Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 1592

Chapter 1524 Surprise

“Mom, why are you here?” Yang Rui got out of the car and opened the door, and went into the yard.

What happened to the people in this yard?

“Aunt, uncle…”

“The eldest uncle, the second uncle, the eldest aunt, the second aunt…”

“Big cousin, second cousin, cousin…”

Yang Rui called people one by one, and his forehead jumped.

You don’t need to think about this situation to know why.

“I won’t come again, are you not going to notify me?” Rui Ma opened her eyes, still threatening three points.

Yang Rui smiled shyly: “How can it be, how is it possible, by the way, who told you that?”

“People are not like you. I told my mother, and my mother called me again.” Rui’s mother was angry when she was talking: “I didn’t know what was going on at the time, getting married, such a big thing, really What is going to be anxious to be an individual…You don’t have to come back quickly…I don’t know if you want to make a phone call and talk about it?”

Listening to her speaking speed, Yang Rui cried secretly.

Communication, communication is the core issue!

“How is it, how did you discuss it?” Mom Rui finally knew that the child could not help her mother when she was older, so she asked one more question first.

Of course, she has a set of thoughts in her heart, maybe she has been thinking about it since the day Yang Rui went to college, it is not so easy to persuade.

Yang Rui opened his mouth and suddenly realized that he couldn’t start the battle!

“Mom, how did you come here? So many people didn’t say anything…” Yang Rui first made a gesture of concern and covered up the topic.

“Come in the sleeper train, and hurriedly boarded the car the night before. Thanks to your second aunt, otherwise, so many people don’t know how to get there.” Ma Rui thanked her by the way.

Yang Rui looked around and saw that there were quite a few relatives who came here, and even those who didn’t know and familiar, must be relatives of relatives, or simply friends and subordinates who came to help voluntarily.

As a local snake, whether it is the Xixiang Development Zone where the paternal line is located, or the state-owned enterprise system where the maternal line is located, there are people who are willing to ask for leave to help.

Yang Rui greeted everyone, and thanked his aunt. Don’t look at the inconvenient traffic these years, but find the right person, such as Comrade Song Yan, the director of the Nanhu Passenger Transport Section. It’s unscientific to ask for half a sleeper car. .

“Don’t worry about drinking the tea.” Ma Rui waited for everyone to be seated, and stopped Yang Rui from busying work. The young guy with a sense of value would naturally go to work, so Ma Rui asked: “First tell me where to hold the banquet. What God does?”

Yang Rui’s eyes were dumbfounded.

Let him do the experimental report, and he will naturally write a steady, rigorous and detailed. But in other respects, he really didn’t think so much…

“There are so many of us, do you have a place to live?” Yang Rui once again interrupted his mother’s inquiry with practical questions.

Rui’s mother said irritably, “Didn’t you buy a house in the capital and leave it empty? It’s fine for everyone to deal with it and live there.”

In the 1990s, if it were not for the government to pay, normal people did not have the concept of staying in a hotel. Even business people are used to saving money on accommodation. Of course, accommodation is really expensive. When the average salary is less than 100, a cheap guest house will cost about two yuan, and a slightly higher one will cost four or five yuan.

If you make a comparison, the monthly salary of over 100 in the 1990s is more difficult than the monthly salary of over 10,000 in 30 years. The cost of a few dollars a night is still very painful, not to mention that the level of service in the guest house is extremely poor, and the hygiene alone is completely inferior to ordinary people.

However, Yang Rui’s courtyard was full of things.

Not to mention the scrolls of calligraphy and painting placed on the shelves or hidden in the cabinet, nor the miscellaneous porcelain items that are easily damaged, such as crude benzene red sandalwood, phoebe wood, etc., are also filled with the houses in the courtyard, which can never make people sleep. Go to Huanghuali’s case.

That’s uncomfortable.

Of course, the community that was bought before was originally intended to entertain guests. However, the ion channel laboratory and the Yang Rui genetic engineering laboratory are now very big businesses with many meetings and many visiting guests, and they are all public houses. In the name of, it’s hard to squeeze my family’s brains in.

Thinking about it again, there are probably many people from Jing Yulan’s family.

There are many old comrades in the Deling group, and there are probably a lot of nephews and deceased officials who want to help. Jingzhai may be overwhelmed at this time.

Unlike the Yang family who are natives of Hedong, the Jing family rooted in the capital has many relatives and friends of the Beijing official. It might not be appropriate to let them know about Yang Rui’s housing situation.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Yang Rui made a decisive decision, saying: “The house I bought didn’t have a bed. How about everyone living in the Great Wall Hotel? That is the best batch of hotels in our country, and the site is also Great, let everyone feel it.”

If nothing else is done, the reputation of the Great Wall Hotel has made many people’s hearts moved, and it is unavoidable to call it a worthwhile trip.

But Rui’s mother felt a little distressed: “How much does it cost? You are getting married, so you have to save money and prepare. It is the time to spend money.”

“I mean, it’s not time to spend the money.”

“We can live anywhere.”

“If you can’t, just find a place to live by yourself. I also have relatives in the capital. I don’t think it will be a problem for four or five people…”

Yang Rui waved his hand, stopped everyone’s words, and said loudly: “Everyone has finally come here. It should be my hospitality. I will arrange wherever I live…”

In terms of income, he is really rich, and he really doesn’t care about the room cost of dozens of yuan a day.

Just opening dozens of rooms in one go, Yang Rui didn’t feel the effort.

It’s just the profit of a bowling lane in the Wudaokou gymnasium.

Today’s entertainment industry is so profitable.

Not even the land appreciation of Wudaokou.

Yang Rui touched the back of his head, and suddenly felt relieved. If money is not a problem, is the wedding still a problem?

In fact, there are still problems.

Location, time, scale, participants, etc…

The problem has never disappeared Not only the Yang family was so busy with this, but for fear that Jing Yulan was wronged, so that dozens of people rushed northward, even the Jing family, did not relax.

The parents of both parties lived in the Great Wall Hotel in person and discussed for a while.

At the same time, people of all colors who received the news also frequented the Great Wall Hotel.

Needless to say, intellectuals in academia met with congratulations by chance, and the campers sharpened their heads to help.

The busiest ones are the pharmaceutical companies everywhere.

The boss of the GMP review committee got married!

You say surprises are not surprises?

Isn’t it scary?

Happy or not?

Not only are the pharmaceutical companies flying busy, but the local government does not find it easy.

For some township governments, township governments, county governments, district governments, and even municipal governments, a large-scale pharmaceutical company is the lifeblood of the government, and the taxes it pays are the most important local financial income. Such a company Say you close the door when you close it, what about cheating?

Not to mention shutting down and transferring, just to pass the review of the GMP committee, upgrades and technological upgrades are inevitable, all of which will cost a lot of money.

It can be said that as long as the bosses of the GMP audit committee let go, everyone may have a small treasury of several million yuan this year.

“What about the specialty?”

“Bring all our specialties!”

In the 9.6 million square kilometers of the land of China, countless similar voices sounded one after another.

PS: This is the last plot story of the book. One book has been written for four years, and the children in the next door have all graduated from college, which is really hard to bear. Well, try to be happy at the end. Thank you readers for your hard work.

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