Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 1590

Chapter 1522 wind direction

“Science and technology are the primary productive forces, and improving the level of science and technology is to enhance national power…” Xu Zhengping stood in the middle of the laboratory, reading an article in the People’s Daily, with a look of exuberance.

Spending private money to do public experiments, in some people’s eyes, is a contribution to the country, but in other people’s eyes, it may be an ulterior motive.

Especially the Human Genome Project, such a big project, if you are doing biology, there is nothing you don’t want to touch, it’s just that you can’t do it without approval. Yang Rui “relied on” a lot of money and forced to do it, unavoidably attracting rumors.

It’s good now. Not only has the trend of major newspapers changed significantly, but the first batch of new funding has also arrived at Peking University wearing a hat.

The funds for wearing hats are so-called special funds. Although the first batch of funds is not much, only 600,000 yuan, its symbolic meaning is completely different, because the purpose of the funds is impressively written: for the early stage of the Human Genome Project Argument.

The laboratories have applied for funding for so many years, but they are all cheered up by the money.

Excitement is for the word Human Genome Project, which is actually included in the project funding. Of course, the domestic biology community, headed by scholars such as Yang Rui, Professor Cai, and Wu Hongbo, would approve a project funding of 600,000 yuan, which is just a drizzle. What everyone is happy about is the approval of the higher-level departments.

As for which superior it is, there is no textual research.

“What should I do next?” Xu Zhengping had enough pleasure before he remembered his position as deputy director and asked about Yang Rui.

Yang Rui said: “Just follow the above, do the preliminary demonstration of the Human Genome Project.”

“Okay.” Xu Zhengping blinked and asked with a smile: “What about then.”

“Hey, I really asked you to do the preliminary argument.” Yang Rui emphasized.

“Well, let’s just turn our heads and do it, then?” Xu Zhengping blinked again.

His expressions and movements reminded Yang Rui of long-lasting memories. A classic stalk left by a thief fits the scene in front of him: Argumentation is impossible to prove, it is impossible to prove in this life, and it is unnecessary to do experiments. Only by editing this kind of thing can scientific research be maintained.

“Old Xu, we have to make a serious preliminary demonstration, and then take 400,000 yuan from the laboratory to make up, and we will finish after spending.” Yang Rui had to say this to let Xu Zhengping understand that this is not a formal demonstration. .

In fact, for some arguments, Yang Rui is not very opposed to going through the motions.

After all, there are many projects and scientific research demonstrations in China that take off their pants and fart, and the presuppositions are insufficiently funded and have no decisive value. Many of them are just paid off. Its nature is the same as the certification letter issued by the handling unit requesting to prove that your mother is your mother.

However, the Human Genome Project is a big one. Yang Rui himself has presupposed his position. From the perspective of safety, he is still willing to spend another million yuan to make a real argument.

After all, he can see things in the next 30 years, and the impact of the Human Genome Project can be far more than 30 years.

He himself needs the advice of others to decide the direction of the operation.

In this regard, Yang Rui still believes in the data.

Seeing Yang Rui’s insistence, Xu Zhengping made arrangements for him.

Compared with a few years ago, the biggest change in China is that it is rich.

When Yang Rui first entered the university, the 600,000 yuan fund that Professor Cai found for Yang Rui had already caused turmoil in the school circle. At that time, professors at Peking University usually had a funding of 10,000 yuan, and if a well-known professor got a good project, he might not get 100,000, but 600,000 was a truly international salary.

However, after a few years, the domestic economy has improved, and scientific research funding has also risen. A funding of 600,000 yuan or 1 million yuan is not uncommon in Peking University.

Of course, with the exception of top-level laboratories such as the ion channel laboratory, other laboratories received millions of funds for the entire project, such as the only demonstration requested by Yang Rui, which is still rare.

But in the laboratory, the person in charge has the supreme authority, not to mention sufficient funds, even when it is tight, it must be carried out according to the will of the boss.

As a small boss, Xu Zhengping split the job without bothering Yang Rui.

Yang Rui went around in the laboratory again, and seeing that everyone had a good run-in, he nodded and went back to his seat to read the literature.

At his current position, it is no longer necessary to conduct experiments in person.

Scientific research and construction are very similar. The chief engineer’s responsibilities are the most important, but his main job is not to build walls and move bricks, nor to make blueprints. The most important task of the chief engineer is actually to carry out his will and knead the team. , Let them work in accordance with the established ideas.

Of course, there are also scholars and chief engineers who operate in detail. This is a question of personal character and talent. For Yang Rui, his experimental level was originally modest, and he might not even reach the average level of Peking University professors. His talent was even more average. At this time, rushing to do detailed experiments was a drag.

Jingle bells.

Ding Ding Ding.

The sounds in the biological laboratory are always similar.

Yang Rui shook his head while reading the literature in a not quiet environment.

Such a state of life is something that everyone who likes scientific research dreams of, and he is no exception.

Years of struggle, for this goal, is to exchange 1 million houses with him, he is also unwilling.

Six pm.

With the ringtones of the whole campus, Yang Rui stood up and said: “Get off work on time if you have nothing to do. When you are not busy, everyone should pay attention to rest.”

After that, he packed up his things regardless of whether other people were off work.

The huge ion channel laboratory now operates several large projects, dozens of small projects, and there are more than a dozen large and small project groups and research groups. Not everyone can be so idle.

Although the corresponding author of each paper written is Yang Rui, the overtime work belongs to the researchers themselves.

“Director Yang.”

Yang Rui didn’t take two steps before he was blocked by Hu Chi.

“Just here? Why don’t you go in and talk?” Yang Rui was a little surprised when he saw Hu Chi wearing a hat.

“If you don’t go in, just a few words.” Hu Chi said with a smile: “I am a late magpie. I’m telling you the good news.”

Yang Rui looked at the middle-aged magpie Hu Chi, and said a little disgustingly: “It’s not surprising that you are late. You fly slowly when you look at it.”

After Hu Chi left the position of secretary and became the director of the Chemical Medicine Office, he obviously gained a lot. At this time, he was taken aback, and he grinned, and pointed to Yang Rui very politely, and said, “Quench.”

Yang Ruilu smiled: “You haven’t said a good thing yet.”

“Well, there may be a meeting in a few days. I will add your funding to the schedule.” Hu Chi said somewhat ostentatiously: “You can take the bonus back.”

“Can you dial so much?”

“It’s not easy to say, but it’s almost the same.” Hu Chi didn’t say everything, but the basic meaning has been very clear.

Yang Rui naturally expressed his gratitude.

Hu Chi just waved his hand and said, “It’s no longer necessary to let you personally advance the money, and this example should not be used.”

When Hu Chi stopped, he smiled and said, “Now, you are the richest scientist in the country again. You have to treat me to a meal.”

The speaker is unintentional and the listener intends that the life of China’s richest man can be difficult, and the richest scientist cannot be regarded as a commendation.

Yang Rui flashed this thought in his mind, and immediately said: “The richest is impossible. I have too many places to spend money.”

“Hey, you shouldn’t be short of money now.” Hu Chi was strange. He knows the status of the industry under Yang Rui’s name. Not to mention how many shares he owns in Huarui, Huarui can get a few percent of Cedinafil’s money, which is the stadium in Wudaokou. In his opinion, it’s all daily gains. Level.

Yang Rui shook his head and said, “I thought a few days ago, if I can get another Nobel Prize, I will use the bonus to build a resort and build a holiday place for the researchers. Look at the current situation in Beijing, and come whenever you want. An overworked scholar who is young, light, and young, shouldn’t be too vigorous.”

The health of young and middle-aged scientists is a matter of high-level meetings, and Hu Chi nodded solemnly.

Yang Rui added: “The ministries, state-owned enterprises, and the military all have their own sanatoriums, that is, our large enterprises in Hedong Province, and all have places to build vacations in places with good weather. If there is no big backing behind the research institute, it is built by itself. If you can’t get up, there is no such condition… I’m thinking about using this money to build a resort and charge a fair price to solve the problems of small and medium-sized research institutes.”

Hu Chi hesitated for a moment and asked, “Can the resort make money?”

“Not to make money.” Yang Rui shook his head and said, “You see, even Peking University does not have a nursing home. As a result, the family said that our local coal research institute is better than Peking University. People can follow the coal mine to recuperate. ”

Hu Chi laughed, then hesitated after smiling, “You are determined to spend your money.”

“I’m a scientist, what do I need so much money for.”

“Well, where do you want to build a resort, I will help you coordinate.” Hu Chi decided to help Yang Rui. After all, in his opinion, whether it is a resort or a house, as long as it takes root, it will be spent. There is no essential difference between buying a TV and eating meat.

Yang Rui said, “Don’t bother you. I have a classmate named Cao Baoming. He graduated the year before and was assigned to serve as deputy county magistrate in Sanya, Hainan. Isn’t there a special zone? The policy is better. I’m going to be in Yalong Bay with better scenery, please When someone builds a resort, he also helps him with a project.”

“It’s a bit far away.” Hu Chi said worriedly: “If it doesn’t work, just find a place in Beidaihe, and Qingdao…”

“The place you are talking about is too tight, and Professor Poor can’t afford it.” Yang Rui smiled and said, “I don’t plan to make it complicated. The resort is a big village. My classmates introduced to me earlier that Yalong Bay is seven or eight kilometers long. The beach is three times that of Hawaii. I am not greedy. I asked him to row for 4 kilometers, then extend a few kilometers in, and plant all trees, dotted with low houses. Vacationing units live, The cost is low and the environment is good.”

“I’ve been to Hainan. The winter is fine. After March and April, people who are hot can’t stand it.” Hu Chi smiled and said, “The efficiency of your resort is too low.”

“Let’s do it, what are the conditions?” Yang Rui thought about it: “I use the money to buy land and build houses, and the local government uses the money to build roads and public facilities. Everyone wins. Besides, the sea is clear over there. Yes, swimming is good.”

“Then let them assign all Yalong Bay to you. It’s still 4 kilometers. It’s a buckle…”

“It is necessary to leave some room for development in the local area, so that they can also have motivation to build some public facilities.” Yang Rui smiled. It is two years away from the first land speculation boom in Hainan. The local government does not have much money now. However, this kind of place that can build a world-class hotel is still relatively rare. You have to reserve some place for other hotels to settle in. Linkage.

Of course, the resort will not see much money in a short period of time. Maybe it will be worthless in 10 years, but it doesn’t matter. Yang Rui would rather have his bonus settled in such a place where no one wants it.

Hu Chi knew Yang Rui consciously. The Chinese all say that the protruding scorpion rots first, but there is still some truth to it.

He also understood that Yang Rui would rather waste money than hold it.

According to his wishes, Yang Rui estimated that he would slowly build some houses, symbolically receive some scholars, and even lose money to close the doors for a period of time. However, it doesn’t matter, it is just to support the frontier of the motherland.

Compared to a few kilometers away from the bay, Hu Chi had written down Cao Baoming’s name. It must have been a little pedantic to be brought up by Yang Rui at this time.

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