Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 1003

Chapter 1001 The richest man in Tang reaps the honor

Year by year.

But unlike the old and new year in the past, Tang Huan seemed to be sitting on a volcanic crater, ushering in 1997.

Therefore, my aunt Tang Yun said with anxiety: “Your current situation reminds me of the scene when your grandfather led our family from Southeast Asia to the West Coast of the United States more than 30 years ago.”

“You’ve been overwhelmed-today is not what it used to be, the contradictions are different, and the environment is very different.” Tang Huan put down the spoon and explained slowly: “Actually, it is better to open the lid. Everything is under the eyes of the public. From then on, those unbelievable incidents will only become more fearful.”

Having said that, he smiled again, “What’s more, I also know how to protect myself, and I will not be like the assassinated President Kennedy.”

Tang Yun glared at her nephew, “It can’t be compared with anyone, so I have to cite this extreme example.”

Tang Huan raised his hand to tell Rao, and then further explained: “Last year, some European countries, including Britain, France, and Russia, did not communicate with me to award awards. Originally, I was still a little troublesome; but my consultant team just suggested After that, you must take it seriously—because the recognition that comes from the national level of honor can just suppress the possible negative impact of Philosophy Software’s suspected monopoly.”

“No matter what, there is a way to deal with it.” Tang Yun heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this. “Your reputation may not be the best shield.”

Tang Huan shrugged, “Just for this award, I can’t live the New Year’s Day well.”

Before leaving for the UK, the richest man has to take time to ask about Apple Computer.

In terms of interest, in addition to the $200 million non-voting shares of Apple Computer, which is talked about by people, a fund owned by Tang Huan also bought shares of Apple Computer.

In fact, shortly after the birth of Apple Computer, the distribution of shares has become more and more scattered, resulting in entrepreneurs having no monopoly opportunity-this is almost another major feature of Apple Computer in addition to loose corporate discipline.

A few years later in the original time and space, the reborn Apple’s stock price was so bullish that it won record highs not only by working hard, but also with nearly one-third of its shares belonging to Pioneer Group, State Street Bank, Institutional investors such as Fidelity Investments, BlackRock, Northern Trust, and Bank of New York Mellon are not unrelated to fund holdings.

In other words, how can Apple, which has become a symbol, have no influence behind it.

And now, the richest man is preparing to do similar things.

It’s just that more bargaining chips, and the accompanying idol bonus halo, must be implemented on Jobs, who he has observed for many years.

In the previous “fair competition” process between Jean-Louis Garcy and Jobs, in the end, the latter’s next company was selected by Apple Computer, and Jobs took his own team and joined Apple Computer.

This kind of drama of entrepreneurs returning to the startups that once drove them away, even in the United States, where Shang Hai’s enmity is always on stage, is rare. Naturally, it has attracted strong media attention.

After Jobs returned to Apple Computer, how to arrange specific positions became a thorny problem.

CEO Gil Amelio once consulted Jobs seriously, but Jobs just made an indifferent appearance.

But when Jill Amelio put Jobs in charge of the operating system, Jobs was dissatisfied that he was overkilled.

In fact, Jill Amelio probably understands from the bottom of his heart that after the return of Jobs, he must have been thinking about his position as CEO; and Jobs rarely twisted and couldn’t find a replacement for Jill Amelio. The excuse of being upright and bright.

Tang Huan didn’t want to waste time admiring these two people’s big eyes and small eyes. He planned to cut the messy relationship with Apple Computer as soon as possible.

There is no doubt that, first of all, Gil Amelio’s CEO position must be vacated; then, other adjustments can basically be done.

Of course, you must pay attention to righteousness in doing things. This is the minimum rule of the game. Jobs waited so passively for Jill Amelio to make a mistake in order to kick him out of the game, for no other reason. However, Tang Huan’s method is to take the initiative to find Jill Amelio to talk, explain the relationship in person, and ask him to quit voluntarily. In this way, everyone is not hurt.

Jill Amelio is not a general-John Sculley, who drove Jobs away, is a sales-proficient business elite; while Jill Amelio, who Jobs is thinking about driving away, is in the technical field. Senior executives.

Before joining Apple Computer, Gil Amelio, a PhD in physics, worked at Bell Labs, Fairchild Semiconductor, Rockwell, and National Semiconductor.

During his tenure as the CEO of National Semiconductor, Jill Amelio performed outstandingly, allowing National Semiconductor to display his strengths, and then analog circuit products dominate, with sales revenue reaching a record high of nearly 2.3 billion U.S. dollars.

It was with this halo that Gil Amelio was hired by Apple Computer’s board of directors at a high price in order to turn the tide.

There is no doubt that Gil Amelio has not been able to exert his personality in the nearly one year as CEO of Apple Computer, which once again proves that the emergence of the trendy children requires a karma under all factors.

The reason, besides Apple Computer’s dying illness, is also related to the inconsistency of corporate culture between Jill Amelio and Apple Computer.

The characteristic of corporate culture is mysterious and mysterious, but it does exist, even like a gene, since the company was born, it has been planted deeply, and it is difficult to change until it dies.

In the case of Apple Computer, it has been 10 years since Steve Jobs was kicked out, but it is still a “wild boy”. In terms of company discipline, I can only say a little better, and Jill Amelio takes the post. Later, he tried to make further improvements, but the result was not only ineffective, but also his own prestige was compromised.

This kind of conflict, which can only be expected and unspeakable, has been exposed at the macworld event not long in the past.

Gil Amelio more often used Jobs, the founder of Apple Computer, as a corporate image, so he made a show at macworld, a well-prepared propaganda campaign with a view to regaining popularity.

As a result, in the grand banquet hall of the San Francisco Marriott Hotel, in front of the 4000 people on the scene, Gil Amelio’s speech to the reminder was dull and drowsy; and as a confident and stylish Jobs, As he strode onto the stage, the charm was glamorous and caused a sensation like the return of Elvis Presley. The audience stood up, and the deafening applause lasted for more than a minute, which was in stark contrast to Gil Amelio’s clumsiness.

Regarding this scene, Gil Amelio seems to have not thought about it. He still rigidly followed the activity plan, withstanding the unsurpassable climax, once again came to the stage and personally ended, especially the other Apple Computer Company. The founder Steve Wozniak invited it out and tried to create a scene where three people raised their arms to celebrate the victory.

It’s a pity that Jobs, who was in high spirits, didn’t buy it. He was extremely disgusted with the arrangement with Steve Wozniak. Fortunately, his reaction was not like that in previous years, and he didn’t care about any disagreements. When he slipped off the stage, he kept a low profile as much as possible.

The conversation between Tang Huan and Jill Amelio in the garden of “Chang’an City” started from this macworld where the warmth still remains.

“Jobs ruthlessly ruined my planned closing ceremony,” Gil Amelio complained: “In his opinion, personal feelings are more important than Apple’s media image.”

The richest man who listened quietly, with a smile on his face, said: “Jill, you should understand that Steve is much more mature than in previous years, at least he knows how to take care of the overall situation.”

“Perhaps.” Gil Amelio sighed. “I asked Jobs to take charge of the operating system department. As a result, he directly fired many of his original employees and let the next team members he brought over to replace them.”

Tang Huan slightly nodded, “Three fires for the appointment of new officials-Apple Computer is in urgent need of a new operating system, and personnel changes are inevitable.”

“But, Jobs just came up suddenly and told me that the’Newton’ project should be cut off immediately.” Jill Amelio then gave a small report: “If this is the case, what a waste of resources.”

“Newton” is a handheld computer launched by Apple Computer in the John Scully era; Fangyuan also has similar products, but this market with good prospects needs to be cultivated.

“Wait for a while,’Newton’ will definitely make money!” Gil Amelio groaned: “I think Jobs should hate everything related to John Sculley, so that’s why I suggested it.”

The richest man smiled, and instead of taking Jill Amelio’s words, he chatted with the other party about technical topics, which obviously scratched his itchy place, and the atmosphere of the conversation suddenly became cheerful.

Like Don it, Gil Amelio is also a senior member of ieee. He has obtained 16 patents and published two more books.

Speaking of pleasure, the richest man pointed out in due course: “Jill, have you ever thought that you can get along with Woz, who is in charge of technology among the founders of Apple Computer, but you may not be able to get along with Steve, who is in charge of sales. The same is true.”

Jill Amelio suddenly put away his smile, lost in thought. After all, no one is a fool to be able to climb to this position. The reason why they seem to be unresponsive and indifferent is often the shameless deaf ears necessary for the mess in the workplace-like those who come to sell, how can they not understand in their hearts The disturbed person was unhappy, but he still kept smiling.

After walking quietly for a while, Gil Amelio put away the struggling color on his face, and slowly said: “I also feel that I am not suitable for the atmosphere of Apple Computer, especially when I see Jobs on macworld. It’s the scene where the audience cheered when they walked from the back to the front instead of going from the stage to the stage.”

“Apple Computer now needs a CEO who is more passionate, more proficient in dealing with the media, and better at performing in front of the public, and my way of working cannot meet this requirement.”

Tang Huan nodded and said leisurely: “This does not mean that you are not good, but that everyone shines only when they are in a position that suits them.”

Having said that, the richest man waved his hand, followed the assistant not far away, hurriedly stepped forward and handed over a document.

Tang Huan handed it over to Jill Amelio, “This is the condition I strive for for you-if you are unsatisfied, just speak up.”

Gil Amelio opened the file and found the figures he cared about—3.5 million US dollars in compensation for termination of the contract and 2.3 million US dollars in the 1996 performance appraisal.

After closing the document, Gil Amelio looked at Tang Huan calmly and said sincerely: “Tang, I am willing to give up the position of CEO at any time.”

“The sea is wide and the sky is high, but the sky is high and the sky is high. It’s not a good thing to jump out of Apple’s circle .” The richest man with a happy face patted Jill Amei. Leo’s shoulder also said sincerely: “Funan in Asia is building a semiconductor corridor. Are you interested in serving as an industry consultant for this country?”

Gil Amelio bowed his head without thinking and replied: “It’s a great honor.”

Apple Computer, which has always been a topical company, quietly replaced the CEO in this way.

With Jobs taking office, Apple Computer also began to obtain a large number of much-needed technologies and patents from the Zheru Group, laying a solid foundation for Jobs to drastically adjust its product line.

The richest man left for the UK to accept the gbe granted by the British royal family.

It is slightly different from the last time the British elites from Hong Kong who are about to return to Hong Kong, Tang Huan’s award ceremony, some links are directly omitted.

For example, kneeling on the ground and letting people slap their shoulders with a sword is definitely unacceptable. For others, it may be a grand “chivalry” honor, but not suitable for the dignified richest man.

After Queen Elizabeth II handed over the certificate to Tang Huan, the so-called award ceremony was considered complete.

However, although the process is extremely simple, it does not mean that the specifications have also been reduced.

The British royal family’s Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Princess Diana, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward, etc., can be called the whole family to witness this ceremony.

As for the richest man in Tang, his daughter Athena, along with his little sister Ivanka, etc., also followed the show enthusiastically.

The reason why it is called “a lively” is that the award of honors in the UK is only the opening scene of the richest man’s trip to Europe.

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