Rebirth to 90s: Start from Scratch

Chapter 528

Chapter 528 No market

Back at the hotel, Zhang Qianxiu immediately convened a meeting with experts brought from China.

A total of more than 30 experts from various industries were brought here, Song Pingyun took a few, Yuan Pengchi and Liang Junming also took a few, and there were more than a dozen experts left, and some of them were translators.

Zhang Qianxiu said in the first sentence: “I want to make an investment in Moco City. The funds are not limited to online and offline funds, and are not limited to any industry. The main purpose is to provide more than 50,000 jobs for Moco City. Everyone Give an idea, give an opinion, and see what we do is more appropriate.”

The first person who spoke did not give an idea, but a question: “Boss Zhang, I would take the liberty to say that our country is also short of investment, and there are a large number of unemployed people in our country. Why don’t you invest the money in it? What about going home?”

“Furthermore, the relationship between our country and the Soviet Union is not very good now. Why should you invest here?”

“Even if we do not consider these external factors, the current economic chaos in the Soviet Union is like this, it is definitely not a good place for investment.”

This expert’s question is justified. From the perspective of investment, the Soviet Union is definitely not the first choice for investment, and the Russian economy has not been very good after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

In the financial operations of the United States, there is a very “simple” gameplay. First, the other party’s economy is disabled. The original high-quality companies are not able to hold their heads. At this time, the capital of the United States began to acquire the shares of these companies. When the shares of high-quality companies in this country are almost acquired, and then to support the country’s economy, these high-quality companies will develop rapidly.

This kind of gameplay seems very simple, but it requires a lot of ability. You must have the ability to support this country and the company. Otherwise, the companies you acquired will really get down. The shares you acquired are just a pile of waste paper.

Zhang Qianxiu is now facing such a problem, can he help the company he has acquired?

The United States is a country and the strongest country in the world. Zhang Qianxiu may not be able to enjoy it.

Moreover, there are so many operations in the U.S., targeting the country of Japan and the country of Bangzi. After the Samsung of Bangzi country was beaten up, the capital of the United States became a shareholder, and later it was the little brother who made money for the country.

The U.S. dares to play the Japanese and Bangzi countries like this because these countries have small territories. Although they are not weak in terms of military deployment globally, they are even among the top two hundred countries in the world, but the U.S. can suppress it.

But the U.S. dare not play Russia like this. If he buys out the companies that die in the Soviet Union now, and turns around to support the disintegrated Russian economy, he will definitely not be able to control Russia anymore.

Therefore, the U.S. can beat up the country of Japan, acquire shares in their high-quality companies, and then support his economy again and wait for blood to be sucked; it can also do this to the stick country, but he will never do this to Russia, it will only give Russia a blow. Live, for fear of Russia coming up.

Since what the expert said is reasonable, Zhang Qianxiu will naturally not be angry. He looked at the expert and said, “You are Professor Han, right?”

The middle-aged man who had just spoken thought Zhang Qianxiu was upset, but he still said, “Boss Zhang, my name is Han Dongliang.”

Zhang Qianxiu nodded: “Professor Han, what you said makes sense.”

“But I still want to vote. As for the reason, it’s not that I want to help Su Guo, nor is it that I am optimistic about Su Guo.”

“Your task is to find a way to help me accomplish this goal without losing money.”

Han Dongliang saw that Zhang Qianxiu didn’t mean to be angry, and didn’t even understand what Zhang Qianxiu’s purpose was.

Although other experts come for money, they are all capable and patriotic. If they can do anything for money, except for translators, everyone present has the ability to go to countries with better conditions. There is no need to stay in the country and live a hard life.

Everyone was silent, seeming to be silently confronting Zhang Qianxiu.

Zhang Qianxiu didn’t feel annoyed, and sighed gently and said, “Everyone, when you came, I told you that the main purpose of our visit this time is to absorb and purchase the technology of the Soviet Union and use it in China.”

“I want to invest in the Soviet Union, you may have opinions in your heart.”

“But our original intention remains the same, but this time I have a little bit of other thoughts. I am interested in the resources of the Soviet Union, such as oil and coal.”

“At the same time, I consider that our domestic heavy industry base cannot keep up. Even if these technologies are brought back on a large scale, they may not be fully localized.”

“So, what I want to do now is to acquire companies with core technologies in Su Guo, continue to develop, and then import technologies into the country.”

“During the acquisition process, I encountered some problems, but someone can help me solve them. In exchange, I want to help them solve some of their employment problems.”

“It’s as simple as that. You help me find a way to solve the employment problem. When I look back, others will help us buy companies with core technologies at low prices.”

Han Dongliang guessed that he was willing to go all out, and said: “Boss Zhang, if you buy companies that have core technologies, we have no reason why we can’t master their technologies, right?”

Zhang Qianxiu smiled softly and said, “You ask the experts who understand technology at the scene.”

Han Dongliang looked at the two people around him. The two were experts in domestic machinery and heavy industry. Seeing Han Dongliang’s inquiring eyes, he said with a little embarrassment: “There may be no way to be completely independent…”

“Why?” Han Dongliang doesn’t know much about technology. His strength is economy.

The expert who just answered his words said: “Let’s talk about engines! If we acquire a company that can produce engines independently in the country of Su, and bring their technology back, high-end lathes and high-end steel may not meet the requirements, even if we know that we need to How to make it, without these, we can’t make it.”

“This is an industrial chain. We have one link. We can’t solve all the problems. We must keep up with all links.”

“For the engine, we can buy one and go back to dismantle. After dismantling, we know all the structures, but we can’t build the same engine. Other technologies can’t reach it.”

Zhang Qianxiu said at this time: “Everyone, don’t worry, we are all descendants of Yanhuang and Huang, and I won’t run all the way to Su Guo to hold their feet.”

“My problem now is to figure out a way to not lose the money invested in it. Everyone will not expect me to lose everything, right?”

After some discussion, a group of experts believed in Zhang Qianxiu, but when they discussed what industry to invest in, they encountered problems again, because the Soviet economy had been completely abolished, and a suitable industry could hardly be selected.

Especially in Moco city, it is not easy to do industry. If you are exporting, the nearest port is in St. Petersburg, which is more than 600 kilometers; if you travel by land, it is more than 1,000 kilometers.

With the current traffic situation, traffic is a big problem, and now Russia’s industrial chain has problems.

If it is sold domestically, the Soviet Union is now completely collapsed, and there is not much consumption power at all, and the state-owned factories in the Soviet Union have nothing to do.

If you don’t make factories, there are not too many options. Almost all high-end industries are based on manufacturing. If manufacturing is gone, most of the service industries will be finished.

Later, some countries did not do manufacturing, but only did high-end industries, such as design and R&D. They transferred manufacturing to other countries, and they did not want to do low-profit manufacturing.

At present, the Soviet Union obviously does not have the ability to directly engage in high-end industries, and can only consider low-end industries.

An expert said: “Does it have to be in Moco? If it is not in Moco, it may be possible to do energy industry and agriculture.”

Zhang Qianxiu said: “It is in Moco City to solve the employment problem in Moco City.”

“At present, it seems that it is best to start with food, clothing, housing and transportation!” Another expert said: “As long as there are people, food, clothing, housing and transportation are inevitable. As long as you do it well, you won’t lose money.”

“Which industry is better for shops, restaurants, farms, farms, clothing, etc.?” Zhang Qianxiu asked when he looked at the crowd.

“You can consider daily chemicals!” An expert said: “Although the economy of the Soviet Union is exaggerated, it cannot always be like this. Now the Soviets are in the stage of breaking and then standing, and many previous habits are slowly changing. At that time, if a brand can be established and it can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it will basically succeed, as long as they wait for their economic recovery.”

“Even if their economy doesn’t recover, they still have to live. These things are going to be used after all.”

Zhang Qianxiu nodded slightly: “This can be considered, are there any others?”

Another expert said: “TV and tape recorders can also be used for viewing. Although the heavy industry of the Soviet Union is good, they have hardly any achievements in this area.”

“In the past, the Soviet Union had no way to enter foreign companies due to system problems, but now it has begun to let it go.”

“If we introduce the technology of the country of Japan, there will be basically no problem.”

“Even if the technology of the Japanese country cannot be introduced, our domestic technology may not be worse than that of the Soviet country.”

Zhang Qianxiu agrees with this: “This can also be considered, but the current economic situation in the country of Su, these things are estimated to become luxury goods, sales are not expected to be very high, and the remaining capacity may be even smaller for export.”

An economic expert said: “We can consider the development of supporting industries, such as magnetic tape, which has low technical content.”

After everyone discussed, all the sub-categories of clothing, food, housing, transportation, and entertainment industries have been mentioned, but they all face a problem, that is, the market.

There were people in these industries, but now they can’t do it anymore. The market is sluggish because of the economic collapse, and the remaining market simply can’t support so many companies before. Now Zhang Qianxiu’s difficulty to enter can be imagined.

It’s almost impossible!

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