Reborn 80s

Chapter 37

Chapter 37
Facing Chen Huaiqing's teasing gaze, Zhao Yitong blushed slightly, and turned his head away, not looking at him.

"My dad asked you to come to my house for dinner tonight."

Chen Huaiqing looked at Zhao Yitong suspiciously. Could it be that she is passing on a false imperial decree?
Chen Huaiqing had no doubt that Zhao Yitong could really do this kind of thing.

"It's really Uncle Zhao who asked me to eat?"

Turned a blind eye to Chen Huaiqing, why doesn't this person have any trust?
Zhao Yitong said angrily: "It wasn't my dad who called you, could it be me? You put a big satellite here. As the leader, of course he has to care about you."

Now every time Zhao Yitong goes home, his mother Yuan Shuhong will talk about it and ask Chen Huaiqing to take him back for dinner.

She really made Chen Huaiqing her son-in-law!

Don't consider the fact that Chen Huaiqing is not yet under the legal age of marriage.

Well, people nowadays don't care too much about the legal age of marriage.

When Xinhua was first established, the legal age of marriage was 20 for men and 18 for women!
In Li Mian in the countryside, there are many people who get married in their teens.

Chen Huaiqing: "Uncle Zhao knows about MT80?"

"It's strange if you don't know! You let people ride motorcycles around the streets every day, don't you want everyone in Yuzhou to know that you made motorcycles!"

MT80 wanders around on the street, as long as you are not a fool, you can see it.

Many people are asking, what kind of motorcycle is this!

Of course, for introducing MT80 to Zhao Chengmin, Zhao Yitong also owes a little bit of credit.

After knowing that Chen Huaiqing's motorcycle was finally successful, Zhao Chengmin was undoubtedly very happy.

Mota Industry is a local enterprise in Yuzhou, unlike Jialin Factory, which is a military enterprise, and Yuzhou has no control over it.

Mota Industry pays taxes to Yuzhou, even if Yuzhou still has to pay taxes, but most of them are in Yuzhou.

Chen Huaiqing was sure that Zhao Yitong was not lying, so he couldn't help thinking that maybe he could take this opportunity to get support from the city.

It is not yet a complete market economy era, and some materials are difficult to purchase.

Even if it is purchased, the price is quite high after several times of handover.

Seeing that Chen Huaiqing didn't speak suddenly, and was thinking about something with his head down, Zhao Yitong couldn't help but push him: "What bad things are you thinking?"

Naturally, Chen Huaiqing would not tell Zhao Yitong, he was already thinking about how to fool Zhao Chengmin.

Now that the country has decided to focus on economic construction, economic development has become the most important task for officials.

In the 90s, in order to attract investment, the local officials personally went out to run.

Zhao Chengmin is still young, and obviously wants to take a step forward in his official career.

As long as you want something from your heart, it will be easy to handle.

Who are you most afraid of meeting?

A person who lacks nothing and wants nothing.This kind of person is the most difficult to deal with.

"I'm a good person, I think bad things, you're not joking! It's okay, you've brought your words with you, go to work quickly, don't be lazy here."

Zhao Yitong gritted his teeth at Chen Huaiqing: "Hmph, you bloody capitalist, one day, you will be defeated by the righteous masses."

Chen Huaiqing rolled his eyes, but he never wanted to be a capitalist.

In his view, capitalists have become slaves to money and have lost their ego and humanity.

Chen Huaiqing still decided to give an explanation: "I pursue money not because I love money, but because my dreams can only be realized with the support of money."

Zhao Yitong: "Then what is your ideal?"

Chen Huaiqing suddenly fell silent: "It's too early to talk about ideals. Now I just want Mota Industrial's motorcycles to sell well."

"Hmph, shouldn't your ideal be to grow up quickly so that you can marry me?"

Chen Huaiqing rubbed his forehead, the topic changed too quickly!
Also, when did I say I would marry her...

Just when he was about to say something, Zhao Yitong didn't give him a chance at all, and left directly.

Opening his mouth, Chen Huaiqing couldn't help shaking his head.

In the last life, why didn't you encounter being chased by a girl?
Could it be because of his looks?

A residential area in Yuzhou, the people living here are all public officials or retired cadres in Yuzhou.

The buildings in the community seem to have been around for many years, and the greening in the community is very good, with many towering trees.

Chen Huaiqing came here with Zhao Yitong on a MT80.

Zhao Yitong stomped his feet after getting out of the car: "I won't ride a motorcycle again, it's chilly."

Chen Huaiqing: "When I produce cars that day, I will drive people."

Zhao Yitong's eyes widened: "Boss Chen, can't you buy a car? It's not expensive for you!"

Now the most expensive car in China is Santana, which is the most advanced car in the world with the technology of Hans Country.

Anyway, that's what everyone thinks.

Chen Huaiqing: "Don't you think that driving a car produced by yourself gives you a greater sense of accomplishment?"

He curled his lips, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

I can't bear to spend money.

Let's say Chen Huaiqing is generous, but sometimes, he is really stingy.

After knowing each other for so long, I haven't bought a gift for myself once.

"I feel that I have no hope in my life."

Chen Huaiqing pouted, this girl still doesn't believe herself.

Is car technology difficult?
Just four wheels and a chair, what can't be made.

Of course, in the early stage, there must be such and such problems, but it doesn't matter, just improve slowly!
In fact, for domestic car companies, building a car is very simple.

It's difficult, it's a patent!
Foreign car companies have a first-mover advantage and have formed strict patent barriers in the automotive field.

It is too difficult to bypass.

This has also caused domestic car companies to be controlled by others in the field of fuel vehicles.

Instead, in the field of electric vehicles, because everyone is on the same starting line, domestic car companies quickly seized the track.

Even though the TSL company in the United States is very famous in the world, in the field of electric vehicles, BYD's shipments are the highest.

It is only the 80s, and many automotive technologies have not yet been developed, so if you start to enter now, you can really occupy a place in the field of fuel vehicles.

To say the least, it will not be suppressed so hard by foreign car companies.

If you think about it carefully, Huaguo's auto industry has gone the wrong way, and it simply won't work to trade the market for technology.

What is changed is production technology, but production technology is not the most important in modern business society.

Patented technology is the most important.

Without patented technology, it is doomed to be stuck.

In the final analysis, it is still not the result of research and development.

Missing the best R&D time, when others have formed a complete patent barrier, it will be difficult to break through.

"Tongtong brought her boyfriend back!"

Zhao Yitong smiled and said, "Grandma Li, why don't you go for a walk?"

"Yes, let's go for a walk in the park."

Chen Huaiqing asked in a low voice: "You have a boyfriend, how come the old lady knows about it?"

Zhao Yitong proudly said: "Hmph, I'm very popular. Some people in the courtyard want to introduce me to a boyfriend, but I don't like it. Don't be ignorant."

In order to dispel these people's small thoughts, Zhao Yitong deliberately spread the news that he has a boyfriend.

Just because you have a boyfriend doesn't mean you have to get married.

Therefore, Zhao Yitong spread it without any psychological burden.

For others, the boyfriend is the prospective husband!

After all, people nowadays, when they fall in love, they rush to get married, and if they don't get married, they are playing hooligans.

(PS: Changed the company name from "Mota" to "Mota". The name "Mota" is too 21st century. In the 80s, it seemed really difficult for people to accept. After seeing it, there is a kind of association of ghosts and ghosts.)
(End of this chapter)

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