Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 1591

Chapter 1523 Let’s get married

The plane landed slowly at Haikou Dayingshan Airport. Cao Baoming, with a team, waited under the boarding gate, smiling like a cracked coconut.

Yang Rui walked down the gangway quickly, first gave Cao Baoming a big hug, then looked at him and smiled: “It’s really black.”

“You didn’t know until you arrived in Sanya that the sea breeze is blowing every day, and you can’t stop it when you sit in the office.” Cao Baoming said and said: “You can’t block it, it’s too hot to block it. Nothing will work, the more you blow it, the darker it gets. ”

“Speaking is a bit local.” Yang Rui commented, and patted Cao Baoming’s shoulder vigorously.

The classmates met again for a few years, and I still felt quite good.

Cao Baoming was even more excited. Listening to Yang Rui’s Mandarin, he said with emotion: “If you don’t speak it, I don’t know. Our voice has changed so much. No wonder my mother said that she didn’t understand when she called. I spoke…”

Standing in front of a group of colleagues, especially those in the senior vocational high school, and chatting out “my mother” with the “investors” so smoothly, Cao Baoming didn’t run away.

Yang Rui is quite used to it, and asked, “I haven’t returned home since graduation?”

“It’s too far to go back to home. The traffic is too difficult.” Cao Baoming said naturally, then he broke his fingers and said, “Look, I have to walk for a day from Sanya to Haikou, and then wait. When the ship crosses the sea and arrives on the mainland, you have to change trains to Guangzhou, and then from Guangzhou to Pingjiang. The train ticket is not easy to buy, and then you go home. In the middle, you have to reverse the train and hang on the road for five days…

“The plane is not easy to ride?” Yang Rui pointed to the flight behind him.

“It’s too expensive to sit down. My mother said, it’s better to save money and marry a wife.” Cao Baoming grinned, touching his head. His position is not low, but domestic wages are calculated based on length of service. Young people’s salary, that is, money for food, has to save money if they want to save or support a family.

The leaders of the provinces and cities who came with him listened to Cao Baoming’s recounting of the past, and looked helpless.

Although everyone knows that he didn’t tell lies, Yang Rui came to invest after all. You kept talking about the difficult conditions, is it really appropriate?

At this time, the mayor felt that there were a few words about the past, and he immediately interrupted, saying: “Actually, if the time is arranged, it will not take that long. If it is a unit trip, buy the train tickets uniformly, or use the long-distance bus to give it away. When you arrive in Zhanjiang, It’s also convenient to get on the ferry.”

Yang Rui smiled and nodded and said yes.

His attitude towards officials is also very official.

Cao Baoming also recalled, but he didn’t feel embarrassed and started to introduce his colleagues.

His straightforwardness is innate, and he wants to hide it, but you can’t hide it.

Fortunately, straightforwardness is not a bad attribute for officials, especially if there is a bachelor’s degree, Cao Baoming’s deputy mayor’s ranking has risen sharply. The reason is that the deputy mayor is not the deputy mayor. This is because when Cao Baoming assigned the work, Hainan was still a city under the jurisdiction of Guangdong. After he became the deputy county magistrate for a period of time, the city was upgraded to the province and the county was also upgraded to the city.

Naturally, there is also a level of improvement.

The allocation of university graduates to directly become deputy department-level cadres was originally too much, but this is supported by national policies and belongs to the extra treatment given to colleges and universities in remote areas. From the perspective of students in the 1980s, no one wants to come just like this.

However, the promotion of a county to a city is a huge leap.

Cao Baoming has become a senior cadre.

The honest high-level cadres are obviously more valuable than the honest middle-level cadres.

Especially after discussing investment with Yang Rui, Cao Baoming has risen all the way to the fourth-ranked deputy mayor. He is in charge of land construction, gardening, transportation and sanitation, and he is in control.

It is impossible to describe Cao Baoming’s opportunity with achievements after three years of graduation. Even among college students in the 1980s, it was quite rare. Of course, it is not unique, and it is not the best. After all, this era is the era of helicopters versus rocket forces.

Shi Gui, who accompanied Yang Rui, smiled.

From a small restaurant in Xibao Town to a publishing tycoon in Beijing, Shi Gui has also been immersed in the business district for almost 10 years. Except for the old men who did business in the Republic of China, who are still alive now, Shi Gui is considered to be the most familiar group of business people in China, and he is therefore quite familiar with the small signals in officialdom.

The extraordinary deputy mayor, who has the power to construct gardens and transport land, has heard it before. At least there are similarities. However, he specially pulled out the sanitation in culture, education and sanitation to a extraordinary deputy city that builds gardens on transport land. Long, it’s relatively rare.

In Shi Gui’s view, this was clearly showing good intentions to Yang Rui.

After all, the closest thing to biology is the health system.

It took a little half an hour for the introduction of the circle. The talents boarded the car separately and drove to the city in a mighty manner… Everyone had to eat a meal first, and waited until tomorrow morning before continuing on the next journey.

The mayor followed Cao Baoming and got into the cars of Yang Rui, Jing Yulan and Shi Gui. The minibus they prepared in advance is just for this kind of situation.

“Professor Yang, let me introduce to you our situation in Sanya and Yalong Bay.” The mayor’s attitude is very good.

Although the province was established in 1988, until 1991, Hainan’s investment and development were superficial. Although there is a saying that one hundred thousand talents go to Hainan, but regardless of the definition of talent, it is one hundred thousand. For a province, Even for a city, there are too few.

Even in 1991, the local investment exploded in real estate, and it was not real estate that was built and sold, but real estate that was speculated and approved, the so-called speculation in pre-completed flats.

Compared with various offices, scientific celebrity Yang Rui is obviously more in line with the government’s investment promotion expectations.

Yang Rui just listened to it, and listened to nothing.

But Jing Yulan is full of curiosity about the tropical style of South China.

She used to go abroad and went to countries such as the Soviet Union. At this time, she felt the southern customs outside the window.

The mayor and Yang Rui also talked more and more interestingly. Unlike the usual investors or departments before, Yang Rui has two things in his hands, which he likes very much.

The first is in the name of the central government. For officials, fulfilling the will of the peak will themselves be extremely satisfying; the second is the foreign exchange cash brought by Yang Rui.

Since the establishment of the province, there have been many governments and units at all levels in Hainan. They support the new province in name, but their actual operations have become less generous. Nowadays, there is only Zhafu’s unit, and there is no endless place. Everyone is a brother when drinking, and a bear when paying.

There are some who can take out cash, but not many; there are also some who can take out foreign exchange, but not many. Few people can come up with foreign exchange cash.

Seeing Yang Rui’s sincere attitude, the mayor’s mood was getting higher and higher, and this mood reached its peak the next day.

With the slogan “Welcome Nobel Prize Scholar Professor Yang Rui to our city” all over the street, the mayor’s confidence gradually accumulates.

With Yang Rui, stepping on the beach of Yalong Bay, the mayor said boldly: “Professor Yang, I wondered, what people said is correct. Yalong Bay is only seven or eight kilometers in total. I’ll give you half of it. It is indeed a bit of a buckle. It’s obvious that we Hainanese are too stingy. I think that’s it. Let’s straighten out the property rights of Yalong Bay and assign them all to you…”

There was alcohol in the heroic voice, which was the best time to buy a deal.

“Mayor Zhou is too polite.” Yang Rui couldn’t help but smile when he heard the word “buckle, buckle, and rope”.

He hesitated for a few seconds, and decided to look good, not stretch his hands too long, and not store too much real estate.

As a result, Yang Rui reluctantly said: “Eight kilometers is too much, and if I can develop it by myself, I can’t develop it. It’s unnecessary, it’s too wasteful.”

“Oh, it’s four kilometers longer. Take it away if you want. You’re welcome.” Mayor Zhou is even more proud.

Yang Rui still declined, thinking, how is this four kilometers, four kilometers horizontally, and a few kilometers vertically, it will break through 20 square kilometers in an instant.

“It’s really too much, and I’m just planning to build a resort, but I don’t want so much. The original plan was to extend inward for four or five kilometers, and it will cost tens of thousands of mu of land.” Yang Rui explained with a smile.

One square kilometer is 1,500 mu of land, and 20 square kilometers is 30,000 mu. If all were drawn down, it would be 60,000 mu upwards.

What is the concept of 60,000 mu? Ordinary Erben University, if the campus area is 3,000 acres, it can be regarded as a “big” school. Later, in the various upsurges of opening up new campuses, the land area that ordinary schools can get is between 2,000 acres and 5,000 acres.

In other words, 3000 acres of land is enough to accommodate tens of thousands of students to live, study and work.

Not to mention changing to a residential complex. One square kilometer is equivalent to 1 million square meters, and 20 square kilometers is 20 million square meters, resulting in crowded high-rise residential buildings. If the floor area ratio is 3, it is 6000 square meters. , 20 square kilometers can also build 6 million square meters of villas.

Of course, the resort, you can still pay more attention to it.

Considering his status as a Nobel Prize winner, considering his status as a well-known scholar, and considering the future excitement of Yalong Bay…Even if it is for civil servants who cannot go abroad to have a place to play, Yang Rui cannot take all of Yalong Bay. what.

He is no longer authentic.

Yang Rui said modestly again: “Four kilometers will be enough, and more, our burden will be heavier.”

Mayor Zhou just treats Yang Rui as the money is not enough, so he doesn’t show much courtesy.

Since the establishment of the province, the land prices in Haikou and Sanya have risen the fastest. By 90 or so it has cost hundreds of thousands of acres, and the land price per square meter is 750 yuan, which cannot be said to be cheap. Up.

If Yang Rui wants 30,000 acres of land, it can be counted as one billion at least. Although the bank has opened up to Yang Rui to lend, the foreign exchange that Yang Rui returned to Yang Rui is more than 10 million U.S. dollars, and the remaining local currency is not so rare. Up.

Mayor Zhou looked at the beautiful transparent sea water, always feeling unfulfilled, thinking about it carefully, and said: “Well, let’s get another island for you. You can build your own house or something, and come to spend your vacation…”

He laughed as he spoke.

Yang Rui’s eyes lit up, and he immediately agreed.

In the evening, when he returned to his room, Yang Rui drew a few circles on the map that Cao Baoming gave him. Then he looked for Jing Yulan and asked, “I think it’s interesting to make an island. Which one do you like?”

Jing Yulan still felt hot after taking a bath, and said without much interest: “I feel that Hainan is good for a trip, but it is too hot, especially in Sanya. Your classmates have been working hard for the past two years.”

“Changed a senior cadre in two years, he has worked hard.” Yang Rui laughed twice, and his eyes patrolled Jing Yulan’s body for a while, but he sat still and said: “The benefits of the island can be short-lived. Living alone, think about it. After we get married, occasionally want to be quiet and live in a two-person world. Isn’t it right to be on the island?”

Jing Yulan stared at Yang Rui without speaking.

Yang Rui also looked up into Jing Yulan’s eyes, and suddenly felt a little dry and asked: “Let’s get married.”

The very Eastern way of marriage proposal is private and natural.

Jing Yulan’s big eyes blinked, and he realized that Yang Rui didn’t miss anything at all. She couldn’t help but flushed with shame. She looked at Yang Rui for a few seconds, but said softly: “Look at your performance. ”

This time, it was Yang Rui’s turn to stand up.

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