Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 1504

Chapter 1437 Machine time

It is difficult to enucleate a cell.

It was difficult in the 1950s, it was also difficult in the 1980s, and it is still difficult after the 21st century.

It can be said that any person, whether it is a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree or a doctor’s degree, can easily find a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan in any full-time university as long as he can master the method of cell enucleation. jobs!

For example, Comrade Wang Liangcai, if he goes abroad now, he can easily find a teaching position with an annual salary of 40,000 yuan.

If you make an analogy, the work of removing nuclei and reinjecting cells is like doing heart surgery in a hospital. Is there a more difficult operation than heart surgery? Of course there is.

However, in terms of universality and popularity, heart surgery is more attractive.

Wang Liangcai is the chief surgeon of cardiology in experimental biology.

His success rate is not high, but there are not many people in the country who can manipulate the position of cells a little bit under the microscope, and then carefully **** out the nucleus.

Wang Liangcai spent a few days in the laboratory, and everyone expressed their admiration.

The laboratory, like the factory, is the place where the ability can be best demonstrated.

Because what everyone does is real objects, and the workplace is in the same place. Whether the things you make are good or not, you don’t need to show off at all, you can see it with your eyes.

In fact, people who can see it have to help with publicity in order to show their vision.

Therefore, a good strongman in a laboratory is like a good eighth-level 7-level worker in a factory. It is easy to be spotted and then easily touted.

In addition, Wang Liangcai was older and humble. It didn’t take long for even scientific research dogs to ask him for advice.

“Professor Wang, can you help me see this?”

“Professor Wang, there are always white spots in the images I scanned electronically. Can you help me see it?”

“Professor Wang, I recently had an idea, it’s like this…”

“Professor Wang” heard the sound, but Gu Qiang was extremely uncomfortable.

Once upon a time, these questions were all from the powerful people of Tagu… At least, part of the questions came from the powerful people of Tagu.

Although I thought it was troublesome at the time, it was my own dog no matter how annoying it was. What is going on to add someone else’s thigh now?

“Professor, I want to apply for more time.” Gu Qiang couldn’t help but bypassed the large work area and asked Yang Rui to ask for a policy.

Yang Rui looked down at the expression of the paper forever, only raised his eyelids, and asked, “Your machine time is not enough? Which one?”

“Inverted phase contrast microscope, in addition, pulse meter, I also want more time.” Gu Qiang quickly replied.

“Oh. How much.” Yang Rui nodded the table with his hand and put down the paper.

It is normal that the machine time is not enough. It is impossible for any laboratory to supply an unlimited amount of instruments, and even a public laboratory rarely buys high-priced instruments repeatedly.

In this case, sharing the machine is the best solution.

Of course, if Yang Rui was doing the project himself, the timing would definitely be close to him. However, Gu Qiang would not have such good conditions for his experiments.

He has to be like other researchers, apply for the machine, and then conduct the experiment within the prescribed time. If it cannot be completed by the expiration date, and the occupation cannot be overdue, it must be discussed with a later researcher.

Or, as it is now, request more time.

Gu Qiang glanced at Wang Liangcai and said: “Four hours of microscope, 2 hours of pulse meter.”

There was only an inverted phase contrast microscope in the laboratory. Yang Rui didn’t even need to look at it. He said, “Four hours are gone. If you work during the day, I will give you two hours at most.”

“That’s not enough.” Of course, Gu Qiang knew that there was no such a long time. The inverted phase-contrast microscope is currently a high-end product. If you use it to scan a paper, it is like getting an SCI in half a month, although it is wasteful to do so.

However, in the genetic engineering laboratory, the use rate of inverted phase contrast microscopes was originally high. In addition, Wang Liangcai and others, who were actively working, wanted to spare 4 hours, but there was basically no solution.

Yang Rui shrugged and said, “You can do like Wang Liangcai, stay later at night, or come early.”

No matter how expensive microscopes are, they cannot be compared with supercomputers and the like. In addition, genetic engineering laboratories have not yet expanded to the level of faculties and departments, and there will be no scheduled time in the early morning. If Wang Liang rushed over early, it was tantamount to grabbing an extra opportunity.

Gu Qiang deliberately wanted to compete with Wang Liangcai. He shook his head without hesitation, and said, “I want to do a set of coherent experiments. I want to connect the hours of the day. If you give me a few hours, it will take me a week. ”

“Is there an experimental idea?” Yang Rui looked at Gu Qiang in surprise.

Gu Qiang bit his scalp and said, “I have it, it’s almost impossible to verify it.”

“Is it enough to add 4 hours?” Yang Rui still trusts Gu Qiang’s experimental ability.

Gu Qiang continued to insist on saying yes.

Yang Rui hesitated for a moment, and said, “In this case, you are tantamount to occupying other people’s time. You wait for me to ask.”

Gu Qiang couldn’t help feeling a little helpless. He had to discuss with other people, and most importantly, with Wang Liangcai. Such a result was not what he wanted.

Yang Rui didn’t call Wang Liangcai over to inquire, but went directly to Wang Liangcai’s test bench and watched his operation.

Wang Liangcai is doing the core display operation.

This is the first step in denucleation. You have to show the nucleus of the cell before it can be sucked out.

If the denucleation experiment is likened to a happy amusement park, the nucleus display is the step of buying tickets and queuing up. It’s boring to death, just keep playing with the cells with probes so that they can be properly fixed with a fixed needle. Make the fun part.

Sadly, the de-nucleation experiment is not a happy entertainment venue. It itself is boring to death. It is so boring to imagine the part that shows the nucleus.

However, Wang Liangcai was meticulous, and what Yang Rui saw was meticulous.

With him nearby, no one else came.

The two people did one by one and watched them for nearly an hour.

Yang Rui watched the display core from front to back, and couldn’t help feeling a little bit emotional.

In 20 to 30 years, there will be no essential changes in the denuclearization process. At that time, how many people can do as well as Wang Liangcai?

Every school’s biology department basically enrolls one or two classes of genetics students every year, and the accumulation is accumulated year after year. After 30 years, every school will have at least one experiment that has done cell denucleation. Researcher?

That is naturally impossible.

Just like most hospitals, there are no cardiologists who can tell.

They may have one or two good doctors who can get their hands on them, so they can form one or two decent departments, just like most schools have one or two good doctors.

But that’s it.

As for Wang Liangcai’s operation, it is far beyond what he can handle.

Relying on the level of experimental biology, how good are the people who have been selected for the academician selection? If you tie a white-faced sheep to tickle him, he can make the sheep laugh forever.

“All are standard operations.” This is the reason for Yang Rui’s emotion.

Standard operation sounds like everyone knows it, but when asked, how many people can really do it all.

Just like an athlete on a basketball court, can professional players perform standard operations?

If this is the case, are the species with a free throw percentage of less than 50% grown on the tree?

Compared to Gu Qiang and other players who rely on talent, the standard operation step-by-step practice not only requires more resources, but also means more effort.

Sometimes, you can make good experimental results without using standard methods, and you can change all your operating habits. That’s how cruel to yourself.

Wang Liangcai didn’t notice the appreciation attached to Yang Rui’s semantics, and said with a smile: “It’s like doing too much. We used to go to the laboratory to peel eggs when we had nothing to do in school. If the test bench is not enough, we will prepare for the experiment. Are all familiar.”

“Look at your experimental record, the success rate has reached 30%?” Like a notebook beside the hospital bed, there is also a notebook beside the test bench to record simple data.

Of course, those who can record such details must be high-end laboratories such as genetic engineering laboratories. Ordinary laboratories are like going to a city or county hospital. A dirty notebook is good. Up.

Wang Liangcai is neither proud of the 30% success rate nor discouraged, and calmly said: “Yes, I want to achieve a success rate of about 50%, and then continue to the next step.”

Nucleation, denucleation, and injection are three major steps, and they must be completed in one go.

According to previous experience, these three steps can have a success rate of a few percent, which is not bad.

However, the success rate is calculated by multiplication. If Wang Liangcai’s success rate for each step is 30%, then after three steps, only 2.7% is left, which can reach the pass line.

Considering that the more difficult it will be in the future If we can strive for a high success rate, we still have to strive for more.

Yang Rui nodded and said, “Good job. I heard that you often come to the laboratory in the early morning?”

“Yes…” Wang Liangcai’s answer was not very firm.

Arriving early is not necessarily a good thing. The discipline of the laboratory is strange. As a seconded person, he is always a little confused.

Besides, can anyone who strikes at the gym at four o’clock in the morning be appreciated? What if it affects the lingering relationship between coaches and managers?

“I want to adjust the timing. If you are willing to come to the laboratory earlier, how about I leave you the morning time?” Yang Rui’s answer was somewhat unexpected to Wang Liangcai.

“can you give me?”

“Well, just press your previous timing, or do you want more?”

“Can you ask for more?”

“I’ll give you up to one o’clock noon, okay?”

“Yes.” Wang Liang was so happy.

The morning time is undoubtedly the best time for experimentation. Not to mention being quiet, all the instruments are in the best condition, because at the end of one day’s experiment, all instruments that can be reset must be reset. The next day there is less time for adjustment, which saves time and Comfortable.

A few days ago, Wang Liang came to the laboratory early in the morning. At ** o’clock in the morning, he had to vacate his time-allocated microscopes such as inverted phase contrast microscopes. If an experiment was not completed, he had to give it to the researcher who came in the morning. say good things.

Now that the machine is connected, it is much more convenient for him.

Gu Qiang was completely helpless when he listened next to him. He knew that Yang Rui’s time adjustment was also to make room for him, but… because Mao didn’t give me morning time?

“It seems that the time has come to prove yourself with strength.” Gu Qiang silently clenched his fist.

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