Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 1505

Chapter 1438 Fantasy shines into reality

Wang Liangcai still came very early, in fact, he came earlier than before.

The main time was adjusted to morning, so that Wang Liang didn’t have to worry about organizing time and making room, and could concentrate on completing the experiment. The most important thing is that what he can do in the early morning is more than experimental preparation and preliminary experiments, and there is no problem with formal experiments.

In order to make the most of this part of the time, Wang Liangcai went to sleep after watching only one episode of Dream of the Red Chamber after dinner. In the face of the only entertainment, he was still cruel, because this project was so important.

Wang Liangcai was very fortunate that he was selected for this national project.

How important is the sheep clone project?

For genetics scholars, this is basically the No. 1 project of Tianzi.

If the cloning technology matures, all breeding and breeding will be a thing of the past. Living in a tent, the history of forcing cattle, sheep and horses to mate will be gone, just like a blacksmith does to a steam engine. They will still have jobs, but more of it is just unimportant leftover work, or for saving money, or for art, anyway, it is meaningless behavior.

However, no matter how important cloning is, Wang Liangcai will clone another 80 pairs of bear-hearted leopards, and he dare not start the project himself.

Nothing else, an inverted phase-contrast microscope, Wang Liangcai’s laboratory can’t afford it.

Not to mention, such a project will definitely compete with foreign counterparts.

Even if you don’t say what you are doing, foreign genetic sciences are approaching this goal step by step.

As long as you think about the world’s top genetic engineering laboratories, Wang Liang will feel the pressure doubled during the period of his involvement.

That is, in the Yang Rui genetic engineering laboratory, Wang Liangcai’s mood can be calmer, and he can do experiments with peace of mind, without having to think about so many miscellaneous things.

For Wang Liangcai, this was the state he longed for for a long time.

In contrast, watching one episode of A Dream of Red Mansions every day, going to bed a few hours early, and getting up a few hours earlier, is nothing.

Before anyone took the college entrance examination, he didn’t do it like this.

What a teenager can do with courage and perseverance, can’t it be done by a middle-aged person?

That’s the more you live, the more you go back.

Under the leadership of Wang Liangcai, many researchers in the laboratory came earlier than usual. The most obvious is Su Fan.

Now, Su Fan is an old man in the ion channel laboratory.

He was the first batch to dig into the ion channel laboratory when Yang Rui was digging the calf, and later opened his own research group to do research on cloning.

It should be said that his research group still produced very good results. When doing embryo transfer of cattle in the genetic engineering laboratory of Haidian District, it gave considerable help.

After that, Su Fan joined the G protein-coupled receptor project and undertook a lot of work.

Regardless of the evaluation criteria of any period, Su Fan can be regarded as a small accomplished scientific researcher.

However, the most feared thing is comparison.

Su Xiankai, who joined the ion channel laboratory at the same time as Su Fan, started with a dog and independently started the G-protein coupled receptor project. Su Fan joined in later, not even for Su Xiankai as a deputy, but in Fan Zhenlong and Gu Qiang. After that, there are three hands and four hands.

Others may be able to bear it, but Su Fan can’t bear it at all.

Su Fan, who graduated from Beiyan Agricultural College, has always been sensitive to differential treatment. Maybe it was because of more discrimination. So, from a long time ago, Su Fan was very concerned about others’ perspectives and arrangements.

Discrimination against academic qualifications in academia is the most serious form of discrimination, and to break its barriers, one must separate academic qualifications and abilities.

Emphasizing one’s own abilities to prove that academic qualifications are only the result of playfulness when they are young and ignorant. It is a common method when discriminated by academic qualifications.

The same is true for Su Fan.

It wasn’t until the previous unit tore through the fig leaf of the ability to determine the title that Su Fan moved to the ion channel laboratory.

In the ion channel laboratory, Su Fan had a comfortable life for a while, but psychologically, his pressure did not alleviate.

The prefix of the ion channel laboratory is Peking University. Therefore, Su Fan sees most of the researchers in the laboratory of Peking University. Yang Rui and Xu Zhengping did not say that the later Jiao Yangping, Wang Sisheng and others belonged to Tsinghua, and then Professor Man Hai, Professor Feng Junming and Professor Tao Xuelin also came from Peking University, which greatly touched Su Fan.

The work a while ago was too stressful, so Su Fan didn’t have time to think about it all carefully.

After being dispatched to the genetic engineering laboratory, Su Fan’s comparative heart could not be suppressed.

Especially compared with Gu Qiang, Su Fan disagrees even more with the latter.

Gu Qiang didn’t graduate from a prestigious school, so why did he bring a research group?

Although Gu Qiang has completed many experiments in succession, Su Fan still wants to compete with it.

Of course, literate people can’t directly challenge, it would be too ugly. Su Fan decided to learn from Wang Liangcai, go ahead and work out the subject of cell denucleation.

Said it was learning, but it was actually helping Wang Liangcai.

If this is not the case, Su Fan is not confident that he can complete the work of cell denucleation.

Unlike Wang Liangcai’s long-term training, Su Fan himself has not received the practice of “stripping eggs”. Beiyan Agricultural College does not teach this, and after taking a job, he can’t find anyone to learn. Therefore, to conduct the experiment independently is completely self-explanatory.

Su Fan held the mentality of stealing the teacher, but also held the attitude of helping, and began to lay hands on Wang Liangcai. He wants to learn for a while, and then consider whether to restart the stove or open a new path.

However, Wang Liangcai’s technology clearly exceeded Su Fan’s expectations.

Everyone is peeling eggs, Gu Qiang’s ability to peel eggs is basically enough, nothing more than peeling off.

Wang Liangcai’s standard technique has been practiced over many years, and there are so many places to learn.

After running with Wang Liangcai for a few mornings, Su Fan woke up earlier and earlier.

The interaction between the two fell into Gu Qiang’s eyes, not surprisingly.

To say that you are not in a hurry, it is a bit false. Members of the same research group are equally competitive. At the very least, if future papers are published, everyone will have to fight for a good result.

However, it’s useless to be anxious. Tong Dizhou’s apprentices and grandchildren were all egg-scrapers. Gu Qiang, who was born in Shanda, had a strong experimental ability, but in terms of egg-scraping alone, there was really no advantage.

Days passed, watching Wang Liangcai and Su Fan cooperate more and more tacitly, the two also went from the nuclear test to the denuclear test, and Gu Qiang could no longer sit still.

“Director Yang, I want to change an experimental thinking.” Gu Qiang’s research group can only conduct experiments within the prescribed scope, and Yang Rui must agree to change the thinking.

Yang Rui knows the atmosphere of the laboratory in recent days, but he is so happy. Those who do scientific research do it three hours a day, eight hours a day, and eighteen hours a day. Whether there is competition is very different.

The healthy competition in the laboratory couldn’t be better, Yang Rui asked without surprise: “How do you want to change?”

“I want to do a one-stop experiment, but I don’t want to do it step by step.” Gu Qiang also resorted to a killer trick.

The procedure of cloning is actually quite simple. The core part is to remove the nucleus of one sheep’s egg cell, stuff it into the new egg cell, and then stuff it into another sheep. The lamb that is born is cloned. Sheep.

Although there are many steps before and after, such as superovulation, such as taking care of pregnant sheep, etc., any step is indispensable. However, there are not many core steps.

Doing it step by step is not only practice, but a way to find a higher success rate.

Like the last step, you have to let the ewe give birth to a healthy lamb. If you can’t find ways to increase the success rate, the previous steps are not all wasted.

When the Scots made cloned sheep, they failed three times in the last step. Each time it was a few months old. You can experience this hard thinking about it.

However, the formal method is not particularly suitable for Gu Qiang.

He is not an experimental biologist with a good theoretical level, but more like a technician in a foreign laboratory. Although the latter also plays theory, they are all toy operations. The difference between the two is like the difference between an automobile engineer and a car repairer.

A good car repairer is sometimes better than an automotive engineer to make a modified car. However, if you want to develop new technologies step by step and improve the technical indicators of each part of the car, you still have to do it by an automotive engineer.

Gu Qiang also knows his shortcomings. After doing it for a while, it is difficult for him to improve the accuracy rate in a single link. It is not a problem of experimental methods, but a problem of small ideas for small experiments.

Therefore, Gu Qiang simply proposed a one-stop operation.

Yang Rui couldn’t help being silent. He also knew Gu Qiang’s faults. However, the reason why it is a formal method to do it step by step is because the overall success rate is higher when it is done step by step, and it costs less resources than one-stop. , Get more results, higher repeatability, and more importantly, save time.

A sheep has to be pregnant for a few months. If you go through it all the way, one failure is equivalent to a year’s worth of time, and how many failures are there.

However, considering Gu Qiang’s strong fortune, Yang Rui hesitated.

If it is true that according to the formal academic judgment standards, Gu Qiang’s level is simply not as good as Wang Liangcai’s.

Although in terms of experimental ability, Gu Qiang is also top-notch in China, Wang Liangcai is top in the Chinese Academy of Sciences. As far as the domestic scale is concerned, he has better technology and is older than him. He is younger than him and has both theoretical level and experience. Far from…

It can only be said that Gu Qiang shot himself in the foot by shooting up a rock. He called Wang Liangcai’s name as soon as he spoke. He did not expect that his skills would fully cover him.

Except for “forced luck”.

Thinking of the word again, Yang Rui couldn’t help but look up at Gu Qiang, who grinned with an awkward but polite smile.

“If you change from one dragon to another, everything will change. Have you made any preparations?” Yang Rui was still relieved because of the breakthrough progress made by Gu Qiang in several scientific researches.

Gu Qiang hurriedly said, “I have written the report.”

“Where?” Yang Rui glared at him, asking what was going on if something didn’t come up.

Gu Qiang hurriedly went back and took it, then handed it to Yang Rui, and said with a dry smile: “I didn’t expect you to agree.”

“Meaning I shouldn’t agree?”

“It’s not…” Gu Qiang smirked again. He originally thought that Yang Rui would have to bargain, such as breaking a dragon into two dragons, so as to reduce costs and risks, but he didn’t even think that Yang Rui didn’t have to bargain.

“The expected expenditure is 6 million yuan, plus 300,000 US dollars?” Yang Rui smiled when he saw the final figures of the report.

This is also in his laboratory, and out of Yang Rui’s laboratory, there are only a handful of laboratories in the country that can provide this funding.

Of course, Yang Rui’s laboratory itself is one of the few high-end laboratories in China, but this amount of funding is still very exaggerated.

Before Yang Rui did a large project, the total funding was fluctuating around this figure.

It can be said that in China, the funding of 10 million yuan is the ceiling. The amount that can reach this number is not about how the results or prestige can be obtained. You can achieve great results, and at the same time have great prestige, trust, and a good resume. , You have to find the right project to be eligible to compete for such funding value.

Gu Qiang’s distance to such a qualification is still far to the horizon.

With a wave of his hand, Yang Rui removed the 0 behind 6 million and 300,000, and said: “600,000 plus 30,000 US dollars, there is almost 1 million of funds, it must be enough to buy consumables.”

“I still want to buy some instruments…”

“I’ll talk about it after making something.” It is impossible for Yang Rui to grant more funds to Gu Qiang alone.

If you want to say, 1 million is too much.

He is only leading a research group, not a project group, and all the honors go to the master, so he cannot decide on the major expenses such as purchasing instruments.

However, if Gu Qiang could compete with Wang Liangcai this time and make things in one go, it would be different.

Opening a project team in the laboratory is actually a very good thing for Yang Rui.

Scholars can’t be emperors. At best, they can become Beiyang warlords. There are factions within the clan, which is not only normal, but also healthy. Instead, those who wanted to engage in dictatorship were eventually ruined.

Gu Qiang didn’t think about Yang Ruiyuan. He was not satisfied with the funding of 600,000 + 30,000 U.S. dollars. He gritted his teeth and said, “Look at it. My progress must come from behind.”

“Is this behind?”

“No…I’m not backward.” Gu Qiang quickly defended: “My current display core success rate is almost 50%, and the success rate of denuclearization is not low. I just feel that I have done it step by step. It’s so boring…”

His voice became smaller and smaller, because his success rate was lower than Wang Liangcai’s, and it was impossible to argue about numbers.

“Director Yang, shall I go back first?” Gu Qiang felt a little guilty when he saw Yang Rui was still reading his crude report.

“Wait.” Yang Rui called him slowly, and said, “Your nucleus injection part is to use the embryonic nucleus of the blastocyst stage?”

“Yes, do you think the blastocyst stage is inappropriate?” Gu Qiang asked humbly.

There are multiple stages in the development of an embryo, and it is common to use cells from the blastocyst stage.

Yang Rui shook his head and said, “I have no opinion on the blastocyst stage I have an opinion on embryos.”

“Do you want a different kind of sheep?”

Yang Rui shook his head again and said, “My idea is to try non-fertile cells, for example, somatic cells such as breast cells?”

The Gu Qiang station was unsteady: “How can the nucleus of somatic cells be used to inject nuclei?”

“How can I know if I don’t try it.” Yang Rui said: “I mentioned it at the project briefing meeting?”

“I thought it was a long-term plan.” Gu Qiang had lingering fears, and he was denying more.

Yang Rui said, “Since you have decided to do a one-stop experiment, then don’t wait.”

“This…” Gu Qiang regretted it in his heart.

Before the birth of cloned sheep, including Chinese biology textbooks, the specificity and omnipotence of biological cells were listed as important theories.

Simply put, according to current knowledge, a kind of cell is omnipotent during the embryonic period, and it will do anything in the future.

The cells that differentiate into skin tissue, blood, and heart are specific. Theoretically, it is believed that they cannot grow reversely. Unlike embryos, they differentiate whatever they want.

Taking fertility as an example, it means that there are only a few fertility, and the others cannot be used for fertility.

The cloned sheep, Dolly, really broke the imprisonment, and it was this point.

Perhaps for ordinary people, what kind of cell nucleus is not injected? But for biologists, this is an earth-shaking change.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that the biological mansion fell down.

Although the Biological Building fell every year, but this time it did fall more severely.

Therefore, even though Yang Rui began to explain his ideas from the beginning of the project, including Gu Qiang and others, they still regarded it as science fiction.

While fantasy shines into reality, sometimes it is beautiful, and sometimes it is more difficult to bear than nightmare.

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