Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 1039

Chapter 1036 Forced Java to change its name

Of course, the richest man will not accept the pension money of the elderly.

In fact, this turmoil has spawned at least three major donation accounts, and they are in operation.

The first is the “Javanese Chinese Aid Fund” located in California, USA. His donations came mainly from Chinese compatriots around the world, and Tang Huan was the first to donate 10 million US dollars in the past.

The second is the slightly obscure “Teacher of Justice Fund” located in Xiangjiang. It is donated by the Javanese Chinese and even other Chinese in Southeast Asia spontaneously to show off their power in the “Battle of Jakarta”, and then be regarded as ” The Funan Navy of the God of Protection.

The third is the most mysterious “Trial Light Fund”, which aims to collect clues, investigate the truth, and even sanction the murderer. Except for the first and largest donation from Bitcoin, other funding dynamics are not very clear.

It can be said that these three major donation accounts cover almost all demands.

Therefore, Tang Huan euphemistically persuaded the elderly to collect the gold bars, and said with earnestness: “In the final analysis,’self-help’ is the most fundamental. After everyone comes to the new home, although they will receive some basic support, they are also indispensable. Where money and things are to be used.”

Hanouk is a city of immigrants at its core, even a city built by refugees. A big proof is that the number of Vietnamese boat people received from Xiangjiang alone exceeds 100,000.

Because of this, Hanouk is very familiar with assimilating the Javanese Chinese refugees.

The most obvious dissatisfaction is that in the new cycle of struggle, many people may have to let go of their past attitudes of pampering and giving up and start over.

But there is no other way. Although it suffers a little bit, it is countless times stronger than when a catastrophe will endanger lives.

In many cases, the “sandwich layer”, which is neither high nor low, is so helpless: if there is more value on the top, you can apply to go to the United States.

Tang Huan is still very optimistic and attaches great importance to the promotion of the economic development of the Hanuuk District and even Funan as a whole by the Javanese Chinese refugees.

The Asian financial turmoil has caused the disaster of most Southeast Asian countries to collapse one after another. Funan, with the least qualifications, has escaped accidentally because the financial market is far from open to their level. This makes the current stage no different from welcoming. Here comes a chance that is similar to the “clearing” in a video game. Everyone has a chance to return to the same starting line.

However, at this time, my uncle Han Anyuan was still scratching his head for other things.

The Funan Navy fought happily in the “Battle of Jakarta”, but because of this, it completely offended Java. At present, the two sides are basically in a state of severed diplomatic relations.

As a result of this, Java announced angrily: I was in a bad mood for the 13th Asian Games held in Funan in December this year, so I won’t go!

Don’t look at Java being beaten by the Funan navy, but direct neighbors like Singapore and Malaysia are still very afraid that the largest country in Southeast Asia may respond to certain issues, such as boycotting this time held in Funan. Asian Games.

Tang Huan sneered disapprovingly: “If Java really has a face, then he won’t come!”

Han Anyuan smiled bitterly: “I have been busy for about ten years for this sports meeting, and now I can’t really make people feel cold.”

“It depends on your wisdom. Anyway, you haven’t done anything wrong.” Tang Huan shrugged, “I still have an antitrust lawsuit to testify in court. I can’t do it, so I can’t stay longer, so I’m leaving.”

While passing by Xiangjiang, Tang Huan stopped for a while and publicly expressed his views on the current final battlefield of the Asian financial crisis. At the same time, he also made unceremonious criticisms of the response of the Hong Kong Special Economic Zone.

The reason why a great man is called a great man is that he can break the ground, and most people, even if they are extremely smart, can only beat and tinker in the rules of the game left by their predecessors.

The elites of Xiangjiang who are in charge of finance now belong to the latter state.

Since the Asian financial turmoil that broke out last year, it began to attack Xiangjiang. Up to now, international speculators have organized at least three large-scale group attacks, and Xiangjiang has been struggling to defend itself.

In this process, although the exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar against the US dollar remained at the level of the linked exchange rate system of 7.8 to 1, the Hang Seng Index has fallen from 16,000 points before the outbreak of the Asian financial turmoil to less than 8,000 points at present.

It stands to reason that the international speculators who short-sell have made some money. Instead of the current stalemate, it is better to change to a place that is easier to start.

But international speculators are not satisfied. Their goal is to destroy the linked exchange rate system of Hong Kong and double the exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar against the US dollar. At the same time, the Hang Seng Index will be cut in half, which means it will be suppressed to less than 4,000 points, and it will fall to 1998. The level before the seven-year “Black Monday”.

The reason why international speculators are reluctant to leave is because they are determined that Xiangjiang will not abandon the linked exchange rate system.

The fact is also true. The elites of Hong Kong will only stick to the system that the British left behind in the past few decades. The problem has only been repaired and formed step by step when the problem broke out. If they change to another economy, they will be forced into it. In this field, the table has been thrown up.

Suck some blood, let’s go, and have to kill them all! Why are you still on the table with you and play according to the established rules? On “Black Wednesday” in 1992, the British pound abandoned the European exchange rate system. Isn’t that the same?

But the elites of Xiangjiang, their thinking is solidified in the framework of this “ancestral system”. If you change it a little bit, the world will collapse and you will be at a loss.

It’s no wonder that after “Black Monday” ten years ago, Li Fuzhao, then chairman of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, declared the market to be closed for four days according to the rules of the game. As a result, he offended people home. If it weren’t for the help of the richest man Ansheng, he would hide. When I went to Funan, I went to jail long ago and was put in prison.

You know, Xiangjiang, including foreign exchange reserves, owns about US$250 billion in capital scale, while international speculators can use at least ten times the capital scale, and they are all lethal. Cannonball, there is no need to consider other “daily expenses” like Xiangjiang.

In other words, Xiangjiang just sticks to it like this, and the collapse will only happen sooner or later. Otherwise, international speculators would not be so confident.

One of the dead ends here is that in the open financial system of Xiangjiang, attackers can enter in openly and make all kinds of troubles.

To put it bluntly, they borrowed your banknotes and then sold you short; and there are many short sellers in Xiangjiang, anyway, this place collapsed, you can also immigrate to another place, take the speculative proceeds, and still have a happy life.

At this time, if the elites in charge of finance at Heung Kong insist on a policy of “active non-intervention” dogmatically, without adopting any strong control measures, and letting them go, it would be too naive and ridiculous, unless they also belong to The beneficiaries of short-selling following the trend.

The focus of the criticism of the richest man is that the financial elites of Hong Kong are timid and ineffective in introducing internal regulatory measures.

This is like a life-and-death period of war. Those who take advantage of the opportunity to hoard and make money from the country must be severely cracked down.

What’s more, now it is not to engage in “head-to-head”, but to strengthen supervision and reduce the loopholes that opponents can exploit.

Tang Huan clearly expressed his dissatisfaction when meeting with the Financial Secretary Zeng Yinquan of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Ren Zhigang, President of the Monetary Authority, Xu Shiren, Director of the Treasury Bureau, and Chen Delin and Ye Yuede, Vice Presidents of the Monetary Administration. .

“Why are there no other tactics for introducing regulatory measures, except for the overnight bank lending rate? It is not for you to impose foreign exchange control and delink the linked exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar from the US dollar. Is it really necessary to let Tracker Investment put the shares on the Hong Kong stock market? Do all the blue chips eat in your stomach?”

At this time, the richest man was regarded as “the Buddha of ten thousand families” among the Chinese all over the world. Once the aura radiated, it was beyond description.

With a slightly haggard face, Zeng Yinquan tried to defend: “The Monetary Authority and Tracker Investment have entered the market hand in hand. They have already been criticized by some authoritative figures in the global economic circle. They believe that they violate the “positive non-intervention” that Xiangjiang has long adhered to. ‘Principles. For example, Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, expressed strong opposition.”

Tang Huan smiled furiously: “Is Alan Greenspan an omniscient god?”

After receiving the sentence that almost blurted out, “I’m a reborn person,” he slowed down his tone and continued: “If the headquarters of Qinhe No.1 Department were not in Xiangjiang, I would really not want to be so thankless. Have you never thought about how much of the funds of these international speculators come from the United States?”

Zeng Yinquan defended again: “However, there are also many voices of doubt from the Xiangjiang economic circle.”

“You still haven’t understood what is called’the king of success and the loser of Kou’.” The richest man said angrily: “If you fail so uncreatively, you will only end up ridiculously nailed to the pillar of shame in history. ; On the contrary, as long as you show courage and responsibility, you will be regarded as a national hero at that time!”

Ren Zhigang took the words and asked with a lack of confidence: “The funds in the hands of the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the support from the central government cannot be really endless; but international speculators can do this! Let go of the attack, then how long can we hold on?”

Tang Huan looked around at the crowd and saw that they were all trustworthy people who knew the basics, and slowly “broke the news”: “According to my supercomputer financial model analysis of the global economic situation, and some intelligence I have, no more than two. In the next month, the world of international capital is bound to usher in an earthquake. At that time, the United States will tighten financial policies to control risks, and the costs of international speculators will increase significantly. They will no longer be able to use leverage unscrupulously. Then Mingjin will retreat.”

Speaking of this, the richest man waved his hand vigorously, “So, I hope that everyone will not just stick to passively, and it is best to come up with a set of action plans that can quickly raise the Hang Seng Index at that time, and create a dream factory in the past few years. The “Great Miracle Day” in a TV series called “The Great Era” produced, and then gave those short-selling international speculators a tough lesson, see if they dare to come so unscrupulously in the future !”

With candid eyes, Tang Huan looked at the Xiangjiang financial elites in front of him for a few seconds, and then said leisurely: “Everyone, my Qinhe line has always been rooted in Xiangjiang; so far, I am in Tracker Investment I have invested billions of dollars. All these are enough to show my loyalty to Xiangjiang? If I dare to make a fool of myself, it will only end in a dead end!”

Ren Zhigang hurriedly complimented: “Tang is a recognized global Chinese leader, and of course we trust you without reservation.”

Then, Ren Zhigang glanced at Zeng Yinquan, and said firmly: “In this case, the “Golden Eight Tiao” that has been discussed repeatedly before, will be announced and implemented immediately!”

Ever since the Hong Kong Governor Peng Dingzhan came to Hong Kong in late 1992 and forcibly took back the unexpired long-distance and local telephone franchise in HeungKong Telecom’s hands, leading to mutual antagonism, the richest man has alienated Xiangjiang and publicly criticized Xiangjiang for seemingly. The development and advancement of the city is just a way of learning and learning, lacking the courage to innovate in accordance with the actual situation of its own, and has been confirmed by some media of Xiangjiang as a “Tang Cannon”.

Nowadays, with the Asian financial turmoil, the decline of Xiangjiang movies, etc., “Tang Da Pao” has become the “Prophet of Tang everyone in Xiangjiang remembers the “goodness” of the richest man.

Coupled with the aura of “ten thousand Buddhas”, this is the time to be extremely dazzling, so the “Tang Da Pao” “fires” again, it has become a deafening awakening speech, Xiangjiang and the upper and lower levels of the spirit are immediately inspiring to the enemy. stand up.

However, in the eyes of international speculators, this is the richest man who is stuck in the quagmire of Xiangjiang, so he is impatient!

George Soros did not dare to ridicule publicly, but Julian Robertson of the Tiger Fund proudly yelled: “The harder Don struggles, the more painful it will be!”

Tang Huan had no time to quarrel with these guys and amused, and returned to the United States non-stop to settle a personal lawsuit.

Yes, it is a personal lawsuit, but it also seems to have some inexplicable relationship with the current monopoly case of the United States of America v. Zheru Software Corporation.

The reason is that before Tang Huan went to Southeast Asia to personally visit the Javanese Chinese refugees, he complained on his personal blog. He felt that when he saw the Internet programming language java of Sun Microsystems, he thought of Java and felt very uncomfortable.

As a result, java is a tragedy.

Sun Microsystems continues to receive petitions to change the current name and trademark of Java, otherwise it will be boycotted.

Sun Microsystems, which was originally in San Jose in Silicon Valley with Zheru Software, filed a lawsuit for its change to java. This is so angry, by the way, “Tang Dapao” was brought to court.

Due to the busy time during this period, Tang Huan had no time to take care of his blog after he was addicted to his mouth. The assistant did not dare to mess around because of such trivial matters, so the remarks kept hanging on the web page, which led to this The saliva lawsuit was so lively that the richest man had to deal with it himself.

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