Rebirth Space Little Fierce Girl

Chapter 234

Chapter 234 – Crisis

Chapter 234 Crisis

The next day, although Nangong Anshan suffered from insomnia the night before, she still woke up very early the next day. As soon as she woke up, she went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast with the servants.

After the family eats breakfast, they should rest when they should rest, and those who should read should go to study.

What made her gratified was that Nangong Sheng and Nangong Xiu originally planned to attend a one-day class, but Ji Weihao was also a man of knowledge and talent, and he was humorous in class.

Not only teach reading and literacy, but also teach him what he has seen and heard in books or in life, which can make people learn a lot.

Although Nangongsheng and Nangongxiu followed others to read and write, they only learned to read and did not learn anything else. Therefore, after Ji Weihao started the class, they have been studying with their younger brothers and sisters without missing a day.

Before lunch, Zitian and Ziyun also came back, and as before, they also brought back two prey, and she also sent one to the backyard of the cooking oil workshop for the people in other villages to eat.

It is freezing cold now, and it is not suitable for land reclamation. Even if the land reclamation comes out, it will be frozen again in a short while.

When the ice on the ground melts, the ground will have to be plowed again.

So she let the people working in the field basically work in the greenhouse during this time, which can also be warmer.

It’s just that today Zitian is a little abnormal. In the past, when Zitian came back before noon, he would definitely wait until after noon to eat something before leaving, but today he left as soon as he came back.

Nangong Anshan didn’t think too much, and sent someone to deal with the wild boar.

At the same time, Li Wangfu.

Li Wang said solemnly: “This king has received the news that Yong Wang has decided to take action against us as soon as the weather gets warmer next year. Now each fief is doing its own thing, and many of them have the intention of becoming emperor on their own. If other fiefs hear the news, why not Annexing the land of King Li’s fief is very likely to cooperate with King Yong and attack us together.”

General He said: “My lord, are you sure?”

“It’s been confirmed.” Li Wang said: “According to the news I received, the weather is cold now. Although many fiefdoms have ceased fighting, they have not withdrawn their troops, and many people are staying put. Taking advantage of the slack season At that time, all the fiefdoms were recruiting troops, hurry up and practice, and wait for the war to start next year to be able to go to the battlefield.”

General Qin said: “Now is indeed a good time to practice. Our soldiers are also practicing every day. It’s just that the weather is cold, and soldiers are frostbitten and sick every day. It’s a good time to practice, but it’s not very suitable for practice.” .”

Li Wangdao: “This king now has hundreds of thousands of soldiers in all counties and counties. As long as other fiefdoms don’t attack us together, the number of people can be dealt with, but there are big problems in terms of weapons.”

General Chai said: “My lord, you are right. Li Wang’s fief contains most of the things, but only the iron ore for weapons has not been discovered yet.”

“Yes.” Li Wang said: “The most important thing now is the issue of weapons. The fiefdom of King Ming next door has iron ore. We made friends with him before, and he sold us several batches of iron ore every year. , but since the chaos everywhere, he sent a letter saying that he would not sell us iron ore if he wanted to protect himself first.”

General Chai was shocked: “That is to say, if we increase soldiers now, then the soldiers in the future may not have weapons to use?”

Li Wang sighed and said: “Yes, I have also asked other fiefdoms, but they all said that they have to keep it for self-protection, and it is impossible to give it to us.”

General Qin said: “This situation is not very good. If the war really starts next year, the enemy only needs to attack us with weapons, then we will have no power to resist.”

“Yes.” Li Wang said: “I let you come here today mainly because of this matter. If this matter is not resolved, my fiefdom will be in danger.”

Dugu Huanxu thought for a moment, got up and said: “Father, why don’t we send people to investigate the situation on the mountains now, our fiefdom is larger than that of King Ming, I don’t believe that there are some fiefdoms of King Ming, but we don’t have any here. “

General He said: “Yes, as long as we find the iron ore, we will no longer be controlled by others in the future. The minister also agrees and sends people to look for it. There are so many of us, we don’t believe we can’t find it.”

General Qin and General Chai also said: “This is what I mean too.”

Li Wang said: “Okay, you can send people to look for it, but now there is ice and snow everywhere, it may not be easy to find it, let those who look for it still focus on their own safety, don’t get frostbite.”

Although he sent people out to look for it before, but he couldn’t find it, but this time he might be able to find it.


Li Wang said again: “Okay, let’s move on to the next topic, which General Qin mentioned just now. This year’s weather is much colder than in previous years. When soldiers come out for training every day, some people will be injured. I tried to reduce the difficulty of training before, but Soldiers will slack off, and they often retreat during the simulation, and when they go to the battlefield, they will have to die, I wonder if you have a way to solve this problem?”

Dugu Huanxu said: “I also understand this situation. In fact, the clothes the soldiers wear are too thin, which freezes their bodies and makes them less flexible than usual, so they are easy to get injured. In fact, this matter is simple and simple. , but it’s hard to say. It’s nothing more than letting them wear thicker clothes. But if they wear too thick clothes, they will still have trouble moving, and if hundreds of thousands of troops change their clothes at the same time, it is estimated that they will need a lot of cotton wool. Military spending will also increase a lot.”

“His Royal Highness is right.” General He said: “According to the calculation of 200 taels per soldier, a 500,000 army needs 100,000 taels of silver. Now the military expenditure is tight, and we have to deal with the war next year. It’s a lot of money.”

Li Wang said: “Everyone, do you think this money should be used?”

Dugu Huanxu said: “Father, it is necessary to use it, money can be earned, but soldiers are injured or slack off in practice, but it is a matter of life and death, I think it will be used.”

The three generals said at the same time: “My minister seconded the proposal.”

“Okay.” Li Wang said: “This king will allocate one hundred thousand taels of silver, and I will leave this matter to…”

“Father.” Dugu Huanxu said: “Ashan still has a lot of cotton, why don’t I buy some cotton from her, and some of them will be worn by the injured soldiers, so that they can live better in winter.”

“Although the cotton is not enough for hundreds of thousands of troops, it can be mixed with cotton wool, which is much better than wearing clothes made only of cotton wool.”

“As for the one hundred thousand taels of silver, let it come out of my private treasury. I have made a lot of money relying on Ah Shan in the past few months, so it’s time to use it.”

(end of this chapter)

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