Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 1002

Chapter 1000 The world’s strongest man boss of the ce

Chapter 1000: The World’s Strongest Man Boss of the Century

If you change to a relaxed environment, this melodrama directed by Jim Barksdale is definitely complimenting the philosophical software company for being so awesome-everyone is using its products, showing a kind of domination. The domineering of the world!

However, here is a hearing specially held by the U.S. Senate for the alleged monopoly of Philosopher Software. Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest newest novel

Originally, this hearing should only belong to the specifications of a committee, but I don’t know if it was because of the Christmas holiday eve, everyone was a little “free”-100 congressmen from 50 states in the United States, all of them were present.

Looking at the crowded auditorium, the major media in the United States gathered. Looking at the posture, I can’t wait to bring the parties involved directly to the scene for interviews.

Under such circumstances, these words of Jim Barksdale can be said to be condemning words, to force the Philosopher Software Company to death.

Compared to Brad Svolberg glaring at Jim Barksdale, Tang Huan’s face was calm and calm.

When Jim Barksdale shut his mouth triumphantly, the richest man stood up and spoke slowly, “I have to say that Mr. Barksdale gave a very vivid example. I almost thought he was complimenting him. And appreciate Zheru Software Company.”

Before the laughter subsided, Tang Huan increased his tone and said solemnly: “Unfortunately, it is not-Barksdale is using a very confusing psychological suggestion to induce everyone’s understanding of Philosopher Software.

Looking around, Tang Huanlang said: “Now I can also follow the Barksdale’s way and ask you questions-everyone here who has never drunk Coca-Cola, raise your hands!”

Looking at the same scene of “everyone present, no one raised their hands”, Jim Barksdale sneered in front of Tang Huan and sneered: “Let me remind you, you are off topic.”

“Of course I didn’t digress.” Tang Huan looked at Jim Barksdale faintly, “At this stage, the popularity of personal computers can be said to be necessary for work, and the products of Philosophy Software are only spreadsheet software. cgrid, has been with countless users for nearly 20 years-you deliberately create a situation of “those who have not used the products of Zheru Software, please raise their hands”. It makes it difficult to determine your own experience for a while, so what? Raise your hand easily?”

Seeing Jim Barksdale’s reasoning for a while, Tang Huan looked at the members of the Senate: “Ladies and gentlemen, the reason why I cite Coca-Cola as an example is to prove that Barksdale is interested. In addition to misleading everyone, it also shows that Zheru Software Company is looking forward to becoming a company that has a reputation, value, influence, and respect like Coca-Cola.”

“Here, please allow me to outline the contribution of Philosophy Software to the entire industry over the years.”

“In 1979, starting from the world’s first spreadsheet software, 8-bit software was developed for personal computer platforms; in 1981, a mature 16-bit software environment was formally built for personal computer platforms; in 1985, it was the first to develop advanced 32-bit systems, Introduced to the personal computer platform; today, 64-bit experience has been provided in some specific areas.”

“And this is just the roughest, the contribution of the platform evolution of the IT industry development process that Zheru Software participates in; there are also character encoding, graphical user interface, multitasking, graphic image, digital video compression and decompression, and even now everyone knows everything. Philosophy software is also working tirelessly in the fields of dimensionality, browser… and so on.”

“Of course, at the same time, Zheru Software Company is also getting commercial benefits accordingly.”

“But don’t forget that Zheru Software Company is using part of these proceeds to actively contribute to the public welfare and give back to the society.”

“It’s involved in the’one child, one computer’ aimed at bridging the digital divide, and long-term discounts on Zheru’s software products that help educational institutions reduce the pressure on software copyright expenditures. They must be well-known projects that everyone is familiar with.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, Zheru Software Company has always respected the market’s free-competitive rules-you might as well take a look at those colleagues who came to testify. In addition to ibm and other industry predecessors, more are like Microsoft, Oracle, Sun Microsystems, etc., contemporaries who have worked so hard for more than ten years.”

“It goes without saying that Zheru Software has a competitive relationship with them in terms of products and technologies; but everyone is in a free and fair competitive environment, and then benignly catch up with me and continue to introduce more advanced products and technologies. Bringing a better user experience to users, promoting the rapid development of the industry, and finally growing together to this day.”

“Let’s take a look at the scene again-this new company established in 1994, with the aggressive development of browsers, is deeply loved by the financial industry, and it took about one and a half years to successfully ipo, which is another perfect Stories about successful entrepreneurship.”

“I have noticed that it may be because of these achievements and honors that it went too smoothly. Jing Company appeared to be very impatient in operation and did not have the patience to accept that the development of the browser market entered a stalemate stage of competition, and then turned its energy to try to transform the philosophers. The effort of software companies to become industry monopolists.”

“I would like to ask you to understand some objective conditions-Zheru Software is one of the creators of Wanweihe browser. The front-end Zheru browser polestar, and the back-end Zheru interconnection service zis, came out in the early 1990s. In comparison, King Corporation is a latecomer in the browser market.”

“I don’t know whether King Corporation regards itself as a challenger, and its sacred mission to surpass and even knock down all existing winners-even so, it doesn’t matter. This may also be a way of progress. Just keep your head down and do things. .”

“Unfortunately, what I see is that Jing Company has taken another approach, that is, trying to push Zheru Software into a monopolist to achieve the goal of eliminating competitors.”

“I would like to advise King Corporation to say that the earth does not revolve around you, and of course it does not revolve around Zheru Software. Many companies in the industry, including Zheru Software, have seen success today. It is the result of years of unremitting efforts, and Jing Company is too anxious, so eager for quick success and short gains so that everyone who has worked so hard to this day, how embarrassing it?”

After Tang Huanyang shed a lot of words, Jim Barksdale’s face was blue when he heard it, and he immediately retorted: “This is slandering the scenery, this is confuses the audience-the monopoly of Philosophy Software is well known.”

“I just told the facts.” Tang Huanyun responded calmly: “I believe that after ten years of hard work, Jing Company should also have the ‘monopoly’ status in the industry as Mr. Barksdale said.”

“In order to prove that King Corporation initiated an antitrust lawsuit out of a fair mind, I will ask a question similar to the one just now.” Jim Barksdale, who was flushed, waved his arms angrily, “Please don’t use it. People who have passed Tang Huan’s company and related it products, raise their hands!”

None of the people present raised their hands.

Jim Barksdale emphasized again: “Please do as I say!”

None of the people present still raised their hands.

“Ladies and gentlemen, have you seen it?” Jim Barksdale spittingly summed up: “It’s 100% once again-this is not only the monopoly of Philosopher Software, but also Tang’s personal monopoly. As long as it is a monopoly, it is Tang’s personal monopoly. If necessary, he can use his resources to easily attack newcomers like King Corporation.”

“I seriously protest against Jim Barksdale’s vain evaluation and attack on himself.” Tang Huanyang said: “According to Jim Barksdale’s thinking, anyone who has made outstanding achievements in this field through hard work will Is guilty.”

Jim Barksdale, who has completely torn his face, said without showing any weakness: “Now you are guilty of covering up the computer industry!”

The needle-point debate on Maimang in the Senate has not only caused everyone present to whisper, the US cable channel c-span, which is responsible for live broadcasts, has soared ratings, and even major TVs have launched simultaneous analysis and comments, and the Internet is synchronized. The picture is getting more and more important.

This group of people watching the excitement, there is no shortage of clear-cut standpoints, and some are ignorant. They are listening to those senior people who serve as guests and commentators to give the so-called stand-up commentary.

“We have seen that at the beginning of the hearing, the King company cleverly used the atmosphere of the scene to create the image of Philosopher Software as a monopolist. It was murderous.”

“With the progress of the hearing, the response strategy adopted by the Zheru Software company, which was not beaten up by the raid, gradually became clear. That is to drag the question to the level of whether the Zheru Software company is in a monopoly position. , Thus avoiding whether relying on the monopoly position, the use of anti-freedom and competitive means.

“During this process, Tang demonstrated adaptable wisdom and highly infectious speech eloquence, while Barksdale appeared a little impatient and even began to irrationally attack Tang personally.”

“The hearing is beginning to be chaotic… Barksdale seems to be a little frustrated and speechless.”

“The chairman of the hearing restored order… Oracle CEO Larry Ellison began to testify.”

In fact, since the end of the 1970s, c-span, which has been licensed for live broadcast of U.S. Congress activities, has only one camera in the Senate, so the effect of live broadcast is relatively limited, although it can well capture the heads and shoulders of the people on the scene. However, in the camera, the parliamentarians are still beautiful and eye-catching. The current parliamentarians emphasized their image with great confidence. As for the witnesses, they could hardly grab the front and clear close-up shots.

But this kind of slightly dull TV screen has attracted more and more viewers-the United States has entered the Christmas holiday mode ahead of schedule!

I have to say that the wonderful comments from the guests voicing lotus are adding luster to this live broadcast.

“It is obvious that Larry Ellison’s testimony tried to shift the focus of the problem from whether Zheru Software Company has a monopoly position to whether Zheru Software Company used unfair competition methods.”

“It’s just that, in the large database market, unlike the browser market, the competition between Zheru Software and Jing is the main line, but in addition to Zheru Software and Oracle, there are other companies such as ibm and sybase. , And Larry Ellison’s testimony is not as direct and powerful as Jing.”

“The hearing has been going on for several hours, and we can see from the camera lens that even the honed senators and gentlemen can’t help but show fatigue.”

“After all, the IT field targeted by this hearing is very professional. It is not so easy to understand just some proper terms that are often involved.”

“We can basically make the following predictions-today’s hearing will not have any results, and Christmas and New Year’s Day holidays are in rush, all parties must be prepared to fight again next year; I hope the poor Jing Company, It can survive 1997 and wait for the result it expects.”

The fact is also true. The timing of this hearing was originally a hidden mystery-since it is inevitable, the richest man chose Christmas Eve, which is the easiest for people to be absent from work, to make a “good start”, so he made a response. PR.

It can be said that the hearing of Zheru Software Company’s suspected monopoly ended in an extremely fierce debate.

Regardless of what the relevant parties think, the outside world continues to talk about it.

For example, Jim Barksdale’s personal attack on Tang Huan is tantamount to piercing a layer of window paper. In the past ten years, Tang Huan’s success in the IT field has affected the scope and extent of Tang Huan’s success. Americans, even people all over the world?

After the good deeds were listed eloquently, public opinion revealed a subtle meaning of “thinking and fear”.

The Internet quickly formed an argument that seemed to have spread from the gaming community. Tang Huan, the richest man, has become a world-class big “boss”. Research the strategy conscientiously and eagerly push down the target.

The traditional media that pays more and more attention to interconnection immediately accepted this metaphor, and further summarized it as-in the political arena, U.S. President Clinton has been pursued by conservatives represented by the Republican Party. Hit hard; in shopping malls, Tang Huan, the world’s richest man, may follow in his footsteps and face an upsurge.

As an epitome, “Times” selected Tang Huan as the Man of the Year in 1996 and gave the following comments:

Tang, a super rich man with a net worth of nearly 100 billion U.S. dollars, dominated the personal computer revolution in the 1980s and led the wave of interconnection in the 1990s. There is reason to believe that Tang may be the most powerful man in this century.

And he, as well as the company he created, may be linked to antitrust for some time in the future.

ps: Does not account for the number of words.

I have written the 1000 chapters. It seems that my 4-digit chapter number is not wrong .

For the rest of the final part, the richest man, Tang it, and Tang Tycoon will enter the “world boss” mode-the final result will be the gods blocking and killing the gods, and the Buddha blocking and killing the Buddha; or being overthrown by the players and looting the gold coins, treasures, and equipment?


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