Rebirth of the Stars

Chapter 451

Chapter 449

The concept of time in the passage seemed to become blurred, and Ning Yuan’s consciousness seemed to be dulled unconsciously.

Then, without knowing how long he had walked, or how far he had walked, Ning Yuan suddenly realized that he had stepped into the pure darkness without knowing it.

The real one can’t see his fingers, and there is no other color in his eyes except darkness.

Ning Yuan’s consciousness fell into sluggishness again after waking up for a moment, as if he walked forward again without any consciousness.

When Ning Yuan’s consciousness regained consciousness, Ning Yuan found that he seemed to have stepped into nothingness without knowing it.

The touch of the wall and the ground no longer knows when it will disappear, and the footsteps have stopped. There is no tactile feeling under the feet, as if still, in a state of not getting up.

Ning Yuan closed his eyes in consciousness, and then opened them. Except for darkness, it was still darkness. I lifted my foot in consciousness and stepped on it, without any sense of touch. He tried to wave his hands a few times, and there was no sound of wind and no physical feeling.

“Where is this? What’s wrong with me?”

Although Ning Yuan’s consciousness had been awake, he was still a little dull.

“Didn’t I walk in the secret road? Why am I here? What happened? How do I feel unimpressed?” As his thinking became more active, Ning Yuan felt an inexplicable panic.

Just when Ning Yuan fell into confusion and confusion about his state and his current situation, a strong feeling of hunger attacked him, and he was lucky enough to recover a little calmness.


Ning Yuan subconsciously exhaled the character panel after regaining some calmness.

Looking at the character panel that appeared in front of him, looking at the text and the three-dimensional model of the game characters that still appeared clearly in the total darkness, Ning Yuan finally recovered a little calmness.

Inexplicably long breath.

Ning Yuan looked at the dazzling red “weak/extremely hungry” in the physical status column of the character panel and the yellow “full/slightly chaotic” in the mental status column, and fell into deep thought: “Is this the test? It has been unknowingly. Seven days? Am I asleep?”

While thinking about it, Ning Yuan checked the system time under the character panel.

I was surprised to find that I don’t know when the system time has completely turned into a question mark.

“What’s the matter?” Ning Yuan, who subconsciously raised his fingers and tapped his forehead, inexplicably found that he could not feel the touch of the fingers at all, and he could not hear the sound of “boom” in his ears.

Unconsciously raised his hands and placed them in front of him, Ning Yuan was a little horrified to realize that although he could realize that his hands were in front of his eyes, and although he could clearly realize the existence of the body and limbs, he could not see at all, and he could not feel the touch at all when he fought with his hands. . There is clearly a sound, but the sound is completely inaudible, maybe it is, but the ears are completely inaudible.

In addition to consciousness, it seems that the four senses of the five senses of the body including sight, hearing, smell, and touch have completely disappeared. Even the conscious sensation seems to be left with only conceptual body impressions and active thinking from dullness.

If it wasn’t for the presence of the character panel, if it wasn’t for the words in the eyes, if it wasn’t for the feeling of hunger in the body, Ning Yuan really wondered if he had lost his body and only had consciousness.

But both the character panel and the hunger in his belly clearly told him that his body still exists, and his five senses still exist.

The only contradiction is that he can’t see, hear, smell or touch anything except the character panel.

This contradictory feeling made him feel like he wanted to vomit blood.

With the increase in hunger, Ning Yuan could only endure this frightening contradiction while taking out the porcelain bottle containing bigudan from the kun bag, pouring out a second-turn bigudan and sending it into his mouth.

As bigudan melted in his mouth and turned into a warm current flowing into his body, Ning Yuan seemed to feel the existence of a real physical touch again for a moment.

But it was only a moment.

“Is this a test in the dark?” Ning Yuan muttered to himself, “The chaos of the five senses, you can clearly see but can’t see, you can hear but can’t hear, you can smell but you can’t smell, obviously I can touch it but I can’t. The five senses exist, but the feedback is not available to the brain. And although I am conscious now, I seem to have lost consciousness in front of me?”

Ning Yuan concentrated on using “Yesterday’s Dusk” to reproduce the memory after walking into the fog, and found that the memory exists, but there are fragments in the middle.

After walking into the fog, the memory at the beginning includes the state of not seeing the five fingers in the fog, the sound of stepping on the ground, the cold touch of holding the wall, including the feeling of gradual dullness of consciousness as you walk, and the concept of time is in your mind Ning Yuan could find the faint feeling slowly.

But after a certain moment, Ning Yuan’s memory was gone. The last memory is an attack of sleepiness.

The memory that I wake up again is now.

“I did fall asleep.” Ning Yuan frowned and muttered to himself, “When I fell asleep and how long I slept for, but I don’t know. It is now certain that at least seven days have passed since I entered the mist. In the middle of me I’ve been walking forward along the secret road, even when I fall asleep, my body is also moving forward. This can be guessed from my memory when I was struggling when sleepy.”

“Then you can suppose:” Ning Yuan sat down in consciousness and began to organize his thoughts: “One, I am still in the passage. This can be basically determined from the pure dark surroundings. Although the Nieno Continent The area of ​​the Fulong Mountains is infinitely vast. The Fulong Mountains occupies a large area of ​​the eastern part of the Nieno continent, or less to say, tens of millions of square kilometers. Go straight on the secret road that can’t be walked out for seven days.”

“Second, based on the area of ​​the Dragon Tooth Mountains and the display of the location on the player’s map opened by the nameless stele forest on the boundary line in memory, and the situation that I am still in the dark of the secret road after seven days, this channel is either an illusion or an application. A method similar to the mustard space.”

“Three, regardless of whether the above two assumptions are true or not. This purely dark space is a test. It is already certain.”

Ning Yuan closed the character panel and then opened it again.

“The character panel cannot be closed. Pure darkness will magnify the player’s negative emotions and make people fall into fear uncontrollably. Coupled with the chaotic five senses, it is impossible to feel fear and despair as long as it is not purely rational. But no matter what Fear or despair does not help the situation at all. The existence of a character panel can at least let me know my state and serve as a sign to remind myself.”

Thinking like this, Ning Yuan stood up in consciousness, endured the weightlessness that was rolling in his mind and walked forward two steps, but soon had to stop again.

“This won’t work. My mind is too confused, and I can’t determine the direction and footsteps.”

Ning Yuan tried to move himself a few steps in his consciousness, and stopped when he almost staggered down.

“The wall of the passage seems to have really disappeared. Although I can’t feel the touch, this sense of distance still exists in my consciousness.”

Sit down in consciousness again. Ning Yuan stared at the character panel. When he staggered and tilted just now, the character panel also tilted. This allowed Ning Yuan to basically confirm some of his guesses.

“What is the current situation so that I can ignore or reduce the fear and interference caused by the purely dark environment and the chaotic five senses?” Ning Yuan muttered and scanned the character panel, and paused in a certain position.

“Meditation: Cannot be upgraded. Empty your mind to purify your mind. Effect 1: Each time you run’Meditation’ for an hour, the player will get a 10% wisdom (spiritual/savvy/strategy/political strategy/military strategy) attribute bonus Six hours; Effect 2: Each time you run’Meditation’ for six hours, the player will permanently increase the negative mental resistance by one thousandth, with a total increase of 30%. Requirements: You need to sit still in a non-combat state. ”

Looking at the attribute of “Meditation” in the skill bar, Ning Yuan had a bright feeling: “That’s it.”

Just do it.

Ning Yuan sat down cross-legged in consciousness, officially using the “meditation” skill in consciousness for the first time.

With the operation of the skills, Ning Yuan felt that some chaotic thoughts slowly disappeared, and the whole person slowly relaxed and entered a kind of emptiness without thinking.

If Ning Yuan hadn’t closed his eyes, if he could see, he would find that when he was running his “meditation” skill, his body sitting cross-legged in the dark gradually emitted a white shimmer to illuminate his silhouette. But in an instant the faint white light was absorbed by the darkness around him, and the whole person fell into absolute darkness again.

When Ning Yuan woke up from the ethereal state, he checked the character panel and found that the attribute wisdom was followed by a 10% bonus mark.

“Is a complete meditation running for one hour and two hours?” Ning Yuan muttered, then raised his eyes to look around.

Although I still can’t see, hear, smell, and touch, the imaginary fears and fears don’t immediately come to my heart.

He stood up and tried to walk forward. Although he would still be disturbed by the confusion of five senses, Ning Yuan found that he was much calmer than he thought.

It wasn’t until after walking forward for a while that the chaotic emotions slowly attached to my heart, and the original sense of balance was also lost in a moment.

Ning Yuan had to stop again in consciousness.

“It works, but the time is too short.” Ning Yuan looked at the remaining time of the bonus on the character panel, “It only took about 5 minutes.”

Then reacted.

“Um, this seems to be a way to determine the time.” Ning Yuan reacted instantly after a moment of stun, “The concept of time in this space is very vague. Although Bigu Dan has an effective period of seven days, it will not be displayed in the status bar. I thought that the approximate time could only be determined when the hunger pang hits again, but now we can use the time of the’meditation’ to run once and the countdown of the wisdom attribute to more accurately grasp the time.”

Then another question came to mind: “I don’t know if the blessing effects of’Meditation’ can be superimposed? It is better to determine the specific time of the’Meditation’ run once.

While thinking about this, Ning Yuan determined the countdown to the blessing of the wisdom attribute in the attribute panel. Then run the “Meditation” skill again.

After waking up from “Meditation” for the second time, Ning Yuan looked at the data on the character panel and exclaimed: “This skill is simply a magical skill.”

I saw “Wisdom: 28 (28)/31 (110!) (21 hours and 52 minutes remaining on the character attribute.

“A’meditation’ is indeed one hour and two hours, and the time of attribute blessing can be superimposed.” Although Ning Yuan was very surprised, his tone was calm and flat. But he didn’t know it, because he couldn’t hear his own voice.

“In this case, the blessed wisdom attribute can basically be regarded as the attribute in the normal state. And…” Ning Yuan stood up and walked forward steadily. “After the meditation is over, my consciousness seems to be in a short period of time. A state of absolute rationality and calmness.”

Ning Yuan’s sense of balance disappeared again after 5 minutes.

“The time is indeed 5 minutes.” Ning Yuan felt all kinds of distracting thoughts and emotions boiling again. “Within 5 minutes, I can maintain a calm state similar to absolute rationality. In this state, the confusion of the five senses and the pure dark environment treat me. The impact will be lessened, at least allowing me to be absolutely calm and maintain a sense of balance and surely moving forward.”

“But every time this state of absolute calm disappears, I always feel that the negative emotions and thoughts brought about by the pure darkness and confusion of the five senses will be accelerated and amplified.”

Feeling the increasingly chaotic brain and various emotions boiling in his mind, Ning Yuan sighed deeply in consciousness: “Double-edged sword.”

Maintaining the clearness of the spiritual platform, Ning Yuan sat down cross-legged again, running “meditation.”

Even if he knew that this might be a way to quench his thirst by drinking poison, Ning Yuan had no choice but to do it.

Because in the short period of time since he woke up to discover his own situation, he had almost fallen into an uncontrollable emotional situation more than once. Although I successfully used “Yesterday Twilight” to make the memory coherent, I have to say that the use of “Yesterday Twilight” was very reluctant. Several times when I was half concentrated, I was not consciously interrupted by chaotic thoughts, and I had to try again and again.

If it is the emotion that can be controlled by the individual, Ning Yuan believes that even if the emotions are ups and downs with his own ability, he can confidently suppress and maintain his calmness.

However, since he woke up in this purely dark space, he found that he could not control his emotions at all. It’s not that I don’t want to control, but I can’t control it.

Although he barely remained calm in his consciousness except for the initial panic, he knew that if he could see his body from the third perspective now, he would definitely see his body and limbs trembling unconsciously. , His face must also be blue and white. He could no longer control the influence of the chaotic thoughts and increasingly extreme emotions in his mind on his body.

Although he is now in a state of five sense disorders, he can still feel it. Moreover, the mental state column on the character panel has been flashing between calm and chaos, and the number of flashes of chaos is significantly higher than that of calm.

Except during the “Meditation” and the short five minutes after that.

He didn’t know whether this was his natural reaction when he was in a purely dark environment and facing the confusion of the five senses or the test influence of the system on him. .

But he knew that he must not let these messy and extreme thoughts and emotions enter his mind, or he would definitely lose control.

He doesn’t know if once he loses control it means a failure in the test, but he can’t and doesn’t want to take a risk.

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