Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 92

Chapter 92 Inspiration after the song

In Tang Huan’s view, there are two obvious categories in the style of Cantonese female singers from the late 1970s to the early 1980s, Xu Xiaofeng and Zhen Ni’s vigorous atmosphere and Zhang Delan’s freshness and grace, and later Anita Mui, Priscilla Chan and others also follow this pattern in general.

In previous lives, Ye Liyi, the original singer of “Shanghai_Beach”, is a very experienced singer.

In 1969, Ye Liyi, who was also an auxiliary police officer, participated in TVB’s “Shengbao Night” program. As a judge, Gu Jiahui gave full marks, so she began to enter the music scene at the age of 22.

In 1974, Ye Liyi switched from Lifeng Records to EMI Records. Since then, she has never changed her contract company. Today, many records have been released.

Probably because of the relationship with TVB, Ye Liyi was lucky enough to get the theme song of “Shang_Beach”, and then this song became her masterpiece, which made her reputation spread far, and even painted between the song and the singer. equal sign.

Actually, Zhen Ni, who has a similar style, once sang “Shanghai_Beach” and performed equally well.

It can be seen that opportunities are really important for artists who desire masterpieces and qualifications.

also explained that the subjectivity of art is really strong, and preconceived first impressions often play a very wonderful role.

Deng Lijun’s “Shanghai_Beach” now sings, this time and space is the first sing, the musical skills and emotional expression are very mature, Tang Huan does not feel the sense of violation.

This is the association. As long as the artist’s own quality is good, Tang Huan can rely on his memory, through professional operations, to praise him, thereby enriching his own cultural card.

For example, the concept of a female singer can be clearly hyped.

Deng Lijun urged him to ask a few questions because of his thoughtfulness, and Tang Huan came to his senses and nodded affirmatively, “Perfect, this song is very well performed, enough to pave the way for your comeback next year. At that time, those vilifications have been done. Your man must have his jaw dropped.”

“It’s just a song. As for the exaggeration, I am not a newcomer, and I still have the basic calmness and patience.” Deng Lijun gave Tang Huan a white glance.

“Then wait to see people’s reactions.” Tang Huan smiled, not arguing.

“I’ve been in the simplest form recently. A lot of things, especially written materials, are faxed, and sometimes they rush together and get messed up. Aren’t you doing high-tech, you can’t intelligently control it with a computer. A moment?” Deng Lijun turned around and talked about the little trouble he had encountered.

Hearing the other party’s complaint, Tang Huan was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes lit up. In his information office solution, the data processing function has been initially completed, but the communication function such as fax is really lacking.

In fact, fax has a long history.

In the 1840s, when Scotsman Alexander Bain was studying the synchronization structure of the pendulum, he unintentionally invented the fax technology.

In the 1850s, the British inventor Fr Bekkar improved the structure of the fax machine and replaced the clock and pendulum structure with a “roller and screw” device. This roller model has been used for more than a hundred years.

In the 1860s, the Iranian Abakati developed a facsimile machine that could be used in practice based on the principle and structure of the facsimile machine proposed by Bain and Bakerkar, and conducted facsimile communication experiments in Paris, Lyon, Marseille and other cities in France.

In 1924, high-quality photo fax machines appeared. RCA, an American radio company that has not yet been acquired by General Electric, successfully transmitted a picture of American President Calvin Coolidge from New York to London via radio, thus inventing radio facsimile, and started it two years later. In addition to commercial applications, wired and wireless photo fax services have been launched one after another.

In 1968, the United States took the lead in opening up the fax service on the public telephone network. After that, especially after 1972, other countries followed up quickly.

This has led to a sharp increase in the number of fax machines that were originally limited to dedicated lines. In particular, document fax machines used to transmit handwritten, printed or printed letters, documents, forms, graphics, etc., performed the most eye-catching.

In addition to the progress of the International Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT) on fax standardization, especially the development of fax technology itself, the mechanical image scanning method has been replaced by electronic scanning, and the data transmission mode has evolved from analog to digital, and the transmission speed has been greatly increased. Ascension and joint action have brought human communication into a new historical period.

Similar to the 2G, 3G, and 4G in the mobile phone standards in the previous life, the development of modern fax machines has also been divided into stages.

Before the 1970s, G1 was mainly used to transmit a page of A4 format documents, which took about 6 minutes.

After entering the 1970s, the G2, the second-class machine, has been widely used. It takes about 3 minutes to send a page of A4 format files.

At present, the G3, which can transmit a page of A4 format files in about one minute, has begun to enter the market promotion stage.

Compared with the Ethernet technology, modern fax relying on the public telephone network must be much more mature. As long as you intervene in this field, you can quickly produce predictable benefits.

Especially in areas with a strong economic foundation in the Kanji system like Japan, handwriting is more convenient than keyboard input. Naturally, fax machines can show obvious advantages over technologies such as TelePrinter or teletypewriters.

Even in the era when the Internet was popular in the past, the home fax needs can be realized through e-mail with a digital camera or scanner. For commercial applications, fax is integrated into a multifunction printer, but most commercial organizations do not Abandon the fax machine completely.

After all, fax has a wide range of applications. In addition to sending documents, news photos, weather maps, it can also play a good role in medical care, printing, book management, information consulting, financial data, and electronic mail.

Tang Huan entered the fax industry, so naturally he would not simply produce fax machines. That was too lack of technical content.

The most obvious disadvantage of the fax machine is that it requires a dedicated person to be responsible, and the office efficiency is low. If the same information is sent to multiple destinations, it is time-consuming and laborious. The text and image data in the computer must be printed out before being sent by the fax machine. .

As for the deeper restrictions, there are more.

To solve these problems, there is no doubt that only the fax server can be used. This is Tang Huan’s goal.

Logically speaking, the fax machine can be divided into three independent functional modules, scanner, modem and printer.

The    scanner converts the content of the document into a digital image, the modem transmits the image data through the telephone line, and the printer at the other end turns the image into a copy of the original document.

Now, these three technologies have been mature enough and the cost is very reasonable. It is not too difficult to put into practical use, but it is still a new topic to manage fax resources through microprocessors and software.

It was not until 1985 that HankMagnuski, the founder of GammaLink, developed the first computer fax function expansion card GammaFax.

Through the fax server, the function of the personal computer has been expanded from data processing to computer communication, which is undoubtedly a huge competitive advantage and business opportunity.

It can be said that Deng Lijun’s inspiration is really too important.

“Of course I can control it, and it must be possible.” Tang Huan happily gave Deng Lijun a big kiss.

“Be serious, don’t teach the baby in your stomach.” Deng Lijun beat Tang Huan strangely.

“They are so young, what can they know?” Tang Huan muttered disapprovingly.

“Of course I do.” Deng Lijun opened his eyes dissatisfiedly, “I sang and played music to them, and all reacted.”

“Let me listen.” Tang Huan gently pressed his cheek to Deng Lijun’s raised belly, pretending to listen while asking.

Deng Lijun smiled and pinched Tang Huan’s nose, twisting it playfully.

was frolicking, and a cough came from the door, and Deng’s mother asked wildly: “It’s getting late, do you want to have dinner here?”

Relaxed and happy time is just passing quickly. Tang Huan glanced at the Rolex that Deng Lijun gave on his wrist, and stood up and said: “Mother-in-law, Li Jun, I have to go. For the company’s next R&D plan, I’m going through it well. In a few days, I really have to take a break to adjust.”

Deng Lijun sent Tang Huan out of the house, and eagerly exhorted, “Business is temporary, and your body is permanent. You must pay attention.”

“Don’t worry, I am most greedy for life and fear of death.” Tang Huan waved his hand, got into the car, and left the villa.

After Deng Lijun returned, he complained to his mother, “How do you drive people away?”

Deng’s mother sighed, “You are still too young. I don’t know what sinister and powerful is. Although this villa has been kept secret, who can guarantee that it will not be discovered by someone who wants to Tang Huan is not afraid, we can’t do it Ah, it’s not a big mistake to be careful.”

Deng Lijun nodded in understanding, and muttered to himself: “It seems that if you want to fly carefree like a bird, there is only one way, and that is to make your career bigger.”


Seeing that Tang Huan was back, her aunt Tang Yun looked at the time and asked with a smile, “I was rushed back by my mother-in-law. Didn’t you have dinner?”

“My aunt still loves me and left me food.” Tang Huan sat down at the dining table and sighed with emotion.

“By the way, the employees of Zheru Company and people from the publishing house have sent a hundred books to you to sign in advance, so as not to be too busy with tomorrow’s activities.” Tang Yun said, pointing to two stacks of brand-new books.

Tang Huan glanced, his face suddenly collapsed, this is a real effort.

The new book he wrote about MA programming technology has been published, and it is very popular and has good sales. For this reason, book companies have organized book signings and sales activities in several universities.

In order to see his aunt and Deng Lijun, Tang Huan arranged the first stop to Los Angeles by the way.

If you want to gain academic reputation, you can only rely on yourself, so after dinner, Tang Huan honestly signed a hundred books.

After finishing this job, he started planning the fax business project.

Zheru is still in his infancy after all, and in order to be technically forward-looking, Tang Huan must also do it himself.

I have to say that, under the appearance of Tang Da’s boss, it is also very hard.

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