Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 171

Chapter 174 Mail paper

Yang Rui put six papers into an envelope, filled in the address of “Biochemical System Ecology”, stuffed it into the mailbox, took a deep breath of cold air, and exhaled a thick white gas. It’s relaxed.

It was freezing cold, and only a little girl, Wu Qian, was on duty at the post office. She was warming the fire while paying attention to Yang Rui’s expression. At this time, she laughed without losing the opportunity and said: “Talented Yang, you have written an article again. ?”

The two grew up in a courtyard, so Wu Qian and Yang Rui talked casually.

On the contrary, Yang Rui himself was a little uncomfortable. He laughed twice before saying, “Yes, I have written a few more papers, and I am going to publish them.”

“Why are there a few papers? Shouldn’t they be published one by one? Oh, don’t you have time to go down the mountain, so you accumulate several papers before you publish? It’s easy to be preempted by others, next time, you Why don’t you call me, I’ll pick it up, and mail it for you.” Wu Qian was anxious, her voice was soft and crisp, like a little girl in junior high school.

Calculated by age, she is also a junior high school girl.

Yang Rui smiled and said in a good mood: “You all know that the paper is going to be published one by one, not bad.”

Wu Qian blushed and said, “You have all started to write papers for foreign journals. I can’t be ignorant of it.”

Yang Rui was stunned, and dullly noticed something.

Wu Qian is a lively character. After saying one sentence, she quickly followed up another sentence: “You haven’t said whether you want me to get the paper? It’s not far from school to town. You must be too lazy to come down. This is a disadvantage. Well, if someone preempts you, your paper is not written in vain, you should write one and post one, don’t save it.”

Yang Rui laughed and said, “It’s not that I’m too lazy to get down, it’s that this batch of papers should be sent out as a whole.”


“Because the connection is very close, if I post a single article, others will be able to reason out what I want to write later based on this paper, do experiments, and write it into a thesis. Therefore, I must put him in Write all the parts that can be inferred, and write all of them, so that you won’t suffer.” Yang Rui would not be able to explain this way in the laboratory, but it was precisely because Wu Qian didn’t understand that he was interested in explaining. , I think it’s easier.

The experiment of refined solanesol has been basically completed. If a single paper is published, it will be a wedding dress for a person. The world does not know how many biological teams are collecting information and looking for targets that can be tackled. If someone sees a single paper by Yang Rui and continues to study a certain issue, the results and reputation will all belong to them.

Therefore, Yang Rui must explain all the problems clearly and make all the experiments that can be done before publishing a systematic paper.

In the scientific world, there is no way out for “point subsidiary companies.” Pointing to the sky and saying that there is a black hole in space. This is just conjecture. It is similar to the concept of “I saw it.” Even if a black hole was discovered, the person who said this would have long been forgotten. To be Hawking, you must not only point out that there is a black hole in the sky, but also estimate the physical properties of the black hole, explore its influence on surrounding matter, and the influence of surrounding matter on it. In the end, you have to make a reasonable and reasonable prediction. How to prove the existence of black holes, and only in this way, can experimental physicists become pure blue-collar scientists and attribute the honor to themselves.

Scientists who are not honored are like fish without water. They have no room for survival at all.

Wu Qian listened carefully and thought about it: “Since one can be inferred from one article, why not merge the two into one?”

“Because there are more than two, there are several.”

“Then put it all together.”

“If you put them all together, the number of words will be too much. Moreover, after all, they are separate arguments, which are not easy to connect.” Yang Rui smiled. In fact, he is still not confident enough. Normal papers are usually under 2,000 words, and as many as 5,000 words are a lot of length. His six essays are crowded around, almost 20,000 words. If this is merged together, As a scientific paper, it can be published independently.

Editors of foreign journals also look at titles. If there is a title of “Doctor” or “Professor,” he makes a 20,000-character article in the past, and people may also seriously consider the issue of publication. He didn’t even have an undergraduate hat and asked a magazine to publish a 20,000-word article. Yang Rui felt unreliable no matter what he thought, and the journal agency was also worried about gossip.

On the other hand, although refined solanesol is a very lucrative technology, it is still applicable. As far as academics are concerned, the value cannot be said to be very high, and it may not necessarily make the other party have the urge to publish independently.

Because of this, Yang Rui continued to send these papers to “Biochemical System Ecology”. Familiar journals can give him a lot of convenience, which not only saves time and increases efficiency, but also improves security. Otherwise, if you submit to a new journal, if you encounter re-editing requirements, it will take time. It is likely to lag behind other related researchers.

Many researchers do this. If there are no special circumstances, everyone is accustomed to submitting to familiar journals. Of course, when the impact factors are not very different.

For Yang Rui, unless he feels he has written a paper with an impact factor of 4.0 or higher, it is more convenient to vote for Biochemical System Ecology.

The impact factor of journals is calculated once a year, and there is no need to pursue the impact factor after the decimal point in the current year.

From the experience of later generations, if a postgraduate from a Chinese university, if the paper can be listed in the indexed journal, whether the impact factor is 0.5 or 1.0, it is considered good, and graduation is not a problem. If a doctoral student can write an article with an impact factor of 2.0, he has successfully graduated from ordinary universities, and he has written an article with 3.0, which is already excellent. If he falls in the second school, he can still receive considerable attention. It’s a sensation if it’s not done well.

Papers with an impact factor of 4.0 are also quite good for teachers in colleges and universities. Excellent associate professors and ordinary professors are usually at this level.

As for articles with an impact factor of 5.0 or even 6.0, as long as there is one, it can be quite moisturizing in ordinary colleges and universities. Of course, in places like Beijing*, 6.0 articles are not enough to read. As a city that gathers the most resources and talents in China, professors at Beijing*jing universities often need articles with 8.0 or even more impact factors. , Can live more comfortably.

From this we can also see the gap between schools. In areas where the level of scientific research is backward, thousands of professors and associate professors in universities in a province may not have an article with an impact factor of 10.0 within three to five years. An article with an impact factor of 10.0 can emerge in two years. If students are interested in academics, the gap is extremely huge.

Undergraduates are elementary students who have a career in scientific research. Undergraduates follow the highest level of 4.0 professors, just like the teachers who received the high school education at the elementary level. Four years later, they will compete with the students who have received the undergraduate education at the elementary school level. , It is not easy to win.

Yang Rui was also helpless about his current state. After thinking about it, he felt that six papers at a time would be enough. Then he said, “Wu Qian, give me another piece of letter paper, and I will send a quick letter.”

“If you’re in a hurry, it’s better to send a telegram, because you have money anyway.” Wu Qian was still worried about Yang Rui’s manuscript fees. She later wrote articles for submission, but was never accepted. Thinking about it, she felt suffocated.

Yang Rui asked: “Can I send a telegram abroad to me?”

Wu Qian smiled: “The post office in our town hasn’t sent a telegram to a foreign country since it opened its doors. Why don’t I ask?”

“Forget it, everyone is Maodong, I’m not so anxious, just use the quick letter.” Yang Rui asked for paper and pen, and wrote a text message to the “Biochemical System Ecology” magazine, which is still a submission letter. format.

It stands to reason that he is a reviewer for the journal “Biochemical System Ecology”, and there is no need for a submission letter to explain his background and personal information, but because there are too many papers this time, he feels it is necessary to explain .

The six papers are distributed according to the schedule, but Yang Rui doesn’t care whether they are merged into one, two or three or four, as long as they can be published. The more content in an article, the more likely it is to be cited. Overall, there is no disadvantage to Yang Rui.

Of course, if it is merged, Yang Rui will have fewer papers in terms of the total number of papers. He has to tell the editors of the journal that he doesn’t care, and he can merge or single-file at will, so as to avoid letter exchanges and waste of time.

In addition, Yang Rui and Shun wrote a letter of authorization to allow lawyers hired by Huarui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. to register relevant patents as an agent, and place it under the name of Huarui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Huarui Pharmaceutical is a sole proprietorship of Yang Rui, and Hong Kong is a free port. It is more convenient than registering in Yang Rui’s name.

Wu Qian curiously watched Yang Rui write a letter, and after a while she praised: “You’re so amazing, isn’t this in English, so smooth in writing?”

“The teacher taught well.” Yang Rui said Jing Yulan. This gentle big beauty has a fairly good level of English, and the one-to-one teaching effect is also very good. Yang Rui’s test-taking ability may not have been greatly improved, but in terms of application, he has indeed gained a lot.

Wu Qian rolled her eyes and asked, “Is that a very beautiful English teacher?”

“Do you know this too?”

“It’s spread all over the town, saying it’s a pretty girl from a big city.” Wu Qianjiao smiled: “You wouldn’t think that such a big thing can be hidden so that people don’t know it, right?”

“That’s a big deal.” Yang Rui laughed, folded the letter paper, put it in the envelope, and glued it on.

Wu Qian handed him the stamp.

Yang Rui held it in his hand and couldn’t stick it anymore. He asked, “Send a letter with chicken tickets, it’s a waste of it.”

“Chicken ticket? This is too ugly. Why don’t you use it to send credit? This is a new stamp.” Wu Qian took out the chicken ticket issued in 1981. The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications issued a total of more than 9 million pieces, most of which were used to send letters.

Compared with the first monkey ticket of the Chinese zodiac issued in 1980, the value of the chicken ticket is much worse. Thirty years later, the price is only one-thirtieth of the monkey ticket, but it has reached the level of three or four hundred and one. .

Yang Rui’s letter requires a whole row of eight-point chicken votes to be enough. If you count it, it is tens of thousands of yuan.

Yang Rui couldn’t afford to send a letter like this psychologically.

“Replace individual stamps, it’s a waste.” Yang Rui said again, handing back half of the chicken ticket, and then took it back, saying: “Okay, the thief does not go empty, it’s all here, you leave the post office Show me all the stamps.”

“Bring them all, do you know how many are there? What are you going to do?” Wu Qian snapped out.

Yang Rui smiled and said: “Collection. If you are interested, you can also buy some stamps and put them at home.”

“What I am buying this thing for, I will let my nephew tear it up if I can’t handle it. It’s better to buy it when I send the letter.” Wu Qian blinked and said, “You want to collect stamps. You have to buy old stamps for stamp collection. The earlier the more valuable, the new stamps are boring.”

“I like new tickets, they look good.”

“Weirdo.” Wu Qianjiao groaned and went to get the stamp.

Yang Rui waited at the counter with a strange expression and expected.

The earliest philately craze in China started in the early 1980s. However, it will take years to sweep the country. In 1982, even the postal cities in big cities were not very popular. There were not one or two stamp collectors in Xibao Town or even in Xi County. Wu Qian, who worked at the postal service, knew the concept of stamp collection. Never touched.

It should be said that in 1982, there were few interested and capable collectors in China.

A philatelic album with hundreds of stamps can be sold for twenty or thirty yuan for several days. In most cases, the people squatting at the gates of the Chenghuang Temple and the post office are mainly exchanges. When two people meet each other, they look at each other’s stamp albums. They can be addicted to their eyes and have the stamps they want, and they can also discuss exchanges.

There are few people who pay directly and buy new tickets in large quantities. After all, people were paid in the 1980s. One edition of 80 Chinese zodiac tickets was worth RMB 64. A family of three and two-employed urban residents would save RMB 5 or 6 a month. If you are a foreigner, you still have to save. Buying train tickets to go home with money, where there is spare money to buy stamps.

If you can spend 30 cents a month and buy a group of Sifanglians, you can be considered a powerful postmate. It can be understood by comparison that a box of Daqianmen is only 36 cents, and a box of Big Wild Goose Pagoda is only 2.6 cents. The ordinary local government officials draw a flock of 9 cents, and there are a few who are willing to buy new mail every month. , The kind of people who buy one edition of stamps a month to go home, either have a gray income, or are the prodigal of the new era.

In addition, Yang Rui knew that monkey tickets were valuable, but the Chinese in 1982 did not know it. The same is the zodiac ticket. After 30 years, the 80 version of the monkey ticket is worth 10,000 yuan, the 81 version of the chicken ticket is only three to four hundred yuan, and the 82 version of the dog ticket is only forty or fifty yuan If someone saves Frugal people bought dog tickets and held them till the end. If you count inflation, it is hard to say whether you are making a profit or losing it.

Therefore, the stamp collectors in the 1980s still cared about old tickets. The so-called rare things are precious. The longevity stamps of the Qing Dynasty and the early stamps of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region were the good tickets in the hearts of philatelists in the 1980s. In contrast, the popular Chinese zodiac tickets and the Cultural Revolution tickets of later generations , Few people care about it now.

Yang Rui decided long ago that after making money, he would buy a bunch of stamps and give it to his cousin Duan Hang. Because when “New Concept English” was printed, the Duan Hang and his wife borrowed 12,500 yuan in their own name and lent it to Yang Rui, which relieved his urgent need.

If it were not for his cousin Duan Hang’s loyalty and his cousin’s wife, Yang Rui had no money to print the second volume of “New Concept English”.

In that way, he would not get the first bucket of gold, but the first bucket of debt.

In the early 1980s, it was not a joke to owe tens of thousands of dollars in debt, and it was not uncommon to be unable to turn over for several years or even more than a decade.

Earlier, Yang Rui didn’t have any remaining funds to collect. He had to be ready to fund additional equipment and experimental materials at any time.

Now it’s different. He has received dividends from the WestJet factory, and dividends will be distributed every quarter in the future. In this way, the cost of buying stamps is not a big deal.

“Buy some for my cousin, and take insurance for the rest.” Yang Rui rubbed his chin and smiled inexplicably. If you buy a bunch of stamps and hide it at home, you are really a pauper.

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