Rebirth Space Little Fierce Girl

Chapter 233

Chapter 233 – Confession

Chapter 233 The meaning of confession


“What happened to their family?”

“My master has an eyeliner in the Sun’s residence. Just now he sent the news that Chen Ledong just arrived in the Sun’s residence today. He didn’t want to be a man with his tail between his legs. He thought he would be the mistress of the residence in the future. He asked Sun Youtian why I will give you one thousand taels of silver, Sun Youtian was furious, as if thinking about the loss to you that day, he put Chen Ledong in prison.”

The corner of Nangong Anshan’s mouth twitched, Chen Ledong must be too stupid, to actually do such a stupid thing.

Did she really think that Sun Youtian accepted her because he liked her?

Feng Yi continued: “Also, I heard that Sun Youtian sent someone to tell the Chen family that Chen Ledong offended him, and the Chen family must apologize and ask them to return the ninety taels of silver, otherwise Chen Ledong will stay in prison for the rest of his life. Inside. Of course, Sun Youtian also gave them a choice, they can not return the ninety taels of silver, that is, it is unpleasant to have to come to you from time to time, so that he will let Chen Ledong go.”

Nangong Anshan smiled and said, “Then what is Nangong Cai’s choice?”

Feng Yi said: “My people went to eavesdrop on the conversation of the Chen family. Nangong Cai said that she still has two daughters. For the sake of the other two daughters, she had to not refund the money. She will come to trouble you more in the future. That’s right.”

Knew it…

Nangong Anshan said: “Thank you for letting me know, I understand.”

Feng Yi said again: “Miss Nangong, your family will probably have a lot of troubles in the future. When you go out in the future, be careful, and you can call us at any time.”

As well-trained guards, they will never underestimate anyone.

Sometimes it is the kind of person who will be underestimated that causes great harm to people.

“Thank you, if you have the chance, you will.”

After she finished speaking, she was about to leave when she suddenly asked: “The weather is too cold now, especially at night. It’s too hard for you to watch the night like this every day. I don’t know how you are doing at night? If you can’t stand the cold, you can come with me.” Say.”

Feng Yi said: “With the care of the girl, she brings us food every night. We also wear thick clothes, so we don’t feel too cold.”

“That’s good, so I can rest assured.”

Nangong Anshan turned around and went back to her home.

It’s just that she didn’t believe Feng Yi’s words. The down jacket she was wearing felt a bit cold when she came out, not to mention that these people were wearing ordinary cotton padded clothes, which didn’t keep warm at all.

So on the second day, she took out the linen from the system and some cotton that had been planted before, and found twenty women to help her make cotton coats and vests.

Originally, she wanted to make cotton padded clothes with sleeves, but seeing that Feng Yi and others are also wearing vests now, it is estimated that they can wield swords and swords better like this, so they all made vests.

The person she was looking for had quick hands and feet, and in three days, all the vests were made.

At this time, Nangong Anshan found some people and moved all the vests in front of Feng Yi.

Feng Yi looked at the big bundles in front of him, and asked suspiciously: “Miss Nangong, what is this?”

Nangong Anshan picked up a vest and put it in Feng Yi’s hands, said: “This is a vest made of cotton. I have someone put a lot of cotton in it. It is very warm. You can try it. The other bags are The food is the same as before, and you will send it out later.”

Feng Yi was shocked when he heard the words: “Miss Nangong, you… you actually made clothes for us by yourself?”

“I didn’t make it.” Nangong Anshan said with a smile: “I asked someone to make it for each of you. You will distribute these clothes later. Everyone has them. If someone doesn’t get them, Please tell me too, and I’ll just let someone else do it.”

Feng Yi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and said with a smile, “Thank you, Miss Nangong.”

After finishing speaking, he muttered in a low voice, “I thought you liked me.”

Although he spoke in a low voice, Nangong Anshan had excellent hearing and heard everything.

She asked suspiciously: “Why do you think I like you?”

Feng Yi was taken aback, “Don’t you know?”

“Huh? Know what?”

“In our place, when a woman gives a man the clothes she made herself, it means that the woman likes that man and wants to spend her whole life with him.”

“What?” Nangong Anshan was shocked: “That is to say, the woman gave the man clothes, is it to express love to the man?”


The blue veins on Nangong Anshan’s forehead twitched, “You…you share first, and I will go back first.”

After she finished speaking, she walked towards her home.

The person next to Feng Yi asked, “What’s wrong with Miss Nangong?”

Feng Yi said: “I don’t know, let’s divide the clothes first, Feng Ji, you will give them to everyone, this is Miss Nangong’s wish, everyone must wear them. “


After Feng Ji left, Feng Yi quickly took off his coat, replaced the vest that was not warm inside, and then put on new clothes, feeling much warmer immediately.

It is impossible not to be cold outside on duty at night in this kind of weather. He just didn’t want Nangong Anshan to worry about it, so he told her that it was not cold. Unexpectedly, she saw that he was lying.

One person was wearing a vest, and said: “This vest is really too warm, much warmer than clothes made by Xu.”

“Yeah, this dress is very light, and it’s so comfortable to wear.”

“Could it be the cotton clothes that the master once said, it’s really too warm, and we won’t be afraid of the cold in the future.”

Feng Yi said: “It should be made of cotton. Before that, Feng Yuan and Feng Yun each got a set of cotton clothes. I borrowed them and studied them carefully. Miss Nangong is really willing to do so. It should cost her a lot. Mian Mian. Miss Nangong is really kind, and it is not in vain that we have spent so many days protecting her, and we have prevented her from a lot of trouble.”

“Yeah, we didn’t protect the wrong person.”

After Feng Yi distributed the food to everyone, he went to guard in his own place.

Others treat them so well, they have to do their best to protect others.

Nangong Anshan didn’t know how she got back to her room, lying on the bed, she was still thinking about what Feng Yi said.

If Feng Yi didn’t lie to her, wouldn’t the things she did before be quite misleading?

Especially Dugu Huanxu is almost a few years younger than her, and I don’t know if he will think too much.

Nangong Anshan tossed and turned for a long time without falling asleep, and finally decided not to think about it.

Anyway, she came from Yongwang’s fiefdom, and those who don’t know are innocent, she sent more than one piece of clothing, Dugu Huanxu should know that she has no interest in him, she is just a friend.

Yes, Dugu Huanxu didn’t say anything at the time, she should know that she doesn’t understand the customs of King Li’s fiefdom.

(end of this chapter)

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