Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 Curse of Onassis

The show before this was very exciting. Madonna showed off her exquisite skills as an outstanding dancer, staged an impromptu dance, which was so sultry that Tang Huan couldn’t sit still.

However, after seeing Madonna’s proud look hidden in her charming eyes, Tang Huan calmed down again. He picked up the phone and asked the hotel to prepare a set of painting tools for himself. This request seemed a bit difficult, but the other party still agreed. Up.

At this time, Madonna was already sweating profusely, and the beads of sweat on her skin, under the light of the light, showed a different kind of sexy.

Knowing that the two are going to part each other tomorrow, Madonna eagerly hopes that this dewy marriage will impress Tang Huan, so she did her best, but despite her hard work, Tang Huan just sat with an appreciative expression on her face. Watching from the sidelines, and occasionally tasting a few sips of red wine, Madonna would have doubted whether Tang Huan was a man if it weren’t for the good experience of last night.

“My dear, what are you waiting for?” Madonna’s eyes were filled with a certain desire.

“Guess.” Tang Huan blinked teasingly.

“I can’t guess, only act.” Madonna said, burying her head between Tang Huan’s legs.

Tang Huan took a breath, put down the crystal cup, narrowed his eyes slightly, and secretly told Madonna that he knew so much about Madonna, and he wanted to help her sincerely on the way to the superstar.

“Mr. Captain, the big ship can enter the port.” Madonna raised her head with a smile, and there was still a crystal waterline at the corner of her mouth.

Tang Huan stretched out his finger and shook it, “Don’t worry, the artwork on the boat has not been found.”

“What artwork?” Madonna’s face was puzzled.

At this time, the waiter gently knocked on the door of the guest room and delivered the things Tang Huan wanted.

Madonna suddenly realized, “My dear, do you want to paint?”

“Of course, such a romantic scene, I want to record it permanently.” Tang Huan raised his paintbrush and answered slowly.

“Then what do I need to do?”

“Dance to your heart’s content and show off your charm.”

I don’t know how many of the elite memories that Tang Huan inherited, how many of the original owners were supernatural scumbags. This fragrant painting with the theme of Madonna scratching her head and poses was made in one go, the extreme kind shown in the painting. Sexy, the only reaction after people look at it is the ears and the heartbeat.

found that Tang Huan left her name on the painting, and Madonna, who wiped the sweat on her forehead, lit up. This can be regarded as a testimony to the relationship between sex.

However, when Madonna’s eyes fell on the **** the drawing paper, all her careful thoughts temporarily retreated behind the scenes. She knelt down in front of the easel and asked in a trembling voice, “My dear, is this painting specially painted for me?”

“Of course.” Tang Huan put down his paintbrush and took a sip of red wine from the crystal glass. For this work, he is still very satisfied.

Looking at this painting, Tang Huan suddenly thought of the application of personal computers in graphics and images, but unfortunately, with the current hardware level, it is a bit difficult to realize it. The famous Photoshop only appeared in 1987, which is enough to explain this problem.

Tang Huan was thinking about paying, Madonna climbed over and looked up at him admiringly, “Don, do you want my first time?”

Hearing this, Tang Huan almost laughed out loud. He raised his brows and asked playfully, “Do you have the first time?”

“Of course.” Madonna pushed her **** up and shook it flatteringly.

is indeed a peerless stunner, Tang Huan put down the crystal cup and gave orders: “Then be prepared to meet.”

The next day, Madonna will return to the location of her small art group to deal with some trivial matters before going to Los Angeles.

Looking at the woman’s faltering appearance, Tang Huan, who still has a fresh memory of last night’s craziness, was really uncomfortable and ruthless, so he took the hotel’s special car to send Madonna there, and brought painting tools by the way, and used his free time to gather inspiration. In fact, he mainly wants to use this process to sort out the data items such as color and saturation that need to be considered when processing graphics and images on the computer.

On the way, Madonna held the painting like a treasure, leaning on her seat and dozing off, Tang Huan flipped through the newspaper vigorously. One of the long reports gave a detailed introduction to a world-famous family. Suddenly aroused his interest.

Aristotle Socrates Onassis was born in Izmir in western Turkey in 1906. His parents named him after two great ancient Greek philosophers, hoping that his son will be able to stand out when he grows up. Famous in the world, and Onassis did it.

In 1966, Onassis carefully operated the oil transportation industry and invested heavily in oil tankers. In 1973, the total tonnage of the merchant fleet exceeded 3 million tons. By 1975, the year Onassis passed away, he had owned 45 oil tankers, 15 of which were supertankers of more than 200,000 tons, thus creating the world’s largest private merchant fleet and becoming a veritable Greek ship. Wang, once sat on the throne of the world’s richest man.

On October 20, 1968, Onassis married Jackie Kennedy, the widow of former US President John Kennedy. It was a breeze, but it seemed that the bad luck of the Kennedy family also followed, and their married life was not happy.

In 1973, Onassis’ son Alexander, who was only 24 years old, died of his injuries in a plane crash.

In 1975, under the double blow of his son’s death and his wife’s eccentricity, Onassis became ill and died suddenly.

For these misfortunes, people are rumored to be the “Onassis” curse.

Tang Huan knew something about such rumors. At the time, he only thought it was a far-fetched story, but now that he saw these detailed reports with his own eyes, he couldn’t help but start to be half-belief.

Recalling the original history, little Kennedy would die in 1999 because of a bizarre plane crash, and Tang Huan felt more and more evil.

As the saying goes, the ignorant is fearless. On the other hand, the more he knows, the more horrible he feels. He shuddered and looked outside the car. The sun was shining, and he was relieved.

Don’t be afraid, brother is a rebirth.

Tang Huan continued to read the newspaper, the following content is the focus of this report.

After the death of the old ship king, the only offspring is left, his daughter Christina Onassis.

Of course, this wealthy daughter became the female ship king of the huge Onassis oil tanker kingdom, inherited Olympic shipping companies all over the world, shipbuilding, tourism, aviation, mining, real estate and other industries, as well as the world’s largest The private merchant fleet with a huge amount of 800 million U.S. dollars.

Christina was born in 1950. When she was only 3 years old, the old ship king would not hesitate to spend 20 million US dollars to build a luxury yacht named after her daughter.

After growing up, the family’s vault allows Christina to spend money without scruples. She receives huge sums of US$7.5 million from her father’s trust fund each year, which she uses to travel around the world on a private plane.

In front of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, under the pyramids in Egypt, in the ski resorts in Switzerland, and in luxury hotels in New York, Christina’s figure flashed everywhere.

The carefree, wind-sweeping life makes this princess arrogant and solitary, and arrogant.

At the age of 20, Christina got acquainted with an American real estate agent who was twice her age, but after a few months of marriage, she broke up because of disagreements.

It can be seen how Christina behaved pervertedly.

In July 1975, three months after the death of the old ship king, Christina married for the second time in order to join forces to restore the Onassis family’s glory during the economic depression. The groom was Alexander, the heir of the Greek shipping and banking king. Andreadis.

Christina hopes that her husband can help her tide over the difficulties and become a supporter in her career, but the top student at Zurich University is just a nerd on paper. He has nothing to do with the market situation and the incompatibility of their personalities. This marriage It lasted for less than two years, and broke up unhappily.

I have to say that although Christina has everything in terms of money, her emotional world is always fragmented.

In 1976, Christina’s fleet business was in a trough, and finding customers for chartering became a difficult problem. At this moment, the Soviet authorities invited her to go to Moscow to discuss business, but actually used this excuse to set up a trap.

The powerful fleet transportation capacity of the Onassis family has important strategic significance. The Soviet Union has taken a fancy to it, so it is ready to send a well-trained KGB “crow” to use good men’s tactics and win the female ship king.

Accepting this task, the man responsible for receiving Christina is called Sergey Kozov, who is on the surface the Chief of the Tanker Section of the Cargo Ship Department of the Soviet Ministry of Shipping.

This guy in his forties has a wife and daughter, he is not handsome, his hair is sparse, his face is pale, and even one eye is blind. But this person has been specially trained to please women, and has a kind of weird charm to please women.

In this way, Kuzov made Christina fall in love at first sight, and his courtesy and thoughtfulness just filled the emptiness in the soul of the ship queen after the two marriages broke down.

On August 1, 1978, in a “Wedding Palace” in Moscow, Christina wore a white wedding dress, holding Kuzov’s arm, and held a wedding according to Russian customs.

The news that the female ship king flew to Moscow to be the bride has caused an uproar in the Western world.

First of all, the Onassis family and the Greek officials expressed their deep concern about this. Once the female ship king gave birth to a young Kuzov in the Soviet Union, then the inheritance would naturally belong to the Soviets.

Secondly, the Americans also hate this matter very much, insisting that the “Cyclops” is a KGB spy.

Regardless of how many major newspapers in Western countries report on the marriage of the female ship king, Christina, who is addicted to love, does not believe these “slanders.”

Soon after marriage, Jin Zhi Yuye’s female ship king became tired of the boring life of Moscow. She was going to return to Paris, but the Soviet government delayed obtaining a passport for Kauzov, so the newlyweds had to leave temporarily.

As a result, as soon as Christina walked away, Kuzov immediately met his original wife and daughter and gave them valuable gifts.

This incident reached Christina’s ears, she was very angry, and began to face all the rumors in the past. At the same time, the confidential documents and statements of the female ship king’s negotiations with Western oil companies are often leaked out. The Greek intelligence agency confirmed that it was the work of a spy inside the Onassis family.

Until then, Christina had to believe that Kuzov was indeed a cunning “crow”. So she made up her mind to divorce Kuzov, and hired lawyers from the United States, France, and Switzerland to help with the divorce procedures.

Now, newspapers are constantly hyping up this big news.

After reading this ups and downs story, Tang Huan shook his head and could only say nothing.

According to the newspaper, he took the seats, Tang Huan remembered that the female ship king had a miserable end.

Seeing that billions of dollars of fortune were lost, Kuzov was naturally very reconciled, so he proposed to get half of Christina and her company’s income. Later, the two officially divorced. As part of the divorce property disposal, Kuzov got an oil tanker. At this point, this wonderful romance came to an end.

After that, Christina experienced another failed marriage and gave birth to daughter Athena.

Christina died suddenly in Argentina in 1988, and just a few weeks ago, she amended her will-Athena is the only property heir, effective from the date of adulthood at the age of 18.

At this point, the famous “Onassis” curse seems to be over.

Tang Huan put down the newspaper, glanced out the window, and felt sorry for a moment. Such a brilliant family finally became the public’s after-dinner talk. It is a pity.

Soon, the car arrived at the destination, Tang Huan gently pushed Madonna up, seeing her tired look, he really tossed her too much last night.

won’t play bad, Tang Huan couldn’t help but feel a little worried, and quickly helped Madonna out of the car.

“If the check is not enough, please call me. In Los Angeles, I will arrange it for you as soon as possible.” Tang Huan said lightly.

Madonna reluctantly kissed goodbye. At this time, an angry voice came, “Madonna, where have you been these few days?”

Tang Huan followed the prestige and saw a white young man dressed as a hippie walking towards him. U U Reading

“This is Dan Gilroy, I originally planned to join his band.”

Madonna explained to Tang Huan, then turned her head and said to Gilroy, “I went to see my friend, what are you worried about.”

Gilroy glanced suspiciously at Tang Huan, but there was nothing to say. He watched that this incident was about to pass, and finally came another hippie with a younger age.

“Brother, don’t you see that these two dog men and women are very close? Madonna, a woman who started chasing you in order to get into the band, but now she has changed her target. Yellow monkey, you are Japanese, how do you hook up? Madonna’s?”

Unexpectedly, the Japanese are equally famous in the American art world, but it is understandable that John Lennon, the soul figure of the famous British rock band “The Beatles”, was not fascinated by the Japanese avant-garde artist Yoko Ono. What.

However, even if Madonna is eager for quick success and quick gain, she will not be guilty of being angry by any means.

After groaning in his heart, Tang Huan stepped forward, hitting Gilroy’s brother in the jaw with a punch, knocking him to the ground in one fell swoop, “Little guy, take your hallucinogen and guitar and hide aside. Go, don’t be rude in public.”

After teaching his younger brother, Tang Huan turned his gaze to Gilroy again, but this person just looked at him dumbfounded and had no other reaction.

Tang Huan nodded to Madonna, “Talk to your friend, I’ll go first.”

After finishing speaking, Tang Huan stopped paying attention to these self-righteous guys and walked away.

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