Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 1040

Chapter 1037 Tang’s richest man appeared in court to

I have to say that Mr. richest man’s comment on his blog made the name of the programming language java of Sun Microsystems fall into a spurn phenomenon, which reflects to some extent that the star effect of public figures is combined with the Internet. What a powerful influence the post-self media has.

The fierce Sun Microsystem, of course, would not think that Tang Huan was just an unintentional mistake, but insisted that this was a direct slander with sinister intentions.

As for the basis, it is naturally derived from the dark losses suffered in the past.

We must know that when the “noise” alliance of the philosopher software companies was united and the most powerful, Sun Microsystems agreed to sell the Java license to philosopher software companies in order to rapidly expand the use of this new Internet language.

As a result, Netscape first overturned the “vinegar jar” and cancelled the plan to use Java to develop a new browser; Sun Microsystems, which did not care about it, directly let its own company launch with Java as a demonstration of this programming language. The browser program hotjava has been improved and no longer depends on Netscape.

This phenomenon of changing face because of changes in interests reflects the so-called “noise” alliance, how seemingly loose, and then when Oracle’s own foundation, that is, database products, has a big problem, and there is no time to take care of nc. It basically collapsed.

And the best explanation for this ending is that Netscape was acquired by Oracle like a broken one.

The dead dao friend does not die the poor dao.

Sun Microsystems will not hurt the spring and autumn of Netscape’s flash in the pan. The rules of the game in the market are like this.

However, when the Zheru Software Company took out its own version of the Java virtual machine and corresponding programming tools at the Zheru Spring Developer Conference this year, Sun Microsystems suddenly realized that it might be fooled.

First of all, the Java version of Zheru Software Company, whether it is enhanced or improved, has changed a little bit, and the implementation is so excellent that it can compare with the original creator of Sun Microsystems.

Secondly, in terms of programming development, Zheru Software Corporation has launched three development environments: enterprise platform, standard platform, and mobile platform in order to adapt to the changes brought about by the Internet, and its own new generation of Internet programming language c#, of course, has become protagonist.

At the same time, the “optimized” java has actually been integrated into the system of Zheru Software Company and has become the “little brother” of c#.

After thinking about how Weilai Sun Microsystems could tolerate his children’s “changing their surnames”, he became annoyed and sued Zheru Software to the San Jose District Court in Silicon Valley on the grounds of violating the original license agreement. It can be said that the monopoly case of the United States of America v. Zheru Software Corporation is a small and big contrast.

Just when this kind of dispute is unclear, the richest man who is equivalent to the Internet “big V” a few years later in the original time and space, suddenly said in a disguised form that the name of java was too bad and triggered a petition to change the name. Add oil.

The battered Sun Microsystem simply took this incident as an opportunity to discover “new evidence”, and brought Tang Huan to the court in San Jose.

Originally, the richest man who returned to the United States just had a meeting with his personal lawyer and the company’s legal adviser to talk about how to dismiss this saliva lawsuit.

As a result, David Boyce, the chief attorney of the Philosophy Software Group’s lawyers, who was responsible for the United States of America v. Philosophy Software Corporation’s monopoly case, voluntarily asked to participate.

At the meeting, David Boyce suggested very seriously: “Tang, this controversial event will not have any actual impact on you, but it also illustrates a problem. That is, everything you say and do It belongs to the focus, especially at this delicate and critical stage of the situation.”

“So, when you speak in public, including blogging on the Internet, you must be cautious, and it is even necessary to consult professionals including public relations consultants.”

Tang Huan did not have the dissatisfaction of being hindered by the constraints planned by David Boyce like most other high-powered people.

He asked with conscience: “Do you mean that my improper remarks may be collected as testimony in court by those who have the intention to get it in court to support the conviction?”

“Tang is the happiest client in communication during my career as a lawyer in these years!” David Boyce nodded cheerfully. “The dispute between Zheru Software and Sun Microsystems in the San Jose District Court is compared to Yu Zhe. The game between Confucian Software and the U.S. Department of Justice and 20 federal states in the District of Columbia Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit is not worth mentioning.”

“In a few days, the senior staff of Philosophy Software Inc., including you, will appear in court to testify at the request of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in the District of Columbia.”

“At that time, every word you say may be analyzed by the lawyers of the Ministry of Justice to interpret the attack.”

“It turns out that David came here to give me instructions on how to speak in the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in the District of Columbia.” The richest man asked humbly: “So, what principles should I use?”

“It’s easy to say.” David Boyce’s eyes flashed slyly. “When answering the other’s lawyer’s question, try to use ambiguities such as’unclear’ and’forgotten’ as much as possible; even if they When you are forced to choose between’yes’ or’no’, don’t follow the opponent’s rules of the game.”

Tang Huan laughed dumbstruck, “If I pretend to be so confused, can the prosecutor of the Ministry of Justice and the judge in charge of the case agree?”

“This is your power!” David Boyce explained confidently: “In any case, if you do this, it’s better to fall into a language trap that the other party does not know how long it has been carefully designed without knowing it. Countless times stronger!”

“Okay.” The richest man nodded graciously, “When the time comes, I will try to be vague in court so as not to lose the truth. As for the debate, leave it to professionals like you to deal with it.”

When Tang Huan personally dealt with the slobber of Sun Microsystems, it was nothing.

After all, here in the United States, you don’t even have the right to speak freely, right? The richest man himself has been armed with guns and sticks to make irresponsible remarks, which is countless.

The most ironic part is that as it is regarded as entertainment news, the hype becomes more and more fierce, and the reputation of java is really affected.

According to a hot survey on “Whether java should be renamed” conducted by Yahoo on the homepage of the website, nearly 40% of the visitors voted “Change early, good early”, and more than one-third of the visitors voted “one more move”, and the rest is “It’s about my eggs things”.

If it is said that the voting gap between the first two is very close, and it does not explain any problems, then the next “what name should be changed” voting is intriguing.

The good people have long thought of several new name options for java. Yahoo selected the four most popular ones, namely j# language, j++ language, j language, and j++ language. They are listed for visitors to choose.

Facts have proved that evil tastes will also occur in groups, j# gets a lot of votes, and the impression that java gives people is getting more and more impressed.

After Sun Microsystems let go of its self-esteem, it carefully studied these “public opinions”, and suddenly realized: It seems, it seems, the name of j# is really good, not only can it match the popularity of Zheru software company c#, but also ruthlessly Disgusting each other.

Ever since, Sun Microsystems quietly started the registration application process. As a result, it collided head-to-head with the Zheru Software Company, which had the same purpose, and suddenly there was another slobber, and the fun was getting bigger and bigger.

During his testimony in court on July 10, Joel Klein, the prosecutor of the Department of Justice in charge of the United States of America v. Zheru Software Corporation, started with the hot spot of “java rename”.

“Tang, what is your current wealth?”

Without waiting for the richest man to answer, David Boyce, the chief lawyer of the Zheru Software Company’s lawyers, protested tit-for-tat: “I oppose this kind of questions that have nothing to do with the case and involve personal privacy!”

Joel Klein quickly clarified to the judge of the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, Thomas Penfield Jackson: “I promise my question is necessary!”

Thomas Penfield Jackson, who had long been secretly leaning in his heart, reminded him expressionlessly, “Be careful, don’t waste the precious time of the court.”

Joel Klein leaned slightly behind him, turned his head, and stared at Tang Huan scorchingly.

The dignified richest man, dealing with people is no longer enough to describe it as “talking and laughing, there is no white descent”, how can it be suppressed by a small prosecutor?

Tang Huan immediately replied indifferently: “I am more interested in public welfare undertakings now, and I no longer pay attention to such numbers as I did when I was young. However, you should be able to read from the “Forbes Global Rich List” released in March this year. To find the so-called answer.”

Having said this, the richest man shrugged, “If you can’t find this magazine, then I can ask my secretary to help. She has always done her best to organize the information.”

There was a faint laughter that couldn’t be suppressed in the dense auditorium.

Joel Klein, who was insinuated as “young and superficial,” his old face blushed. He didn’t answer Tang Huan’s words. Instead, he went down at his own pace and said: “Tang’s net worth on the rich list exceeds two. US$150 billion; and in 1997, that is, last year, the world’s No. 1 GDP in the United States was more than US$86,600 billion, and Tang was equivalent to 3%. Furthermore, Tang’s recent abhorrence In Java, the GDP ranks at 21 in the same period, which is about US$260 billion, and Tang is the same.”

“Tang’s personal achievements are extremely dazzling and world-renowned, which in turn enables him to have the charisma of a star and the influence of a leader.”

“Not long ago, on his personal blog, Tang reportedly just complained casually, and caused the Internet language java, which Sun Microsystems to create with all its strength, into a boycott and a renaming storm, which has to be reminiscent of Zheru Software companies have a monopoly on the entire software industry.”

“I oppose this inappropriate metaphor for confusing concepts, and the use of many obvious, tendentious, and inflammatory adjectives.” David Boyce stood up and said loudly: “The other’s lawyer is using his own Likes and dislikes, judging witnesses arbitrarily.”

Joel Klein confidently explained: “Tang’s influence and the dominance of Zheru Software are two aspects of the same thing. If people do not have a clear impression of the monopoly of Zheru Software. , Then through the data enumeration just now, and the horizontal analogy, it can be clear at a glance.”

David Boyce ignored Joel Klein, who was spitting stars, and said to Thomas Penfield Jackson: “The opposing lawyer is citing data with ulterior motives, confusing concepts and misleading the public image of witnesses to influence people. The tendency towards the monopoly of the United States of America v. Zheru Software Company. If he continues to do so, I will consider suing him for defamation.”

Thomas Penfield Jackson looked at Joel Klein and said lightly: “Please hurry up and ask the witnesses questions.”

“Yes.” Joel Klein agreed, no longer entangled in the metaphor just now, picked up a document, and said loudly: “I have here a “Hundred Flowers Blooming” plan for browser promotion by Zheru Software Company www. The content includes providing polestar’s kernel and application program interface to third-party partners. With only a “skin” with a different interface, a browser based on the technical architecture of Zheru Software can be quickly generated, and then Formed a trend of chasing down rival Netscape.”

“May I ask the witnesses, do you know about this ‘Hundred Flowers Bloom’ plan?”

The richest man replied calmly: “I don’t know what you said.”

Joel Klein aggressively said: “Witness, you only need to answer clearly, ‘yes’ or ‘no’!”

“I don’t know how to answer’yes’ or’no’?” Tang Huan “educated” painfully, “It’s like we use a computerized financial computerized system, and the auditing of accounting documents is not only “yes”. Or’No’, because some companies will not set up this business link, and the content of the corresponding field in the database may be’null’ in addition to ‘1’ or ‘0’.”

Joel Klein, who was a little dizzy by the richest man’s “science popularization”, asked with an open vein on his forehead: “You occupy the position of’software architect’ on the polestar developer list. Know this’Hundred Flowers Blooming’ plan?”

Tang Huan seemed to be taken aback, and replied somewhat “crying”: “Of course I don’t know something too specific!”

Joel Klein raised his voice and said: “I’m not talking about the issue of ‘specific implementation’, but of the ‘blooming flowers’ plan that has been developed from polestar and the underlying architecture has been sufficiently supported!”

“No!” David Boyce stood up awe-inspiringly, “After the other’s lawyer had misled the witness before, now he threatens the witness!”

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