Rebirth of the Stars

Chapter 481

Chapter 479

Ning Yuan looked back at the blurred figure with the fallen scar in the distance, and sighed softly. He immediately leaned over to endure the discomfort and took out the flame stone and the bottle of styptic powder that had not been used from his corpse. As for the light rod given by the thin scar and the short gun that has not yet played any role, it was lost on the other side of the cliff.

I don’t know if it was a relationship between two deaths. Although Ning Yuan still feels uncomfortable with his corpse, he no longer can’t help but retching like the first time. The adaptability of the players is really nothing to say. But turning his head, Ning Yuan felt shuddering again.

A hundred years of reality, a thousand years of Nieno Continent, the creatures of the stars can indeed learn the many abilities to survive in the future because this world does not have the characteristics of true death. But also because there is no death in the real sense, the creatures will lose some of their awe of reality. For example: death.

But now I think these are too far away. Ning Yuan temporarily turned the thought that made him shudder, got up and looked at the solemn stone door in the center of the platform.

The door is in the shape of an arch, and some runes of unknown meaning are engraved on both sides, revealing a mysterious and distant atmosphere. The top of the door frame is engraved with a horizontal, and inside the door is ripples flowing like water.

Ning Yuan knew that this was a one-way Dunjia Gate. The inscribed horizontal line represents a one-way entrance. If it is a sun-engraved one, it is a one-way exit. This is the application of some special Dunjiamen.

I have to say that the predecessors who set up this secret realm are still relatively good. Although the gap between the platform and the back door channel is used to set up a self-destructive illusion barrier, it also leaves a channel for those who are determined to enter the secret realm through the back door, the one-foot-wide wall on the cliff and another A slightly lower platform and a single stone bridge connecting the platform. Moreover, the ecstasy illusion only acts on the range of fifty feet away, and the illusion within fifty feet will automatically disappear from the field of vision.

and. . .

Ning Yuan did not enter the stone gate for the time being, but turned to the single stone bridge on the other side. Then he fumbled on the edge of the stone bridge and took out a long wooden box from an obvious gap in the side cliff wall.

The wooden box is a bit heavy for Ning Yuan, because of the material of the wooden box and the contents inside.

The wooden box as a whole is made of gloomy wood that has not been decayed for thousands of years, and the triple runes of “clear space”, “sturdiness” and “gathering spirit” are also branded on it to ensure that the wooden box body is clean and will not be bitten by insects and ants, and The items in the box will not be damaged by time.

Ning Yuan chose to use a short gun as a weapon before entering the Nieno continent. In addition to his own “spear spine” talent, the more important reason was the items in this wooden box. It can be said that even if Ning Yuan hadn’t calculated the “spear spine” talent, Ning Yuan would choose to use a gun as his weapon in a short time. The “spear spine” talent was more of an accident for Ning Yuan, and it also made him more suitable for choosing a gun as a weapon.

It’s also strange. The talent of Ning Yuan on the realm line is completely different from the talent calculated by Ning Yuan. I don’t know if it is because of the boundary line, or because of the divergence point chosen when the boundary line was born, or both. In short, although the two realm lines are both Ning Yuan, it can be said that they are two completely different Ning Yuans. As for which Ning Yuan is the ontology, no one knows until all the realm lines are unified.

I think everyone has guessed it. There is a gun in the box.

The overall length of the wooden box is about three feet five, and three gun body components that can form a standard length gun are arranged side by side. Not only that, there is also a silk book, a jade bottle with pills, and a jade finger.

This can be regarded as a little reward and apology from the predecessors who set this opportunity for those who have passed the test of the obsessive illusion barrier. It was also one of the reasons why Ning Yuan said that this senior was kind.

In fact, the most precious thing in the box is not the combined spear, nor the small bottle with pills, but the jade finger and the silk book.

The jade finger is the general storage finger in the spiritual world.

Although it belongs to the most common and popular storage props in the spiritual world, it is not owned by everyone. Generally speaking, those who have storage fingers are cultivators above the lieutenant level. If there is no certain power background, it is unlikely that the husband-level and soldier-level cultivators will get it, of course, except for the lucky ones.

In addition to the storage fingers that can store various inanimate items without load, the most precious thing is that any type of storage fingers are bound to the soul of the practitioner. Simply put, whether the player or the aborigines are not killed to rebirth, the storage finger will not be lost, of course, it also includes the items stored inside.

The act of picking up corpses on the continent of Nieno can only pick up non-soul-bound items from the corpse body. This is probably a certain drop rule of the Nieno continent as a game world.

The procedure for binding the soul of the finger is very simple, as long as a drop of Tianfu blood is enough.

Tianfu refers to the center of the forehead, also known as Shenfu, Jingong, Zifu, etc. It is a place where the spirits and souls of living beings converge.

Practitioners have the saying that heaven, earth and people, one “fu”, one “tai” and one “sea”. One of the “fu” refers to the heaven, which is the most natural existence of a creature; one “tai” refers to the spiritual platform of the practitioner , Lingtai, also known as “Daotai”, is located in the center of the chest; as for a “sea” refers to the place where internal qi gathers, the sea of ​​qi three inches below the navel.

If you use one sentence to describe the cultivation process of a practitioner, no matter in the records left by the two eras on the stars or in the spread of the Nieno continent, there is a similar sentence: “The sea of ​​qi condenses the body to refine the body, and the imprint of the spiritual platform is It is true, the rules of Tianfu Enlightenment are obvious, and the Trinity is born by itself.”

Ning Yuan lightly pierced Tianfu with a sharp stone, took the blood of Tianfu and smeared it on the finger, and then put the obviously a bit too big finger on the index finger of his left hand. The moment the finger was placed on the sleeve, it shrank to just the right size.

Ning Yuan thought about it, and he felt a space of about ten feet in his mind. Turning his head and picking up the wooden box, the wooden box instantly disappeared from his hand, appearing in the space in which he was sensing.

After trying several times, Ning Yuan became familiar with the operation of the storage finger.

“This predecessor is really generous. The storage finger of the size of a foot is a lot larger than the average. I remember that the most common storage finger is only about five feet of space, right? It is enough to put some small pieces and short soldiers. That’s it.”

Ning Yuan thought of this, then looked at the three spear components to one side, and immediately combined them.

This is a standard-length spear used by humans in the Nieno continent. It is **** and five in width and nine feet and nine minutes in length. The prismatic spear head has three notches for bleeding.

“Triangular cold iron gun: The style is the standard standard long spear of human heavy pikemen. It is **** five wide, nine feet nine long, weighs 33 kilograms, and has three standard bleeding ports. This gun is a special version of the standard long spear. Unchanged, the triple runes of’Sharp’,’piercing’, and’toughness’ have been added. Suitable cultivation base: human rank.”

With a move in Ning Yuan’s heart, the spear disappeared from his hand.

Looking at the three-sided cold iron gun in the storage space, Ning Yuan’s eyes flashed, and the secret path really came out.

Ning Yuan just let out a sigh of relief, and a sharp wind swept straight across his neck. Under the crisis, Ning Yuan could only squat down to avoid the sweep, and then rolled forward in embarrassment, leaving Shimen’s position.

Fortunately, when Ning Yuan got up, the maze finally lit up.

Ning Yuan, who turned to make a defensive posture in the slightly dim light, finally saw the appearance of the sneak attacker. The head is as round as in the memory, the body is narrow and round like the big clay pot, two small columnar legs and big arms that are thicker than the legs more than a circle and round like a lotus root.

The overall round and round image of the mysterious black clay puppet is still very happy, if you don’t count the weird crying expression on Yuan’s face and the sharp weapon in his hand.

Originally, Ning Yuan thought there were only two soil puppets, one was retreated by his preemptive attack, and the other was a sneak attack. But in fact there are three clay puppets here.

The slightly damaged torso on the front left was undoubtedly the one that Ning Yuan attacked first, with a short stick on his big arm.

The two on the front right are holding a machete with bare hands and the other. The one who attacked him first and shook himself back should be the one with bare hands, followed by the one with a machete.

“Although the strength is indeed what it looks like in the mid-soldier rank, but the strength is really heavy.” Ning Yuan glanced at the inch-deep scratches on the Shimen and muttered.

Fortunately, because the earth puppets were quite large and the maze passages were designed to be wide and high, Ning Yuan’s spear was fully deployed, otherwise the battle would not be very easy to fight. Although it doesn’t look very good now.

Ning Yuan swung his spear and changed his defensive posture to an offensive posture. Then, instead of waiting for the clay puppet who turned his upper body weirdly to launch an attack, he took the first shot at the joint between the body and the arm. The earth puppet holding the knife turned the direction of the big knife and directly blocked the gun.

The spear turned and hit the joint of the other arm again with a spin, but was punched crooked from the side by the boxing puppet.

Not discouraged, Ning Yuan turned around in the direction of strength, and the spear rushed into the abdomen of the boxing puppet like a poisonous snake out of a hole.

Then, without waiting for the opponent’s defensive fist to touch the barrel of the gun, he pressed the gun with his left hand and picked it up, spinning and drilling into the joint between the head and the body of the clay pot.

The spear shook back and ignored the boxing puppet, but swept the retracted spear toward the head-body connection of the sword-bearing puppet like a stick.

Amid the loud noise of the “boom”, the earth puppet’s round head tilted, the machete deformed, and it slashed into the ground diagonally.

Taking this opportunity, Ning Yuan stepped back a few steps, slowing down his numb hands, and looking at the boxing puppet that stopped his movements.

Seeing the strange crying expression on the other party’s face disappeared, the nervous mood eased a little.

“As in the memory, the core is there.” Ning Yuan was sure of his mind, turned and rushed towards the stick-holding clay puppet who stepped on his short legs.

After a few falsehoods, he finally deceived the opponent’s short stick and plunged into the head-body joint. Seeing that the opponent was not moving, let go of the gun and an iron bridge flashed past the attack of the soil puppet holding the knife. He got up and grabbed the spear and sent it upwards to block the opponent’s chopper again. The opportunity of the knife puppet’s movement was swept toward the head-body connection.

“Bang” with another loud noise, he turned back and pierced the joint between the head and the body again.

Seeing that the movement of the clay puppet holding the knife stopped, the weird crying expression on his face disappeared. Ning Yuan retracted his spear and let out a sigh of relief.

The battle of sneak attack, counter attack and then attack ended in Ning Yuan’s victory.

The three soldier-level soil puppets were solved fairly easily, and Ning Yuan had a basic understanding of his combat power.

Although the combat power of the three earth puppets is not strong, their movements are equivalent to those of ordinary soldiers-level practitioners, their traveling speed is no different from that of a mortal, and their moves are simple and single-board, but the overall combat power can still be used as a reference. of. Moreover, the coordinated movements of the martial arts puppet and the sword-wielding puppet are quite well-organized.

As a whole, Ning Yuan felt that he might still have a chance of winning against ordinary practitioners.

“Then, the next step is actual combat training.” After Ning Yuan exhaled evenly, he raised his eyes and whispered towards the maze passage.

Although the short-term battle is easy to win, there are a few thrilling moves in the process, and the combat action of the earth puppet is equivalent to that of the ordinary soldier-level ascetics, and the weaker overall strength is the actual combat of a novice like Ning Yuan. Good opponent. For Ning Yuan who wants to gain combat experience, the soil puppet is quite an ideal target for training.

In this way, when there is no danger of traps and Ning Yuan is not in a hurry, this mud puppet labyrinth has become a temporary habitat for Ning Yuan.

In the next half month, Ning Yuan fought with the earth puppets who didn’t know which dungeon from the maze at any time, familiarized himself with his combat power and accumulated combat experience while searching for the exit of the maze according to his memory. When you are tired or sleepy, find a safe place to meditate, while improving your cultivation level, while training your vigilance.

After half a month, Ning Yuan finally found the exit of the maze that was inconsistent with the memory of the realm line, and also saw the earth puppet gatekeeper who was a circle larger than the ordinary earth puppet.

The strength of the earth puppet gatekeeper is obviously much stronger than that of the ordinary earth puppet. Regardless of their movements and speed, they have been consistent with those of the mid-soldier-level practitioners, and their strength has reached or even surpassed that of the late-level practitioners of the ordinary soldier.

When he first contacted, Ning Yuan was almost blasted out by the gatekeeper without paying attention.

Ning Yuan, who had been blasted back more than twenty steps, shook his numb body, and looked rather solemnly at the earth puppet gatekeeper guarding the exit of the maze.

The body strength of the earth puppet gatekeeper is more than 30% stronger than that of the ordinary earth puppet. The weapon in his hand is the same as Ning Yuan’s spear. The speed and movement are similar to that of Ning Yuan. However, the oppressive feeling and far superior strength brought by the huge size make Ning Yuan very strong. It’s uncomfortable, but fortunately, the moves are the same as ordinary clay puppets, which are the “three strikes” patterned moves back and forth. The range of activities is also limited to the range of about two feet away from the maze exit.

However, it is worth complaining that although the offensive moves of the soil puppets in the maze are very modular, the methods of sensing defense are extremely flexible. During the half-month battle, Ning Yuan spent most of the time thinking about how to break through the defense of the soil puppets. on.

And now, before facing the perverted power of the earth puppet gatekeeper, Ning Yuan also had to figure out a way to break the defense with his own attack. In the tentative attack just now, the shot that Ning Yuan accurately pierced on the body of the goalkeeper was directly slid away by the enamel layer on the opponent’s body. Not only did it fail to achieve the attack effect, but it also caused the entire body to be deformed and the opponent seized the opportunity. A shot came out,

If you didn’t return the gun in time to block it, now it is not simply being blasted back, but being strung.

Ning Yuan frowned and stared at the black enamel layer of the gatekeeper for a while, took a deep breath, and rushed up again with the gun.

As soon as he entered the attack range, the gatekeeper’s spear swept over. Ning Yuan’s body was short, and he leaned back over the sweep of the spear, and then leaned forward and pierced the gatekeeper’s armpit joint.

As soon as the gatekeeper’s spear body was raised to block the blow, the gun body turned and pierced the empty door exposed by the gun body. Ning Yuan threw the spear upwards, flashed by one side of his body, and took the spear back. Turn to the goalkeeper to pierce the waist and leg joints. .

But the shot was also simply blocked by the gatekeeper.

Several consecutive attacks on the body joints of the gatekeeper were blocked by the gatekeeper either swinging or sweeping. The force of the counter-shock shook Ning Yuan had to retreat to relieve the numbness of the body’s agitation.

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