Rebirth to 90s: Start from Scratch

Chapter 529

Chapter 529 Profit is too low

Zhang Qianxiu’s angle of thinking about things now is completely different from before. Now the lack of market consumption power in Su Guo is a big problem, but as long as there are people in Su Guo, no matter what, there will be a market. It’s just that the market is large and saturated. The problem.

“Is it possible for us to grab all the market?” Zhang Qianxiu asked.

No one was able to answer, and in the end an expert said: “Boss Zhang, it might be better for someone who understands marketing to ask this question.”

“From an economic point of view?” Zhang Qianxiu looked at those economic experts.

An economist named Tang Yiwei said: “It is possible that the state of Suzhou is chaotic now, and no brand has very loyal users. At this time, it is possible to build its own brand when entering the market of the state of Suzhou.”

“The problem is to find a few people who understand marketing and quickly establish brand influence in the Soviet market.”

Zhang Qianxiu pondered for a while, and said, “Now there is one more problem. You have to work harder these days and help me calculate a lot of assets. There are all kinds of assets in it.”

“Energy, chemistry, heavy industry, machinery, especially heavy industry and machinery. Experts in this field, please take a little more effort these days. I will find a way to arrange a few local official personnel for you. All the heavy industry and machinery enterprises in the city.”

“Our goal is still the same as when we came, to acquire as many companies with core technologies as possible.”

The people present were basically patriots. They were annoyed when they heard that Zhang Qianxiu was going to invest in the country of Su, and they were excited when they heard that Zhang Qianxiu was going to dig the corner of the country of Su.

After the meeting, Zhang Qianxiu called Gong Zhihua.

Gong Zhihua is relatively reliable, and he wants to make a good relationship with Zhang Qianxiu, and when he receives the call, he feels cold and asks him warmly.

After the greeting, Zhang Qianxiu said: “Boss Gong, you can help me find another group of experts in China. This time I need to find chemistry, minerals, marketing, scientific research, management, and translation. The conditions are still what I said before.”

“The commission for you is the same as before. I will give it to you once when I go back.”

Gong Zhihua thought for a while and said, “Boss Zhang, marketing is not easy to find in our country. As you know, our domestic business environment is just getting started, and everyone doesn’t know much about marketing.”

“Most of the people who understand marketing are the bosses. Those people are not willing to go to the Soviet Union. They have their own business.”

What Gong Zhihua said is very reasonable. It is not easy for Zhang Qianxiu to find suitable talents now. He said: “You try to help me find good ones. It is better to find good ones. If you are from other countries, you can also find them. I can’t find them. A few experienced people can come over.”

“Yes!” Gong Zhihua asked again: “In terms of minerals, what kind of talent does Boss Zhang want?”

Zhang Qianxiu said: “Petroleum, coal mines, and other such as iron mines, gold mines, etc., can also find one for me and charter a plane for them.”

“As for the number of experts, there are two to five people in each field. In terms of minerals, the number of oil and coal mines is controlled by about three, and one person for other experts is enough.”

“Arrange them to come here as soon as possible, within a week, are there any problems?”

Gong Zhihua was not at all ambiguous about Zhang Qianxiu’s words: “Okay, Boss Zhang, I will try my best to arrange it.”

“Okay, boss Gong has worked hard.”

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Qianxiu was also thinking about his next plan in the country of Su.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, its proud heavy industry was basically gone. Only in certain specific areas it still had certain advantages, but the whole was gone.

At present, the domestic machine tools have been hoisted and beaten by the Su country for 18 times. Many technologies are looking at the Su country eagerly. However, the relationship between the country and the Su country is not very good.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, some Russian companies had to go to the country to purchase machine tools because they could not make them.

For this reason, there are also old Russian engineers who hid their faces and wept bitterly, saying that their technology in this area was the world’s leading technology, and even surpassed the domestic ones, but their advantages have gradually disappeared, and they have to go to our country to buy. .

Later, Russia basically relied on selling energy to barely support the economy.

From this point of view, the Soviet Union has no prospects for development in the future. Now that it is vigorously investing in the Soviet Union, it is necessary to consider the future development.

Zhang Qianxiu didn’t even think about developing heavy industry at the beginning. He also didn’t know anything about this aspect. He had no experience at all. Even if he later read a lot of books, most of them were in the fields of law, finance, technology, and heavy industry. He hasn’t seen it at all, and now it can almost be said that his eyes are blackened.

But now that we are ready to make a large number of acquisitions, we must make all kinds of preparations.

First of all, the technology of the acquired companies and factories must not be wasted, and we must find ways to give full play to their value.

In this regard, Zhang Qianxiu has two plans for the time being. First, he naturally has to consider his own development. If he can develop himself, it is naturally the best, but if he develops himself, the problems involved will become very many.

Technological innovation, the application of new technologies, how to bring products to the market and so on.

The most difficult thing here is technological innovation. From a certain perspective, the top technology of heavy industry is more important than chips.

Heavy industry has a great and direct impact on the development of fighter jets, aircraft carriers, battleships, tanks and other weapons. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a country’s heavy weapon. Heavy industry is basically not bad in any country with a developed military.

The main applications of high-end chips are in the civilian market and supercomputers. Military chips generally do not blindly pursue chip performance. They mainly pursue stability and require normal operation in harsh environments such as extreme cold and high temperature. So when you When the mobile phone chip is 5 nanometers, the chip used in the fighter may still be 90 nanometers.

This is not to say that high-tech products such as chips have no impact on the military, but the most cutting-edge technology has less impact on military use, because the stability is not enough. If the electronic system of a fighter jet does not move like a mobile phone, it will freeze.

The next day, Zhang Qianxiu set up a company in Moco through procedures, and then went to find some experts in vaults and house design.

These people can’t spend much money, and now everyone has no food to eat, just add a few thousand rupee.

Lu Yuan used to be, but now it is worthless. One meter of Yuan can be exchanged for about two hundred Lu Yuan. Even 10,000 Lu Yuan is only a few tens of meters.

On this condition, the experts also asked Zhang Qianxiu if he could directly give them flour and use flour for settlement.

Regarding this, Zhang Qianxiu didn’t say anything in his heart, but felt that they were actually quite pitiful.

In the next few days, Zhang Qianxiu and Popov had frequent contacts.

Lunar calendar, September eleven.

Valery and Belvska ran to find Zhang Qianxiu.

As soon as they met, Bervska gave Zhang Qianxiu a newspaper: “Mr. Zhang, the price of food is already very low. People from the U.S. have asked to see you many times and promised that no matter how much food you have, they Are willing to buy them all.”

Zhang Qianxiu took the newspaper and joked: “I don’t understand this!”

Bervska explained excitedly: “This is an article published by Popov contacting the newspaper, saying that the price of food in the Soviet Union is already very low, and the economy will definitely pick up.”

“At present, many states are looking forward to reducing food prices, but at present we are only suppressing food prices in Moco City, and only Moco City has dropped it.”

Zhang Qianxiu asked: “How much of the grain we released did the Americans take away?”

“About half, but some of our food is sold directly to retailers, they can’t collect so much.” Valery said.

Zhang Qianxiu put down the newspaper and said, “Did the Americans say how much it would cost?”

“It is 50% higher than the highest market price in the last year.” Valery said: “If you follow this price, you can probably make about 300 million meters.”

Zhang Qianxiu smiled and shook his head: “It’s low, it’s two hundred percent higher.”

“This… they won’t agree!” Valery couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Bervska also said: “The increase of the price by two hundred percent is indeed a bit higher.”

Zhang Qianxiu confidently said, “Don’t worry, they will agree.”

“Let the people outside let out more wind, make ordinary people a little more excited, and put a little pressure on those Americans.”

“Even if one sells like this, we won’t lose money anyway.”

Zhang Qianxiu’s food is not obtained through formal channels. The purchase price is very low, much lower than the wholesale price in the market, and even lower than the production cost. It is just a matter of earning more and less.

Valery and Bervska still hope to sell as soon as possible. If they sell like this, the people of the Soviet Union may be full and Zhang Qianxiu will not lose money, but they will not make much money.

These grains are all from Zhang Qianxiu, and they are all empty-glove white wolves, and they are looking forward to making money.

Bervska hesitated for a while, and said, “Boss Zhang, this profit is actually very good.”

Zhang Qianxiu said: “It would be a pity if you don’t give them such a rare opportunity, you will not find such a good opportunity in the future.”

“If this batch of grain does not earn one billion yuan, I feel that it is a loss.”

Bervska and Valery looked at each other. They really couldn’t see what Zhang Qianxiu thought, and they didn’t understand why Zhang Qianxiu was so sure that the Americans would be taken the bait.

Valery tentatively asked, “Mr. Zhang, then we will go back to each other?”

“Go back! They are not sincere.” Zhang Qianxiu said.

“All right! Then I’ll call them later.” Valery couldn’t hide his disappointment as he spoke.

Bervška originally wanted to persuade Zhang Qianxiu, but seeing Zhang Qianxiu’s firm eyes, he swallowed back when he reached the lips, and said, “Mr. Zhang, we have another purpose for coming this time. The factory would like to introduce it to you.”

“Oh…what factory?” Zhang Qianxiu asked.

Bervška took out a document, handed it to Zhang Qianxiu, and said, “Mr. Zhang, please take a look first.”

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