Reborn 80s

Chapter 17 Don't Notice

Chapter 17 Don't Notice

July passed slowly. This month, a total of 314 motorcycles were sold, with a total revenue of 55 yuan.In addition to the 20 yuan spent on buying a car, plus some other expenses, there are now nearly [-] yuan in the passbook.

Before the excitement passed, troubles also came.

As in the past, Chen Huaiqing began to sit in the office at five o'clock in the afternoon.

Although there are not many things to do every day, there are still some things that must be done.

For example, let's count how many cars are assembled every day.

A truck with a blue front drove into the yard and reversed in the yard to facilitate unloading.

They bought this truck recently, hired a driver, and now deliver the goods directly with this truck.

Xiao Weidong got off the co-pilot of the truck: "Li Yuan, go ask Lao Zhang and the others to come over and unload the cargo, and there are [-] motorcycles to be loaded into the truck."

Li Yuan: "Oh!"

Lao Zhang is a farmer in the neighborhood. Usually, when there is a lot of work in the factory, he comes to work in the factory.

Every time, after work, checkout directly on the spot.

Being able to make money is naturally a very happy thing for Lao Zhang and the others.

Xiao Weidong walked into the office and saw Chen Huaiqing sitting in it.

In addition to Chen Huaiqing, there is also a little girl in the office. The little girl is Yang Yufeng, who is only 16 years old.

In order to let his younger brother study, he voluntarily gave up the opportunity to study by himself.

The family is poor and can only support one person to study. As a girl, she will probably be given up in the end.

Instead of embarrassing your parents, you might as well offer it.

Chen Huaiqing didn't know what was going on in Yang Yufeng's house, and he didn't care too much about it. Seeing that she was quite smart, he asked her to count the parts.

The little girl is very serious in her work. There are so many kinds of parts on a motorcycle, but she has not made any mistakes, which is indeed quite good.

"Xiaofeng, go outside and watch the parts being removed."

Yang Yufeng agreed crisply.

Xiao Weidong stared at Yang Yufeng going out, and clicked his tongue twice: "This little girl, when she first came, she looked ugly, but she changed after such a short time."

In the factory, with good food, no exposure to the sun, and high wages, Yang Yufeng's skin became fairer and she naturally looked beautiful.

Chen Huaiqing frowned: "Don't say such things in the future, it will make people feel like a hooligan."

"What is this!"

Is this considered a hooligan?

That's nothing more rogue than I've ever seen.

Chen Huaiqing rubbed his forehead, he could never tell Xiao Weidong,

"Huaiqing, I have something to tell you."

Seeing Xiao Weidong's serious face, Chen Huaiqing couldn't help showing a serious look on his face.

On weekdays, Xiao Weidong is always smiling, with a cynical air.

His family background was good since he was a child, and the old man is the deputy director of the factory, so he has the confidence.

"Tell me."

Xiao Weidong: "When I went to the maintenance department to pick up the goods today, my dad called me to his office."

why not at home
and many more!

This guy Xiao Weidong is not at home at all.

Xiao Weidong looked at Chen Huaiqing carefully: "Let us get parts from the maintenance department in the future, and we can only get half of what we got last month."

Chen Huaiqing didn't stand up excitedly or yell or something, but he couldn't help showing a contemplative look on his face: It seems that the too many parts he took last month have attracted the attention of Jialin Factory, but he was suppressed by Xiao Weidong's old man down.

Seeing that Chen Huaiqing didn't speak, Xiao Weidong said: "How about I go talk to my dad?"

Chen Huaiqing waved his hand: "We listen to your dad. In the future, we will only get parts for assembling 150 motorcycles from the maintenance department a month. By the way, when you go home, buy your dad two bottles of good wine , the most expensive kind."

"Why buy him wine?"

"Thanks to him, and let us continue to rely on this to make money."

A motorcycle earns 400 yuan, and it can earn 6 yuan a month.

6 million!
Look at the sheer size of the numbers.

The most important point is that it is only 1983.

Xiao Weidong's tone was unwilling: "There is no other way?"

If it is directly reduced by half, then their income will be reduced by too much.

People who earn 10,000+ a month, let them take tens of thousands of dollars, naturally have a huge gap in their hearts.

Chen Huaiqing: "Isn't this something we expected? In fact, it is much better than the worst situation now."

Earlier, Chen Huaiqing had already said that it would not last long just to assemble parts from Jialin Factory.

Jialin factory may cut off this road for them at any time.

Chen Huaiqing is very satisfied with the current situation.

Xiao Weidong scratched his hair, he also knew that the current situation is already very good: "I just feel unwilling."

Chen Huaiqing pinched his chin: "Although the amount of parts we can get from Jialin Factory is limited, we can try to get parts from other factories or produce them ourselves."

Xiao Weidong didn't think there was any problem with getting parts from other factories.

Xiao Weidong also inquired about it before, and through some connections, he could still buy parts from the factory.

Now every factory doesn't pay attention to generating income!
How to generate income?

Naturally, production must be carried out outside the plan, which is also allowed.

For example, Yuzhou Iron and Steel, the number one enterprise in Yuzhou, is like this now.

Xiao Weidong: "Produce it yourself?"

Chen Huaiqing said with a firm gaze: "It is impossible for us to assemble and sell the cars of Jialin Factory all the time. Recently, I have not been reading in the Yuzhou University library. While I am reading, I am also thinking about how we should go in the future. !"

"I want to produce my own motorcycle! Of course, it is very difficult to produce my own motorcycle, and I need to overcome a lot of difficulties. Even, I may fail in the end, and the money invested will be wasted."

While talking, Chen Huaiqing also stared at Xiao Weidong.

As a collaborator, Chen Huaiqing is not sure whether Xiao Weidong can continue to cooperate.

After all, everyone's pursuits are different, and their attitudes towards money are also different.

Like Chen Huaiqing, for him, making money is not just for the enjoyment of life.

He came from nearly 40 years later, in an era of extreme material abundance, and he really didn't have that much pursuit of material enjoyment.

Spiritual pleasure is what matters.

How to make the spirit happy?
A sense of gain, a sense of accomplishment, a sense of satisfaction.

Chen Huaiqing: "I'm going to find some people to research the motorcycle engine by myself. I roughly estimate that it may take two to three hundred thousand yuan to develop it successfully, or it may cost more. Anyway, no matter how much it costs, I Do this thing."

Xiao Weidong looked at Chen Huaiqing in surprise, two or three hundred thousand was spent like that?

Chen Huaiqing is quite confident in researching motorcycle engines, and he himself has been in contact with later engines.

In addition to this life, he himself has a background in engine production, and during this time he has read a lot of engine-related books in the Yuzhou University library.

Chen Huaiqing felt that it was only a matter of time before he could produce a good engine.

"If you are not interested in this matter, then I will do it by myself, and we will directly share dividends every month in the future."

Xiao Weidong took a deep breath: "Let me think about this matter."

This is not a matter of hundreds of thousands, but hundreds of thousands!
Moreover, how difficult is it to study the engine?
Anyway, Jialin Factory did not say that it would research the engine by itself, but chose to cooperate with Nihong Guotian Company.

CJ50 is an imitated Tianben product.

Originally, Tian Ben saw that Jialin Factory imitated its own products, and planned to sue Jialin Factory, but finally gave up and turned to cooperate with Jialin Factory.

At this time, Huaguo didn't even have a patent law, and it couldn't win the lawsuit.

Chen Huaiqing: "It's okay, I have plenty of time to think about it. This is my long-term plan. I don't know when it will start. The most important thing for us now is to see if we can get parts from other manufacturers."

Xiao Weidong: "Yes, make money first and then talk later."

(End of this chapter)

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