Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 The Queen of the Ship and Fate

Tang Huan found a high-end coffee shop with a unique style, sometimes admiring the street view outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, sometimes waving the paintbrush in his hand, and the notebook next to the coffee cup recorded the key details of color coding, color depth, compression method and so on.

There are two main types of computer processing graphics and images, vector graphics and bitmaps. Although they cannot be put into practical use on personal computers for the time being, they can’t be wrong as a topic of concern. After all, in the IT industry, third-rate companies Working hard, second-rate companies sell products, first-class companies sell technology, and super-first-class companies sell standards. The sooner you seize the opportunity to form industry standards for products, the easier it will be to gain a dominant advantage.

Perhaps it was the weak performance of personal computers that made Tang Huan discover during this trip to the East Coast that most people, including Wang An, did not value microcomputers.

This situation can only be changed by IBM, the blue giant. At present, he does not have this influence and does not have so many resources.

Now Zerone’s funds are more than enough for the operation of software products. The factory of cheap computers and Xiaobawang game consoles has been put into production. As long as the time is staggered, there will be no tightness. It can be said to be comfortable, but it is still unable to compete with giants like IBM. Compared with Mac.

However, in the process of meeting with many investors this time, there are still a few sensitive guys. While being attracted by the powerful functions of the Mac, they noticed the software developer Zerone hidden behind them, and felt that this company is tight. The company that revolves around Apple Computer has good profitability, so it took the initiative to find Tang Huan and ask him if he needs financing.

It is natural to have more funds. Fangyuan cheap computers and Xiaobawang game consoles are more like a single-chip microcomputer. Because of the more complicated hardware architecture, Tang Huan did not choose such a solution because of the increase in resources.

If you have a lot of money, you might be able to make some preparations in advance. Following the launch of IBM personal computers, a more cost-effective compatible machine will be launched, so that it will be a step ahead of Compaq and get a share of the pie.

But the problem is that in order to keep one’s power in control, there are strict restrictions on the proportion of shares. Therefore, Tang Huan prefers to get a loan from the bank. In this way, after the expiration, the principal and interest will be paid off, and the two parties will not owe each other. After all, relying on the foresight of the reborn, doing business can get the most attractive profit, and the cost of loans is obviously lower than the cost of shares.

There is only one customer in the coffee shop, Tang Huan. This quiet atmosphere allows Tang Huan to multi-task, think about many issues and do a lot of things.

But this atmosphere was quickly destroyed by two uninvited guests hurried in.

They looked around for a while, and then quickly walked towards Tang Huan. One of them said, “Sir, can we change positions?”

was interrupted by someone, Tang Huan was very upset, the cafe was so empty, he came to fight for a position with himself, right?

“Sorry, no change.” Tang Huan replied lightly.

“Do me a favor, I have coffee.” The man refused to give up.

“Thank you, no more.” Tang Huan waved impatiently.

Seeing that Tang Huan didn’t buy it, another person immediately opened his eyes and showed a vicious expression, “We are from the FBI. We are performing special tasks. Please cooperate.”

Tang Huan raised his brows and slowly put down the things in his hands. Seeing that the threat had worked, the other party immediately refreshed.

Unexpectedly, Tang Huan suddenly fisted to face him, and the electric flint reached the tip of his nose. The bad wind blew on his face, and his skin felt a clear chill. The guy was scared to close his eyes and screamed.

Tang Huan stopped his fist and smiled jokingly, “Just like you, is it really the FBI?”

“Bruce Lee’s skill is not easy to mess with. Forget it, let’s sit there, and we can also put the camera.” The person who spoke first, saw that the situation was not good, and hurriedly pulled his companion away.

Because he has inherited a huge amount of memory, Tang Huan’s familiarity with the United States is no worse than that of his hometown. The frictions in life will not make him daunted. Moreover, being timid is not his style.

On the other hand, the unique memories from many fallen elites will also subtly influence Tang Huan’s behavior from time to time.

Killing decisively, scheming, unruly, adventurous and curious, etc., these traits are intertwined and extremely complex, but they also make Tang Huan show a strange charm.

However, Tang Huan never gave up the effort to grasp his heart.

So after this skirmish, Tang Huan didn’t take it seriously, and cursed a dog who was bullying and afraid of hardship, and sat back to his position to continue busy.

About a quarter of an hour later, customers came to the cafe again, and they were surprisingly large, burly male bodyguards, elegant female housekeepers, and young girls surrounded by them.

Seeing this scene, Tang Huan was a little surprised. Could it be that it was a member of the royal family from that country in Europe, who was too good to show off.

However, when he saw the arrogant woman that this group of people served, he was relieved. Comparing with the photos in the newspaper, it can be completely confirmed that this is the Greek ship king Christina who is said to have come to New York to relax. Onassis.

Onassis curse, the lone star of the evil god, Tang Huan flashed these two words in his mind immediately, and he couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. However, it shouldn’t be contaminated with bad luck after a few glances.

“Those two are reporters, let them leave.” The housekeeper pointed at the two guys who had conflicted with Tang Huan just now, and ordered them softly.

The bodyguards immediately took their orders, picked them up like an eagle catching a chicken, and walked to the door.

Upon seeing this scene, Tang Huan also understood that if someone wants to book a room and enjoy this space exclusively, he should withdraw quickly.

Thinking of this, Tang Huan quickly picked up a pen and made a summary record in his notebook, and then began to pack other things.

“This sir, my master wants to be alone here for a while. I am very sorry for the inconvenience.” The housekeeper walked over and offered a cheque with both hands respectfully.

To tell you the truth, Tang Huan doesn’t catch a cold for this kind of seemingly courteous but arrogant style that is similar to a small Japanese bowing at every turn.

He glanced at the check casually. The number was 2000. It was so lavish and enough to buy an Apple computer.

“No, I’m about to leave.” Tang Huan just replied faintly, but didn’t pick it up.

The housekeeper didn’t care, put the check on the table, picked up Tang Huan’s notebook, and glanced at the square on it, “In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, you can’t take away these written materials.”

Nima, this is the result of my hard work, and there is no record of those boring gossip messages.

Tang Huan stretched out his hand to grab it, “Return me, with important invention information written on it, which is more valuable than your mere $2,000.”

The housekeeper took a light step back and avoided. Tang Huan narrowed his eyes. It seems that this woman is not just doing chores, so there is no need to pay attention to what good men do not fight with women.

Seeing Tang Huan’s posture, the housekeeper raised her chin proudly, “Sir, I would like to advise you, if you are rough, you will be embarrassed.”

Tang Huan raised his eyebrows, “Do you guys shoot?”

The housekeeper smiled disdainfully and shook her head, “There is no need for that.”

“I’m afraid it’s not me who is embarrassed.” Tang Huan slowly stretched out his hand.

At this time, a sturdy man stood in front of the housekeeper, with a desire to fight in his eyes, “Come and fight me, maybe my master will reward you.”

What a strange accent, where is this person from?

Tang Huan muttered, turning his palm into a fist and hitting the opponent’s chest.

The sturdy man cracked his big mouth and smiled, staying on the spot, taking a deep breath, and puffing out his chest.

Tang Huan saw this, ran his inner strength, halfway through, changed his fist into a palm again, and pushed it on the opponent’s chest.

The sturdy man with a stiff smile on his face, he shook his body, did not fall backward, but threw forward with a loud thump, and a dog came to eat shit.

Tang Huan jumped aside and avoided, took a sip, and complimented, “**.”

The housekeeper was taken aback for a while, waved her hand, and told the other bodyguards, “Take him out.”

“Self-righteous woman, don’t have to be so troublesome, return the notes to me and I will leave immediately.”

Tang Huan shouted, but unfortunately the housekeeper ignored it, and the bodyguards rushed forward, and the two sides immediately fought together, the tables and chairs collided, and the whole martial arts was staged.

Christina looked at the chaos on the court with interest, without scolding, pointing at Tang Huan, who was not let down, and smiled: “The Eastern Kungfu in the movie.”

The housekeeper hurriedly shouted: “The master likes to watch, you guys fight him a little longer.”

I rub, this 38, when you are a monkey juggler, but the gorillas in front of you are extremely sturdy in physical fitness, and they are also super capable of fighting. They are really troublesome to deal with without being a killer.

“Bring his painting here and let me see it.” Christina ordered a female assistant next to her.

Soon, Tang Huan’s masterpiece, other objects, and even business cards were placed in front of the female ship king.

Tang Huan painted street scenes, as well as some mathematical model curves used by computer screen savers in his previous life. His painting skills are excellent, and the concrete and abstract content are combined in one place, but the knowledgeable Christina nodded. Endless.

The so-called art has too many idealistic elements. Especially since the 1950s and 1960s, in the old capitalist countries like the United States and Britain, all kinds of strange ideas have appeared, but they have broken free from all kinds of shackles, but sometimes they also make people at a loss. Let some people study for a long time.

Anyway, Christina thinks Tang Huan’s paintings are quite interesting.

“Don’t fight, please come over and have a chat with this artist.” The female ship king ordered without raising her head.

As soon as the voice fell, Christina heard the sound of the pistol opening the insurance, “Master, he has come over.”

Christina looked up in surprise, and saw her carefully selected bodyguards lying on the ground staggeringly, while Tang Huan, who approached slowly, raised her hands and complained dissatisfiedly to the housekeeper. : “Didn’t you say it, don’t move the gun.”

Christina’s eyes widened in shock. How could this be possible? Did she just miss something?

“Stop, go forward, I’m not welcome.” The housekeeper issued a warning.

“Don’t be so fierce, please stay in awe of the law. I am a person of identity on the west coast.” Although Tang Huan was confident, he stopped and pointed to his paintings and notes. “Miss Ship King, everyone They are all civilized people, and give me things back.”

“Do you know me?” Christina looked at Tang Huan warily.

“I happened to read a report about you in the newspaper not long ago.” Tang Huan pointed impatiently to the newspaper scattered beside his previous seat.

Christina picked up Tang Huan’s business card and glanced at it and nodded, “You are indeed not a reporter. You can return the things to you, but my bodyguards were injured by you. How to calculate this account?”

“They just dislocated. Besides, isn’t this trick directed by your housekeeper? Don’t think I didn’t hear your conversation just now.”

Christina motioned to her housekeeper to put away the pistol, “It’s too demeanor to care about who is responsible. In this way, you can make a picture for me, and then you can leave with your things.”

I rub, this woman can really mess around, but it’s better to take a note and leave this evil lone star far away.

“Yes, what to paint?” Tang Huan nodded.

“It’s random, but it must be unique.” Christina had a teasing smile on her face.

This woman is really amazing. If you want to play with herself as a monkey, then brother is not welcome, and insinuates you.

Tang Huan conceived for a while, then spread out the drawing paper on the table next to it, and drew it quickly, also habitually in one go.

“He is really a creative and quick-minded painter. He painted three pictures so quickly, I hope it is not a deal.” Christina jokingly complimented and took the painting to enjoy it.

Although the faces of the characters in the painting are vague, they can be identified and they are all women.

In the first picture, a girl is standing in front of a gorgeous palace, looking up at a drooling dragon.

The second picture, a young mother, is looking at her child happily.

In the third painting, a woman is lying in a bathtub and has passed away with an expression of pain.

Christina stared at the third painting, slowly putting away her smile, her face became pale, and murmured: “Onassis curse.”

How can Tang Huan think about the reaction of the other party, pick up his own notes, and leave this place of right and wrong.

“Wait a minute,” Christina yelled gaffefully.

Tang Huan frowned, “Please keep your promise.”

Christina stared at Tang Huan steadily, “You have read the newspaper, you should know that I was in trouble, please help me resolve this divorce lawsuit as soon as possible. The payment is not a problem.”

Tang Huan smiled and said: “Just kidding, how come I have such a great skill? Didn’t you find a lawyer team.”

“You can definitely do it, mysterious Oriental. If you can use magic to defeat my bodyguard and predict the future Onassis curse, then you will definitely be able to quickly resolve this divorce lawsuit that people all over the world use to make fun of me. “Christina continued to plead.

“What a mess…” Tang Huan waved his hand in irritation.

“I have a lot of money, you must know, a lot, a lot, say, how much do you plan to ask?” Christina held up the checkbook.

“That too…” Tang Huan hesitated after seeing Christina’s firm movements, “It’s not impossible to think of a solution.”

“Say, please.” Christina had an expression of excitement on her face.

“Let’s talk about remuneration first. If the method works, then give my company a low-interest long-term loan of 10 million U.S. dollars.” Tang Huan pointed to his business card.

“No problem.” Christina’s chick nodded like a pecking rice.

“You know, your divorce lawsuit hides a huge country behind it. Therefore, if you want to quickly resolve the dispute, you need to use the power of friends, and the enemy of the enemy is a friend.”

Tang Huan picked up the pen as he said, and just about to write something, he stopped and handed the pen to his left hand.

“I’ve heard of a secret. I don’t know if it’s true or not. With your family’s power, it is not difficult to find a channel to contact NATO to verify it. If it is true, it can be used as a bargaining chip in exchange for help. UU Reading www.uukanshu .com”

In previous lives, because of the world-famous characters such as Assange of WikiLeaks and Snowden of Prism Gate, various spy secrets were circulated and talked about like entertainment gossip, and Tang Huan happened to know some of the so-called decryptions. The information, but it is difficult to verify whether it is true or false.

During the Cold War, both sides of the confrontation were sparing no effort to carry out espionage activities to spy on each other’s intelligence.

A German named “Huang Feng” under the East German National Intelligence Agency, named Renner Lubo, used his beautiful tactics and married an English woman, Ann Christine Bowen, and developed it into Spy, code-named “Emerald”.

Bowen, as the secretary of the British mission at NATO headquarters, has the opportunity to get in touch with most of the secrets of NATO.

So, NATO has a tragedy. Since 1977, a large number of secret documents have been stolen. It is no exaggeration to say that NATO information has been sold out by the Lubos and there is little left.

After the great changes in Eastern Europe, an East German official defected to West Germany and informed NATO. After three years of reconnaissance, NATO dug out the spies Lubo and his wife from the heart.

This kind of secret should be enough to exchange for some kind of support, maybe it can also let the two parties have a wonderful show in the media. I have to say that Tang Huan’s adventurous psychology is still breaking out.

“That’s it, I’m leaving.” Tang Huan put down his pen and waved away.

Christina didn’t stop this time, she just stared at Tang Huan’s back thoughtfully.

An agile ranger, a talented painter, a mysterious sacrifice, a shrewd businessman, and a strange oriental.

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