Rebirth of the Stars

Chapter 482

Chapter 480

Because all beings are equal but not fair.

What is equal is life, what is unfair is birth, environment and resources.

No matter how high the potential of a creature is, without the corresponding origin, environment and resources, and no path to climb upward, then you can only be an ordinary person. Perhaps it will cause trouble because of its own potential and fall into the abyss.

On the contrary, even if the potential of a creature is low, as long as it has a good background and a high starting point, under the influence of the environment and the accumulation of resources, it can grow into an elite, a genius and even a talent in the eyes of others.

All beings are equal but not fair. This is a law common to all worlds, or a truth that is close to the law despite feeling helpless.

If the stars have always been in the Age of Doom, then the theory of potential formed by the number of talents will not make much sense. However, with the arrival of the fourth Tianyuan change, the era that all living beings will usher in has given the theory of comprehensive potential once again the soil for prosperity.

All the tens of billions of intelligent creatures in the stars will survive and compete in the soul space of the imaginary world in the next hundred years, laying the foundation for the competition for real world resources and the sharing of interests in a hundred years from now.

The stars in a hundred years will be the best and worst era. If you don’t want to be the walking dead in the quagmire, then you have to fight from now on. In these hundred years, in the millennia of regenerating the virtual world, in the virtual world, the soul world without real death.

Of course, there are countless ways to fight, and betting is one of them. One of the foundations of betting is potential.

Therefore, the existence of Tianjiao and Enchantress in the theory of talent potential is the target of betting by certain people or forces. Of course, the outstanding geniuses who show special talents and abilities are also the targets of betting.

The world evolving in the regenerating virtual zone is a world that simulates the real world of the stars a hundred years later. Everyone is unfamiliar to this world, and this is the fairness that the market owner gives to everyone.

Let’s put it this way. Because all beings exist in the virtual world in the form of soul entities, in the virtual world, as long as the soul energy is not exhausted, all living beings will not die, and because there is a soul cultivation pool in the virtual world that replenishes the soul energy, all living beings can be said to be The existence of immortality, coupled with the existence of the system constructed by the market owner, all the virtual areas, that is, the world of the evolution of the virtual world, can be counted as a game world. The beings who enter the world of these games are the players.

In the next hundred years, all beings will learn the ability to survive in the real world where the environment has changed a hundred years later and the qualifications of the basic resources they can occupy in a millennium called the rebirth game world.

Although under the impact of the Fourth Tianyuan Change, it can be determined that the civilizations on the surface of the stars have all been finished, but the shelters and resource warehouses that existed in the ground can still be preserved. That is to say, there are still materials for sentient beings to wake up from the dormant capsule and return to the ground in a hundred years, but the resources that have been preserved must be limited, and sentient beings are now competing for the share of these limited basic resources in a hundred years.

You must know that rebuilding civilization is not just about human beings. The civilization of the End of Dharma era is built on the embers left over from the ruins of the previous era, not to mention that the sentient beings of this era transition directly to the next completely unfamiliar era.

And this time, not only the sentient beings of this era are fighting each other, but also the aboriginal people in the game world.

Because the stars are so big, it can be seen that the existing tens of billions of intelligent creatures only occupy less than one percent of the surface of the stars. Although the sentient beings of the Age of Domination have survived to this day because of the development of Qi refining technology, they have always been suffering from the endless danger of beast disasters from the stars. According to records, after every change of Tianyuan, the beasts of the stars will be correspondingly weakened or promoted, that is, mutated, to achieve a balance of the environment. The previous changes in Tianyuan were the exhaustion of vitality, that is, the weakening of the fierce beasts. It is this way that the humans and demi-human races of the Age of Doom can survive in the corner of the endless continent of stars. It can be imagined a hundred years later. What kind of sinister situation will be faced.

Therefore, at the beginning of the formulation of the regeneration plan, the Star Alliance Government decided to bring the aboriginal people living in the virtual realm to reality. Only in this way can the survival opportunities and civilization recovery of humans and the sub-human races be increased in the future. From the background.

The world that evolves in the regenerating virtual zone is called the Nieno continent. The whole continent is an irregular rhombus, divided into five territories, surrounded by seven seas.

The aborigines of the Nieno Continent are scattered across the five regions, including the islands of the Seven Seas that are suitable for survival, and the stars and sentient beings, the players will be concentrated in the eastern region of the Nieno Continent. Take the Eastern Region as the initial place in this game world.

The way    descends is incarnation. There are two types of avatars: ontological avatars and reincarnation avatars.

Ontology incarnation is to build an identical avatar based on the player’s ontology and plunge into the Nieno continent.

Reincarnation avatar is the player constructing a brand new body as an avatar based on the existing race and the image of the native race of the Nieno continent. Of course gender and body structure are tied to your physical body.

Ning Yuan undoubtedly chose the ontological incarnation. Although Ning Yuan is not tall or handsome, he is still very well-proportioned. He looked down on his face at first, but it was still quite impressive when he looked closely.

To put it simply, Ning Yuan is quite satisfied with his own image, especially the gentle face inherited from his mother’s bookish air. In the words of my sister Ning Rou, “Second Brother’s face is very friendly. It should be appropriate to deceive others.”

Of course, Ning Yuan’s focus is only in the first half of the sentence. Therefore, Ning Yuan thinks that it is better to use the ontology to create an avatar.

Actually, he also knows that most elite players will choose the body incarnation to enter the game. He just gave himself an excuse, after all, he considered himself not an elite.

After the incarnation is established, it is named. The name is to obtain the initial identity of the Nieno continent. The initial identity determines the player’s landing area. However, because the player is unfamiliar with everything in the Nieno continent, naming the area and deciding to descend on the area is just a matter of luck.

Anyway, it was all about fighting for luck, so Ning Yuan directly used his real name, not only for the convenience of contact with his family, but also because he did not intend to fight for luck.

He wants to decide the area where he will descend.

Ning Yuan had a dream on the train going to the shelter for sleep. A predictable dream unique to Huang Sheng. In the dream, he obtained a chance on Nieno continent as an identity on another realm line.

Although the boundary line is different, the memory of the boundary line retained by Huang Sheng will deviate from the reality in details or greater aspects, but after all, it is a slim and tryable opportunity.

“I apply to come on my own.”

Ning Yuan said to the pentagram symbolizing the system above the hall.

“Players can choose to descend autonomously, and the rules for autonomous descend are as follows:

1: The player’s autonomous landing area must be within the optional landing area.

Two: Players can only choose non-urban arrival areas for autonomous arrival.

3: Players will not be able to obtain the initial household registration when they come on their own initiative, and they are prohibited from entering all public cities before obtaining the household registration.

4: Players will limit the initial resurrection times to three when they come autonomously. The resurrection times cannot be increased or supplemented before obtaining the household registration.

5: Players coming on their own will be prohibited from purchasing initial resources.

6: Players come to limit their access to all initial gift packages, and only three items can be selected as initial items from the initial package included with the system. ”

“Are the players sure to come by themselves?”

“Well, this is really restrictive enough.” Ning Yuan spit out a little speechlessly, and then replied: “OK.”

“Ask the player to choose a place to descend on the phantom map.”

A huge three-dimensional light curtain appeared in front of Ning Yuan, and the topography and urban distribution of the entire Eastern Region were displayed on the light curtain. All cities are marked with red lights forbidden to descend, non-arrival areas are marked with black skulls, and optional autonomous descending areas are shown in green.

Ning Yuan looked for a while, and enlarged the part.

A huge basin surrounded by a dragon-shaped mountain range appeared in front of Ning Yuan.

The black skull logo above the    basin and the surrounding dragon-shaped mountains made Ning Yuan show such an expression as expected, then he sighed insignificantly, and muttered in a low voice:

“I knew it was not that easy.”

Following the location in the memory of the realm line, Ning Yuan carefully checked the reachable area on the map, and it took a long time to click on one spot and said: “Here.”

A blue cursor appeared at the location Ning Yuan pointed.

In the darkness, the light of the bright light rod illuminates the position of Zhang Xu in front of Ning Yuan. Using the light source, Ning Yuan silently groped in the narrow crevices of the mountain, always paying attention to the gravel protruding under his feet.

Not far from behind, the thin black man Zi Scar propped his left hand on the mountain wall, and his right hand held a small, already-winded single-armed crossbow steadily against Ning Yuan’s vest.

At a distance of a few minutes behind Zi Scar, the thin scar is steadily and lightly stepping on the messy gravel as if weightless, with his ears close to the mountain wall, tapping his fingers at the same time, making a crisp sound of “Da Da”. As the mountain wall continues to extend to the distance and echo.

“There is indeed no trace of the activities of monsters. It seems to be a legacy from the predecessors.” Scarlet listened for a while, and raised his eyes to stare at the staggering forward Ning Yuan and muttered thoughtfully. Immediately, he made a secret gesture to the man holding the Mingguang stick behind him.

The subordinates who followed him nodded insignificantly, and passed the information back.

Not long afterward, news came from the scar where he was walking carefully on the inside of the mountain crevice.

‘S hand approached the thin scar carefully, and replied with his ears:

“The boss said that although this kid has a bad personality, he will definitely not be reconciled. It is estimated that he has only said half of a lot of words. Let you stare at it temporarily and confirm that there is no danger, and then wait until you get something. In addition, the boss is because of the system oath. You can’t do it, let you make an accident after you get something.”

The thin scar nodded slightly, and lightly swept forward.

The turn is just ahead, and if the opponent is struggling, it should start.

These aborigines never underestimate players, even if they have only just appeared for a few days.

But to the surprise of Scar, the other party didn’t seem to have any intention of struggling. Instead, he was honestly waiting for the scar at the corner.

“Isn’t it here?” Scary watched the two turn the corner, and the darkness began to fall in front of him. There was some doubt or disappointment in his heart and secretly said, “Is it really giving up?”

Ning Yuan didn’t know what the thin scars behind him thought. He just waited silently for Zi Scar to approach his back, and then stepped into the corner with the front and back feet under Zi Scar’s gaze. Then he stopped for a while not far in front, and then continued to fumble after the Scar had also stepped over the corner.

stepped on three corners in a row, it was like this, which made Scars a little disappointed and a little relaxed.

Seeing that Ning Yuan cooperated so well, even the right arm of the one-handed crossbow in front of the Scar was not consciously relaxed.

Seeing this situation, Scar’s eyes narrowed, and he secretly guessed in his heart a little excited:

“Maybe this is his purpose.”

However, until the passage between the mountain walls began to widen, Ning Yuan didn’t do anything special, which disappointed Scarlet once again.

“It seems that I really gave up.” Scarlet said to himself in a low mood unconsciously.

After the passage was so wide that the huge scar could straighten up and move slightly, the thin scar was completely disappointed, and the look in Ning Yuan’s eyes unconsciously gave a slight expression of contempt.

is not only a thin scar, but also everyone else. A little man walking further back even murmured: “I lost all of the players’ faces, and I’m still alive, bah.”

The scar at the end frowned and looked at Ning Yuan who was leading the way honestly and silently through the gradually wider passage, unconsciously grasping the iron bow with his right hand.

“Something’s wrong. Although this kid has always been very soft, but the limited two times proved that the other party has enough courage to work hard. Do you really think that the restraint of a systematic vow is safe? So it is completely soft?”

Sword Scar secretly cursed: “This kid isn’t that stupid, right? It’s impossible for someone who can stay in the Dragon Blood Forest for ten days and die only once to cooperate like this?”

Yes it is. Since knowing that Ning Yuan has been in the Dragon Blood Forest for nearly ten days, Scar has maintained the most basic vigilance against Ning Yuan. An ordinary person who has not practiced has to stay for ten days in such a completely unfamiliar place, and he is still a beast. In the time when the tide is about to rise, it is impossible to be an ordinary person no matter how you look at it. Therefore, even if the opponent behaves more softly, the preparation that Scar should do is still done.

“If he had been disguised so far, where would his assassin be? The memory of Huang Sheng is known to be unreliable. And the other party has also taken a systematic vow. Is there a test of chance?”

“That’s right, most of the legacy of the predecessors will be tested, not to mention the legacy of the former that can let people have the urban knots protected by rules.”

Although the person is rough and his voice is rough, his mind as the leader of a team is still very active. If you want to survive in the spiritual world that eats people without spitting out bones, you can’t live long without a little brain.

But no matter how much Scar thinks, he can’t figure it out.

That is, even if there is a test, why does the kid think that a mortal who hasn’t practiced can pass, and their group of cultivators at the husband level and soldier level will not pass.

After thinking about it, Scar can only temporarily think that the other party really gave up.

But did Ning Yuan really give up?

The answer is of course, no.

What Ningyuan said under the system oath in front of the entrance, the first half and the second half are true.

There is nothing wrong with the first half of the sentence. Ning Yuan does not know the details of the exercises and the city’s heart formation. Because he didn’t get those things in the realm line, and the difference in the realm line was actually uncertain in many aspects.

As for the second half of the sentence, I didn’t lie either. However, Ning Yuan missed a few words and secretly changed the concept. Memory and boundary line memory are not the same concept. Part of Ning Yuan’s memory was indeed blurred, but it was not the memory of the boundary line, but the memory of the last death. This was a side effect of the “Xizhao” ability, and Ning Yuan had no good solutions for the time being.

The whole sentence is true, but the specific words are missing, and the meaning of the whole sentence is different.

A word game that anyone can play. But it is also a word game that is easy to ignore. .

Since he was slick, it proved that Ning Yuan did not give up the consciousness.

So Ning Yuan’s honest performance so far has a simple explanation.

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