Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 93

Chapter 93 Chinese English Media

Pure computer technology is actually very boring.

In order to invigorate the signing atmosphere, at the next day of the event, Tang Huan asked Judy Foster to help out on the spot. He was supposed to buy books for this group. In fact, he was planning to see the technical idols of science and engineering men. A big surprise.

There are about two to three hundred readers involved. Tang Huan is in charge of signing, and Foster occasionally joins in the fun, but he is very busy.

Tang Huan asked the student group among the readers a very difficult question about the algorithm. The answer was mailed to Zheru Company within a week, and the person who was confirmed as the correct result could get an internship in Zheru Company. Opportunities, this is more affordable for many young people who aspire to become IT engineers.

Tang Huan might use public equipment for private purposes, but the big bosses naturally have this right, and the ever-expanding Zheru company really needs outstanding talents.

But something went wrong in the middle. A guy who walked closer in line suddenly said: “Mr. Tang, I’m a reporter from the San Francisco Observer. I finally found you. Can I accept an interview?”

This is obviously not in the plan. Tang Huan glanced at the other person displeasedly. Apart from promoting technology and products, he doesn’t like to face the media. Besides, if this person catches up here, he must not have any plans.

In terms of influence, there are two famous newspapers in the San Francisco area. SanFranciscoChronicle is the San Francisco Chronicle and SanFranciscoExaminer is the San Francisco Observer.

The “San Francisco Observer” is quite backed. It is the first member of the media kingdom built by William Hirst.

The American newspaper tycoon is the only son of a mining tycoon and Senator George Hirst. He was expelled from Harvard University due to his rebellious behavior.

In 1887, Hirst became the editor-in-chief of the troubled San Francisco Observer. Relying on strong family financial support and sensational reporting methods, he quickly turned the Observer Report into profit and made it a famous sensational paper in San Francisco.

In 1895, Hirst marched into New York, created the “New York Daily”, and poached all the editors of the “New York World” star periodical, and launched a fierce competition with Pulitzer, and thus produced a term- “Yellow news” symbolizes the highly sensational and sensational style that Pulitzer’s “New York World” and Hearst “New York Daily” are pursuing.

In order to attract readers, Hirst’s newspapers can be called unscrupulous, often fabricating sensational stories, forging interviews, using fake photos and distorting the truth.

Relying on top talents, cruel bidding and “yellow news” three killer moves, Hearst International Group, founded by Hearst, reached its peak in 1935, with 26 daily newspapers and 17 Sunday newspapers in nine cities. , 14 magazines, 3 news agencies, 2 film companies and 8 radio stations.

Famous fashion magazines such as “Fashion” for female readers, girl magazine “17”, “Mr. Fashion”, and “Harper’s Bazaar” which target the upper class of society are all affiliated to the group.

The classic movie “Citizen Kane” was adapted from the life of William Hirst, which shows how successful his media career has been.

Hirst has achieved unprecedented success in the media business while also seeking political capital for himself. He was elected to the House of Representatives twice, but failed in seeking the president, the mayor of New York City, and the governor of New York State.

Although he has stopped in politics, Hirst can still influence American public opinion and politics. For example, he discriminated against Asian immigrants, using the media tools in his hand, often “yellowperil” or “yellow peril” to discredit Chinese immigrants.

Now, Hirst has been dead for more than two decades, and the San Francisco Observer is not so strong.

During the period after World War II and before the 1970s, the San Francisco Chronicle, which focused on in-depth coverage of national and international news in the United States, had a large number of well-known columnists, and even reporters became Kennedy press secretary and California senator. In terms of strength, it finally overwhelmed the “San Francisco Observer”.

According to the original time and space trajectory, after entering the next century, the “San Francisco Chronicle” eventually became the possession of the Hearst International Group. As for the decline of the “San Francisco Observer”, it was transferred to the Chinese Fang family newspaper industry. Group name.

For the San Francisco Observer, which is still under the Hearst International Group, Tang Huan is of course both defensive and jealous. The sneaky reporter Nima is probably here to dig out the gossip news between Christina and herself.

Tang Huan looked still, waved his hand, and answered faintly, “Since you are not a reader, please leave the time to others.”

“Then I’ll buy one.” As soon as the reporter finished speaking, he was politely pulled away by the staff.

This person was very unwilling, and shouted loudly: “Mr. Tang, I just want to ask, how do you express your love with a private jet worth tens of millions of dollars by a billionaire woman? Why did Miss Foster appear here? Your signing site?”

Seeing that Tang Huan’s face turned cold, the staff quickly used the strength of the breastfeeding and dragged the guy away in embarrassment, which caused a burst of laughter from everyone.

The reporter’s sense of smell should not be underestimated, so after the event, Tang Huan gave up his plan to have lunch with Foster and returned directly to San Francisco by plane.

This time, a member of the Tang family, named Tang Wenmao, is of the same generation as Tang Huan. He has been helping his aunt Tang Yun with the restaurant work, and belongs to a minority of people who have more contact with Tang Huan.

Of course, with the rise of Tang Huan, this relationship quickly became closer. Tang Huan did not demand too much. Some personal matters, such as helping Lin Qingxia’s brother to study abroad, were all done through this person.

Tang Wenmao gradually won Tang Huan’s trust because of his low-key and pragmatic work.

This time he came to pick up the plane, mainly to bring Tang Huan some invitations to Chinese social events.

As a minority ethnicity, taking advantage of the opportunity at the end of the year, Chinese people naturally want to connect with each other. Tang Huan also does not dislike this form of grouping. Although it may not have much effect, internal fighting is human nature, if he is not proficient in Cantonese. , May not be bothered by anyone.

Regarding the background information of each inviting party, Tang Wenmao cherished them one by one.

After all, people’s hearts are complicated. It cannot be ruled out that some guys are hiding evil intentions with high-sounding names. Tang Huan, who does not want to be manipulated, naturally attaches great importance to this information. Tang Wenmao is so thoughtful that he nodded and was very satisfied.

“Fang’s “Asian Weekly” plans to do a series of interviews to report on Chinese entrepreneurs in the United States. Representatives of young talents like Mr. Tang are naturally favored by them, so they specially sent out an invitation, but ” “Asian Weekly” has very little qualifications. It only started its publication in August this year. It has limited publicity effects and may not be worth the time.” Tang Wenmao introduced it with all his heart.

Tang Huan pondered for a moment, and recalled the fact that in his previous life, he had successfully obtained the information of Fang’s newspaper of the San Francisco Observer from the Hearst family, he felt that some of their ideas were in line with his own ideas. Although his qualifications are shallow now, he is in touch. It’s not a bad idea, not to mention that I really need a Chinese media collaborator who can speak in the United States.

Fang’s newspaper was co-founded by Fang Dachuan, a master of journalism from the University of Berkeley, and his wife Li Bangqin. In particular, this Mrs. Fang, who will be called “Steel Magnolia” in the future, made great contributions.

In 1935, Li Bangqin was born on the mainland and went to university on Treasure Island. In 1960, he moved to San Francisco with his husband and started a small printing business with only $200.

During   , because her husband was seriously ill, she took three young children alone to run a printing factory and took over a restaurant in Chinatown. As a result, she fought a brave battle with the Chinese gang.

Fang’s newspaper business was operated by “Youth Morning News” and “TV Weekly” in Chinese until the establishment of “Asian Weekly” published in English this year. This process reflects a kind of conceptual progress.

Although Chinese newspapers can gather Chinese people and spread the nostalgia, in an English-speaking society, Chinese newspapers will never become the mainstream voice, because Americans cannot read Chinese newspapers.

Although Chinese newspapers often publish Chinese people’s views on American society, Americans must understand that it is only through translation, which is like an itch.

Through the two decades of life training in the United States, Fang Dachuan and Li Bangqin deeply felt that if the mainstream society wanted to take into account your existence and listen to your voice, they must run an English newspaper. Chinese people must not just survive in Chinatown.

This kind of going out strategy, Tang Huan naturally agrees very much. It is also the meaning of the question to reach out and support.

“The invitation of the “Asian Weekly” is at the forefront, and reply to Fang’s newspaper as soon as possible.” Tang Huan, who made the decision, ordered, “At the end of the year, there are too many business affairs, and I have to fly to Baodao to attend an exhibition www. You ask the other party to make arrangements as soon as possible. It would be best if you can finish it today.”

Tang Wenmao’s boss’s foresight is naturally not understood, but he only needs to execute it faithfully.

Although the residence in San Francisco was deserted, it happened that Tang Huan quietly continued to improve the research and development plan of fax products.

The Fang’s newspaper industry reacted extremely quickly. Fang Dachuan and his wife prepared a hospitality dinner on the same day. Tang Huan naturally liked this resolute and efficient method, so he happily attended the appointment.

Fang Dachuan obviously did his homework beforehand. As soon as he met, he began to talk about the friendship of alumni. The media people naturally have to be good at communication. This kind of relationship will undoubtedly shorten the relationship between each other, and Tang Huan also has the heart to make friends, and soon the host and guest Talk very happy.

“Mr. Fang’s newspaper and printing factory can just provide advertising and printing services for Zheru. I will notify the business department to contact and negotiate cooperation.” Tang Huan opened the door and threw an olive branch.

This is a tangible gift. Compared with the philosophers who are almost worthy of the daily gains, Fang’s newspaper industry needs to expand its business too much.

“Thank you Mr. Tang for your trust.” Fang Dachuan thanked him again and again.

Tang Huan smiled slightly, “Everyone is Chinese, so we naturally need to support each other, not to mention that we are still alumni, and Mr. Fang’s newspaper philosophy, I very much agree that the Chinese need their own English media to enter the mainstream American society.”

The two parties are like-minded, and the exchanges with each other are naturally extremely enjoyable. Compared with the establishment of a sense of trust, accepting an interview with “Asian Weekly” is simply a matter of course. After the dinner, it took more than an hour to get it done.

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