Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 145


Eric and his duo of priests were smart at the end. They gathered their magic and mana and unleashed a combined spell, a destructive beam of holy light that was very straightforward but amazingly strong.

By utilizing their power, they quickly unleashed this beam over one of the Vampires, who were lazing around floating in midair, completely in a daze as they admired the fight like they were watching some show on TV. Hey idiots, this is real life. Snap out of it!

Of course, in the end, one of them was hit by the beam. He screamed in agony as his entire body was burned to a crisp. They seemed to be protecting themselves from sunlight by using some sort of special accessory that conjured a layer of mana over their bodies that reflected the light from hitting their skin. However, this blast of holy light wasn’t going to abide by their rules. It easily pierced their protecting accessory and impacted him directly.



The Vampire could only say “eh?” before it was blasted into oblivion. His roasted body fell to the ground motionlessly as the other Vampire went insane.

Catarina didn’t seem to even pay attention to this, clearly showing how she didn’t care about her comrades.

What a cliché evil girl, I like her already! She fills in all the checkmarks.

Leon seemed to tease her as the two exchanged fists, kicks, and headbutts.

“Gahahahah! One of you down! That’s a lot of money right there for me!” Laughed Leon.

“Hmph, why would I care about some flies?” Said Catarina, clearly angered at his provocation but not caring about the lives of her strong subordinates at all.

Meanwhile, Eric sighed in relief with his priests. As they looked at the dead Vampire while sneaking around, they couldn’t get closer because the vampire was left near the main fight.

“I-I think it’s dead….” Muttered Eric.

“Phew… But we didn’t get any EXP….”


The priests pointed out something very important. Indeed, they didn’t get any EXP because the Vampire wasn’t dead yet. It took the hit head-on but didn’t die and was actually slowly regenerating back to full health. This is how Vampires were. They had insane regeneration.

In a few more seconds, he would stand up again and fly back to the priest and his friends. But that wasn’t going to be the case because yours truly will come to the rescue!

I flew upwards while ignoring the massive catastrophe going on between Catarina and Leon and caught the Vampire while it was slowly regenerating, as if in a comatose.

I quickly used my Death Skills and my powerful Death and Darkness Aura, merging several powers within me and the ability to manipulate mana and magic, and generated a deadly phantasmal hand, grasping the weakened Vampire’s soul and pushing it out of his body!


It couldn’t even scream in agony because its entire body was charred, but the soul seemed very pained. It was fighting back not to get dragged out of its body, which would essentially mean one thing.


However, I was more relentless and malicious than it could have ever imagined. I pushed down the damn soul and grabbed it with all my strength. Its body was already too weak to resist, and then…!


The soul cried in agony now, as it had been taken away from his body.

An influx of EXP reached me right after that. It worked excellently. I had killed him! Talk about stealing the kill… I am such a cheater!

“Aaggh…! Uuuaaggh…! It hurts! I am burning! Burning!” The man cried.

He seemed to have grown traumatized as he was burned alive by the holy light of the priests’ attack.

Suddenly, as I decided to drag him down with me so he wouldn’t interfere or something, I realized the core of his soul was blazing with bright red light… what was this?

“It burns so much… I don’t want to die! It hurts so badly! Auuaaagggh…! Aaaggghhh!!!” The Vampire man continued to cry.

This guy’s name was Silvio, and he ended up dying so painfully that he got traumatized after death.

“Silvio! Calm down for once! Hey, snap out of it!”

“Uuggh…! Aghhh…! F-Fire…! It burns!” He said.

Ugh, moving on, I watched as the fight continued.

Above the surface, the priests checked out the corpse using some spells that enhanced their eyesight, making sure that the vampire was dead for sure. They sighed in relief.

They thought that it didn’t give any EXP because of some curse it might have or some technique it was put into place, so even while being slain, it wouldn’t give EXP. There are such things nowadays. I didn’t know that.

“He’s dead, well, it doesn’t matter then….”


“But what about the other Vampire- AGH!”


However, right after that, one of the priests bit the dust as a fist pierced his chest. The other Vampire guy who survived and saw his friend die emerged behind them instantly. This guy was named Francesco, and he was the black-haired one.

He pierced the chest of the only priestess left as she vomited a mouthful of blood. Damn! He was merciless even against the damsels. That’s not how vampires are… wait, it is.

“N-No! Rosetta!”


Eric and a guy, the two priests left, cried as they saw the girl die miserably.


The girl’s despairing eyes looked at her master and her friend as she closed her eyes and died in that instant.

Well, I killed her. I dragged her soul down before she were to close her eyes and got the EXP hehe.

“Y-You damn… bastards! You dare kill… my friend… My brother! Silvio…! SILVIOOOOOO!!!”

Francesco rushed forward in pure rage. His entire body was suddenly covered in an aura made up of shadows in the shape of countless bats. His roar made the entire floor tremble. He moved at an incredible speed befitting of a B+ Rank threat!

Eric gritted his teeth alongside his last priest. The two were ready to fight back!


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