Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 1038

Chapter 1035 Those who deserve to be caught will be c

It is necessary to emphasize again that the series of mature technologies that Tang Huan brought to the Internet, including digital multimedia, streaming media, and p2p, have greatly changed the way of media.

In simple terms: digital multimedia; images, videos and other media forms enrich the content and are more acceptable to the audience; streaming media gives the Internet the function of real-time audio and video transmission; p2p makes the data sharing efficiency of the entire Internet happen. Earth-shaking changes.

Under such “Down’s acceleration”, when people saw the evidence collected by the “Sky Eye” project, the shock in their hearts reached or exceeded them in advance. The original time and space used the Internet to learn about the “September 11th” terrorist attack and afterwards Similar to the level of details of civilian injuries.

Of course, different groups have their own stand and focus when responding.

For example: In addition to the Chinese compatriots who feel the same, the Women’s Rights Protection Organization has severely condemned the harm directed at Chinese women in Java; the blacks are annoyed at how to “piggyback” one of our compatriots; The media themselves also succumbed to their peers who died in the line of duty.

If these can be classified as “traditional”, then the video game community is a “new force.”

It is undeniable that there will always be some people who behave “outlier” due to various factors, but some of them are still touched.

Among the many criminal evidence of the victims of the Javanese Chinese spread on the Internet, there is a surveillance video of an Internet cafe that records the tragic experiences of several Chinese young men and women.

As a result, someone recognized that this was the top 16 team in the real-time strategy game “Fengshen” that ea will hold this summer.

Seeing that the id on the friend list will always turn gray, it is impossible to go online one day, which makes those players who have fought side by side unacceptable, and then formed another kind of new generation group that called out loudly, even quoted The setting of the latest expansion film “The Forgotten” of “Fengshen” calls out the slogan “I am the forgotten”.

All in all, through the efficient use of the Internet, the victims of the Chinese in Java can be presented to the world quickly, comprehensively and truly, in sharp contrast with the original time and space.

To help others is to help yourself!

When the Javanese Chinese organization published the “A Letter to Compatriots Around the World”, the richest man began to respond publicly and started actively.

At the ceremony for the establishment of the “Committee for Chinese Rescue in Java” by overseas Chinese in California, Tang Huan stated his position for the first time.

“My grandfather belonged to a’new guest’ who immigrated to Southeast Asia at the beginning of this century. In the 1960s, because of the turmoil similar to today, he had to move his family to the United States.”

“Seeing this tragedy that challenged human civilization now reappears, my shock and anger are beyond words; and as a compatriot, I am obliged to lend a helping hand.”

“The rights of the Javanese Chinese should of course be protected; crimes that challenge human civilization must also be tried.”

“Catch those who deserve to be caught! Try those who deserve to be tried! We can’t tolerate laissez faire!

As soon as the sonorous and powerful words of the richest man came to the ground, more than a thousand Chinese and overseas Chinese on the scene raised their arms and shouted, “Grab what you deserve! Try if you want to be tried! We absolutely can’t tolerate laissez-faire!”

After collecting the signatures of the Chinese California petition, Tang Huan and several other Chinese representatives went directly from Los Angeles on the west coast to New York on the east coast to participate in the inauguration ceremony of the “New York Chinese Association for Protesting against Java and China Incidents”.

Once again gathered together a group of people who signed the petition, the next stop is the US political center, Hua Shengdun.

After collecting the signatures of the petition here, everyone divided their arms: others went to the Java Embassy in the United States to submit a letter of protest; the richest man went to the White House to meet with US President Bill Clinton.

After the solemn petition signature document submission link, Bill Clinton, who was embarrassed by the escalation of the “zip door” incident, asked slightly tiredly: “Next, there will be large-scale demonstrations for the Chinese community? ”

Tang Huan did not hide it, nodded and said: “There are indeed several parades prepared for tens of thousands of people. The largest of them is in 13 major cities in the United States, where parades and protests are held at the same time.”

Bill Clinton asked meaningfully: “Tang, you participate in such an open and high-profile manner, are you afraid to affect your business interests in Java?”

“As the saying goes, doing something and not doing something.” The richest man shrugged and repeated his previous position again. “My grandfather belonged to the’new guest’ who immigrated to Southeast Asia at the beginning of this century. In the 1960s, it was similar to today. The turmoil in China has forced the family to move to the United States.”

“I think it’s not difficult to understand just based on this hard experience, how I hate the recent premeditated and organized abuse in Java!”

Having said this, Tang Huan looked directly at Bill Clinton, and asked: “From the perspective of personal friendship, Mr. President should be happy to see that I, who is a man of temperament, will use emotions once and let all weigh rationally. Benefits, go to hell!”

“Tang is indeed the kind of friend who trusts his back at critical times!” Bill Clinton nodded slightly, and then turned to say: “The waters of Malacca have extremely important international waterways, Funan and Java. It’s better to end the military conflict as soon as possible.”

It can be said that in order to rescue their own embassy personnel, they did not hesitate to fight Funan with the largest country in Southeast Asia, Java, which shocked the international community.

Gein, even though Funan paid the price including a helicopter, it also bombed Java so badly in revenge, so that the essence of Southeast Asia’s largest foreign country’s strength can be seen!

To put it bluntly, the actual combat effectiveness of the Funan Navy is really unexpected! As a result, there is no comparable force in Southeast Asia.

Of course, “power” means “power”, and Funan can’t really ignore it. Otherwise, President Bill Clinton would have to proceed from interests and checks and balances and order the mobilization of American military forces to intervene.

The richest man honestly said: “The Funan Navy has switched from a military attack state to assisting in the evacuation of personnel.”

Seeing that it was consistent with the information he had, Bill Clinton relaxed his expression and further suggested: “Then it’s better to leave the waters of Malacca as soon as possible to completely ease the tension in the area.”

In fact, without Bill Clinton’s special reminder, Funan’s aircraft carrier cannot stay at the door of Java’s house all the time. Gein, on the one hand, is not enough righteousness; on the other hand, the consumption is alarming, so you have to take it easy. .

“Of course Funan will accept Mr. President’s mediation.” Tang Huan muttered, “It’s just that, what kind of attitude does the U.S. government have toward this incident of the abuse of China in Java?”

Bill Clinton replied frankly: “Tang, you should understand that the efficiency of political and governance operations is often not satisfactory. If you want to get the most outrageous and quick and direct statement, then the White House is deemed to be a race. Discrimination.”

The richest man did not drag his feet, and asked more practical things, “Can the federal government approve some Chinese’asylum requests” and accept them to reside in the United States, just like my grandfather’s 30 years ago. What the critics get is also from the help of the Democratic Party government?”

Thinking about it in another way, the Javanese Chinese with awkward status definitely hope to have a more ideal place of refuge. This is also human nature and beyond reproach.

Of course, the United States does not want “idle people”. It is destined that only the elite class of the Javanese Chinese are eligible to enjoy this treatment.

However, this is enough. When these people came to the United States, they would definitely have no choice but to gather around Tang Huan.

Bill Clinton said happily, “I am willing to provide as much assistance as possible for this humanitarian crisis.”

The richest man asked, “What about investigating the truth of this incident and severely punishing the murderer?”

Bill Clinton became hesitant this time, “Tang, it’s not that you don’t understand the complexity of it. I’m afraid it is difficult to have a clear statement in a short time. On the contrary, it is through appeals that the most pressure can be exerted. ”

After listening to the other side’s statement, Tang Huan just made a regretful expression, without too much entanglement.

After all, this world is the most realistic.

The Javanese Chinese accounted for no more than 4% of the Java population. They have not had the power to participate in politics for a long time, that is, their economic performance is remarkable, but they are innocent and guilty. , Being used as a bargaining chip by those in power, harvest like leeks.

The United States must take advantage of the word when it comes to doing things, and shout a few slogans at low cost to accept a group of valuable refugees. There is no problem, but the deeper intervention depends on what it can get in return.

After all, Java is the largest country in Southeast Asia.

Therefore, the richest man finally said leisurely, “Then call for it!”

The richest man came out in person, and the White House’s response was of course quick.

Turning the sky around, facing the first question from the Cable News Network in the White House press group, White House spokesperson Michael McCurry responded concisely: “The U.S. government considers this incident of Java abuse to China to be racially discriminatory. , And will soon approve the asylum requests of some Chinese, allowing them to stay in the United States.”

The energy of the richest man lies in this: in addition to secretly revealing through the Internet in all directions without blind spots, a complete set of AOL Time Warner Turner media machines, including CNN, AOL, and Time Magazine, carried out Large-scale public reports have made the strongest sound heard in the United States and even the whole world.

After Huashengdun finished the first round of activities, Tang Huan returned to San Francisco directly, and together with the representatives of the “Committee for the Rescue of the Javanese Chinese” established by the Chinese and overseas Chinese in California, welcomed the newly arrived group of Javanese Chinese refugees.

The richest man encouraged: “Everything is looking forward. Thirty years ago, my grandfather, like everyone else, came here to start again.”

“I believe that with the continued hard work and diligence, everyone can recover from grief and live better than before.”

After initially settling these people, Tang Huan took the representatives to the United Nations Headquarters in New York and met with officials from the human rights agency here.

After this series of indispensable official links is over, the preparations for the 13th largest city parade in the United States will begin.

At the call of the richest man, more than half a million Chinese people put down their work and study, and made unanimous voices in an orderly manner. And one of the main venues is the Java embassy in various parts of the United States.

For example, at the gate of the Java Embassy in the United States in the Washeng Shield Special Zone, more than 3,000 Chinese gathered. Angry protest slogans were heard one after another. The ambassador was forced to come forward in person, with a face like a land and accepted the protest letter.

In this regard, observers have commented: Under the leadership of Tang, the minority group of Chinese descent has united unprecedentedly and demonstrated unprecedented strength. I believe that it will play more and more in the future American political and political life. The greater the influence.

The fact is also true. In the live broadcast footage of CNN, the pressure of thousands of Chinese people rushed to the face.

What is intriguing is that the black community is not reconciled to join in the excitement. As for the reason, it was naturally for Martin who was unfortunately killed.

Presumably when those in power in Java were planning a criminal conspiracy, they would never have thought that the situation would have been drawn to an uncontrollable area far beyond Java.

Faced with the overwhelming pressure from all over the world, Java must give a clear explanation of the requirement of “getting caught, and trying to get the trial.”

This is not the one who can deal with the past by closing the door and making a fuss Numerous eyes are staring at it.

The international image of Java has plummeted, and it is still unknown how long it will take to get out of the quagmire of the Asian financial turmoil.

The richest man did not stay in the United States all the time, but after the National Parade, he came to Funan.

When Tang Huan was at the pier of Hanouk Harbor to welcome a group of Chinese refugees who had just arrived, an old man with tears suddenly knelt on the ground and shouted: “Tang, you are our living bodhisattva… …”

Seeing the crowd who fell to the ground under the black pressure, the richest man with tears in his eyes, said affectionately: “Comparing your heart to heart, now seeing your helplessness, it is as if I have seen my grandfather’s wandering away thirty years ago. ”

At this point, Tang Huan’s tone turned into a passionate voice, “Don’t worry, everyone, even if someone in Tang loses his fortune, I will help you find a stable life.”

The dignified richest man in the world with a net worth of more than 200 billion US dollars, if his family goes bankrupt, it is almost the collapse of a country.

All the people present were moved to tears, and this scene was also reported by Phoenix Media through various channels. As a result, Tang Huan was among the Southeast Asian Chinese community, and he became a real Buddha overnight. Chinese The reputation of the leader has also risen to a new peak.

In order to give peace of mind to the Chinese refugees in Java, Tang Huan also accompanied the representatives including the old man to visit the naval base in Hanouk Harbor, and said directly: “The teacher of justice, be with us!”

These Chinese representatives were cheered up at that time, and it was the old man who tremblingly took out a gold bar from his body, and offered it with both hands: “I hope that the mighty teacher can accept my little care for military expenses. “

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