Rebirth Space Little Fierce Girl

Chapter 235

Chapter 235 – Zitian Finds Iron Ore

Chapter 235 Zitian finds iron ore

Li Wang said: “Okay, you have this heart, and I am very pleased for my father, so I will do as you said.”

“Yes, Father.”

On the other side, Zitian went out for a long time, just when Nangong Anshan thought something happened to him, it suddenly came back.

As soon as he came back, he put a stone in front of her.

Nangong Anshan stared at the stone under her feet for a moment, “Is this for me? You have been out for so long just to give me this stone?”

Zitian sat on the ground like a dog, looked at her, and nodded.

Yes, yes, it is for you, this is the treasure that many people need.

Nangong Anshan knew that Zitian would not give her a stone for no reason, so she had to pick up the stone and examine it carefully.

After a long while, she was shocked and said, “Zitian, where did you find this?”

Zitian looked in one direction.

“Did you find it in Xulei Mountain?”

Zitian shook his head.


“Isn’t it Xulei Mountain? Was it found next to Xulei Mountain?”

Zitian nodded.

Nangong Anshan said again: “Does anyone often go to that place?”

Zi Tian nodded again.

People often go there, why no one finds that there is iron ore there?

“Are there many such stones in that place?”

Zitian nodded.

Many, especially many, countless.

Nangong Anshan smiled and touched its head, “Zitian is so amazing that he can find this good thing.”

In her first life, she read a book about ores, which said that although Li Wang’s land is vast and rich in resources, all kinds of ores are extremely scarce. One of the shortages is iron ore, which can only be imported from other places. .

In the future, it is inevitable that Li Wang’s fiefdom will go to war. If there is iron ore, the chances of winning will be greater.

Now her household registration is in Li Wang’s fiefdom, and she is also a person in Li Wang’s fiefdom, so she must always consider Li Wang’s fiefdom.

She didn’t want her career that she had worked so hard for so long to be turned into smoke at the moment of the war, and then continued to flee.

Although she can make a lot of money by using the space again, her family can’t afford such a toss.

Also, the mothers of her two lifetimes are here now.

Ziyun suddenly stepped forward and rubbed his master’s hand.

And me, I also discovered it together.

Nangong Anshan had no choice but to pat Ziyun’s head again, and said with a smile, “So you guys discovered it together. You guys are really amazing. I’ll give you your favorite food later.”

Zitian and Ziyun understood the meaning of the master, and they could drink the water mixed with the Holy Spirit water again.

Nangong Sheng saw his younger sister holding a stone and looked left and right, and said, “Ashan, is there anything special about this stone?”

Nangong Anshan said: “Second brother, this is iron ore.”

“Iron ore?” Nangong Sheng asked in surprise, “Is it the iron ore that can extract iron from it and make weapons?”

Nangong Anshan nodded: “That’s right, second brother, how do you know?”

Nan Gongsheng said: “When Mr. Ji taught us the word iron, he said what iron is, how it came from, and its use.”

“I see.”

“Ashan, I heard from Mr. Ji that ordinary people must report when they find iron ore, otherwise they will be killed.”

“Well, I’ll check it out today, and tomorrow I’ll go to the city and tell Axu, and ask him to tell His Royal Highness Li Wang.”

After Nangong Anshan finished speaking, she went to prepare lunch.

After eating lunch, she fed some water mixed with Holy Spirit water to the three tigers. She packed a little something in her satchel and was ready to go out.

Yang Ruolan asked: “Ashan, where are you going?”

“Go to the mountains.”

“Then you pay attention to safety.”

“It’s okay, I brought Zitian and Ziyun with me, with them around, nothing will happen.”

“Okay, then I can rest assured.”

Nangong Anshan went out, and the sky began to snow heavily. She quickly put on the hat on the cloak.

When she came to the foot of Xulei Mountain, she said, “Zitian, take me to the place where you found the iron ore.”

Zitian nodded, glanced at the master’s legs, and then looked behind himself.

Come up.

Whoever walks will have his master’s legs broken.

Nangong Anshan guessed: “Are you going to carry me on your back?”

Zitian nodded.


“But I’m heavy.”

Zi Tian looked at the sky.

Not as heavy as me.

Nangong Anshan knew that Zitian weighed several hundred kilograms, and it would be fine to sit alone, so she said helplessly, “Okay, then if you can’t take it anymore, you can tell me.”

Zitian nodded.

Can’t stand it? How many catties are you?

Nangong Anshan knew that they disliked her slow pace, so she had no choice but to ride on Zitian’s back.

Zitian took his master and ran quickly to the place where he found the iron ore.

She sat on Zitian’s body and couldn’t help tightening her cloak.

This was her first time riding a tiger. Zitian was running faster than a horse, and the wind was blowing towards her neck, which made her a little unbearable.

After a while, Zitian finally stopped.

Nangong Anshan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Next time she comes out in snow, she must bring a scarf. Zitian’s speed is really too fast.

She thought it would take more than an hour to arrive, but she didn’t expect to arrive in more than half an hour.

She got down from Zitian, took a sip of hot water from the space, took out the map, looked at it, and said: “This is called Xuyu Mountain, which is connected to Xulei Mountain. Because it is rainy, it is connected to Xulei Mountain.” There is a difference of one letter.”

Zitian walked to an open space, scraped the snow on the ground, and then roared, “Oh…”

Nangong Anshan put away the map, walked over to take a look at the snow, then looked around, and smiled.

This quarry field is really good. Such a large area may be enough for King Li to use for a long time.

If the King Li’s fief really goes to war, with this piece of iron ore, it is estimated that the chances of winning will be greater.

She looked around, and when she saw someone approaching not far away, she hurriedly hid in a secluded place with Zitian Ziyun.

It didn’t take long to hear the man say: “This is it. I saw a white tiger here in the morning. It scared me badly, so I hurried home.”

“White tiger? Are you mistaken? There have been no tigers here for decades.”

“It can’t be mistaken, it must be a white tiger, but the snow has covered its footprints.”

“I believe he won’t lie. Let’s think about what to do in the future. Since the white tiger has come for the first time, he will definitely come for the second time. There are hundreds of people in our village. If the white tiger enters the village , our village will be miserable.”

“Okay, what can we do? We can’t take the initiative to find it and kill it. I’m worried that I didn’t kill it. It killed me first.”

(end of this chapter)

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