Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 146


“S I L V I O O O O O O O!!!”

Francesco went into a blind rage as the Vampire seemed to be his best friend or something damn… I am sorry for your loss, bro, but you got a whole life to live for now. You shouldn’t charge recklessly against the ones that one-shot your friend so easily!

“Y-You damn demon!!!” Roared Eric.

“We’ll burn you to death in the name of our God!” Roared the other priest.

The two fueled their mana once more as they swallowed all the pills they had left. Their magic danced around their bodies as two powerful auras of bright holy light emerged around their bodies.

Several magic circles emerged right after that, as the mana flowed into these magic circles and began to make them spiral around. Several wonderfully beautiful runes danced around as Francesco reached up to them before their magic could be unleashed.

A blast of holy light was fired, but it only damaged his stomach and blasted away his left arm, but he gritted his sharp teeth and reached the weaker, younger priest.

Eric opened his eyes wide in shock as he saw his last disciple die horrendously as Francesco’s aura emerged out of his body like thousands of bloodthirsty black bats, opening their sharp jaws and tearing his entire body to pieces!

“Gyyyyaaaaaagggh…! Lord Eric!!!”

“Gustaaaav!” Eric cried in agony and horror as he saw his last comrade bite the dust.

The Vampire was barely managing to keep up after the wound and was feasting on the young boy’s corpse while sucking his blood for nourishment. Eric saw as his arm and part of his torso quickly began to grow back.

However, Eric used this little opportunity to fight back with everything he had and tried to slay this evil of the world. He began to pray to his god as a mark in the form of a cross emerged in the middle of his forehead, his entire body emanating a holy light aura!

“Oh god of light, bless me with your holy sanctification! DIVINE PUNISHMENT!”


Francesco tried to run away, but he suddenly felt as if gravity turned several times heavier all around him. His body fell over the floor, and his bones quickly started to crack, but that wasn’t all. This wasn’t actually some kind of gravity spell; no, the gravity was formed for something I had never seen anyone conjure before.

A massive yellow-gold magic circle emerged above Francesco as what seemed to be the gigantic foot of a statue emerged, covered in golden paintings and accessories. It rushed forward and fell over the Vampire, crushing him like a bug!



Francesco groaned in agony as he was being squashed by the force of… who the heck is this?! Wait, the god of light himself?! How talented is Eric? This guy can actually just summon a part of his god!

The massive foot that was at least over 60 meters big crushed the entirety of the Vampire, squashing him down like a cockroach. But the entire impact was so immense that everything within a 100-meter radius began to crack open and fall. Eric himself couldn’t balance and also fell to the own demise his spell had caused. Everyone fell into the massive pit, the squashed body of Francesco included!


Meanwhile, the gigantic foot stopped and suddenly retreated into the magic circle, as I managed to stick a ghost snake into it and send it inside the magic circle, which closed itself.

Welp, that’s my recon.

However, the ghost I sent there was suddenly greeted by a massive amount of light and died instantly.

Alright then, no recon. I thought I could see the god of light, but I was wrong.

I swiftly moved around the underground. I dragged down Francesco’s soul and then Eric’s soul, killing both right away using my powers.

Companions? Who needs that? I can just kill guys with one shot now! Well, only if they’re extremely weakened and near death… actually both survived in the end… well, not anymore.

Meanwhile… Leon and Catarina continued to fight it off with all their might. Their blows shattered everything around as they saw that their companions had all died.

“D-Damn it… the priests…!” Muttered Leon.

“Hahaha! Your stupid little priests died in the end!” Laughed Catarina.

“Nnggh…! They died honorably by taking down two of your pests from this world!!!” Roared Leon.

Suddenly, all the golden power around his body was boosted through his Berserk Mode Skill to his very limits. He reached the apex of his strength, and in a single blow that Catarina had not expected, she received it out of nowhere.



The massive fist reached her chest and pierced it in an instant. A massive amount of flesh and blood came out of the incredible explosion, as the golden aura of Leon glowed the brightest at that moment.


Catarina fell over the floor, her entire body paralyzed by the horrendous wound, her spine was vaporized with that attack, and it couldn’t move as her brain was not able to send messages to the rest of her body to move. Her eyes were barely open as she felt dizzy and about to die.

Meanwhile, Leon stood still in silence.

He died.


“Unngh… Aaagaggh…! D-Damn… human…!”

Catarina muttered these words as we suddenly emerged right in front of her.

“Surprise!” I said.

“Eh?! Y-Youuuuuu?!”

She also noticed Lucifer, Partner, and Emeraldine at my side, all of them armed and readying their magic and techniques.

She was defenseless and ready to die, served on a silver platter.

“N-No…! W-Wait!” She cried.

“Too late. You’re already dead,” I said.


She screamed in agony as we all began to gang on her. Her entire body was torn apart as her head was sliced into pieces, burned by Lucifer’s breath, punctured by Partner’s spear, and grilled by Emeraldine’s holy light!



Her entire head exploded into pieces, and so did all her body…


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