Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 172

Chapter 175 what you up to

Yang Rui asked for stamps. Although Wu Qian didn’t understand, she ran upstairs, opened the cabinet, picked several stamps in the warehouse, and hugged them.

A letter sent in the 1980s usually only cost 8 cents for a stamp, plus 2 cents for an envelope. Therefore, the monkey tickets and chicken tickets are now 8 cents.

Xibao Town is a big town. There are thousands of stamps stored in the post office all year round. According to the number, there are tens of thousands of stamps, which require hundreds of editions. Wu Qian can’t hold them even if they want to hold them.

She took as many as she could, put it on the table, and said, “You pick it, and take whatever you want.”

“These are the regular editions. I don’t need the Chinese zodiac tickets. I need them for monkeys, chickens and dogs, especially for monkeys. If there are loose tickets, I’ll also be given a kite. If the stamps start with T, the kite seems to be fine… “While waiting, Yang Rui found the philatelic information he had read before. The content in it made him think that he had no impression at all, and he didn’t know when he had read it, but now he has used it all.

Yang Rui didn’t pursue profit maximization either. He chose the ones with similar prices and accepted them.

The most prosperous stage of China’s postal market should be in the middle and late 1990s, especially in 1996 and 1997. Any stamp has more than doubled its value-added range. The monkey ticket, the weather vane of the postal market, was in 1997. The annual price was 2,000 yuan per sheet, but in 2003, it was 1,200 yuan.

Therefore, in terms of investment, holding stamps was almost the same until the mid-1990s. In 15 years, the more value-added value is tens of thousands of times, and the small value value is hundreds of times. Normally, there will be no loss.

Of course, the premise is that money is now available for investment.

Yang Rui’s RMB assets amount to tens of thousands of yuan, except for some of them used to purchase domestically produced instruments, that is, to eat and drink. At the current level of consumption, he will certainly have new income without waiting for the renminbi in his hand to run out.

In fact, the US dollars he holds will have surplus after this order of equipment. In China in the 1980s, real estate did not yet exist, and there were no other investment channels except for the purchase of stamps.

Rather than learning from ordinary people, buying a bunch of famous cigarettes and wine and waiting for the 84-year price increase, Yang Rui prefers to buy stamps.

In addition to being an investment product with the greatest value-added potential in recent years, it also has the advantage of small size.

Thousands of dollars can be put in a large box and replaced with other investment goods. It takes more than ten years to store it at once, but it is troublesome.

By the mid-1990s, after all the stamps were sold, they could continue to invest in real estate and stocks.

If he wants to lie down for a lifetime, Yang Rui feels that he almost looks good on the road.

Wu Qian didn’t expect that Yang Rui was optimistic about so many stamps, just to count, there were hundreds of pieces in front of the counter, and Yang Rui asked her to bring down the same stamps.

Wu Qian suddenly slapped her claws and asked, “Where are you collecting stamps? You are hoarding them. Is there such a stamp collection?”

“You don’t care how I collect stamps. Anyway, I just want all of these. You can restock them at your store.” Yang Rui was not at all concerned about buying stamps.

Throughout the 1980s, it was never heard that anyone was arrested because they bought too many stamps or sold too many stamps. Even by the end of the 1980s, millions of yuan-level stamp sales had appeared in the postal currency market, and the government did not see any intention to stop it. It should be said that this is the safest investment market in China.

As long as Yang Rui trades fairly, he will not stumble on stamps.

In these years, the more people in big cities, the more high-ranking officials, and the more they like this kind of activity.

In two years, just stand in the building of a certain ministries and commissions, and with a shout, you will be able to find more than a dozen people to organize a philatelic association, whose popularity far exceeds that of Go.

Gifting with stamps is also about to become a new means of corrupting cadres. A plate of several thousand stamps, as long as the purchase time is hidden, it becomes a printed matter with a face value of several yuan. It is the same reason that it will compete with later merchants to buy porcelain calligraphy and painting as gifts.

Wu Qian looked at Yang Rui’s expression and asked, “Are you really going to buy it?”

“of course.”



“I don’t know that stamps are so heavy. If I move it down, I have to move it up if you don’t want it.” Wu Qian complained, but her eyes narrowed.

Yang Rui nodded and asked, “Do you need my help?”

“The finance room doesn’t let you in.” Wu Qian sold a cute and jumped upstairs.

Yang Rui shouted from behind the counter: “Use it carefully, don’t make it crumpled.”

“Got it.” Wu Qian’s voice was as crisp as a bird.

After a while, Wu Qian moved the two cardboard boxes downstairs, which were full of stamps.

The small and exquisite stamps are very beautiful, and they are naturally impulsive to sort out and collect. Yang Rui still remembers the joy of collecting stamps when he was a child. Although it lasted for a short time and there was not much collecting funds at that time, happiness is the same.

“Let’s do the calculations, I’ll take it all.” Yang Rui read them one by one, quite satisfied. At present, Chinese people collect stamps mainly out of hobbies, or everyone collects me and collects them. Many people don’t even care about their appearance, so they squat in the communication room every day to tear up stamps. For example, the 80 version of the monkey ticket will not rise by leaps and bounds until the second round of the Chinese zodiac ticket is issued in 1992. It is not popular now, and there is also a torn stock in the post office.

According to Yang Rui’s rough calculations, the value of the stamps Wu Qian moved out in the 1990s could be two or three hundred thousand, and if they were sold for real estate speculation, they would be half a billionaire.

Wu Qian also calculated the total price at this time, stopped the abacus, and said in a little surprise: “The total is 1,280 yuan and 64. Should I put it back a bit?”

The stamps of more than 1,000 yuan are sold slowly at the post office. It is hard for Wu Qian to imagine someone transporting them to his home.

With so much money, it would be great to buy a TV.

Yang Rui doesn’t feel expensive at all.

An investment of 1,200 yuan in stamps will increase 200 times after 10 years. Even in China in the 1980s, it was an amazing return.

The most important thing is that the value-added of this money does not need to be operated. Investors can get income on schedule as long as they put it well. In addition, there is no need for bills to buy stamps.

The more Yang Rui thought about it, the more he found it worthwhile. He poured out the more than 300 yuan in his pocket and said, “I didn’t bring that much. I will take a part of it first, and you will keep it for me. People come to take it.”

Wu Qian didn’t think Yang Rui was worth buying the stamps. Seeing that he hadn’t bought all of them, she was relieved and said, “If you don’t want to buy them, you can send someone to say it. I’ll just move back.”

“I’ll definitely come to pick it up.” Yang Rui is time-consuming, and he has to scan the goods once, but he doesn’t want to waste his time.

Wu Qian glanced at him badly and helped him count 300 stamps.

Yang Rui chose the most valuable one to take away, and carefully put the loose monkey tickets in the bag.

It is said that the monkey tickets are in bulk, and many of them are double-triple or quadrangular. When the sender came to buy the stamps, the post office staff tore them off. Some of the outer edges were damaged, but they were basically all stamps. , I want to be able to sell a good price.

After leaving the post office, Yang Rui turned around and entered the credit union and made an appointment with the teller for withdrawal.

Most of the renminbi in his hand is cash, and a small part comes from Shi Gui’s remittances from other places. As long as he has the opportunity, Yang Rui will find a way to withdraw the money.

Credit cooperatives actually earn a lot of interest. The annual interest rate is close to 8%, which is similar to the bank loans of later generations. However, Yang Rui has various worries and is always unwilling to put too much money in the current bank.

The only financial institution in Westburg is the credit union, which is even less reassuring.

The 1,500 yuan scheduled withdrawal is no more or less, and it didn’t make the teller of the credit union look at him more.

Although the income of Chinese people is not high, they have a lot of deposits. When buying seed fertilizers or large electrical appliances in rural areas, it is common for them to withdraw thousands of dollars.

Of course, ordinary people save money for several years and use it at a time, but Yang Rui uses it for pocket expenses.

After filling out the appointment form and leaving the credit union, Yang Rui holding the cardboard box simply found a tractor to go to Xizhaizi Township and went home.

After all, it’s not safe enough to store stamps in the dormitory.

The tractor shook the black smoke of “pupupupu” and disappeared at the intersection. Zhang Boming, who was sitting at the restaurant opposite the credit union for dinner, jumped up and rushed into the credit union.

These days, he wanted to find Yang Rui’s handle, and his brain hurt.

Although there is an old father of the director of the Water Resources Department, Zhang Boming is not a follower. The current second generation of officials still doesn’t pay attention to pomp, and Zhang Boming has no money to support him.

In the case of not daring to trouble Dad Zhang Boming wanted to find Yang Rui’s fault, so he had to think of a solution by himself.

Nowadays, the best way to understand a person is to look at the archives. Yang Rui’s archives are in Xibao Middle School. Zhang Boming asked Zhao Dannian to ask for it, but was rejected.

Zhang Boming had nothing to do with Zhao Dannian’s old revolution. He wanted to inquire about it at Xibao Middle School, but the same effect was very limited.

Just when he was about to return to Pingjiang to discuss with his friends, Zhang Boming saw Yang Rui doing business in the credit union.

What kind of business does a middle school student have in a credit union?

Thinking of Yang Rui’s huge manuscript fee of more than 2,000 yuan, Zhang Boming felt it was necessary to inquire about it.

“My friend just came to do business, is it done?” Zhang Boming is not stupid. His provincial government high school brand does not have the slightest deterrent in Xibao Town, so he simply cheated.

The teller of the credit union was rather impatient and said, “Who knows who your friend is.”

“I am taller than me, with long thick eyebrows and big eyes, like a movie actor.” When Zhang Boming described it like this, he always felt a bit of blood dripping. He shouted in his heart: Teacher Jing, you are waiting for me, Don’t be fooled by Xiao Bailian.

The teller of the credit union looked at Zhang Boming carefully and said, “It’s done.”

“What to do, please tell me, I’ll be able to go to work.” Zhang Boming pleased and handed out a cigarette.

The management of the rural credit cooperatives has always been extensive. The teller took the cigarette and clamped it to his ear, then turned the person in front of him and said, “It is agreed to withdraw 1,500 on Wednesday, okay?”

“It’s all right.” Zhang Boming went out of the credit union, his smiley face instantly seemed to be frozen, and said to himself: Take 1,500 yuan, what do you want to do?

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