happy.

As for the land and factory buildings, for a deputy department-level factory, it means nothing. In the huge town of Xibao, there are no factories of this size. Now the land is allocated. Except for bricks and tiles, there are as many factories as they want.

It is a brand-new bio-pharmaceutical factory, which is quite new to the Xibao Meat Union Factory, and there are also many people who surround the original bio-pharmaceutical workshop and visit with big eyes.

Two days later, the 3 tons of dried pig heart was completely consumed.

Nearly 1 kg of Coenzyme Q10 is also presented in front of everyone as large-sized crystals.

“Is it weighed?” Frankie asked, rubbing his hands.

“980 grams, which is close to one kilogram.” Yang Rui took off the mask and took off the protective clothing with the help of his assistant.

Franky thought silently, nodded repeatedly, and said, “The yield is really high, Mr. Trapp, Professor Trapp?”

Trapp lowered his head to look at the crystal, as if he hadn’t heard anything from Frankie at all.

Frankie had to pat him lightly.

Trapp took a breath of “Ah” and brushed his shoulders with his hands, but turned his head to Yang Rui and asked, “Are you sure this is Coenzyme Q10?”

“High-purity crystals, very sure.” Yang Rui looked at Trapp in confusion.

Trapp said “Oh” and slowly put on his gloves, then used tweezers to pick up a pellet of Coenzyme Q10, put it under a magnifying glass with a big face, and watch it over and over again.

Yang Rui looked down at the tray. The crystal particles of Coenzyme Q10 were relatively uniform, about the same size as a diamond of twenty to thirty cents. The overall appearance was orange-yellow with a slight luster.

“Should be okay?” Yang Rui was quite puzzled by Trapp’s actions.

The latter did not have time to explain, while observing the crystals while drawing pictures on the paper, after finishing these, the fine particles were dissolved on the spot, and the content of coenzyme Q10 was measured with an ultraviolet spectrophotometer.

Everyone had to wait patiently, after all, Trapp was the most authoritative guy right now.

With the help of the new instrument, the final result appeared quickly.

The concentration of Coenzyme Q10 was actually higher than expected before the experiment.

Seeing this answer, Wu Chenyuan was the first to feel confident, and instead of Yang Ruiyi, he asked sternly: “Mr. Trapp, our coenzyme Q10, there is no problem, right.”

“No, no, just…” With the help of a translator, Trapp thought for a long time and said, “It… is too big!”

“Too big?” Wu Chenyuan didn’t understand at all.

Trapp looked at the tray on the table with two eyes, and said: “I have never seen, never, seen, such a long Q10 crystal…too…unbelievable. Is this the new craft? It’s so worth it, it’s worth it.”

Frankie was happy and depressed again: you say so, what else shall we talk about next.

Wu Chenyuan waited for the interpreter to say it again and asked again, only to find out what Trapp was talking about. He glanced at Yang Rui inexplicably surprised and asked without losing the opportunity: “Mr. Trapp, please explain in detail, what is in this crystal Is it special?”

“Under the current process conditions, the coenzyme Q10 crystals we made should be closer to powder Generally speaking, it is a yellow compact powder, and it will not have such a beautiful luster. Oh, this The luster of the crystal is really wonderful, like a gem…” Trapp said endlessly, holding a crystal of Coenzyme Q10 in the tweezers, looking at it over and over.

After listening to his explanation, Yang Rui realized that although he had only adopted advanced technology for a few years, this kind of comprehensive technological transcendence improved not only the productivity, but also the quality, but also all aspects.

The biotechnology of this era is really developing too fast.

“When I have my own company in the future, it is estimated that it will take the technology of the late 1980s to have an overwhelming technological advantage.” Yang Rui thought so, and felt a little proud. With the technology he has mastered, if he is more powerful, I’m afraid it will scare Trapp to death.

Only people in the industry know that advanced technology is rare.

Yang Rui thought of this and said: “I have done some processing to give the crystal nuclei time to grow. After the contract is signed, you should be able to see the relevant technical instructions.”

In a word, Trapp focused his attention on Frankie.

“Mr. Frankie, let’s go on talking.” Wu Chenyuan stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

Frankie looked at Yang Rui with a wry smile, and gave a thumbs up.

Trapp didn’t care about them. When the negotiating team left, he simply moved a stool and sat in front of the tray, holding the crystals of Coenzyme Q10 one by one, and arranged them in order from largest to smallest.

A full 1 kilogram of Coenzyme Q10 is enough to prove the tedious work of this task, but Trapp is always happy. Every time a larger crystal is found, it is like finding a big gem, and it is carefully observed under a magnifying glass.

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