Rebirth of the Stars

Chapter 450

Chapter 448

When Ning Yuan woke up from “meditation” again, and wanted to move forward again while she was still in absolute calm, an unexpected system prompt sounded in her mind:

“Congratulations to the player for the increase in negative mental resistance.”

“Huh? Isn’t it six hours or six times to trigger the second effect of’meditation’?” Ning Yuan stopped the steps he had just taken in his consciousness, and then reacted and guessed: “Is it because of my current state? ?”

After thinking for a moment, Ning Yuan ignored it for a while after being a little uncertain. The most important thing now is to take advantage of the hidden effect of “Meditation” and seize the time to move forward.

In any case, there is always an end to this test. As long as Ning Yuan does not lose control to reach the end, then it is always the safest way to pass the test.

This time Ning Yuan did not wait until the calm state disappeared and the sense of balance disappeared before running “Meditation”. Instead, before the calm state disappeared, he sat down to run the “Meditation” skill again.

In this way, the first 4 minutes and 30 seconds after the end of each “meditation” became Ning Yuan’s fixed forward time. After 4 minutes and 30 seconds, Ning Yuan sat down cross-legged to run the skills again.

By the time Ning Yuan was attacked by hunger pangs again, Ning Yuan had already performed meditation 60 times, and every three times Ning Yuan could hear the system increasing negative mental resistance. This became the only voice Ning Yuan could hear in this pure darkness.

20 system prompts means a permanent increase of 2% of negative mental resistance.

But the increased negative resistance is of no use to Ning Yuan. At least two percent of negative resistance is a drop in the bucket for Ning Yuan now. He can feel that the negative emotions he has accumulated are approaching a certain upper limit.

But he has no way. He has not dared to put down the use of the “meditation” skill at all, and the walking time has been compressed to 4 minutes by him in seven days.

As time goes by and the “Meditation” skills continue to be used, the closer to the end of the calm state, the more serious the frantic feeling.

In seven days, Ning Yuan could feel that his spirit was in a state of being completely overdrawn. If it is not for the character panel that is always on, if not every “meditation” is equivalent to a deep sleep, if not every time you hear the system prompts.

In such a purely dark environment, without hearing, seeing, or touching, Ning Yuan would never last a day. No, maybe it doesn’t take a day, as long as half a day or even shorter, he will get lost in the chaotic mood. This is when Ning Yuan’s will is still firm.

But Ning Yuan could feel that he had reached the limit. The mental drowsiness has already made him a bit hard to see even the character panel, his eyes seem to be closed in the next second, and he faints.

Ning Yuan is very grateful for the arrival of this hunger pang, which gives him the real sense that he is still “alive”. For seven days of repeated mechanical actions, except for the character panel, you can’t even see your own body, except for the system prompts, you can’t hear even your own shouting words and breathing, except for the hands and feet that you can feel. I can’t feel any collision or the actual feeling of stepping on the ground, my hands are clenched but there is no sense of clenching.

All this made Ning Yuan feel like he wanted to go crazy. And over time, this frantic mood, along with other chaotic thoughts and negative emotions, constantly impacted my mind. If it weren’t for the ability to separate distracted thoughts and emotions when “meditation” was running, and if it wasn’t for a calm state that was not affected by emotions and distracted thoughts for a short time after the “meditation”, Ning Yuan would be unable to do so.

But, it’s the limit.

Ning Yuan barely lifted his spirits amid the extreme hunger, took a peg of bigudan from the Kun bag and put it in his mouth.

The moment when Bigu Dan turned into a warm current in his mouth and entered his body, Ning Yuan subconsciously used the “Meditation” skill, but in a flash, he fell down in an irresistible drowsiness and fell into a deep lethargic state.

In the pure darkness, Ning Yuan’s body lit up with a soft white light following the successful operation of the “Meditation” skill, and was instantly swallowed by the surrounding darkness.

It may be that Ning Yuan fell into a drowsiness. After running for a week, the “Meditation” skill did not stop as usual, but directly started the next week with Ning Yuan’s breathing.

Then there is the third day of the week, and the fourth day of the week. . . .

So, in this pure darkness that is deeper than ink, in this pure darkness that is like a living thing, every once in a while, a drowsy humanoid silhouette will light up, and then it will be swallowed by the darkness in an instant. again and again.

When Ning Yuan was asleep, somewhere in the imaginary world outside the “Rebirth” imaginary realm, in the all-stars coalition government base, the staff of all the stars wearing special white uniforms were in a hall full of science fiction. Busy at work. Pieces of virtual screens rise and fall, and groups of data representing the players are cascading down on the virtual screens like a waterfall.

This is the observation and adjustment base of “Rebirth” in the virtual world.

A gray-haired old man of the Yi people sits leisurely in the office on the second floor of the hall, drinking Ai tea (similar to tea, with a refreshing and relaxing effect) while watching the busy figures in the hall downstairs.

There was a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

“Crunch” The door opened, and a female barbarian with wide-brimmed glasses twisted the slender waist hidden under the white uniform and walked in.

The female barbarians have long wavy, fiery red hair and a **** and charming face under wide-rim glasses. If they are not hidden under the old-fashioned wide-rim glasses and keep their cold look, they will look extraordinarily glamorous. people.

She is Ava Cole, 26 years old. The goddess in the hearts of 50% of the male animals in the entire base. He is also the director of the special ethnic sample observation room of the “Rebirth” project in this base.

The old man put down the tea cup in his hand and looked at Ava, waved his hand to let the person who wanted to bow to sit down, and asked, “What’s the matter, Ava?”

There is a special magnetism in the old man’s voice, which is gentle and thick, with a touch of majesty.

“Sample 49 has special circumstances.” Ava got up and handed a virtual screen report to the elderly.

“No. 49? Ning Bing Clan?” The old man took the report, thought about it, and said with some uncertainty, “It seems that no one should have access to the hidden samples right now?”

said while looking at the report.

“Yes. Theoretically speaking, the five hidden samples of No. 9, 16, 25, 36, and 49 can only be exposed to a little information when the player reaches a certain level of strength after at least 300 years after Nieno Continental Time. “Ava pushed her glasses and said in a cold voice, “But the actual situation now is that some players have already obtained a piece of the’Ice Condensation Source’ spiritual object, and obtained part of the information of the Ning Ice Clan.”


The old man looked up from the report in surprise, his brown eyes looked at Ava’s delicate face: “It’s Huangsheng, right? Has the ownership of the spiritual things been bound?”

“That’s not true.” Ava shook her head, “I checked the player’s information. The player who touched the phantom parts is indeed a bright life in the registration file of the coalition government. However, the information above shows that he is not awakened. The guess is likely to be. He has concealed his own awakening information, or just awakened. This Huangsheng is currently in the trial of the linkage of samples No. 25 and No. 49.”

“Hidden should not be enough,” the old man lowered his head and continued to check the report, while thinking, “It should have just awakened, and there should be no information of spiritual things in the awakening memory, otherwise it is impossible to choose “Rebirth” to enter the trial when it first opened. .Wait, you said the trial of the 25th and 49th linkage!?”

The old man couldn’t help but raised his head in surprise again and looked at Ava with a calm face: “Didn’t you say that only the spiritual parts of sample 49 were obtained?”

Ava rolled her eyes secretly, and continued to reply with a cold voice: “For the time being, only the’Ice Source’ component has been obtained, but the player still has the trigger item of the No. 25 sample spirit in his hand. If it passes the linkage trial It is very possible to obtain two samples of triggering spirits of No. 25 and No. 49. Although they are only parts and not complete spirits, if they pass the trial, the player will have level 2 regeneration authority.”

“Okay. The little guy’s luck is really good.” The old man had found Ning Yuan’s information in the report, “Oh? Or the Ning boys? I remember that all the Ning boys in this generation are civilians, right?”

“Ning Yuan, male, 24 years old. He is 175 in height, 50 kg in weight, with good facial features and ordinary appearance. The second son of’Silver Eye Demon Lord’ Ning Zhijun. He became a bright student at the age of 6, but because he was not awakened, it was easier to not apply for status. The identity of government information has always been a civilian. At the age of 21, he graduated from the Second Command College of Linhang District, Zhuxia, with medium grades. There is a 3-year-old brother Ning Xiangyun, and a 3-year-old sister Ning Rou. People are all Huangsheng, Ning Xiangyun became Huangsheng at 9 years old, and Ning Rou was 7. The only sister of the three brothers and sisters is Huangsheng Awakening, and the awakening ability is’referring to a deer as a horse’.” Ava is obviously doing footwork. I came here after doing my homework. The veteran said a word and memorized Ning Yuan’s details, including the situation of the two siblings.

“You girl, you have done enough homework.” The old man smiled and shook his head, continued to look down at the report, and asked: “What is the specific content of the joint trial on the 25th and 49th?”

“The specific situation is unknown.” The eyelids under Ava’s wide-brimmed glasses drooped, her blue eyes looked at the ground, and her voice was a little low: “My authority is not enough. The system shows that it is dangerous level 3, and there is a need for deep soul training. risk.”

“Special Class III?!” The old man raised his head solemnly, then he thought about it, and then lowered his head again with a light sigh, “Okay, then keep watching. It is tentatively set as a Class A observation target. If you pass the trial, observe the level. Upgrade to Special A level. If it fails, you can help you apply for a temporary departure from the world of “Rebirth” for in-depth soul care. Then lower your observation level to B level.”

“Oh.” Ava nodded, and then asked somewhat puzzledly: “I understand the application for soul care, but why is it just a lowering of the observation level instead of cancellation? You know that although we have more than a dozen bases together in charge of the regeneration plan Observations, but our manpower has been in a state of insufficient. Is this a waste of resources?”

“A Sanhuang student is worth observing in the first place.” The old man raised his eyes and said, “That’s it. I’ll take a look at the report.”

“Okay. Then I’ll go out first.” Ava nodded slightly incomprehensibly, turned and left.

“What’s more, it’s the cub of the Lao Ning family, or the relative of the’Silver Eye Demon Lord’.” Seeing the puzzlement on Ava’s face, the old man murmured.

Ning Yuan naturally didn’t know what happened in the virtual world.

Ning Yuan woke up in the faint system prompt.

“Congratulations to the player for the increase in negative mental resistance.”

Ning Yuan, who opened his eyes in the pure black species, was a little confused. The darkness in front of him made him close his eyes again subconsciously.

After a while, I suddenly realized where I was.

Ning Yuan, who opened his eyes in the darkness again, was a little surprised to find that the chaotic thoughts and negative emotions in his mind that seemed to drive people were dissipated a lot, and he didn’t feel much at this moment.


suspiciously called out the character panel in his mind, and found that the blessing time of the wisdom attribute has not decreased but increased a lot.

“What’s going on?” Although there was no real feeling, Ning Yuan subconsciously raised his hand and scratched his head.

I only understood what happened when I fell asleep when I saw the player log.

I saw a total of 30 messages about running “Meditation” weekdays and 10 messages about increased negative mental resistance in the player log.

“I have been running the ‘Meditation’ skill while I’m asleep? Did I sleep for three days and two nights?”

“Uninterrupted operation of the’meditation’ skill can completely eliminate negative emotions and thoughts?”

“Then my current state…” Ning Yuan looked at the words “full/calm” on the mental state column and fell into deep thought: “Is my current state a superposition of calm states after many ‘meditations’?”

In order to verify, Ning Yuan supported the ground with his unrealistic hands, stood up using the character panel as a reference, and then tried to walk two steps forward.

But just after taking a step, Ning Yuan didn’t grasp the balance and staggered.

“It doesn’t seem to be.” Ning Yuan frowned in consciousness and muttered to himself, “It seems that it is only because of the normal state after the reduction of negative thoughts rather than the absolutely rational and calm state after ‘meditation’.”

“The confusion of the five senses still affects the balance of the body. If you want to move forward, you have to find a way to enter a state of rationality that is not disturbed by emotions.” As he thought about it, Ning Yuan discovered some messy thoughts and deliberately ignored the emotional changes caused by environmental factors. stand up.

“Can this be the only way for the time being?” Ning Yuan sighed in his mind, and started the “Meditation” skill again.

. . . . . .

One month later.

“Ah! Ah! Ah!·····”

In the darkness, Ning Yuan’s eyes were red, his body was rolling on the invisible ground, his limbs were constantly flapping, and his mouth was yelling frantically.

Although he couldn’t hear his own voice, he couldn’t see his body, and he couldn’t feel the touch and pain of hitting the ground. But he still did it unconsciously. .

Ning Yuan lost control. He fell asleep without time to run the “Meditation” skill, and when he woke up, he lost control.

went out of control without warning, without any struggle.

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