Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 1593

Chapter 1525 Wedding preparation

“The shark’s fin is too small, why are there rows of fins mixed in.”

“Soup is also not good, use bird’s nest to make soup, there can be no repeated dishes on the table.”

“The prawn is bigger than the palm of your hand.”

“The grouper needs to use the rat spot, yes, it doesn’t sound good, then use the erythema, which is booming.”

Xu Anqing put his hands on his waist and ordered a series of steps to go down.

The general manager in charge of the wedding took notes seriously, more serious than when he was studying in the artillery school. The commander’s son got married. There is nothing more important than that.

The subordinates are attentive, Xu Anqing herself is even more attentive.

Speaking of the latter, he even asked for the notes taken by the manager, and revised it again.

After talking for a full 40 minutes, Xu Anqing only felt that everything he thought of today had been poured out, and he paused, asking the girl next to him, “Xiaohui, what else do you think you want to add?”

Xiaohui is a beautiful girl with a nice face and a good personality. The family conditions are better. Her ancestor was an officer in Guang@. She almost forced the Whampoa Military Academy to close down. Later, he joined the army under the command of Cao Yingxin. He was already in the Han Dynasty by our army and made great contributions to the liberation of Guangdong Province. The children and nephews who followed their father’s business are now shining in the government, and they are right in line with the Xu family.

Xu Anqing realized that such a wedding would not be inferior to Yang Rui’s.

Of course, you can’t just be satisfied with this.

As a group of classmates who got married earlier, Xu Anqing has to be a benchmark.

Especially before Yang Rui got married and did better than Yang Rui’s wedding.

For this reason, Xu Anqing decided to hold a prosperous wedding with seafood as the theme at home after in-depth thinking.

Yes, the subject!

The word “themed wedding” alone is already very advanced.

Xu Anqing also invited a designer from Hong Kong to make an overall plan for himself, and he must crush Yang Rui on major events in life!

Today’s Fujian and Guangdong regions are well-deserved fashion pioneers. It’s nothing more than southern Fujian. After all, there is some distance from Wanwan, but the atmosphere in Guangdong is really ahead of the whole country, and even the capital is incomparable.

In terms of luxury and beauty, Beijing cannot be compared with Guangdong.

Two years ago, when the Cantonese restaurant entered Beijing, it caused a sensation. The three knives and one kettle, including Dasanyuan and Mingzhu Seafood, were the places where the children of the hutong bragged and the children of the courtyard stood tiptoe.

For the Xu family, it takes a lot of energy to host a real Cantonese seafood themed banquet.

Lobster, abalone, squid, and sea cucumber are sold at sky-high prices on Hong Kong Island. They are caught locally, and they are indispensable for high prices.

Fortunately, the in-laws cooperated and paid for their efforts, which made Xu’s father gritted his teeth and agreed.

Of course, the most important thing is that Xu Anqing took it by himself.

Nowadays, it is rare for young bridegrooms to be willing to organize weddings. The woman is very happy about this and thinks Xu Anqing values ​​her own daughter.

Xiaohui, who was originally a little bit savage, is even more gentle as water, obediently obedient, looking at Xu Anqing’s handsome face, happy to wait for flowers to appear, and said foolishly: “Do whatever you say, I will listen. your.”

Xu Anqing nodded self-consciously: “Then use dried abalone instead of fresh abalone. Is there still a big one in the warehouse?”

“I try to find a bigger one.” No one of the managers stumbled: “Several guest houses have stocks. If they don’t have any, I will find a restaurant in the city to buy them. I know several bosses who have abalone in stock.”

“They won’t refuse to sell.” Xu Anqing did not consider the price at all.

The manager did not consider the price issue, and simply said: “No, Xu and Zhu married, no one would dare to be in trouble.”

“En… don’t forget to ask the abalone master, and you have to find two more. When the time comes, hundreds of bowls of abalone will be served together, but you can’t drop the chain.”

“Don’t worry, our military region has held a banquet for 10,000 people. This is the most professional one.”

Xu Anqing nodded in satisfaction, then pondered for a few seconds, and slapped his hands fiercely, and said, “I thought, should we use lilies for our wedding? All white lilies with red roses, like a Hongkonger. A wedding in the half-western half.”

A purely Western-style wedding has no future in the country, which can only show that the young couple are foreigners with no foundation.

In the 1990s, a half-western and half-Chinese wedding could basically be regarded as a home for the rich and the rich.

The most fashionable wedding mode for ordinary families is actually a travel wedding. After all, it is very expensive to invite people to dinner now. A table must have a banquet with big fish and meat, as well as white wine. The price can be broken at random. In more expensive places, it is two hundred or three hundred, or even four hundred.

In contrast, gift money is particularly inadequate. Regardless of the gifts given by relatives and friends, the gifts offered by ordinary colleagues in the unit mostly float within one or two yuan, and three and five yuan. The big ticket of ten yuan either appeared at the wedding of the leader’s children, or the relationship was very good.

Urban residents have a tough time to hold a wedding, and rural weddings have to adapt to local conditions. Four-color dim sum is still popular in many places after 20 to 30 years, because four-color dim sum is the most expensive part of a wedding, and it is not affordable for people with well-off families.

As for Xu Anqing’s wedding organized by Hong Kong and Taiwan standards, it is even more proud. The cost of each table can be thousands of dollars. This is still in doubt about the source of some of the ingredients.

It is equivalent to saying that Xu Anqing is hosting this wedding with the attitude of eating several Beijing courtyard houses.

It’s that simple to crush Yang Rui!

Xiaohui leaned against Xu Anqing, happy, where he cared about lilies or not.

Xu Anqing hugged her, but continued to mutter: “The hardware is up, and the software can’t be left, Section Chief Li.”

“Here.” The manager in charge of the wedding responded quickly.

“Wait more.”


“How many waiters are you going to find?” Xu Anqing asked like a test.

If the leader asks, Section Chief Li will definitely show it. To the leader’s son, he must make no mistakes first.

Section Chief Li tentatively said: “You can say as much as you want. No matter how many people you want, I will be responsible for finding them all for you. The training is good.”

“Okay, what you want is yours.” Xu An Qing nodded and said: “The standard of service, I want to meet people, ten people at a table, ten waiters, one stand behind each person, pour wine at any time, if the customer needs it, You can also pick up vegetables, peel shrimps, and remove thorns…”

Section Chief Li opened his mouth and cried out in his heart. Isn’t this thousands of waiters?

Although all major restaurants in the city can borrow people, it is still a big project.

It’s just that the words have been spoken, and Chief Li just has to bite the bullet and agree.

Xu Anqing was finally satisfied. He looked to the north and thought to himself: After the classmates have attended the wedding of my theme, I have to see what else you can play.

Great Wall Hotel.

Jing Yang’s family sat together, talking and laughing about the wedding.

Before talking about the serious part, the second aunt Song Yan gently stabbed her husband and asked him to speak quickly.

Duan Rui coughed heavily and said, “Yang Rui, since our wedding has been confirmed, I want to ask, what is your plan for returning to your hometown?”

Yang Rui glanced at Jing Yulan, hesitated for a moment and said, “If it is normal, it should be the Chinese New Year before going back.”

“Someone else’s family is married. It is normal to go back during the Chinese New Year. If you are married, there is no need to wait that long.” Song Yan spoke briskly, and said to Rui’s mother: “I heard that many people now hold two or three weddings. , Should we Yang Rui return home to have a wedding? There is no better hometown than this one.”

Duan Rui also laughed twice and said: “We mayor Wang of Nanhu City, I heard that you are going to get married, and he especially asked me to say that if you are willing to go back to your hometown to have a wedding, the city guest house can do the banquet at a cost. You can also subsidize some…”

Nowadays, weddings are losing money, so few people do two or three weddings.

However, there are few celebrities in this era.

In order to win over celebrities, local governments have also made unique moves. Like a herd of cows, they were dragged to a certain place and appointed as deputy county magistrate, purely for the sake of expanding their reputation.

Compared to entertainment stars, scientific stars like Yang Rui are even more rare.

Especially the scientists who came from the hometown are very useful for propaganda.

Rui’s mother was tempted by “returning home”, looked at Yang Rui and Jing Yulan, and asked, “What do you think?”

“It’s a bit troublesome.” Yang Rui saw it, smiled, and said in his heart: Where do you still need to return home? No one in Xixiang Development Zone knows the old Yang family. If you have a circle of friends, you will have to be dazzled. .

“It’s not troublesome.” Duan Rui said: “Mayor Wang has already attended the meeting. Everyone agrees. As long as you are willing to cooperate with the promotion, try not to spend any money. Your aunt has also communicated with the railway side to ensure that the amount is sufficient. Provide seat tickets, ration sleeper tickets, and a small amount of soft sleeper tickets. Then, the city can give some of these subsidies.”

“It’s okay to do as much as possible?” The envious drool of the big cousin next to him flowed down. He just got married not long ago, and knows the cost and troubles of the wedding best. Hearing that there is a public house to do the work, he can’t wait to become the incarnation of Yang Rui to give him permission.

Duan Rui said: “The bigger the better, hundreds of tables or thousands of tables will do. It is best to find a starter and apply for a Guinness record.”

In 90 years, all kinds of foreign gameplays have been introduced into China, especially the Guinness Book of Records.

In those years, the Chinese knew the best of all kinds, and recorded them in their notebooks, what are the four ancient civilizations, the four ancient writings, the largest country and the smallest country in the world, the largest denomination coin and the largest area in the world Coins can be written as a book and published if anyone thinks of it.

Unexpectedly, the foreigner actually made a Guinness record directly to record all kinds of “most”.

In this regard, Chinese people are very interested.

Yang Rui didn’t expect Nanhu to have this idea, but the scale was so large that it happened to be contrary to his thoughts. Before his mother could speak, Yang Rui flatly refused, “That can’t work. I’m not a dramatist. I can’t do that.”

“What essence?” The second uncle didn’t understand.

“In short, I can’t realize Nanhu’s idea.” Yang Rui refused altogether.

The second uncle had nothing to say, and the aunt had no choice but to obey, and said, “It’s a pity that it’s a lot of money.”

If the government offers a banquet, the gift money will naturally be left.

A few dollars in gift money per person, although it does not cover the banquet, but if you don’t count the banquet expenses, the money can be quite a lot.

However, Yang Rui didn’t care about this anymore, and after a couple of jokes, he exposed it.

But Rui Ma, feeling that Song Yan helped a lot, said: “Otherwise, please invite the leaders of Nanhu to come to the wedding? I don’t know if they are willing to come.”

The eyes of a few people suddenly lit up.

Yes, who can’t?

For the cadres in Nanhu City, it is so rare for them to sit with the cadres of the central government.

Of course, many leaders will attend Yang Rui’s wedding.

Yang Rui’s eyelids twitched, and he quickly said, “Wait a minute, the scale of our wedding hasn’t been decided yet.”

The leaders in Nanhu alone would be able to sit at a few tables. If such a wedding is held, it won’t really be a record.

Rui’s mother looked at Jing’s parents and said, “In-law, how do you think about it?”

In wedding preparations, the scale of the wedding is a serious focus.

Especially now, if you make one more table, you will lose one more table. It’s really not that you can do as much as you want.

Of course, the advantage is that no one will come.

This is the age of collectivism. Everyone belongs to one or more groups. If there are no restrictions, the work colleagues of both spouses and the parents of the spouses can fill the playground. A little, enough to invite people from the city. If you want to expand a little bit more, the work colleagues of the brothers and sisters of the husband and wife, the work colleagues of the parents of the husband and wife, the former leaders of the neighbors and former colleagues of the two families, the business liaison unit and related leaders…the children and grandchildren are also inexhaustible.

The most important thing is that everyone invited now is willing to come.

It’s so fun to eat and drink. Even if you give money to people, you’re happy. If it’s a big deal, just give it back to eat.

For the married couple, this pressure is even greater.

Jing Cuncheng had pondered with his wife a long time ago, and said at this time: “We can invite more people here. If you ask less, your relatives will do. The choice of dishes will be decided by the young couple. We will pay for it. Exactly.”

Inviting only relatives is the current mainstream, and relatives give more money barely get some blood back.

When Rui’s mother heard this, she felt relaxed and smiled: “In this case, let’s make a list and see who is going to be invited to make a decision…”

“Oh my god, you are here.” While speaking, a short fat man squeezed in from outside the box.

“Who are you looking for?” The eldest cousin is a policeman with fireworks in his eyes.

“I’m from Longnan Pharmaceutical. Didn’t I hear that Professor Yang is getting married? I came here to send some gifts. Wait a moment…” The short fat man said a word and rushed out of the box again with a roar Go out: “Professor is here.”

After a while, I heard the sound of walking up the stairs sounding straight on the floor.

The white-gloved restaurant manager frowned, but he couldn’t help it.

“Professor Yang, we have some souvenirs over there, I wish you a happy wedding and give birth to a child…”

“Our local lotus seeds are the most famous. Look at this particle…”

“There is nothing you can get, just some dried sea cucumbers, which are not worth any money. You can deal with them and eat them.”

It took almost a lot of effort for the two families to send them out with gift packages.

A group of people were tired and sweating, and then sat down, and they all laughed.

Jingle Bell.

Jingle Bell.

The eldest brother Yang Rui put in his bag rang out unwillingly at this time.

The eldest brother used to make phone calls. It costs one dollar per minute to answer the phone. It costs one dollar per minute to answer the phone. Therefore, waiting for the idler to find Yang Rui, he will not call the eldest brother.

Yang Rui answered the phone, and everyone looked at him naturally.

In less than a minute, the other party hung up with a pinch. Yang Rui put away his eldest brother, then returned to the table, pondered for a few seconds, and said, “In my opinion, it’s better to do something simpler.”

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